• Published 12th Aug 2019
  • 10,576 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony- An Apocalyptic Displacment - King Rose

[Displaced] My life went from cosplaying the black dragon of the apocalypse at a New York Anime convention, to being Acnologia in only 5 short minutes. What the hell? No serioulsly, what the fuck?

  • ...

An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 2 Crossover Chapter

An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 2

Previously on: An Apocalyptic Alchemist: Part 1

After helping save a trapped fox, young Serena Acnori brought a strange golden Pocket Watch to his father, Acnori Quill, due to its strange magical properties. However, the Watch turned out to be the Token of The Crimson Sage, Edward Elric. Once summoned, Edward and Quill converse over what Quill’s previous teacher, Tyrrios, wanted with Element of Loyalty Rainbow Dash, only to later find out Tyrrios was a carrier for the Fioren Black Plague called, The Husk Virus. After injecting nanites into her bloodstream, Quill and Edward successfully removed The Husk Root, before it could plant and grow. Before the surgery however, Quill gave up his left arm in order to gain the power called Alchemy, so he could better protect his loved ones. After, Edward took Quill, or rather teleported, to the site of the dreaded battle between Tyrrios and Quill, The Temporal Crater. But their training was cut short when the mutated magical spirit of Tyrrios tried to invade Quill’s mind and fought Acnologia, who was housed in Quill’s mind, seeing the struggle, Edward ripped Tyrrios from Quill’s mind and transformed him into the Meteor Sage Stone. After introducing everyone to Edward, Quill requested a hand to hand fight against Edward, to which the Sage agreed. This fight took place in Edward’s Equestria, where in the Time Chamber, a vicious battle took place, resulting in Edward forcing Quill’s rage to spike, effectively turning Quill into a living Extinction event, known as The Extinction Dragon Slayer’s Rage. In order to calm Quill, Edward revealed his true form and with help from Acnologia, they were able to calm Quill long enough for his anger to settle. After returning to the others, Edward informed everyone from Quill’s world that it would take a few days for the Void Gate to restabilize, forcing them to stay a while in the Canterlot Castle in Edward’s world. However…

Back in Quill's world, in The Temporal Crater, near the shadow of Tyrrios, a flicker of Void Energy sparked before greatly expanding into a portal, which was flown to the plains close to Quill's home. And emerging from the portal was a building and around it, was a golden sphere marked by a red symbol. The symbol… of Fairy Tail. However, speeding out of the portal, is two balls of pure energy, the first was crimson red, and the second was temporal-white. The two streams dived straight into the Everfree were laying in two small craters, were two familiar humanoid beings. The first looked like Edward, but had crimson amber glowing eyes, and the second looked like Quill but had the same crimson eyes. The only difference between the two and their originals, was the fact that these two had several chunks of flesh missing. The Edward lookalike was missing his entire arm and an entire leg, but they were replaced with bone prosthetics and half his face was gone. Quill's lookalike was much more gruesome, as it's left arm from the elbow down was replaced by bleeding muscles and his chest had a gaping hole through it. The largest difference was the fact that both creatures… were already dead. They looked up into the night and sniffed around but scowled when they couldn't smell their prey. In anger the Quill lookalike screeched into the night and several monsters, ranging from Timber Wolves to Hydras, all looked into the creature's direction, and ran for cover. They knew whatever was out there, was out for blood, and it wouldn't stop till either the end of days, or till their prey was dead.

It seems as if many things are changing. And with it, the world around them is altered into a new world of unpredictability. Let's see what Quill gets himself into this time. Shall we?

The screen goes completely black, and only the continuous ticking of a clock can be heard, and slowly fading into view is a golden pocket watch, with a red alchemy symbol on the front. It's constant ticking continues as a golden energy swirls silently in the alchemy symbol, eventually forming a golden Fairy Tail symbol. The ticking continues and in harmony with the ticking words phase in front of the watch, silently saying…


Quill's POV

Faintly I hear a piercing screech. I try to ignore it until I feel a weight slam onto my chest.

"Oh, Christ!" I gasp as the wind is knocked out of me.

"Morning Dad!" I opened my eyes to find Serena on his hands and knees looking at me with a gleeful smile.

"Morning kid." I chuckle. I then hear a soft snoring coming from next to me. Looking to my right, I find the sleeping form of my Luna, sleeping so soundly.

I smile and Serena gets off my chest. I try to get it off the bed but fail. I look down to my right arm to see Luna grabbing my arm and holding me down. I let out an exasperated sigh and I shake her side a few times trying to wake her, to no avail. Serena giggles at my misfortune.

"Oh yeah, har har. Laugh at your trapped dad, so funny." I roll my eyes. "Luna it's time to wake up." I say poking her cheek causing her to snort and wave my finger away with her hoof. "C'mon Lulu, get up." I tell her, this time I ruffles up her already disheveled mane.

Finally after that attempt she stirred and groggily opened her eyes and smiled backtiredly. "Oh? Good morning Quill, and to you too Serena." She spoke roughly.

"Morning Lulu. Can I have my arm back now?" I ask.

"Don't wanna," She whines snuggling into my side. "You're so comfortable." She says while starting to fall asleep.

"Alright then, guess I can't make my super delicious pancakes then." I taunt causing her to sit up and let go of my arm. "Thank you." I thank as she and I got out of bed. "Now let's try and find the kitchen here." I say while opening the room door.

We wandered through the halls of the castle looking for kitchen. The problem was, none of us had no freaking clue where it was. Sure, we could find it in our world no problem with a little bit of wandering around as we’d only been in the world for a week and if we needed help all we’d have to do is ask the nearby staff. The problem here is that none of had seen any staff, not even a token guard and this castle was way bigger than Edward had told us. There were a lot of open hallways and new additions. We eventually came across a maid by the name of Feather Duster and she told us that the part of the castle we’d been wondering in was off limits to any pony without proper clearance. It was some form of enchantment that was in the very walls of the castle the rejected anyone that wanders down here. Some sort of maze spell and you will always end up right back here at the entrance next to a red vase. I asked who came up with this sill but effective plan and she said it was the prince, aka Edward. I then asked if she could take us to the kitchen and she helply hooded and we followed her onward.

Once we reached the kitchen we saw the others sitting at the table talking and eating, when Edward noticed us he waved and invited us over. I smiled and began to walk over. I also noticed his Blue Blood was giving us, more specifically Serena, a little glare. I didn't think much of it but I kept a note on it.

“Morning you three, did you sleep well?” Edward said as he took a sip of his cup, coffee probably. “Heard from the elite guards that you got yourselves stuck in my my maze trap.”

“Uncle,” Blueblood said. “Who are these two? What’s with that animal with them? Are they the new court jesters?”

“Watch that mouth of yours Blood!” Edward raised his voice as he scowled at his nephew. “Just because you pulled that stick out of your as to me doesn’t mean you can treat others like you used to.” He got up from his seat. “I trained you to better yourself and to protect others weaker than you not so you could look down on your subjects again. I’ve got to get back to a few of my duties.” Edward starts to walk out but stopped. “They’re my friends and guests. They're to be treated with the same respect you show me. If I find out that you do something that puts my name, your grandmother’s name or heaven forbid either of your aunts I will throw you pompous ass so far out into the Badlands with a series of requirements that all of my previous training will seem like skipping down the street.” He looked over his shoulder to the cowering unicorn and then starts out the door but stops at my side. “Watch him Quill, he’s still a huge prick and will take the first chance he gets to put you down. He relies mainly on the worth of your strength. If you can put him in his place then do it but just beat his ass don’t beat him bloody.” I nodded and Edward walked out.

"That shouldn't be a problem for me seeing as yesterday you all watched me and Edward fight. And if I remember correctly, in my rage I stabbed him in the chest, and before that out of my rage, I ripped his arm off. So you wouldn't think about disrespecting me or my friends and family, would you Blue Blood?" I ask said stallion with the creepiest smile on my face giving Chara's from Undertale, a run for their money.

Blueblood stood up and pointed to himself, “Don’t underestimate me me you damn lizard. I may not be as strong as my uncle but he’s put me through living hell to give me the power I wield. I can even keep up with my Aunties,” he sneered at me.

The guys had way more balls than the Blueblood back home but something is telling me he has a strongman’s complex. He’d be no match for me but he’d be able to give Serena and even Luna a run for their money.

"Oh little Blue Blood… I don't underestimate you, but you forget, a Fioren Dragon is at least forty times larger than an Equestrian Dragon and much more powerful too. Plus I'm not even the strongest Dragon Slayer in Fiore anymore. That title goes to Natsu Dragneel of Fairy Tail." I tell him. "But really…" I start before my grin falls into a dead serious glare. "If you ever disrespect me, my friends, or my family, I will personally hunt you down to the ends of every universe and no one and nothing will save you from my wrath. I will destroy you and erase the very memory of you from every timeline, and the only one who would remember you is me, and you'd be a very, VERY hated memory… understood?" I ask as the lights in the room flicker and some even shut off.

Edward’s Celestia came into the room. “Please refrain from doing anymore threats of this nature Mr.Quill. Blue might talk through his ass but he still has a good heart and is willing to put his life on the line for his citizens,” she said as he sat down. “I heard from Feather Duster that you were making pancakes.” She smirked. “I had to get me share of them as inter dimensional cooking is quite enjoyable.”

"Ah, right. Sorry about the threat, I've always had a rough time with people disrespecting my loved ones. But anyway, time to get to work." I say, heading over to the kitchen.

I grab the necessary items for the pancakes and I get to work, and a few minutes later the pancakes were almost done. I added whipped cream on them and several fruits like blueberries and strawberries and finally they were all done. I took a step back and smiled at my work.

"Right… now… how to get all of these out to the others." I grumble before I see several servers behind me. "Mind helping me get everyone's breakfast to them?" I ask the servers.

“Tuck and roll!” One of the servers yelled out and a ball of red flew threw the kitchen and knocked me flat on my back.

"Ow…" I mumbled.

“Who you?” I heard.

I looked up to see a set of big dark blue eyes staring at me. There was a little girl with red hair in pigtails and red wings with a white horn on her head. She was wearing a yellow T-shirt with a white skirt with a crescent moon on her belt.

“Ah…” I stared at the little girl sitting on my chest.

“Meyhaha,”she giggled. “Funny man.” She patted my chest with her little hands.

“Star where you go?” I heard from behind a cabinet.

“Over here bubby.” She fluttered off me and went behind the cabinet and pulled out a little boy her age. He had blonde hair, amber eyes with a black horn and a set of matching wings. He was wearing black shorts and a dark blue shirt with a crescent moon on it as well.

“Me find funny man,” she pointed at me and then she looked at me. “Funny man meets bubby.” She said giving ‘bubby’ a hug.

I guess this her brother. I got to my feet and dusted off my pants. “Didn’t realize the staff was allowed to bring their kids to work.” I said cracking my neck.

“Oh, these little ones don’t belong to anyone in the kitchen or the staff in general,” the earlier server said. “Food Runner, nice to meet you,” he said shaking my hand. “These two aren’t even supposed to be in here unsupervised.”

“Star, Solar, where’d you two fly off to?” I heard from around a corner. Out came a woman with green hair dark tan skin a black curved horn with a set of insectoid wings. She was wearing a black top and black jeans with green shoes. “There you are. You know you’re supposed to stay with me when we’re in here,” she said as she scolded the little ones. She then turned her attention to me and raised an eyebrow, “I’m sorry if the twins caused trouble Mr… sorry what’s your name?”

"Huh? Oh, my name's Acnori Quill, but everyone calls me Quill." I introduce. "What's your name?" I ask politely.

“My names Chrysalis,” she smiled and then looked down at the little ones. “And this is Solar Eclipse and his twin sister Morning Star.”

"Wait, aren't those the names of Edward's kids?" I ask Chrysalis. "In any case, I have a kid of my own, his name's Serena. But it's nice to meet you all. Mind helping me bring out everyone's breakfast? I've got a lot to carry." I say motioning to all the pancakes.

“Certainly,” she nodded. “And yes these are Edward and Luna’s kids. I usually watch them during the early morning while Edward and Celestia are taking care of the affairs.” Chrysalis said as she picked up some of the pancake plates.

“Chrissy have you seen my grandbabies?” I heard Faust coming in to the kitchen. “Oh, there they are.” She said as she picked up the twins and put them on her back using telekinesis. ‘How can she do that while she’s a pokemon?’ “Let’s go meet some new friends.”

“Friends!” They laughed as they threw their hands up. We all walked back into the dining hall.

I chuckle a little before picking up some other plates of pancakes and heading out with Chrysalis. Wonder how Serena will take to Ed's kids. I thought before we entered the dining area.

Everyone was setting at their places at the dining table. My friends had all come in and gathered around the table taking up seats on either side where there was a free spot. Faust walked around behind Serena and placed Edward’s twins on either side of my boy. “Here you go my little ones. This is Serena, your new friend.”

“New friend, Serena,” Star waved her hands above her head as she giggled. “Me Morning Star, that bubby!” She pointed around her twin brother.

“Me… Solar Eclipse,” he pointed at himself. “You new friend?” Solar shyly asked.

"Uhm…" Serena looked at me nervously. I only have him a reassuring nod. "M-my name is Serena Acnori. It's very nice to meet you Solar." Serena said shyly rubbing his arm.

“No need to be shy dear,” Faust said with a soft smile. “They’re bot very friendly.”

Star immediately flew to Serena’s side and gave him a big hug causing him to go completely red faced. “Serena Acnori, is Star and bubby’s new friend.” She said as she released the young dragonslayer as his eyes were still swirls. He was then pulled back to reality by Solar who grabbed Serena’s right hand and looked it over with a serious gaze and then looked to Serena’s eyes. “Serena good person, good friend.” He said as he hugged to my son and then released him.

“Yes, Star is a lot more outgoing and open, like her father,” Faust said as she looked to me. “And Solar is much shyer, like Luna. He is much more sensitive to others’ emotions to. That’s why he grabbed Serena’s hand. He can tell a lot about someone by reading the color of their aura. I think it’s a skill he picked up from his father.”

"Aura reading? That's quite an impressive skill. Few people in Fiore have mastered that skill, even less know its actual potential." I say while placing the rest of the pancake plates down. "Dig in everyone!" I tell them as they all start to eat.

Everyone massacred their breakfast. There wasn’t a single pancake left on anyone’s plates. It was actually the little ones that ate most of them. That Morning Star can pack away some food I tell you what, it was actually a scary sight.

“Exactly how old are the Twins Faust?” I asked as I picked up the dishes.

She was patting her snout with a napkin. “They’re around four to four and a half months now. Or is it five months now dear?” She turned to her Celestia who was sipping on some tea.

“Mmm… approaching five months now,” Celestia said with a warm tone. I looked at the duo half confused. “Here alicorns mature faster than other ponies. Usually it’s only twice the rate of normal ponies but twins have matured even faster. I’d say their mentally and physically around a year older in the growth rate currently.”

“We think it has to do with Ed’s biology at the time of their consceptation,” Faust explained. “According to Luna’s time table Ed was still a human with a Philosopher Stone in his body.”

“As much as I would like to continue this discussion I must be on my way,” Edward’s Celestia said as she finished her tea and set the cup down. “I have my duties that I must see to and like Ed said we have a few foreign dignitaries that require my attention. I just hope I can get through with them before the Minos group arrives,” she let out a sigh. “I wonder what they could want. To have the royals come here is rare.” Celestia said as she left the room. “I hope Ed isn’t to busy with his other work. I don’t know if they’ll still orders from him but they’ll at least listen to what he has to say, I’d rather have him by my side when they get here anyway.”

I turn to the others at the table. "I take it you enjoyed the pancakes?" I ask them.

“Good pancakes funny man,” Star said as she waved her hand in the air with joy.

“They good funny man,” Solar said with a soft smile.

"I'm glad you enjoyed them. My family and I are going to be here for at least a couple more days, so if you want I could make them tomorrow morning." I propose.

“Daddy said funny man suppose study,” Star said as she jumped down. “Had big smile on his face. Said funny man go ringer,” she said slightly tilting her head in confusion.

“Solar no good at daddy’s magic like Star, better with mommy’s magic though,” Solar joined his sister.

“Serena wanna play?” The duo said in unison.

"Yeah, sure!" Serena cheered happily. I let out a sigh and gave him a nod. "Yes, c'mon let's go!" Serena calls out to Solar and Star.

We all went outside to the gardens through the kitchen. Luna and I both went to a familiar-looking tree and decided that we would both like to sit under it. We went to the tree but immediately found that the space under it already occupied, occupied but a small marble headstone.

“Here lies Stone Elric a son taken before his time in a war he was never asked to be apart of. He fought in service to his friends and willingly gave his life so that his best friend had a chance.”

There was a ring of glowing white flowers growing around the base of the headstone. They radiated a strange magic. If I was correct in most of my thoughts then Edward had made these flowers himself and they only grew here.

“Quill,” Luna nuzzled my side. “What are you thinking about?” She asked as the kids played in the background.

Star and Solar were both show Serena their magic and then started to fly around him a little before either of them grabbed one hand and slightly left him off the ground.

"Nothing much. Mostly just wondering if this is how my parents felt when we adopted my brother, William." I reminisce. "I miss those days with my parents when all in the world was right and nothing was wrong." I tell her, before dropping my head slightly and letting loose a saddened sigh. "I only wish that I had gotten home in time to save them." I mumbled, leaning on Luna I wrap my arm around her and pull her closer. "But that's in the past, and now I'm here with you, Serena, Zeref, Mavis and everyone else, and I couldn't be happier." I tell her.

I look back to Serena, Solar, and Star, watching as Edward's kids lift my son off the ground, and I chuckle as Serena giggles uncontrollably with joy. I smile at the joy my son feels.

“Mr. Quill,” I heard a voice behind me. I turned to see Edward’s guard Polearm with his own daughter, the reincarnation of Nightmare Moon. Luna slightly winced at the sight of the little filly and the little girl slightly hid herself behind her father’s leg. “I hate to intrude but Edward has tasked me with helping in your intermediate and advanced alchemy studies,” he looked down to his daughter. “Say hi.”

“Hello Mr. Quill, Princess Luna. My name’s Nyx Nocte Caelum,” the little girl said with a bow.

"It's very nice to meet you Nyx. My name is Acnori Quill, but please just call me Quill." I introduce. I look over and see that Luna is acting shy and quiet. "Hey," I whisper, nudging her with my arm. "She's not our Nightmare. There's no need to worry. Go on, introduce yourself." I encourage and reassure her.

"I-If you say so." Luna responds. "I am Luna North Star. It's nice to meet you too Nyx." Luna introduced with her own small bow.

"You’re scared of me too,” Nyx said looking down with disheartened eyes. “It’s because I was partially born from the leftovers of Nightmare Moon’s magic. Aunt Lu and Aunt Tia had the same look in her eyes when they first met me too.” The little filly started to sniffle and her eyes started to moisten with tears. “I don’t understand. why does every pony take one look at me and start to get scared or run away. I’m a good pony, I’m not her. I’m not Nightmare Moon.” She cried.

Polearm picked her up and comforted her. “Shhh… it’s okay Nyx. We know you’re not that her,” he cradled the little girl close to his neck. “And even if the whole world runs away you’ll still have Mom, me, Aunt Tia, Aunt Luna, Uncle Ed, and all your friends down in Ponyville too.” Polearm looked to the nearby children. “And don’t forget that you need to be strong for Your little cousins to.” She come out her eyes red and puffy from crying. “Now dry your eyes and ask Mr. Quill if you can go play with his son Serena, Star, and Solar.”

He put her on the ground and she proceeded to dry her eyes then she turned to me, “May I play with Serena, please?”

“Of course you’re can little one,” I knelt down and with a smirk, tussled her hair a bet getting to giggle.

Nyx then turned to Luna.“I’m sorry if I scared you Princess Luna and I hope we can still be friends. I also think you’re very pretty, but sorry you’re still not prettier than my mom.” She said fluttering her wings a bit and she hen ran off and joined the other children.

I rolled my eyes and giggled as Nyx ran to go play with Serena and the others. "This world is fairly peaceful. At least, compared to the other worlds I know about." I mumbled to myself thinking about the other Displaced worlds.

“Don’t let the surface fool you Quill,” Polearm said as he walked over and knelt down to place a daisy on the gravestone. “Things seem this way because of the groundwork Ed and the Princesses laid over three thousand years ago but there are still forces at work behind the scenes,” He got up and placed his hand on the grave. “Ed has told me there are things that are going to happen and even though he has the for knowledge of them and power to change these events he can’t stop them from happening as he has no idea of the repercussions that it could intel for this world or those involved. I think its the fear of not know what will happen that actually scares him the most. Not knowing how it’ll affect his family.” Polearm crossed his arms and let out a sigh. “He says there’s something coming up very soon something in the north. Something that has started to move and stir, what it is not even he knows. I think the Princesses might have some ideas on what he means but he also said it’s going to be much worse than he’d originally thought. As for myself, all the training, boosting our abilities to match his level that he had two thousand years ago and pushing us so hard that we nearly break. I think he’s getting us ready for war.” he rubbed the back of his head as he looked at the kids playing. “But if I can keep the kids and those I love safe then I’ll gladly go into battle but I’m not going to go to my death, no. I fully intend to come back to my marefriend and our little girl.”

"Well, it sounds like you know what you want to do with your life. I know what I want to do with most of mine, but there are still a lot of unanswered questions in my world, and it feels like my job to find those answers. And I have a feeling that when I return to my world, things are gonna get a lot harder than we think." I ponder.

“It always gets harder. Even Ed goes through trials still,” Polearm sigh as he remembered the events of the twins birth and Nat and Sora’s time here and in their brother’s world. “We almost lost Princess Luna after she gave birth to the twins. Severe magical drain. Her body was also in pretty bad shape do to the magic lose and strain that the twins were putting on it and due to all of this she was on Death’s Door. Even with all his power and medical knowledge, Ed used all of his mental fortitude to keep himself from rushing into the room and making a mistake if he performed an operation on her,” He looked at me. “Me point is, you will always face trials but in order to see them through you can’t get lost in the moment or allow yourself to drown in your rage Dragon Slayer.”

"Well, that's what my family and friends are for. They keep me sane in my seat of insanity. I don't want to hurt anyone with my Extinction Dragon Slayer Mode. Though I have a feeling that if I can control that anger and turn it into adrenaline and determination, that it'll give me a new set of powers that'll be more than enough for what my world throws at me. Unless it's a Deviljho from Monster Hunter World, then I'm getting everyone and putting them in Canterlot so I can let loose because that Brute Wyvern is a literal Demon." I say grumbling that last sentence to myself.

“You literally faced a demon last night,” He retorted. “Pony hearing. Anyway, you just faced Ed last night and he was upset that he was just getting warmed up in your fight. You lost yourself to anger, easily I might add. You need to keep a level head at all times. Especially if you’re going to be using alchemy and later alchemagic.”

"That level headedness might take a while. My anger is something that can easily be exploited, and it mostly stems from a memory back on Earth. And plus, my anger is non-existent when I'm using a weapon, like my Time Reaper. When I'm using weapons I go into a state of mind I like to call, Type: Null." I tell Pole. And no, not the Pokemon all you people reading this. I think randomly. "It's a state of mind where my emotions disappear and the only thing left is my unpredictability and my skills with a weapon. In this mode, I can't feel pain, remorse, regret, guilt, or anything. I've had this state of mind for a very long time. Actually it's part of the reason I'm so good at weaponry." I tell them rubbing the back of my neck. "Back on Earth, I grew up in a very harsh neighborhood where the next day you wake up, it could be your last. So I had to give myself this mindset and when ever I'm fighting with anything that could be considered a weapon, Type: Null activates and I'm no longer in control. It's like those moments when your vision goes red and you don't have control over your body anymore, but for me, it's amplified by hundreds of millions of times over." I explain shivering from the bad memories of that neighborhood.

“Mmmm…” Polearm placed a hand on his chin. “Ed has described a state of mind similar to your type Null but his is different for the fact that your don’t completely lose yourself in the moment. Your’s is a rigger reflex while Ed’s is a self induced type with Ed’s you are still aware of yourself. He calls Zero Mind state and he can even do this anymore due to his state of mind and body, or so he says,” he explained. “It’s apparently a very difficult skill to learn for anyone being but if you can master your emotions and use your defensive reflexive state of mind in tandem you may be able to utilize the Zero State. But you must know that Zero State not only takes a takes a major toll on the utilizer mentally but also puts a major strain on them physically as well.”

Polearm held out his hand and magic began to flow from him. Wait, magic. He’s and Earth Pony though hens not supposed to be able to do magic. Suddenly bits of rock flew through the air and come to him then the stone compacted into his hand. Then a pole extended out from either side of his hand, as it did he grabbed the pole that was forming in his hand. Soon a naginata formed and he propped it against his shoulder.

“How the hell…” I looked at the guard in confusion.

“It’s a special type of magic that relates to a ponies special talent and race. It’s called Talent magic. I can use any form of pole type weapon with precision and accuracy while also working with the earth as an Earth Pony. It was a theory developed by me and Ed’s niece Nat. I was taught to augment my body by Ed with magic beyond the natural occurring form for earth ponies and couple it with trying to project it outward. This was the rustle,” he tapped the weapon on his shoulder. “I can also make armor, I think that has to do with my position as a guard.”

"That's actually quite impressive." I mumbled.

“In theory any pony can learn talent magic,” He explained stabbing the naginata into the ground. “The first step is learning magical augmentation for your body. Then you apply that concept outward. As long as it lines up with the ponies talent, or cutie mark, in some form then the can use for pretty much anything. Some localize it and some use a widespread but the drawbacks are it has to do with their talent or it won’t work. I’m telling you this because you’ll have to learn augmentation as part of your training and you can teach it to others in you world. Being a human, or humanism dragon in your place, doesn’t hinder your capabilities with talent magic like it does with ponies as humans don’t get cutie marks.”

"That is true but it could be affected by my Time magic. So far I can't affect time in a large way, unless I use my Dragon Slayer Secret Art, also called Mayan Calendar Devastator. If my theory is correct then learning augmentation would possibly give me more control over time itself, but it would also limit that same power as not to completely rip apart time itself." I theorized. "But still I'd rather not pick up a weapon unless I really have to during training. Because in any sort of combat scenario training or otherwise, if I pick up anything that could be used as a weapon even if it's a stick, I run the risk of Type: Null activating, and I don't know what I'm doing as Null until the fight is over. Plus there is the risk of Null staying active for a longer time frame than just the fight, cause Null would actively look for fights. Though it has that drawback it does give me muscle memory when fighting." I tell him. "But I'm assuming training starts soon?" I ask.

"Yes it does," Pole nodded. "But we need you to learn as much as possible in a short span of time, and you also have a lot of various skills to learn. Twilight and I will be covering your alchemy and magical training as we're the only ones outside the Princesses and Ed that are allowed to practice alchemagic. When Ed is done with his duties he'll take over when and where he can. Seeing as how we are and a crunch we'll be using the time chamber. The others of your party are going to have to stay here."

"I'm fine with staying here to watch the kids." Luna tells me.

"The others are off doing something, but I'm ready to start. Let's head to the time chamber." I respond to Pole.

“Have a good afternoon Princess and please keep a close watch on the little ones,” he said with a bow and Luna nodded. “Follow me Quill.” We walked off to start my lessons.

Quill's Twilight's POV

"And then, after Princess Celestia used her magic to lift the rubble off Quill, we see his limp body just laying there. It was heartbreaking to see, but five seconds later, his body glows and his wounds magically heal. He then sits up while rubbing his head and casually asks, "does anyone have a fuggin' ibuprofen?" She imitates Quill with a deep voice. "Like he wasn't just blasted into a pillar with a large amount of magic that could've rendered a normal pony comatose and could've knocked out Celestia! He just shrugged it off and said that it gave him a headache." I ranted to my BBBFF and Cadence. "It still shocks me that he hasn't gotten more injured than he already has by now." I face hoof.

"Well that is certainly one way to give an introduction." Shining Armor tells me while holding in a laugh.

"And what'd you do in response?" Cadence asked, as a faint blush touched my cheeks.

"Oh, nothing." I respond shyly, rubbing the back of my head with my hoof.

“The usual teaser I see,” I heard Edward’s voice but couldn’t see him. “Look up,” he said and we turned our heads upward to see Edward on a ladder next to a bookshelf in the library. He was wearing his black suit and a blue coat with a Princess Luna’s cutie mark on the back of it. He jumped down right in front of us. “Hey there little ponies what ya up to?”

"Oh, Twily here was just telling us about her first encounter with Quill." My brother replied.

“So I overheard,” Edward said as he jumped down with a clipboard in hand landing in front of us. “Mirror mirror where’s there a mirror?” He hummed as he looked around. “Looks like I'll have to use one of the bathrooms on the way,” he said as his attention was back on us. “So where are you three headed and depending on the direction, would you mind some company for a bit?”

"Oh, we were just wandering around, and no we wouldn't mind company." I reply.

“Here an idea ya’ll might like,” Edward said looking at me in particular with a mischievous smile. “Why don’t you all come with me to Luna’s School. I have a few classes that need some serious lessons taught. Thus the blue coat,” he said gesturing to himself before he turned to look at the sky. “Unless you don’t want to learn about dark magic?” Edward said with another smirk.

My eyes turn to stars and I run up to Edward. "Will you really teach me about dark magic?!" I scream in excitement.

“Ow, geez,” Edward winced at the pitch of my voice. “Yes, you can set in on my classes and after I stay for a bit the teach about way dark magic isn’t bad.” He patted my head. “What about you two?” Her turned to Cadence and Shining. “If you want some alone time I can understand but you should know that isn’t a place here where you’ll be completely alone.” He points to a very large red dragonfly looking bug.

“What are those?” I said as me mind was a light with curiousness.

Edward snickered. “They’re called Pokémon and they’re not limited to just those dragonfly-like ones. They’re a lot like normal animals but they have abilities and types that very. They also change their form as they grow stronger. Now back to you two.” He turned his attention back to Shining and Cadence. “Ya know what, everypony is just going to come with me.” He said waving his hand in front of us and we all began to float. Edward walked on while we followed in his, grasp. “Let me start off by saying that Dark Magic itself isn’t inherently evil nor does it in itself corrupt the wielder just by using it. There are forms of Dark Magic that are out right forbidden for simplicity sake.” Edward waved his hand and gently sit us on the floor.

“How is All Dark Magic not corrupting? We were always taught that if you use it that you can fall to its temptations just from one use,” Cadance said as Edward walked over to a nearby room and looked inside.

“I know Quill has explain Floren magic to you before and it a similar concept really. There’s one,” Edward said as he went into the room and motioned for us to follow. “It has a lot to do with the wielder and the type of magic being used. Take Luna’s magic for example, her magic ranges an entire branch of Dark magic and yet she’s not corrupted. Sure, she fell to the corrupting influences but on after he mental and emotional state went to dark thoughts of her sister. Magic as you ponies know it has a lot to do with one's emotions and state of mind. Quill’s rampage last night was a perfect example of this. He projected his anger on to me and it caused him to unlock his dragon form, or dragon force form anyway. But his magic was more akin to that of demon magic than dragon magic if you recall Zeref’s remark.”

“But if we go by what you’re saying then that means all magic can have a corruptive effect if done under the wrong conditions,” Shining said in shock.

“Exactly my boy,” Edward said walking over to a mirror and hen pulled a black key from his pocket and placed it against the mirror causing a ripple to crossover the surface. Edward then walked through and we stood there with our mouths on the floor for a moment before he returned with a few books in hand. “Like I was saying earlier, Dark magic or in itself is neither inherently good or evil. . It heavily depends on the wielder, what it’s being used for, the wielder’s state of mind. let me make a correction to my previous statement, all magic is neither good nor evil only its intent of use is and even then you only have Your perspective of what is right or wrong. Sure there are forms of magic that are forbidden her like Necromancy but there is a form of that branch of this particular family of magic that isn’t corruptive I even though it’s Dark. I know this magic but even I don’t care to use it because I personally find it appalling. I know those who were so diluted by their own world view that the fill to the corruption of holy magic and then you have a very common corrupting magic, fire magic.”

“Unrelated question,” Shining said with a raised hoof.

“Shoot,” Edward said as we walked along.

“What the hay was up with that mirror and you walking through it?” Shining said in shock.

“It lies in this key,” Edward took the black key from earlier. “I place this key on any mirror and it tour so that mirror into a portal to the Dark Library.”

That word got my attention. “Dark Library?” I said ecstatically. “Can I…”

“Maybe later Twilight.” Edward cut me off. “As for an explanation, short of it is it’s that the library of Luna’s original school where most of this world dark magical lore, texts, legends, and spell books are stored. With the help of Starswirl, I was able to move it to another space outside this world to keep its, darker and more harmful contents from those who would seek it.” He said as we came upon to a large blue and silver lined building. “Welcome to Luna’s school for Gifted Ponies.” He said with a wave of his hand.

“Wait school for Gifted Ponies,” I sailed with a raised eyebrow. “Don’t you mean Gifted Unicorns? Like Princess Celestia’s school, right.”

“No, this School is for anypony that wants to learn magic,” Edward explained. “Sure, the first school only taught unicorns and focused more on Dark Magic, but when I spoke with Luna about a few recent discoveries we decided to change it to be open to the general populace.”

I saw Cadance looking to and adjacent red and silver building. “What’s that one for?” She pointed at the building.

“That’s my school for Automail Engineering and Mechanics,” Edward explained as we walked into the school. “That’s where ponies are taught to build and fabricate prosthetic limbs similar to my arm and leg but not nearly as advanced. It’s still a fairly new practice but is steadily growing a great reputation.” We entered a classroom. “Take a seat up front you three.” He motioned to an empty spot. “Today well be going back and seeing what all of you remember,” there was a collective aww, a few what’s, and a lot of damn its. “Yep, pop quiz,” Edward said enthusiastically as he slammed the books he brought down on opened them.

"Okay, first question: What is the first step in learning any type of magic?" Edward asked.

I raised my hoof to answer the question. When Edward called on me I answered. "First you'd study the type of magic so you know what to expect from it." I answer confident in my choice.

“Good answer, one of the basic fundamentals of all magic,” Edward nodded while a smirked. “But not the right answer little pony. What about you Shining?”

“Umm…” my brother tapped his chin with his hoof. “You have to know what emotions you using to fuel your spells.”

“Another good answer and closer but still wrong,” Edward said as he flicked the air. Edward then pointed at himself. “The main key to magic is knowing yourself and what you can do and what you want to do. Now,” he clapped his hands together, “let’s move on to magical application.”

Quill’s Celestia’s POV

I was wandering around the castle, near the gardens when I found the entrance to said gardens. I walked through the doors and found myself in the middle of the gardens, looking at Edward and Quill’s kids playing tag. I trotted over next to my sister and sat down. I looked as she watched peacefully over the playing kids.

“I wonder. Would you like to have your own kid sister?” I asked, startling my sister.

Once she saw it was me she looked away sheepishly at my question.

“I mean, maybe? I don’t know Tia. I’d love to have a kid of my own, but I’m not sure if it’s a good decision with all of what’s happening. I mean, our lives have gotten stranger by the hour we’ve been around Quill, and I doubt that it’s going to get any more calm. And with all the new information and such that we’re getting, it's hard to find a moment where it’d be just me and Quill. Plus we’ve only been dating for what? Two days now? Don’t you think it’s a little pushing it to think that we’d do that, this early in our relationship?” Luna explained looking back at the kids playing joyfully.

“Talking about children are we ponies?” I heard a playfully toned voice from the other side of the nearby tree. “If you really want someone to talk to about this then you should speak with Edward and Luna.” I turned to look over to where the voice originated from to see Chrysalis leaning against the tree’s trunk.

“Oh, hello there Chrysalis.” Luna said with a soft smile.

“Enjoying watching the children play Princess,” Chrysalis smirked.

“Yes, it’s just one of the very few things that are normal in the lives we live, especially when we live with Displaced.” She said turning back to the kids.

“True, but amongst them we’re are mere footnotes compared to the Displaced,” Chrysalis said was she stood up.“If you love or have any form of relationship with a Displaced you need to be ready to deal with some very strange things Princess. Ed and Luna didn’t have children of their own until the twins. They did adopt children and made no distinction between them either. Polearm is actually a descendant of one of their children. Can you understand what I’m trying to say?”

“Yes, I do understand, and I can’t help but feel like when we get back home there’ll be both a strange, and nasty surprise waiting for all of us, but more so Quill and Edward than anything.” Luna eerily told Chrysalis, and gazing off into the sky.

“You are more than likely correct Princess,” Chrysalis sighed. ”I’ve learned to trust in those feelings since my reformation.” She looked to the little ones. “How about I take over watching the kids while you two go and talk with Edward and Celestia?”

“Sure,” Luna told Chrysalis while getting up. “Serena?” She called, prompting said child to jog over.

“Yeah, Luna?” He asked.

“Chrysalis here is going to watch over you and the others for now.” Luna said while going off with me to find Edward and his Celestia.

“Look in the throne room first,” Chrysalis called out as we went in the castle. “Celestia said something about Minotaurs coming today. Ed is the only one in the castle that they’ll show respect to right off the bat without question.”

“Right, well off we go.” I thanked as my sister and I trotted out of the gardens and made our way into the throne room.

As we were walking through the corridor, Luna looked over to me and asked: “What do you think the Minotaurs in this world are like? I once heard Edward mention a type of war between them.” She asked.

“I don’t know what they’ll be like sister. This is a different world, where things we’d never imagined in our world could be reality here.” I told her, as we neared the throne room.

We made our way to the doors of the throne room and like our own world there were guards posted on either side of the doors but they wore a mixed armor of blue and gold.

“How may we help you two?” The guard on the right asked.

“We’re here to see Edward and this world’s Celestia.” I answered with a smile.

The two looked a teacher silently exchanging communication before the other guard spoke. “Very well but keep in mind that they are going through papers at this time and the Minos ambassadors and a legion of their guards are due to arrive at any moment.”

We nodded and they proceeded to open the doors. There on the throne sat Celestia and next to her was Edward. He was where a red coat with a gold trim to it while his black outfit also had a gold trim. He noticed us as we walked up.

“Good late morning to you both,” he said as he handed his Celestia a scroll. “Is there something we can help you two with.”

“I hope you two have been enjoying your stay in our world,” Ed’s Celestia said as she looked over the scroll.

“We are, it is quite a nice world.” Luna smiled.

“Excellent to hear little ponies,” Edward said as he looked to us. “Now, what’s seems to be be on your minds?”

“Really we’re just wandering, and we heard that you’d be having a meeting with the Minotaurs, and we got curious.” I said truthfully.

“One of many truths to fall from your mouth Celestia,” Edward said as he picked up another scroll. “Tall Order wants to bulldoze an orchard for a personal stable again.” He said pointing to a part of the scroll. “Denied, as usual.” He said with a red stamp. “Now, what is the other reason you’re both here and I mean both of you.”

Luna let out a huff and looked at me. “Well, you can blame my dear sister for that. She found me in the gardens looking after the kids, she suddenly asked me if I wanted kids, and it caught me off guard.” She grumbled.

“Hmmm… “ He looked at my sister with thoughtful eyes. “I’m guessing you heard about me from someone close then. Say, Chrissy perhaps.”

“She is supposed to be watching the twins while we’re busy and Luna is resting,” His Celestia added while she looked over her newest scroll

“Well, she is now watching them. She got back when I was watching them.” Luna told Edward’s Celestia.

“She must have been tending to hive matters,” Edward’s Celestia told him.

“I agree, but that still doesn’t answer my question,” he leaned over and eyed us both sternly. “Why did you seek me?”

I looked at the two, with my smile faltering. “You got me, the real reason is because I got worried when I heard that you and the Minotaurs had gotten into a war.” I told him.

Celestia and Edward both looked at each other and then he chuckled. “Yes, there was a war, almost three thousand years ago.” Edward stood up. “There currently is no need to worry about such things unless something happens during the Minos’s visit.”

Suddenly the two guards opened the doors and spoke in unison. “The Minos leader of the Edge clan wishes to speak to you your majesties.”

“Looks like we’re out of time ladies but you can’t just up and leave either have a seat next to Tia and learn about some of our history,” Edward motioned to a few pillows off to the side. “Send them and their entourage in please.” The guards nodded and left the room while my sister and I took positions next to Edward’s Celestia.

“Just to give you two a heads up, most Minos judge you solely based off your level of strength,” Celestia murmured to us. “You two are strangers to them so they won’t listen to anything you have to say but if you wish to speak let me know with a tap.”

“We’ll most likely just listen.” I tell him. “Just please don’t let them insult us like them calling us pets. I’m pretty sure that Quill would find the one who insulted Luna and hurt him somehow.” I giggled.

“No such action will be undertaken by anyone other than me in this court,” Edward said sternly as the doors opened and a group of newcomers arrived.

They were large standing much taller than any of the ponies we’d seen his for in this world, even taller than Edward. They had two long horns coming out of either side of their heads. The middle ones were dressed in fine clothes and the surrounding group was wearing full plate red armor. They marched into the room with a thunder of heavy metal boots on the marble floor. One of the Minos in cloth stepped forward.

“I am Lord Broad Edge, descendant of king False Edge and current leader of the Edge clan and lord regent of the Minos people,” stated the Minos with a thundering boom. “We are here today to ask for the return of the Minos Kingdoms greatest air loom that is the mark the Minos king, the Spell Breaker.”

I tapped Celestia throne, and she slightly leaned over to me, “What is Spell Breaker?” I murmured. “Listen.” She gestured to the group.

“We demand that you ponies return out kingdoms treasured sword!” Another younger Minos spoke out. “You weak ponies have no claim to it.”

Broad Edge held his hand up and the younger Minos shut up really quick. “Enough Bleeding Edge,” he scowled. “As much as I can’t tolerate being talked over I’m award that my nephew has a point your highness. You have no claim to our sword anymore as the leadership of the Minos was entrusted to the Edge Clan as per the wishes the adopted brother of King False Edge and prior king to his reign, the Crimson King.”

“As much as I would willingly return the sword to the Minos tribe, I’m afraid I can’t at this time as it is not mine to give,” Edward’s Celestia said outright.

“You damn pony,” Bleeding Edge pulled a sword and held it out pointing it at Celestia. “The sword belongs to us and we will have it, even if it means raising this castle to the ground. Our forefather,Jagged Edge, crafted the sword as a crystal smith in conjunction with the mages of the Crystal Empire. It is our clan’s monicker.”

“ENOUGH!” roared Back Edward caused the entire room to shake. The Minos immediately all looked at Edward and their jaws hit the floor.

“It can’t be, the Crimson King!” One of the guards said finally.

“Oh yes, it’s me little bulls and I can say if you want the sword then you can try your hand and claim it,” Edward said as he walked down to the group. He snapped his fingers and a crystal claymore appeared and stabbed into the floor. “You can challenge me for the sword as is dedicated by the ancient law of strength but until this time, you and no other Minos have no ounce of clam to my blade.”

“There is no possible way your the former king! He died over two millennia,” Bleeding Edge said with a quiver of fear.

“You can say I died all you want but here I am. I can also guarantee all of you that the stories that you all heard about the Crimson Butcher, are very much true,” Edward said as he picked up Spell Breaker. “I am the Crimson King and as far as I’m concerned you can take your claim and shove it up your asses.” He sat down next to his Celestia. “False Edge wouldn’t accept the sword when I stepped down demanding that it stay with the strongest and no has beaten me in a challenge for it but by all means, challenge me.”

The Minos all looked at one another before starting a conversation amongst themselves. After a few minutes of debate they sent the best warrior amongst them but he was sent flying through the doors of the throne room with a quick back from Edward and the other Minos quickly followed suit. Edward quickly returned to his seat and let out a long sigh.

“So,” he said looking to us out of the corner of his eye. “Go ahead and ask your questions?”

"Okay first question," I started. "What in Equestria is the Spell Breaker?" I asked.

“Bleeding Edge already told you what it is,” Edward said as he held the crystal claymore out in front of my face allowing it to be fully reflected in the sword’s blade. I tried to use my magic on the weapon only to find that I couldn’t even lift it up.

“Why can’t I pick it up?” I asked with worry.

“This was a weapon the the evil Minos King, Jagged Edge, personally crafted in order to combat my sister and I,” my counterpart answered in fear. “This entire sword is made of a crystal from the Crystal Empire that is heavily magic resistant and was then quenched in the stomach acid of a Tatzlworm several times during its forging.”

“When Jagged Edge became king he used this blade a beacon for his rule. He ruled the Minos for years after claiming the throne for himself via the Law of Strength by killing the king before him,” Edward explained as he laid the sword next to him. “The fact that he made the sword and used it even before the start of the Minos Wars speaks volumes to his plans. Jagged was a very ambitious and an uncommon genius for a Minotaur. Far beyond that of even the smartest of his species. I inadvertently helped the bastard in his plans for war.”

Edward stood up and walked over to one of the stained glass windows and looking up at the light coming through it. His tone had been very disturbing, full of sadness and anger. I couldn’t help but wonder about the events of the war that had caused him such anguish.

Serena’s POV

I laughed wildly as I played with Nyx, Morning Star, and Solar Eclipse.

I ran from Eclipse who was "it" all the while shouting. "You can't catch me!" It was so much fun!

“I gonna get you!” Solar laughed as he flew after the three of us.

I laughed some more before getting suddenly tagged. Hearing Solar yell out, "You're it!" I felt a slight tap on my shoulder, before seeing Solar run away. I grinned before running after the closest person, that being Nyx.

I ran at Nyx and was fixing to tag her when backflips out of my reach and then took flight with a flap of her wing wings. I managed to jump off the ground To keep up with her but she was more mature than the twins and easily out maneuvered me. I landed on the ground and then saw the twins staring off to the Everfree Forest of this world. They weren’t laughing anymore but looked rather concerned, as if someone down there was in trouble and needed help. There was a popping sound and the we found ourselves in the middle of the Everfree Forest.

”E-Eevee!” A small voice resonated within my ears, as they twitched to notify me in the direction of the cry for help.

“What the?” I asked in a hushed whisper before focusing on the sound.

”Eev-Eevee!” The small voice cried once more, this time another sound was heard alongside it. It was a somewhat loud sound, and that’s when I heard it.

A loud howl resonated and echoed across the land as my mind flashed to the moment when I arrived in Equestria. It was the exact same howl. It was a Timber Wolf, and from the sound of the pats hitting the earth, it was an entire pack of Timber Wolves. The heavy pounding on the ground, sounded like they were chasing after something.

“Oh, no.” I said horsley as I ran in the direction of the howl. “C’mon, c’mon. I need to go faster!” I told myself as I sprinted through the forest, with Nyx and the twins right on my heels.

I ran wildly through the forest as branches cut my clothes, face and caused me to bleed. Even though I began to feel tired, I kept running, I just had to help whoever was getting attacked by the Timber Wolves. Finally, after what felt like an hour of running, I leapt into the small opening to find a dog like creature backing away from a pack of at least three dozen Timber Wolves with tears streaming from their eyes. I looked at the wolves and saw that several of them had blood on their muzzles. I curled and clenched my fists in anger that this creature’s family and friends were likely devoured. I ran over between the creature and the wolves, looking at the wooden killers with rage.

“DON’T YOU DARE TAKE ANOTHER STEP!!!” I roared at the wolves releasing my magical pressure, startling the wolves momentarily.

“YOU BETTER LISTEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO END UP AS FIREWOOD!” Nyx yelled as she and the twins landed on either side of me.

“YEA! BURN YA UP!” Star exclaims as she scowled at the wolves.

“BIG MEANIES!” Solar joined in.

The wolves looked at one another in slight confusion before puffing the confusion away and continuing to close in on the small creature and now, us. I looked around in slight nervousness before taking deep breaths. I spread my legs shoulder width apart, slowed my breathing and my pulse, before taking a deep breath in.

"Purgatory Dragon……" I said while inhaling so much my chest puffed out. Then to a small surprise of the others, a magic circle appeared in front of me.

"ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as from my mouth a semi-large stream of deep red flames spewed out, and when it hit the magic circle it grew into a river of fire hotter than lava and was sent barreling at the Timber Wolves. I kept this up till my breath ran out and the magic circle disappeared. When it did I saw the extent of my magic attack.

It did indeed burn and destroy several of the wolves but only about a dozen before the rest smothered the embers that was magic.

"Oh, crud." I said as one of the wolves lunged at me, its wooden fangs barred, and ready to tear into my throat.

I closed my eyes for a brief second but then heard a loud shriek and then several cracking sounds. I opened my eyes to wolf’s fangs that had come barreling down upon me but instead of find flesh they found a stone spike jutting from the ground through the back of its skull. I looked behind the wolf to see several more rock spike impaling more of it pack causing them to cry out in pain before more spike came from the originals causing the wolves to shatter into pieces. I turned my head, my gaze following the trail of spikes to their origin to see Nyx whose hands were on the ground with bits of electricity flying off them.

“Take that you dum mutts! No pony threatens my friends!” Nyx yelled in anger.

I was shocked to see Nyx using the same skill that Edward had taught my dad, but I never heard her hands clap. I then noticed that the sparks of electricity were originating from a set of bracelets on her wrists.

“No hurt pokie and friends anymore!” The twins said roared as they each held out a single hand while back to back. They sent out a blue and red twister of combined magic that in gluffed the wolves in front of the duo, tearing them apart as they when flying in all directions.

“Let’s do this! CAVERN DRAGON STALAGMITES!” I screamed with a smile on my face, before digging my hands deep into the soil.

In a small radius around us and the small creature, hundreds of magic circles pinged into existence as they began to glow bright, and from them bladed and sharp stalagmites jutted out of the ground and impaled even more of the wolves. I tried to hold the spell, but I began to get dizzy as I smelled a foul smell. I had to stop the spell I was casting, which caused the wolves I impaled to drop to the ground and bleed out green sap, I couldn’t focus on anything, as my vision began to blur. I put my hands on my head and tried to stop the spinning but I was failing at it, miserably. I looked around and could only see globs of colors. I felt my side becoming wet, but we were nowhere near a water source. I placed my hand on my side and brought it back into my limited view, only to see a red crimson liquid.

Am I… Bleeding? I thought as I slowly looked at my side to see that one of the Timber Wolves wooden claws, had lodged itself deep into my side, likely when I used my Cavern Dragon Spell. Well, shit. T-This sucks. I think before chuckling slightly. I haven’t felt anything like this since dad’s dragon insanity ripped a hole through my stomach. I reminisce before my eyes registered a tan-brown and white glob of color walking towards me, and as the color did, I feel a little taste of iron as blood trickles out of my mouth. W-What? I think as the color got even closer.

“Serena!” I heard Nyx’s voice next to the little glob. “Hold on,” she said as she knelt down. “Star you and Solar keep the rest of the wolves away!”

“Okay!” I heard the twin off in the distance.

Nyx? Where are you? I thought as my vision began to blacken and my eyes grew heavy. I tried so desperately to keep them open but it was a battle I would always lose. I was dying. I was once again, scared.

“Don’t you close those eyes on me,” I heard Nyx complaining as a warm blue glow filled the area where the wolf’s claw had struck me. “I managed what I could from what mom and Uncle Ed taught me but we need to get you back to as soon as we can.”

“E-Eevee!! Eev!” The creature’s voice resonated, as if it were trying to tell Nyx something.

“I-It’s…” I tried to say only to cough up a bit of blood. “It’s gonna… be… o-o-okay Nyx… I’ve already died… But if I die now… It’ll fulfill my wish…” I coughed up more blood. “To die, surrounded by friends, protecting the innocent.”

“Serene not die!” I heard Star voice on my other side as I felt her hands on my chest. I felt gentle warm rush enter and fill my entire body. The pain started to subside to the point I could once again see. “No die… no… die…” I heard from Star and then looked to see her lying next to me on the ground, unconscious.

“Star!” Nyx shouted as she tried to get to her cousin only to fall to the ground on her side. “Damn it. I… used… too much...power,” Nyx stifled out as she reaches for us both.

My gaze then shifted to the timberwolves and Solar Eclipse’s condition. All of the wolves were in pieces from what I could tell and I could just make out Solar’s outline as he was standing nearby but with his back to us. He was so scared I could see him trembling. Then I heard rustling coming from all around, suddenly bits of the timberwolves flew through the air and culminated into a single giant wolf.

I looked at Solar as he started to back away while the new giant wolf inched closer to us with drool falling from its open maw.

I used the last of my voice to cry out, “RUN!” What happened next was astounding.

“You hurt Serenie… You hurt Nyx...you hurt my sissy,” I heard Solar murmur to himself. I then felt the air around us start to heat up. I looked to Solar and his blonde hair had changed to a golden flame. He extended his wings outward, “YOU NO HURT ANYPONY ANYMORE!” He roared as he threw his hands in front of him and release a torrent of black flames on the wolf burning it to nonexistent. I then saw Solar collapse onto the ground in front of a massive clearing of what was Forrest.

I heard a slight buzzing noise coming from above us and drawing closer. “My gods, how the hell did you children get here. What the…” I heard. I then saw a faint outline of Ms.Chrysalis. “No time for that now Chrysalis.” I felt something wrap around my as my vision faded out again.

Right before I became unconscious, I heard a very familiar voice which would’ve placed fear in me, but instead filled me with safety and comfort. “Geez Serena… You really ran yourself dry. Your dad’s gonna be pissed at me. Let’s get you home.” The voice talked to itself before I felt the embrace of darkness and I passed out due to blood loss.

Acnologia's POV

Well shit… he passed out. I thought as I held Serena in my arms.

“We should get them all to the hospital wing of the castle right now,” Chrysalis said with a great unease in her voice. “Serena needs medical attention that only Ed can give him.” She looked to the little creature at Serena’s side. “I swear, all this fuss over you. The twins helped Serena protect you because he’s their friend but also because they’re too good natured. Their parents are going to have my head.”

“Ms. Chrysalis, can you help me please?” Nyx said from next to where I’d picked up Serena. “I overextend myself closing up Serena’s wound.”

“You kids are very lucky that you’re all so powerful,” Chrysalis scolded them all as she picked up Nyx in her magic and twins placing the youngest in her arms. She then teleported us back to the castle. Chrysalis took Serena from my grip in her magic and then looked me straight in the eye. “I’ll get them to the medical wing, up you go get Ed from the throne room. He should still be there help Tia finish court,” She said as she gently but quickly walked off while the Pokémon, Eevee as it called out, followed right on her heels.

I nodded and walked or rather floated off to find Edward when from the throne room a large Minotaur flies right through me at high speeds, followed by a few other Minotaurs bolting out of said room.

"Looks like I found him." I muttered as I float through the door to find Quill's Luna and Celestia talking to Ed and his Celestia. "Uh, not to interrupt anything but I need you guys to follow me to the infirmary right now." I said catching their attention.

“Someone did something stupid again,” Edward grumbled as he quickly walked passed me while he was followed by his Celestia our ponies of the day and night. “Details Acno. I need to know what happened and the state they’re in.” He said as he looked to me out of the corner of his eye.

"Well, first we'll need to get Quill… Serena is in a pretty bad condition. Nyx is fine for the most part, just used a lot of magic. Solar completely decimated the forest, and as such just used a lot of magic too. Star used most of her magic healing Serena's wound and passed out due to exhaustion. There was an Eevee but she's relatively fine besides a scare from the Timber Wolves. Serena however… from what I could smell, his lungs were stabbed into, and they filled up with blood. He almost died a second time. Good thing Nyx and Star saved him, but also he used too much of his dragon magic without proper training. But it's the specific element he used. He used two, Cavern and…" I bit my ethereal lip and sighed heavily. "He used Purgatory Dragon Roar. And his lungs weren't used to that heat, so it gave him a couple of heavy internal burning, but they were put out and negated mostly due to the deep sea lacrima in him." I explained.

“Stupid kids,” Edward said as he shook his head. “Look, I don’t have time to go get Quill. I’m relieved that my little ones and niece are okay and proud of what they did but at the same time I’m also angry that they went off on their own,” he said with a tick. “Go get Quil and make it snappy, I’ve got to get to Serena and start examining him. I know the kids’ intentions were good and only were trying to help but they might have some adverse effects. I don’t want Serena to suffer from magic overload or magic poisoning. Let alone his other injuries. Now get,” he waved his hand off to the side. I nodded and headed off to the lower levels of the castle while Edward sped off to the infirmary with the three princesses in tow.

I make my way to the training area when out of nowhere, I hear Quill's voice say. "I smell a disturbance in the magical pressure from the castle. Three, no four kids… all magically powerful, two girls, two boys. Three of them are almost out of mana, and the fourth is severely injured. Close to death." He growls as he sniffed the air once more. "Serena?" He asks as his eyes go wide.

"That's right. You're getting better with your Draconic senses." I say before I look at him dead serious. "Listen I need all three of you to come with me, now. It involves our kids. Quill, Serena looks like when insanity hot to him." I told them.

Several seconds later I'm floating behind Twilight, Pole, and Quill, well really Pole, Twilight, and I are running to keep up with Quill, who's going faster than a bankai Ichigo at this point with worry. "No, no no no no no no no no!" He kept repeating endlessly as he ran to the infirmary. Once we reached the med room Quill almost literally kicked the door in, stopping with tears misting his eyes. I could feel his worry and sorrow. I was him after all, mentally or not.

"S-Serena?" He asked horsley as he looked at the state his son was in.

I looked and my eyes widened as I say the result of the wound. Going across his left side was a large scar that went from his armpit down to the bottom of his ribcage. A breathing mask was attached to his face giving him oxygen and an IV drip was connected to his right arm. Which has bandages wrapped around it going to the elbow. I knew his condition was bad but not this bad. Sitting on the bed next to his right side was the same Eevee from before, which I assume he protected from the Timber Wolves. Quill slowly walked over to Serena and looked at him. I could feel millions of thoughts flashing through his head but one thought burned bright… or rather, darkly. That question screams in my mind as well as his, always crying out on sentence.


I froze in shock at the question. Had something like this happened before? I pondered as I didn't recall anything like this happening in our normal life when we were together besides Sonya. But it couldn't have possibly been something like that. Sure he was still sorrowful about that fact but never like this. Could it be something to do with… his life before The Merchant? I wondered before Quill pulled up a chair and sat down next to the Eevee, petting it's head lightly. His face was woven with sorrow and grief. His eyes dulled and filled with pain. Something I'm all too familiar with, but his eyes lacked even their color. They weren't a dull red, but they rusted and eroded into an emotionless grey, full of nothing but hurt. His eyes… they intrigued me. Why did they always seem to change when he dealt with any strong emotion. First it was blood red with rage, now it's dulled grey with pain and sorrow. This question lingered in my thoughts as the continuous beeping of the heart monitor gave the bitter silence a sound.

“Piece of crap,” I heard as I saw the heart monitor thrown across the room. My eyes turned back to the voice to see Edward standing over Serena with a stethoscope. He then listen to the kids chest. “You dragon slayers have such low heart beats it’s almost impossible to pick up when your body is in such poor states, especially with machines. Luckily, enhanced hearing helps in this case.” Edward stepped back from Serena and over to Quill placing a hand on his shoulder. “He had some bad internal injuries but thanks to him using all his store magic, the kids magic, and dragon slayer biology, he’ll pull through.”

"Thank you." Quill said in a tone, unlike him. It was monotone, emotionless. "I can't lose anymore of my family." He mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

“Then wake up!” Edward raised his voice as he struck Quill over the head with his metal hand, Quill looked up at the alchemist as he rubbed the knot on the top of his head. “Think of your kid right now man. Think of how you’re relieved to still have him, how you’re going to scold him for using powers without knowing the cost, and how you’ll teach I’m how to use and control that magic.”

"I am going to scold him. I am thinking of how I'm relieved that he'll be okay, that he'll live and I will teach him. But seeing how he is right now reminds me of when I lost my parents, and how Type: Null was born." He told Edward the color in his eyes returning as he dried his tears.

“Here,” Edward took a handkerchief from his inner coat pocket. “I know it’s hard man, Luna was in a similar situation not long ago and I was so torn up all I could do was wait, but you need to reflect on the good things. He’s going to make it if not a little bit worse for wear and all the wiser.” He patted Quill’s shoulder. “The kid is tough, like his oldman. He’ll pull through it but he’s going to need your support and the support of the others as well. He’ll wake up soon and when he does, let him have it but also tell him he did a good thing in protecting this little Eevee here,” Edward pointed to the little creature at the foot of Serena’s bed. “Now I have my own kids to tend to and you two,” he looked to Twilight and Polearm. “Better be proud of yours. If it hadn’t been for her being there and knowing your teachings so well, Serena would’ve been dead in less than two minutes.”

"I'm as proud as a parent can be Ed, and when Solar and Star wake up I'm going to thank them along with Nyx, heavily. I can't lose him, or else I might lose myself entirely. I already snapped once, I don't look forward to snapping again." Quill sighed. "Do you mind if I tell all of you the story of how I lost my parents and how Type: Null was born?" He asked.

“Hmm…” Edward looked at Quill and then to Serena before returning to Quill. “If you’re alright with me knowing then I’ll listen. Let me check in on my babies first though. I be back in a moment .” Edward said in haste as he walked off.

"Are you sure?" I ask Quill.

"Yes… it involves the first time I ever, 'snapped'." He tells me.

Edward soon came back and looked at the both of us. “Littles ones are sleeping soundly in their beds for now.” His gaze shift to Serena for a moment. “I’d say let’s head for the workshop but I honestly think your time is better spent here Quill. I’ll keep the staff to a minimum and the princesses are welcome to stay too. I’m not gonna send them away. They deserve to know who you are but if they want to leave, I won’t stop them either.” He said calmly as he leaned against the wall. “Tia went back to here room to finish up some paperwork so it’s just us right now.”

"Well, this story begins with a seven year old me, and my mother walking home from the store with groceries." Quill began to tell us.

My dad was at home in his office working, when me and my mom got home. It was late out and my brother, Will had gone to sleep. When me and Mom were putting the groceries away, we heard a snap and the yell of my dad. I told my mom that I'd finish putting the food away and she smiled before going to check on dad. I continued to put the food away until I heard a blood curdling scream of terror coming from my dad's office. I got scared and went to check on my mom, to see if she was okay. When I got there, the door was cracked open. So I looked through.

That was the worst moment of my life.

I was dead silent at what was in front of my or rather who. My father, was on the ground, with as far as I could see, five knife wounds in his stomach and he was bleeding to death. I looked to the other side of the room and saw a man with his pants down, and he was defiling my mom. Right in front of my dying father. I looked on in horror as the killer and intruder raped my mom and once he was finished doing that he threw her to the ground before stabbing her ten times in the chest. She and my father laid there dying, looking at each other. My mother had died of shock after being stabbed but my dad was still alive. He reached his hand out and grabbed my mom's before his entire body went limp.

That's when I felt it.

I felt my morality shatter and my rage flew to levels higher than anything Tyrrios could do.

I snapped.

I opened the door quietly as the man opened the vault in dad's office and lotted through it, and I grabbed the katana my dad always kept, as it was a gift from his father, my grandfather. I walked up behind the man as he knelt on the ground rejoicing over his loot and I lifted the sword over my head in a reverse grip.

And I sunk it into the back of the bastard's head, and it went right through his mouth.

I tore the sword out and watched the man's blood begin to pool around the corpse, as he fell. I then raised the katana once again over my head and swung down, cutting into the dead man's back. And I swung again, and again, and again. Over and over and over again till I actually began to cry. And before I knew it, I was screaming "DIE! DIE! DIE!" And I was laughing like it was the funniest thing I had ever seen! I was enjoying it! I had lost control over my body halfway through and only regained control when my brother's hand caught my own and stopped my rampage. I looked up to him to see his face contorted into one of pure terror. I tilted my head to ask what's wrong but I looked back at my handy work to then realize what I had done. And I realized what I was holding. I dropped the blade and looked at my body. It was drenched and covered in the man's blood and my face was wet with his crimson liquid. I ran to my brother and cried. I cried for hours upon hours. Not that my parents were dead, but because of what I had done. I had became the one thing I feared.

A Monster.

The next day at school the kids had learned of what I did, and they ostracized me, exiling me from the very school itself. From that point on I vowed never to lay my hands on another weapon. Of course with the neighborhood I lived in that was next to impossible. So for the next year's of my life I always accessed that murderous blood lust whenever I touched a weapon, and I called it…

"... Type: Null." Quill finished his story as he let tears drop out of his eyes. "That's my story."

“Hmmm… “ Edward h had shut his eyes and started to think. “You remind me of my nieces and nephew more than of myself Quill as far as your reasons go but the state of mind you came to be in and what came into being because of it, is exactly like mine.” He stood up and turned to face the other side of the room while he scratched his head. “I suppose it’s fair trade. Your past for mine that is. Would you be willing to learn of how I earned the name that still used a a fairy tale to fright children’s to this day in this world? Will you listen to the ballad of ‘The Crimson Butcher’ and how true took place and gave rise to Malice?”

"I'm fine with listening." He responded.

“Very well,” Edward replied as he pulled up and chair and sat down. “It started just over a few thousand years ago, just after I’d completed the very first Sage Stone. The Minos at the time were looking for any reason to go to war with us at this point, mainly just for pig headed show of power and also because the current King, Jagged Edge, was very ambitious in his own pursuits. As soon as he caught wind of the Stone, it was all the reason he needed to start his campaign, planning to claim it was us that threw the first punch.l

“I left out to investigate a string of raids that were targeted towards our border towns and smaller settlements, Tia and Luna were hoping it was just bandits. Jagged knew the Princesses wouldn’t come all the way out to the border while dealing with the panic it would cause in our then capital, the Everfree, so I went in their stead. I had the advantage of moving around more freely as I was still very much unknown from my time away from Equestria, even more so since I didn’t need a guard detail. Let alone did we know that was what the king had banked on,” Edward sighed heavily sas he grab his head.

“It took some to get out to the border, keep in mind this well before I had all the power I have now and I didn’t rely so much on my magic as I had to completely rewrite spells for my specific uses. I hated relying on my Philosopher Stone for for anything and refuse to outright use it unless I absolutely had to. So my main abilities were my knowledge, gear, fists, and alchemy.”

“By the time I reached the border I was already well behind the raiders. It took a few more days of following their blood path of destruction and sending the survivors toward Everfree before I actually caught up to them. Every account was the same, a band of Minos in beat up full plate armor. They flew a flag of an unknown clan, which made it even harder to right off as an attack by the Minos Government. I was eventually able to catch up to the raiders while they were in the process of sacking another settlement. I was already in seriously angry from what I saw and had seen over the past few days. Then, the Minos leader got in my face.”

“He threw off on my being inferior yada yada. I threw back and exploded in the process. Saying ‘OH I'M NOT GONNA JUST KILL YOU! I'M GONNA SLAUGHTER EVER LAST MINOTAUR SOLDIER, MERCENARY, AND SOLDIER I FIND UNTIL MY RAMPAGE NUMBERS EQUALS ALL THE LIVES YOU BASTARDS HAVE TAKEN!” Edward said in a slightly raised voice as he stood up from his chair.

He then let out a long sigh and sat back down. “That pretty much the last conscious thought I had. I proceeded to tear ever last one of those bastards apart with my bare hands. Asked the same time I had unknowingly tapped into my Philosopher Stone thus unleashing the pent of rage and hatred of the souls trapped within it. It was all centered on me and I let it control my body allow the souls’ anger to sediment in a singular consciousness . I also started to drain the magic and vary life energy from everything and anything around me. For two straight weeks I wandered around devour energy and slaughtering anything that crossed my path In the process I earned the name the Crimson Butcher from the very blood he completely cover my form but also from the energy that surrounded me that gave rise to the Badlands. Jagged Edge got wind of my state and new who Iwas and that Tia and Luna would try and save me themselves.”

Edward gritted his teeth in anger. “After a long fight with them and Starswirl I was captured long enough for Luna to talk to me and bring back to my senses. That’s when Jagged Edge made his play and brought his army to take on a tried out set of Princesses with this,” he waved his hand and a giant crystal claymore appeared floating in the air. “The Spell Breaker, as his ace in the whole. I then sent the ponies away and took on the army myself, embracing my namesake. Eventually it was just me and Jagged Edge left, we made a deal. If he could kill me and claim my head then he was free to carry out his plan.”

“Obviously he didn’t succeed,” I chuckled.

“Partially right Acno,” Edward said pointing to me as he took his sword in hand. “He was halfway successful. He took me head but didn’t kill me.” He said placing the sword to his neck. “ I regenerated not long after, scared Jagged Edge shitless. After a short fight we were both worn down so I ended it. I cut the bastard straight down the middle, from head to nuts, and set him on fire. I then took his sword and then his seat as king the next day. And that’s my story. It wasn’t until many years later that Malice reared his ugly head but another time and another place. “ he stood up. “Now where do we go from here?”

"..." Quill paused for a moment before finally answering. "I don't know. Wherever time wills I guess." He mumbled cryptically.

“Hmm…” Edward looked at the wrong of us then to Serena. “I should at my kids’ sides before they wake up. If you need anything, I'll be there. I think you two need to work somethings out just between you to anyhow, “ he said get up from his seat he then looked at me. “Acno, I can tell you’ve had something in particular on your mind that you’ve wanted to ask me so once you’re done here come find me.” Ed walked off leaving me and Quill in an awkward silence.

“So… What’d you want to talk to me about?” Quill asked while picking the Eevee up and setting her on the bed Serena laid in.

I released a small sigh, but one which carried heavy information. “You know that crater we left behind after defeating Tyrrios?” I asked, gaining a nod. “Well, I found that we have a magical connection to it and can sense what goes near it. And I’ve found a few things. I have good news, bad news, and even worse news. Which do you want first?” I asked.

“I need some good news.” He grumbled.

“Well, you’ll be happy to know that time moves a little faster here than back home, so a day or two here is like, a few hours back home.” I told him. “The bad news is that the crater is now a hotspot for portals, to who knows where, and a big-ass portal opened recently.” I told him. “The other bad news is that an entire fucking building came through but I don’t know what building, but then we have the even worse news.” I stress gaining a look of interest. “It seems that two… Uh, well… There’s no easy way to say this but… It seems two Void Eaters have jumped through the portal as well.” I explain while rubbing my neck.

“Wait… Void Eaters?” He asks turning around slightly. “The hell are those?” He asked me.

“Well, in all essence, they’re like Natsu’s END form, but they look like undead versions of us. Though from what little I know about them from books and legends in the massive Fioren archive back in, well, Fiore, there’s one for each Dragon Slayer and Alchemy user, but they don’t become active until their respective counterpart gets to a certain strength or mastery in their Magic or Alchemy. There were only records of one such occurrence and that was the counterpart of me. Who vanished a long time ago, but they are extremely powerful. Twice as much as the power I was at, and whenever I got stronger to face them, they’d just get twice as strong as I was at that point.” I explained. “To put it simply, you and possibly Edward are being hunted by things that can take an Anti-Etherion Cannon to the face, and brush it off like it was confetti. I don't know if that second one was mine, or Edward’s but I do know that you can get rid of them. Can’t kill them, but you can make them leave you alone. All you have to do is just beat them… Once. That’s all, just beat them once, and you can get them to leave you alone. Though I’m not one hundred percent sure.” I tell him as he thinks over what I’ve said. “I’ll head over to Edward now. See ya later bro.” I tell him, patting his shoulder.

I found Edward sitting in a chair in between the twins while Polearm and Twilight were across the room on either side of their daughter. Edward was writing something in a blue leather bound book of some sort as he waited and watched over his children. He soon took notice of my presence without even looking up from his book.

“Got your talk done?” Edward asked nonchalantly without even looking up from his book.

“Yup.” I respond while popping the ‘p’.

“So what is that you’d like to speak with me on?” He said as he looked over to his children before return to his writing.

“Is there any way you could give me a body? A proper one.” I ask while leaning on the wall.

He stopped his writing and looked up at me with just his eyes. “It’s not totally impossible. My nieces shared a similar situation as the Lethe you and Quill are in now.” He went back to his book and continued to speak. “But there's also a big difference than the one you two are in too. Nat and Sora were a single being to began with than then Sora develop self conscious developing a mind and breaking away from Nat soul to form her own eventually. I don’t know if it’ll work the same as you and Quill are one soul, as he is your reincarnation.” Edward closed book and looked fully at me. “I can try but it could have some severe repercussions on both of you.” He leaned over as one oof the twins slightly stirred only to roll over. He then pulled their blank back up. “I was able to give Sora a body with the help of Lex while using Nat’s DNA as base template but also used Lex and Adam’s DNA to dilute it making an all new body, so not just a clone another clone mainly so she didn’t age rapidly. I can do the same to build you a body but you’d need to find someone else willing to give you some blood. I’d offer my own but my blood turns to ash not long off to leaves my body.” He opened his book again, “if you’re willing to go threw it and Quill is on board, then I’ll do what I can for you.”

"Well, I actually might already have someone in mind, but I'll have to ask them. And speaking of, would it help that Quill isn't my reincarnation specifically. He originally was what manifested as our humanity. Not my humanity but our's. From the moment we were born in the same body, he and I had always been separate entities. He also still has his Earth form whenever we meet in his mindscape." I explained. "But there is also the fact that a few other minds have been and are currently laying dormant inside Quill's mind right now. One of the less favorable ones is starting stirr on top of that, but those minds are part of Quill, bits of his past and manifested emotions." I think aloud.

“No, no you haven’t. Quill was formed from your humanity and is still technically a reincarnation, even if it’s just your former humanity. Thus, making you two are still of one body and soul as well as many other aspects of yourselves too. As for the other aspects of Quills mind,” Edward looked at me. “I can help him by placing mental barriers up but on if he wants me to. This would also place restrictions on his power.”

"That's the thing… I'm not even sure if those aspects as you call them are even originations of Quill. From what I can tell, Null is Quill's bloodlust, but there are several others, one of them being Tyrrios who is currently caged up. Many others feel like they're part of me though." I huffed. "Like… I don't know, like they're something or someone that I've known for a long time but at the same time have just discovered. It's kinda hard to explain." I grumbled.

“This just reinforces the fact the you two aren’t as separated as you think you are Acno,” Edward explained as he looked to Star out of the corner of his eye. “Even though you and Quill are different from one another in many aspects, you are still link buy one soul, cause you to share many of the others aspects worth each other. Like your memories of the past.”

“I understand what you mean, but it still feels strange.” I shake my head. “I think at this point I’m just rambling.” I mumble. “Any way, when should the gate to get us home be done again?” I ask.

“Sometime within the next week, give or take a few things,” Edward explained with out a second thought. “The Void link between our worlds has become even more unstable on your end for some reason and I can’t get a clear picture on your side with my Rinnegan.” He closed his book and leaned back in his chair. “Back to you though, I’m more than willing to start working on a body for you while you wait. The base genome will only take a day and I can have a clone over see its completion. Thing is, you still need to speak with Quill if this is something you really want to do. I also have someone I need to speak with on my end as I’m not the only one who created and worked with the magitech that helped create Sora’s body.”

I paused before furrowing my brow and sighing. "It may be my side is unstable, because of the Time Crater. Where you turned Tyrrios into a Sage Stone. My magic is connected to it and I've told Quill this but it may pertain to you as well." I told him explaining the building and the Void Eaters. "Though it's just recently that I've been able to commune with the Time Crater, so I may be wrong." I said.

”How does this pertain to me?” Edward raised and eyebrow.

“Because one of these Eater’s felt eerily like your magic. Each one has a distinct magic which links it to the one it hunts. I could smell yours, but also Quill’s. But… Gah, I don’t know. I’ve only dealt with one Void Eater, and that was my own!” I grumbled. “I don’t know the specifics but what I smelled was your Dragon Slayer Magic, as well as Quill’s but you both are here. That’s all I really know.” I sighed with annoyance.

“Hmn, I might need to speak with my master on this subject,” Edward said as he stroked his chin. “He’ll probably know what these ‘Earters’ are. He’s much more knowledgeable and versed in the Void life spectrum than I am.”

"Makes sense." I think for a bit, holding my chin before asking aloud. "Do you think The Merchant knew about the Void Eaters to begin with?" I wonder.

“Knowing the ‘Merchants’ Guild, more than likely, but then again,” Edward shrugged as leaned back in the chair. “I don’t know any of the Merchants. I was sent to this world rather early as far as Displacements go. They also know stay clear of me as I don’t put up with any of their bull, friendly or otherwise.”

"Well I think the Merchant that sent Quill here knew he was a reincarnation, but I don't really think he knew what giving Quill his magic might mean." I sighed once more before mumbling. "Hell, I don't even know what it could've done to Null, it might've given him magic for all we know."

“From what I understand, Null isn’t entirely its own thing, yet, but more along the lines of a defensive mechanism for Quill.” Edward explained. “It takes a certain combination of triggers for Null to come out, and it’s not just when Quill has a weapon in hand. For example, when we were back in your world at the Time Crater when Quill and I made his void weapon. He was able to handle it with showing any form a Null come on. I know you know because I was linked to Quills mind in order to speak with you.”

"Yeah, that got me curious and I found something interesting about Null… it seems he's like Zangetsu. Y'know, the Zanpakuto. But at the same time, he's… different… yes as a defense mechanism but also as someone who taught Quill all he knows about weaponry." I revealed. "But that's not the most interesting thing I've found. Null really only reveals himself when Quill either "snaps" or he's faced with a very dangerous situation and he holds a weapon, but from what I understand, Null can take over Quill's body when he becomes unconscious. That's as far as I know and can learn without literally breaking some of Quill's memories." I huff.

“I’d leave it be for the time being Acno,” Edward opened his book again. “Null isn’t bad from what I’ve seen but it’s the facts of what he does when he’s in control that really bothers Quill,” he picked up his pen and started to write in the book again. “You best talk with Quill on what we discussed. It’ll also help immensely, have another familiar face to wake up to that is.”

I nodded and rejoined Quill at Serena’s side. I pull up my own seat and sit down, before shifting my eyes over towards Serena and back to Quill.

“Hey, bro?” I ask. “What’s your opinion on Null?” I question.

“Well, that’s kinda hard to answer,” He sighed as he watched the Eevee sleeping curled in Serena’s arms and Quill holding the other one. “I mean, without him I don’t think I would’ve lived through my childhood, but at the same time he’s his own personality.” I looked at his eyes and the pupils began to shift from black to a dull white at first. “He’s always been there for me, and people say that he’s a part of me and I think the same, but some side of me says otherwise. Can’t say though, I mean I haven’t even seen his true form, but I know that he favors scythes over anything. He was the voice in my head before you. He was actually my first friend, and became my only friend until getting here.” He smiled lightly, as his pupils became a pure anti-void white. “Though when I first met him, or rather heard his voice, he seemed surprised. Not that I could hear him, but the first thing he asked himself was, ‘How am I alive?’ That one question bothered me for a very long time, even now I still think about it. When we first met, it was during my dreams, the very night when I fell asleep in my brother’s arms after killing my parent’s murderer. When I first met him, he was as a small black butterfly. He spoke as if he was once a separate person and he always called me by the same name and even now when he’s disappeared, I can still hear his voice calling me. ‘Hatchling.’ That was the name he gave me.” He chuckled, causing me to smile.

“It seems like he was a second father to you.” I pointed out.

“In a way, I guess he was. But…,” Quill paused as his smile dropped slightly. “When I got to know him, I could tell that Null wasn’t his name. He was hiding it from me, but I don’t know why. And it felt as if he was someone that I had a very deep connection to, and it was as if he knew me long before I was ever born. It’s strange but… It feels like he was someone I had lost long ago, but I can’t remember who. Every time I tried to remember I’d always fall unconscious and have the same dream. A small child crying in front of a monster. The monster's body being torn in half, and a large shadow asking, “Are you alright little hatchling?” Every time I’d try to get a better look at either the child, or the shadow I’d wake up, in front of my parent’s graves. It happened so often and I tried to ask my brother about it, but he had no clue. I’d ask Null about it but everytime he’d just go silent, every so often he’d say, “Just a memory from a long time ago.” and that would be it. Even the night before getting here to Equestria I’d have it, but it was the exact same.” Quill muttered while brushing some hair out of Serena’s face. “In short, I’d say that Null was the father I never would’ve really gotten to have otherwise.”

The two of us stayed silent for several minutes afterwards and it stayed like that for what felt like hours. Then Serena started to stir awake. Quill watched as tears formed in his eyes and several of them fell onto the floor, breaking the silence. Serena’s eyes scrunched up before they slowly opened and he let out a slight cough. He turned his head and looked at the Eevee who woke up and looked at him excitedly, and looking at the IV, trying to figure out where he was. His eyes then crawled over slowly to Quill where he groaned as his eyes tried to adjust to the light.

“D-Dad?” He asked, his voice horse from the injuries he’d received.

“Hey bud. How are you feeling?” Quill asked.

“Ugh,” Serena grumbled. “I feel like crap.”

“Well, you look the part too.” I told him. “Glad to see you’re okay kid.”

“You a very lucky to still be here and breathing young one,” came a voice from behind me. I turned to see Edward’s Luna. “My sister informed me of what has transpired during my sleep. after checking I. With Ed and my own children I Thought I’d stop and check in here. How are all of you holding up?”

“I’m fine… I think?” Serena asked while sitting up. “I can see the Eevee is fine but are the others okay?”

“Nyx is laying in bed and speaking with her parents,” Luna softly smiled. “And my Star and my Eclipse are both sleeping soundly while their father is watching over them. Other than some magic exhaustion, everypony is just fine Serena. You’re very lucky that that Chrysalis and Acnolgia found you four when they did. Why did you all run off from Chrissy like that?”

“Well, I heard Eevee’s cry for help and it was as if my body was moving on its own. And plus I couldn’t just ignore a cry for help.” Serena told her.

Luna let out a slightly annoyed but looked at the boy with a soft and understanding gaze. “I believe I understand what transpired now. My children are able to make friendships rather easily thanks to Star being very open like my sister and Eclipse being able to read someone’s aura, an ability that comes from my father.” Luna turned her head slightly and looked down towards her kids. “They were trying to support you and also follow what they’ve been taught.”

Serena looked away from her and looked out the window. "Did you know that I could hear her voice?" He asked getting my attention.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I could hear Eevee's voice. And not the one you all can hear, where she says her name, I could hear her 'human' voice. She was in pain and she was crying. And when I saw the Timber Wolves and the blood on their maws it only served to make me angrier." He explained.

"The flame of emotion is a very strong thing. It helped Natsu beat Gajeel, and temporarily unlocked his Dragon Force against Jellal. But it is also a drawback. It leaves your body extremely vulnerable afterwards, it's probably what drained your magic, children aren't able to use the flame of emotion without hurting themselves too much." I explained.

“Emotions can be a will spring of power when using the right ones to full your magic,” Luna added. “But understanding your magic and how it works comes first your ones,” she said to all of us. Quill and Serena’s gaze slightly shifted to the floor. “Don’t look so ashamed you two, all of us succumb to our emotions at point or another while using magic. Understanding which emotions to use with magic comes with learning is one of the principles we teach at my school and one of the reasons we are able to teach dark magic in this world.”

"Well, I can understand that but… it also felt that I was for some reason drawn to Eevee." Serena mumbled. "If that makes any sense. Also I gripped thing when I used my Cavern Dragon attack." He said holding out a small stone, that shimmers with several different colors when in the light. "I've never seen a gem like this, do you know what it is?" He asked.

“It looks like an evolution stone young one,” Luna explained. “I’m still new to understanding Pokémon but I do know quite a bit about Eevee as my partner is an Umbreon, the night time evolution of Eevee. See this Pokémon has the ability to evolve into one of several different forms based on certain circumstances. Mainly these types of stones.l

Quill leaned in and looked at the stone quite carefully before something in his mind clicked and his eyes turned to pricks.

"Insurgence?" He mumbled confused. "Why the hell is an Insurgence stone here?" He wondered.

“A what?” Luna asked with a look of utter confusion.

"Back on Earth there was many fan games, for instance, the game called Pokemon Insurgence. This game had two different story lines, the light and normal Pokemon storyline we all love, and then the dark kill or be killed reality storyline, where people die, Pokemon die and there are cults dedicated to the different legendary Pokemon such as Rayquaza, Kyurem, Darkrai, and so on. But in the region it takes place in, there are many different stones. We fans call the non-Canon stones the Insurgence Stones. Many such stones are the Insurgence Mega Evolution Stones. If my hunch is correct, this is no ordinary evolution stone, it's a Mega Stone." He tells us, and turns to Luna. "How can you tell what type of moves a Pokemon has or knows? If I'm right, Serena may very well have one of the most powerful Mega Stones to ever be found in Pokemon Insurgence." He asks.

“You’d have to ask Ed about this. He strictly limits how much technology is given out to the public to protect them from it and keep it from falling into the wrong hands,” Luna explained as she looked out of the corner of her eyes to check the sun’s position in the sky. “I know of a device that Ed made and calls a Pokédex that keeps track of the and records basic information of the Pokémon he has encountered thus for and of what he remembers. It’s in his lab.”

“Might not be much help if it’s one he built from his own experiences and knowledge,” Quill looked at the Stone.

“That’s the one he uses to record and store his data but the device he uses to analyze the Pokémon is actually the token for our Nieces Nat and Sora,” Luna interjected.

“Can we use it?” I asked.

“I have no qualms with this but it’s not up to me Ancolgia,” Luna said abruptly. “It’s one of the items that Edward never let’s off his person at any given time. You’ll have to ask him. I’m sure he’ll let you use it, with his supervision of course. I must depart for the raising of the moon have a good night you three and Serena,” the young dragon slayer looked at the night princess. “I know of the bond you spoke of between you and your new partner. It is a common knowledge here. Many of our Pokémon here stay with ponies after finding each other through what I call an aura tether or soul bond. It’s one of the main reasons why Ed never issued Pokeballs to the masses.”

"Luna if you want I could tell you about the different Mega Stones in the Insurgence universe. It may help determine what stone Serena found. Most of them radiate some type of dark energy as they're results of Giratina, the first insurgent and the main legendary of the game. I'll need some help with this." Quill suggests.

“I am more than willing Quill but I must see to my duties first and then I must watch over my children,” Luna said with a concerned tone. “Perhaps your Luna and Ed can help in the meantime. If the twins wake up soon then I’ll be there to help. It’s best you wait on my husband anyways as he is the only one who can work the equipment in the lab other than Polearm and even then my grandson isn’t allowed to touch Ed’s technology.”

"Makes sense." Quill replied.

“I must take my leave gentle colts,” Luna said warmly. “Serena.”

“Yes ma’am,” he looked as her a little worried.

“You’re a good boy with a good heart but do try and not be so beach about things from now on, okay?” Luma smiled as she walked out.

“Yes Princess,” Serena said with a slightly red face.

I turned my attention to Quill, “We need to talk.”

"Is it about you wanting a body of your own?" He asks, surprising me.

"Uhm… y-yeah, actually. That is the reason. How'd you-," I start.

"We're psychically connected. And with my hearing I could hear what you and Ed were talking about." He tells me. "If you need a body I'm all for that. You deserve to be your own person, and get a second chance. I'll help in whatever way I can."

“Sweet, let’s go talk with Ed now,” I said with a bit of vigor. I then looked to Serena, “you feeling well enough to go and see the Twins?”

"I think so." Serena says as he slowly gets up, grunting slightly with every sudden movement.

“Let’s go then,” I said happily as the boy got out of bed with Eevee by his side and we three marched down towards Edward and his kids. We walked into the twins area to find them both fast asleep in Ed’s arms with the alchemist’s head careened back with a snot bubble rising and falling with his snoring. I raised an eyebrow while looking at the snoring with his children in grip while he wore a goofy open grin on his face , “I thought he didn’t need sleep being a Philosopher Stone and all.”

“Just because you don’t need something doesn’t mean you can still enjoy it Acno,” Quill said as he snickered at the sight. “I mean back home when I bought my own house, sleeping was more of a hobby than a necessity.”

Suddenly Ed’s bubble popped and he let out a yawn. “Yaaaaaa… and why do I have three onlookers to judge me while sleeping and comforting my kids.” He said in a grouchy tone. The twins then started to stir and let out their now yawns as they stretched.

“The judging was on Uncle Acno, Dad was trying to defend you.” Serena told him.

Serena then found himself tackled to the ground by a few extra pounds of twins alicorns. “Serenie okay?” The twins asked in unison as they checked over the young wizard with servers pats all over his person causing him to laugh.

“H-Hey! St-Stop! That tickles!” He struggled as he laughed. “I-I’m fine you guys! I promise!” He giggled.

“That’s a huge relief,” Ed’s Twilight said as she and Polearm walked over with Nyx in between them.

“Enough you two,” Ed said pulling his kids up by their collars. “Let the poor kid breath.” He looked to us. “And what are three up too?” Ed said putting the twins on their perspective beds.

“I agreed to help make Acno a body.” Quill told Edward.

“And if that were the only thing on your mind then you’d have waited till after we were out of the infirmary at dinner or something to discuss whatever else is on your mind,” Ed said sitting back down in his chair.

"I also want to discuss with you about this stone Serena found. I determined it to be something about an Insurgence Stone but if I'm correct on which kind it could prove to be very powerful. But I need to check Eevee's attacks to be sure. I want your help in determining her attacks." Quill explained. He then paused and reached his hand into his left pocket, and brought out what looked to be a phone, but on the back was a navy blue Fairy Tail symbol. “... How the heck did I only now notice this?” He mumbled to himself.

“What’ve you got their Quill?” Ed said standing up and looking at the phone. He eyes changed to that of Rinnegan with the Ouroboros symbol for the pupils. “Hmmm… it’s got a void signature on it, similar to yours.”

“I guess it’d be more accurate to say that this is what my phone is. Or at least what it’s lacrima phone form is as this thing has infinite charge… Somehow.” Quill said still blankly staring at his phone. “This actually makes things much easier to explain what Insurgence Stones are.” He mumbled.

“Walk and talk then,” Ed said as he motioned to the door. “Catch,” Ed tossed a device to Quill. “That’s Nat’s token and I want it back but you can use it on Eevee. You do remember what Aura Readers are, right?”

“Yeah, vaguely. It’s been a bit though so I can’t guarantee I’ll get it right.” Quill said as he, Edward, Serena, Eevee, and myself began to walk down the hall. “Now let’s see…,” Quill said picking Eevee up and activating the Pokédex. He began looking for a few things before his eyes narrowed and he sighed. “Well, damn… It seems this Eevee has all the necessary attacks and the right ability. So I guess that stone is Eeveeium. Well Serena, you’ve got a Mega Eevee with you.” He told his son. “But you’ll still need a key stone, and a mega ring to activate it fully.”

We walked down several flights of stairs and through many corridors until we can upon a decorative set of doors that led to the lab. Ed then clapped his hands and placed them on the doors. Red sparks shot up and down causing the doors to open. The twins shot into the lab on either side of their father as he walked in.

“No running,” he called out to calm the twins down as he walked over to a heavily teched out area and started to type on a large keyboard. “Quill, have a seat please.” Ed said as a chair came up out of the floor.

"Okay that's kinda evil villain like but hey that's just the movie nerd talking." Quill said before sitting down.

“Yea I’m then the villain in all this,” Edward said as he went to a nearby table and grabbed a needle. “I did kidnap all of you and after inviting you here in typical villainisc fashion,” he chuckled as he walked of over to Quill. “Arm please.”

"Okay but which one?" Quill asked with a smug grin. "I mean, I've got two different ones." He chuckled before holding out his non-draconic arm.

“Funny,” Ed said as he stuck the needle in Quill’s arm.

“OW!” Quill yelled.

“Hush,” Ed said as he drew a few vails of Quill’s blood. “That’s all I needed from you.” He remarked as he wrapped a compress on Quills arm. “Now,” he looked at me, “have you given any thought into who you want you secondary donor for DNA to be?”

"Yeah, I have." I said summoning a vial of blood. "Be careful with that because it's the only one I have. You probably don't know who the donor is but, believe it or not it's actually Tyrrios. Or rather, when he wasn't a backstabbing traitor. He let me draw a vial of his blood so that in a worse case scenario I could become a fifth gen. dragon slayer. Luckily dragon blood never dries or evaporates." I explained handing the vial to Edward. "It's not corrupted. Trust me. When I was a doctor in Fiore I worked my ass off for a month trying to figure that out." I sighed, shaking my head.

“No problem,” Ed said snatching the vial from my grasp. He then took a couple of droppers and took some of the blood from each vial and place it on slides then into his machine. “Basically, this is a form of synthetic jestaion and not direct cloning as there are multiple parties’ DNA used to create this new body but as it is still some form artificially creating a life it won’t directly have a soul which is how we’re able to filter out soul particles thanks to Seith Magic. This part of my craft is more science than magic but it requires magical input on many levels. You may have heard Luna refer to this,” he knocked his machine with his knuckles. “As magitech. Any way, are there any specific you want to add into, or take away from in your body. A certain way you’d like to look?”

"Well for one… I want my dead blue eyes. For another… I want a left arm that's a must because I spent like, two years without one and it sucked, but I managed. Lastly I want dragon scale knuckles, it won't be too hard seeing as I am basically a dragon, but still, in a new body I'll have to train it so it can get used to my Magic Dragon Slayer abilities. That and I want it to be able to merge with Quill's body if it's possible. Because for the Apocalypse Dragon form it takes two bodies, nearly identical with some minor differences, I was able to do it because my body was split between this form and my Draconic conscious." I requested.

“So nothing specific then,” Ed remarked as he typed on his keyboard. The room began to hum and shift as the floor opened and up from it came a large tank the could fit even a full size elephant. Hoses came down from the ceiling and attached roof of the tank. Soon a strange glowing liquid began to fill the tank. Edward walked over and stared into the tank. “This is a high concentrated form of magic with various other necessities mixed into to help keep the fetus in good health as it grows and matures. I’d give it about a day before we see the starts of a baby Anco in this thing,” he said pointing to a device the was lowering into the tank. “Just for shits and giggles a made Quills chromosome the Y and Tyrrios’s the X. So basically, you’re body will be dominantly human but still have enough dragon in it to stave off completely succumbing to your Dragon Slayer magic. As for the body fusion, you and Quill will have to figure out that part on your own. Another heads up you two should be aware of is that you’ll have to meet Truth again and the toll this time will be much steeper than just losing an arm.”

“Yeah, I expected as much.” Quill grumbled leaving me confused.

“Who the hell is Truth?” I ask with mini question marks floating around my head.

“Oh right you were unconscious when we first met him. Basically he’s the guy that took my arm in exchange for the power of Alchemy. I’m thinking maybe an eye would be good for this case. Your thoughts Ed?” Quill asked the Alchemist.

“By steeper I many more than a missing body part,” Ed crossed his arms. “When Nat and Sora did this they had to give up everything they had shared as a life together, right down to the soul bond they shared. For you two it’s going to be very similar but also a little more drastic.” There was a loud crash from across the room. “Hey, I said no running in here!” Ed yelled across the room.

“Sorry daddy,” the twins whimpered in unison.

Ed let out a sigh and rubbed the back of his head. “Gods know I’m grateful for having those two but sometimes they can cause real trouble… where was I again… oh yeah.” He turned back to us. “You two aren’t like Nat and Sora as in two souls in one body but one soul with two personalities. What’s going to happen would be more akin to being cleaved in half.”

“Then that’ll mean the different emotional culminations with go to their respective owner. Like my rage and blood lust, which is my anger Dragon Force which I used to fight you yesterday, and Null respectively.” Quill said. “And some different ones will go to Acno. No doubt it’ll be painful.” He breathed the last sentence silently.

“Mostly definitely,” Ed nodded with a heavy sigh.

“So… We’d still be connected right. By blood?” I ask. “If so then we’re brothers, even still that without the blood. Because as Natsu once said… Blood ties don’t matter, everyone in your guild is considered family, and that includes friends too.” I reminded Quill.

Letting out a slightly burdened sigh Quill looks back up. “Yeah, yeah. I remember Acno.” Quill huffed. “I-... It’s just that it’ll feel weird not being connected to you like normal. But if it’s to get you a body again, I’d do it hundreds of times over.” Quill told me with a determined look.

“Well, I can’t let you be the only one sacrificing things. So, I’ll give up an eye too, hell I’ll even give up a leg.” I say placing my ethereal hand on Quill’s shoulder.

“You two won’t have to give up anything physical this time,” Ed explained, “it's more of a soulful, mental, and magical thing this time around.”

"Well… That actually makes much more sense." Quill mumbled.

"Well in that case I guess I don't need Meteor Dragon Magic. Didn't really use it anyway." I say plainly, gaining looks of pure confusion from the others.

"Uhm… What?" Quill asked.

“You really don’t get a say so in who gets what I’m afraid,” Ed interjected.

"Eh." I shrug leaving Quill confused.

"Wait how the fuck did you get Tyrrios' Dragon Magic?" He asked.

"When he tried to take your mind. Though I didn't realize till later." I answered.

“You two do realize I can give you acces to any form of Dragon Slayer Magic by implanting a Dragon Lacrima or Dragon Slayer Sage Stone directly into you bodies right,” Ed said wi5 a raised eyebrow and crossed arms. “But back to the second reason we’re down here for,” he pointed to the Eevee that was sitting on a stool watching the kids play hide and seek around the lab.

“Yeah. Is there a place to plug this in? It’ll help me show you what the Insurgence Stones being here may mean.” Quill asks Ed, holding up his Lacrima Phone.

“Right here,” Ed said pulling a cord from the machine he was leaning on. “Just know that if anyone uses it to try and spy on or break into my system the phone will receive enough void feedback to fry it for the foreseeable future.”

"That's a risk I'm willing to take, because you need to know this information." Quill says before plugging it into the computer and typing things into the keyboard. "Here." He mumbled before pulling up something that had a strange looking orb with several legendary Pokemon surrounding it. "Ed, do you know what this depicts?" He asks.
“I recognize The Pokémon but I’m not familiar with this orb,” Ed pointed at the screen. “But you wouldn’t be about explain it and its relevance if I did, now would. I’m guessing this has to do with that odd Megastone Serena found when he saved Eevee.”

"That's partially correct. The image was taken in game, or rather reality now because it was taken in an actual cave. But anyway, the orb in the image is called simply a crystal sphere. Lazy name? Yes. But it gets the point across. This is the first orb that any of the legendaries used to primal evolve. In fact, the red and blue orbs contain a small fragment of the original orb. This orb allows legends like Regigigas, Giratina, and even Arceus primal evolve. All due to one phenomenon. The mega evolution phenomenon. Tiny chips of the sphere fell off and eroded as any normal crystal, but these pieces still contained the energy of the orb, allowing for mega evolution and if a Pokemon is trained enough, it can mega evolve on its own. It's happened before with a Lucario in one of the temples scattering the orbs home region." Quill told Edward. "Also, there will be different variations of Pokemon called 'Delta' Pokemon appearing at random. These Delta's are experiments on Pokemon gone wrong, or odd but have enough survival instinct to be good in the wild. For instance, you might run into a ground type Griemer in a desert temple, but these Delta's also have a select few that can mega evolve as well such as Bisharp, Charizard, Venusaur, and Blastoise. All these Delta's can mega evolve but also they are extremely and I can not stress this when I say extremely powerful. If used correctly one Delta could beat Kanto's elite four, but the Delta's region? Oh you better get yourself a good team cause it can be a real pain in the ass. But away from that." Quill said switching to a different image of a molten iron Registeel. "This is a Delta as well, but as you may notice it looks familiar. Well that's because it's a Delta legendary. Some of the minor trios get one but the higher legends like Regigigas and Ho-oh do not have one. These Delta's were originally found fighting their respective non-delta counterparts and are shown to be on par with them if not slightly more so." Quill continued, switching to an image of a Temporal Portal. "Now here's where the odd part begins. This original orb, from what I know, is now scattered around your world in pieces. If you find them all you might be approached or watched by a group called The Timeless. These are legendary trainers from across the regions. The leader of them all being the Pokemon legend, Red. They are a force to be reckoned with and they were hand, or hoof picked by Arceus himself to watch over the orb. It is that important. The orb cannot fall into the wrong hands or someone could possibly control legendary Pokemon. This has already happened many times but someone's always been there to stop it. Though that's all up in the air now as this world follows completely different laws from what I'm familiar with." Quill finished unplugging his phone. "Any questions?"

“So basically I need to be on the lookout for legendary Megastones that allow anyone to control legendary Pokémon with no resistance possible. That’s just great,” Ed rolled his eyes. “Now I’ve actually got to another crisis to worry about. As if the Empire supposed to be showing back up soon wasn’t bad enough. Might as well give me the bad guys story to Quill.”

“Well, it’s not that simple… There are many groups in this region who you could call ‘bad guys’ but they’re not all bad. Though the good ones are in few these days, and they’ve gone into hiding, only helping from the shadows, but the main ones you need to worry about are the ones that worship, and I’m not talking about ‘Praise the Sun!’ Dark Souls style. No, I’m talking full on human and Pokemon sacrifices to these Legends. The legendaries the most dangerous cults worship are the Original Dragon Legend, which is the one Kyurem, Zekrom, and Reshiram were before splitting apart, Kyogre, the Fire Legends Heatran and Groudon, Rayquaza, and the second most dangerous of them all Darkrai. The names of these cults are as follows, Perfection for Kyurem, Abyssal for Kyogre, Infernal for Groudon and Heatran, Sky for Rayquaza, and Cult of Darkrai for well, Darkrai. There are a few of these cults you have to be careful with, because they already possess a few of the legends themselves. The Infernal Cult in Insurgence already had Groudon but I’m not sure if they have him here, Abyssal has Lugia, Sky’s leader has Rayquaza, and Perfection have both Kyurem and Zekrom, but I’m not too sure if they have them here or if they even exist here, but nonetheless, be careful. The legends when near even a fragment of the original sphere get a massive power boost and can easily destroy a small town.” Quill explained the Cults. “But going back to Infernal and Darkrai Cults. I’ve said that the Darkrai Cult is the second most dangerous, and the reason is because they can trap you in another person’s dreams and use dream eater to literally erase you from existence, and their leader Persephone does not care for the wellbeing of her followers, as she literally murdered three of them, the first to summon Darkrai forcefully and the second and third when they literally gave her a suggestion after Darkrai fled for apparently a third time in a row. The Infernal Cult is the one you must be absolutely careful when dealing with them. The reason is because they’re infamous for kidnapping and raising children in their cult, stealing them away from their families and sometimes even killing the parents. But they’re only the third most dangerous. The one cult you must either avoid, or destroy at all costs is the most dangerous.” Quill explained pulling up an image of a strange symbol on his phone and showing us the image.

“This cult is called The Damned Cult. They are the original people, the original humans to ever see and follow a legendary Pokemon. However the one they chose to follow, was Giratina. During the time when Arceus was creating everything, according to their records, there wasn’t one egg in that massive swirl of darkness, there was two. The egg of Arceus, and The egg of Giratina. According to them, Giratina was the original creator of the planet and wanted to make it home to everyone, even the legends, but Arceus wouldn’t allow that, so he banished Giratina in his weakest state, along with the original humans, and sent them into the Distortion World. Thus calling Arceus the original, Insurgent. They have been around longer than almost everyone, and their leader is a woman called Nyx. My best advice when fighting them is to use your weakest attacks, because when fighting them a strange phenomenon occurs called the reverse effect. Essentially everything is reverse, so water type attacks are weak against grass normally right? Well during the reverse effect the opposite is true.” Quill told Ed turning off his phone. “Everything just got a lot more complicated for you, oh and also. Delta Pokemon can reproduce and the egg’s embryos can never perish. Trust me… It gets strange. Also if you see Deoxys tell him to be careful, cause the Perfection Cult had injected his DNA which was a carrier for Pokeruss into humans and other animals. Yeah the outcome isn’t pretty.” Quill finishes with a sigh. “That’s about everything, I think.”

“Great,” Ed plopped into the nearest chair. “It’s at times like this ya need a hard drink,” he got up and walked over to a cabinet opened it and pulled out a clear bottle a shimmering crystalline blue liquid in it. Ed sat back down and three cups appeared in front of us. “You two drink?”

“Oh Ed, you have know idea.” Quill mumbled as he nodded his head.

“Sure do.” I answered.

“By the way, what type of stuff is that?” Quill asked.

“Laughing Zapple Wine,” Ed commented as he poured the contents of the bottle into the cups. “It was made by Pole through many trial and error runs with Poison Joke and Zap Apples. I understand if you’re hesitant to drink it.”

I looked to Quill and he looked back to me, then we looked back to Ed and then to the drinks and then back to Ed. In unison we both said: “Fuck it.” And downed the drinks in one gulp.

“Not even gonna savor the taste eh,” Ed snickered as sipped on his glass. “Don’t blame ya. It’s completely safe to drink with no side effects of the Joke, unless you wanna try an earlier batch. Stronger and better tasting but you never know what’ll happen to ya.”

“Eh, fuck it, I’ll take it.” Quill said. “How long do the Joke effects last?” He asked.

“Usually a day or until you take a potion or bubble bath to counteract the effects,” Ed shrugged as he went over to a heavily locked cabinet unlocked it and pulled out another bottle that was a deeper blue in color. “Have at it,” he set the bottle down in front of me and Quill. “Best wishes and here’s to what’ll happen.” He raised his glass and drank the rest of his drink and then poured more from the first bottle.

Picking up the cup, Quill looked at it, before smelling it and shrugging. “Yolo.” He mumbled before slowly drinking the whole cup. “Woah, that’s good stuff right there.” He said shaking his head. “Haven’t felt something that strong since I drank Vodka for the first time, but back then it was the purest form, hardcore and I drunk it straight from the bottle. That was a weird tuesday.” Quill said regaining his senses.

“I give ya five minutes before ya start to feel the tingles then everything goes pop,” Ed looked into his glass a swirled it slowly like a James Bond villain. “Don’t worry about multiple effects from multiple drinks though. Once the effect is there it’s stays until nullified. So go wild.”

“Eh.” Quill shrugs once more before pouring and drinking another shot of the hardcore wine.

After a few more shots, I see Quill’s tattoos begin to glow, brighter and brighter. Until it enveloped him completely. I had to block my eyes because of the light, and once the light faded I saw something both funny and horrifying. It was Quill… But he was a girl. He looked down at his chest, and immediately covered the rest of his exposed body using his cloak.

“Holy shit! So that’s what happens when Poison Joke gets me.” Quill grumbled with a surprised look, and a slight blush from having no bra or shirt. His, or rather, Her voice was also much higher in pitch but it still had a rough tone. It kinda reminded me of an anime he once watched, Akame Ga Kill was its name I think. But he sounded like the character called Leone.

“Not surprised,” Ed said as he threw Quill a top from a nearby table. “You look to be about Luna’s size. Wonder why anime characters mainly get the Rule 63 when they first encounter this stuff? Pole got a curly rainbow fro when he first tried it. The effect is different every time but usually anime gets the gender swap. I shrink down to the size of an Apple.”

“Lord have mercy.” Quileute, yes I gave him a female name, grumbled as he put the top on, when he finished it, for some anime logic reason, looked like several bandages. “From now on, I’m gonna wear a ton of bandages around my chest so this shit doesn’t happen again.” He grumbled before his stomach thinned out. “Oh what the hell!?” He seethed in slight annoyance, a tick mark appearing on his head. “Well fuck it, now I need more of that wine. You mind sending the finished version home with us? Cause I can almost guarantee I’ll need it by day’s end.” Quileute aksed.

“Take as much you want,” Ed slide a key over to Quileute. “Take some of the hard stuff and pull a prank too. Preferably on Luna and Celestia. Toss a glass down Discord’s throat and he’ll lose his power for twenty-fours. No idea why.”

“I wonder if this’ll gender swap Mavis and Zeref.” Quileute wondered. “If so, then that’ll be one hellluva prank.” The male turned female chuckled darkly, with a devilish smile plastered onto their face.

“Eventually it would but like I said the effect is different every time,” Ed shrugged with a smirk. “I’m interested in how it’ll affect anyone honestly, usually cause I laugh my ass off.” He then turned and looked at me with a big grin. “Your turn.”

“God fucking damnit.” I muttered before taking a swig of the hardcore stuff. “Holy Ankhseram that’s sweet.” I said as my markings glowed brightly just out of the blue and suddenly. “WELL THAT WAS FAST!! I semi-yelled as I tipped over and fell onto my back.

When the light faded I looked down to see that I did indeed have breasts but they weren’t as large as his were and my hair was thinner and went down to my knees. I smiled as I was wearing a shirt the whole time but I wasn't wearing a cloak. It could’ve helped as I stood up only to find myself much smaller than Quileute, around three feet shorter. Quileute was looking at me with a raised eyebrow and I looked back with a face that asked, ‘What?’ I then looked back at my shoulder to see dragon wings, which looked like the ones I had back in Fiore, when I was in dragon form only they were much smaller, around as long as my arms and as tall as my back.

“Woah!” I gasped in amazement. “I have wings again!” I cheered. My voice was much, much higher pitched than Quileute and I think I know why. “Did that drink make me gender swap and turn me into a kid?” I asked Edward.

“RAHAHAHAHARHAHAHA!” Ed was laughing his ass off on the floor. “OH MY SIDES THEY HURT, RAHAHAHA!” He managed to say as he rolled around on the floor. “AS FAR AS I CAN TELL IT DID, RAHAHAHA!”

“Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up asshat.” Quileute grumbled before looking at her draconic arm. “I wonder.” She said before getting up and walking over to Ed and punching him in the top of the head anime style, like girls would do to the guys, all tsundere like. “Laughing at other people’s misery is a dick move. And you can’t say it takes one to know one, because of two reasons. One, I currently don’t have one, and two because I already know I am one and I’m proud of it.” She grinned maliciously.

Ed grabbed the side of the table and propped himself up. “Wooh, I was going to say I can laugh as you both knew the consequences ahead of the event and you still chose to partake. You reap what you sow girls.”

“Well I didn’t know it was going to gender bend me! I thought it’d like, reverse my age or some shit like that!” Quileute argued. “I mean, it did both to Acno! And plus he, or I guess now, she likes being a female kid or something. I mean just look at em’!” Quileute gestured to me as I was eyeing my wings with stars in my eyes as I flapped them a little. The innocence being second only to the real kids in the lab, Star, Solar, and Serena.

“I said anything could happen,” Edward retorted with a shrug.

“Still, I’m lucky I had my cloak or it could’ve gone bad.” Quileute grumbled.

“Very luck, I don’t need Tia and Luna coming in and say ‘who is she?’ I mean, Tia and I literally just ironed out our feelings for each other. Last thing I need is relationship issues,” Ed sighed. “You two just wanna go ahead and change back? I keep a cash of the cure stash in here for just such occasions.”

“Sure, I’ll take it, but I think Acno wants their body to look like that.” Quileute said pointing her thumb at me.

I was looking sad, because I was sad! I never got the chance to grow up normally and this way when I get a body I could be a girl, a child again. Acnologia is gone, I wanted to be what I am now. Acno-gaia Quill, the new Acno.

“Quileute’s right, I-I want to stay like this, I want to have a proper childhood. I want to be a kid again, I don’t care if I’m a girl, but I do kinda like being like this, but still I want to look like this when I get my body!” I pouted… Like a kid would.

“It’s still early in the gestation.” Ed said as he hand Quileute a vile of something pink and bubbly. “I can manipulate the genome so that it’ll be female. As for being a kid, I can just take the body out when it meets the maturity of a young child. Honestly, I’ve never aged a body up to an adult before. Calculated it out but never done it before.” He paused as Quileute tapped his shoulder. “Just down it quick is all I can say, or you can take a bath.”

“I’ll down in.” Quill said while taking the bottle and chugging it. After a few minutes the light from his tattoos glowed brightly and faded to reveal Quill back in his male body, his stomach also returned to normal. “Thank the lords above that felt sooooooo weird.” He mumbled while rubbing his shoulders.

“I don’t want to take it.” I said defiantly. “And I don’t want to take the bath either, I want to stay like this for a while.” I told Ed.

Ed shrugged, “your choice. Let me know what you decided as far as gender by high noon tomorrow though as I won’t be able to change the body’s sex after that point,”he walked over to the keyboard and type. “For the time being though, its default is set as female.”

“Alright.” I said going out of my pouty state. “By the way, could you make it so that I still retain my alcohol tolerance. I’d love to see the looks on ponies faces when they get drunk under the table by someone who looks like an eleven year old.” I requested chuckling.

“You’re shit out of luck on that one,” Ed said as he typed. “Humans already have a much higher tolerance for pony liquor any ways. You can easily drink most ponies under the table. Being a draconic hybrid, yours will be even higher. The only ones who might give you trouble would be Aj and the Princesses.”

“Oh, trust me… I’ve drunk almost everyone in Fiore under the table without so much as a haze. That was before going insane though, and plus Fiore booze is much, much more potent, it would knock someone straight out and make them go all drooly high or something. All I know is that Fiore booze is tough.” I tell him.

“Yes but a younger body won’t have as much of a tolerance for such pleasantries, just keep that in mind,” Ed pointed at me.

‘Sometimes this guy can really sound like an old man’ I thought as I awkwardly smiled back.

“Anyways, it’s probably best that you four get back to your princesses. I’m sure they’re nearly worried to death about Serena. Not to mention my own princesses,” Ed let out a joyous slow sigh. “I’ve got to get the twins to Luna for their time with her and before she settles in for dream duty. Not to mention I need to get them to bed, luckily I have Tia to help with that and then I can spend some personal time with her afterwards. Come now, time to go.” Ed said waving over his shoulder to the door.

“Right.” Quill said as he walked over as well, followed by me and the kids.

What will the next stage be like? I don’t know, but whatever comes at us, we’ll be there to stop it, together.

As a ticking can be heard in the background, a pocketwatch slowly chimes into view as it fully enters the symbol for Fairy Tail slowly forms, and these words come into view as the ticking comes to a stop and rings out with three bell tolls.