• Published 17th Aug 2019
  • 2,138 Views, 92 Comments

Lone Wolf of Equestria: Back to the Pack - JNKing

Logan's gonna get back. Back to the Pack. Even if he ain't got Jack

  • ...

Bonus Chapter and Epilogue: Welcome Back to Ponyville

Author's Note:

You guys asked, and so I've delivered. :scootangel:

This is meant to be the beginning to an anthology of Logan and Carol's time in Ponyville, which I'll dedicate some time to writing.

Please let me know what you think of Carol. Is she too much like Logan, or does she still feel like her own character? I want her to be much more than Logan's pack mate, and while the anthology will flesh her out a bit more, it's usually the first impression that counts.

Anyway, with that out of the way, thanks again for being a great audience. Talk to you again soon. :twilightsmile:

The Mane Six stood outside the Crystal Castle, waiting for the final verdict on Logan’s fate. As the castle glowed, a beam of light shooting up to the stars, the girls watched with a somber air about them.

“You think that he got home?” Applejack asked.

“I don’t know,” Fluttershy admitted. “I hope that he’s happy, but…”

The beam suddenly shut off. And the girls watched the castle doors expectantly. They weren’t sure what to expect; it was highly likely Celestia and the other princesses would come out, sad but successful in sending Logan back. There was also a chance they’d have to deal with an angry or at least depressed wolf.

What they didn’t expect was for the doors to explode open, and an ashen covered Celestia, Luna and Cadence to gallop at full tilt down the stairs to them. Red lightning glowed behind them, and a howl of rage followed after them.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight shrieked, racing to her side. “What happened?”

Celestia coughed, her eyes spinning in her head. “Girls…” she stammered. “I…”

“Guys, run!” a familiar voice roared.

The girls turned up to see Logan; still on this world. However, he was holding the doors shut, as a blood thirsty howl sounded from the other side.

“Wait,” Twilight stammered. “That was a howl.” She looked at Logan, who was still trying to hold the doors shut. “But… you didn’t howl? What…?”

“The worst she can do is yell at me,” Logan insisted. “Now RUN!”


But, before Logan could explain, the doors nearly flew off their hinges, and Logan did go flying into Fluttershy. Twilight’s jaw dropped as she found herself staring at a wolf with fiery red fur. Red lightning danced across her body, and her eyes were twin nova suns, glaring with absolute fury at Celestia.

“CELESTIA!” the hound howled.

Twilight felt her blood run cold. “Oh, no…”


Five minutes previously…

Logan and Carol’s high-pitched cries of happiness echoed off the high ceiling in the throne room. Logan kept jumping back from his companion, but would just as quickly jump back to her side. Carol struggled to keep him reigned in, her tongue lathering over his neck and shoulders while also offering her own neck for him. They pushed, tussled and wrestled each other, all while crying out in pure, undiluted happiness. Their tails were wagging hard enough that Luna had to duck back before Logan’s swiping tail caught her.

Eventually, the two exhausted themselves out, and simply lay there, snuggled up to each other and giving small whimpers of joy.

The princesses glanced at each other. Celestia wasn’t sure what to do. They had no place here.

However, Logan’s ears perked, and he looked up for a moment.

“The others…” he whispered hoarsely, as Carol matched his gaze. “Were they…?”

Carol’s ears flattened, and she shook her head. “I’m sorry, Logan,” she whispered. “They… well… I’m the only one left.”

Logan’s ears and tail tucked, but he had no words. He simply pushed himself closer to his counterpart, and the two almost seemed to tuck into each other. It was easy to see them as just a massive ball of red and gold fur.

Before it got too intimate, Celestia cleared her throat. Logan’s gaze darted up to her, as did Carol’s.

“Horses?” she asked, glancing back at Logan. “Are we in… is this the North Kingdom?”

Logan shook his head. “These are, uh…” he glanced around and eventually focused on the white one. “This is Celestia. She’s Alpha of the land of Equestria.” He nodded at Luna and Cadence. “That’s her sister, Luna, and their niece, Cadence. Cadence is Alpha of the Crystal Empire.”

“Royals?” Carol asked, glancing at Logan with concern. “Did they…?” She noticed his jacket had opened in their reunion, and too late, he failed to stop her from spotting the various scars he had gained on his journey. She gasped in horror, her tail tucking and her ears pinning against her neck.

“Not them,” he quickly said as she clutched at him. “Not them. Others. Outside their kingdom.”

“But…?” Carol stammered. “You were gone for two years! We thought you and Reaper were dead.” Her ears pricked. “Reaper! Is she…?”

But Logan shook his head, showing the red scarf around his neck. Carol whimpered and tucked her head into his neck.

Celestia finally decided to intervene, and cleared her throat.

“My heart aches with sorrow at your losses,” Celestia said, “But there is something we need to confirm.” She looked at Logan. “Logan, the Crystal Heart…”

“It did what I needed,” Logan said, holding Carol tighter. “If none of my pack are left back there… then I don’t care about that place.” He looked at Carol again. “There aren’t, right?” he asked uncertainty.

But Carol just shook her head. And when Logan sighed, Celestia wasn’t sure if it was in regret… or relief. She gave a soft nod.

“I understand,” she said. “But… if you wanted to return with the others to Ponyville, you would be welcome there. I can have a home bought for you, and even give you occupations if you so desire…”

“Royals helping us?” Carol asked, looking up at her incredulous before turning to Logan. “What did you do to get her help?”

Celestia chuckled nervously. “Well, it’s more what I did,” she admitted, even as Luna and Cadence both shot her uncomfortable grimaces. Even Logan glared at her with trepidation in his eyes.

“Tia,” Luna said warningly, but Carol's attention had been captured.

“Hang on,” she growled, “What do you mean ‘what you did?’” Carol asked.

Celestia paused, her eyes darting to Luna, but Carol’s eyes would not be denied the truth.

“Well…” Celestia said, “I suppose this whole thing started… when I took Logan from his world.”

Carol’s eye twitched. Too late, the others noticed her fur glowing.

“Now, let me explain…” Celestia tried to say.

But Carol didn’t give her the chance.


In a manner of minutes, Carol was being held back by not just Logan, but all of the Mane Six and even Cadence, while Celestia was tended to by Luna, Shining Armor and several guards.

“TWO! YEARS!” Carol was screaming on a chant. “TWO! FUCKING! YEARS!”

“Carolina, calm down!” Logan barked, straining to hold her as lightning flared around her, trying to smash into the ponies holding her back. “Getting mad at her won’t help…!”

“I will not calm down!” Carol shrieked; her fur spiking to the point that she looked more like a porcupine. “Let me at her, Logan!” she screamed, her claws slashing at empty air. “LET ME AT HER!”

“Listen to thy pack mate, Carolina,” Luna demanded. “You…” she was cut off as a stray bolt nearly singed the mane from her head.

“Don’t you DARE tell me what to do, you glorified mule!” Carol screamed. “Don’t you dare! AND YOU!”

Celestia had found her hooves, but stumbled back as Carol pointed a claw at her in dire accusation.

“Do you have any idea what Logan vanishing did to us?!” Carol demanded.

Logan paused, nearly letting her go. Celestia tried to raise a hoof.

“I know that you all suffered,” Celestia said, “And I offer my sincerest apologies.”

“Your sincerest…?!”

Carol cackled; a high-pitched, out of control sound. Celestia looked to Logan for help, but Logan merely grimaced and shook his head, more focused on keeping her from lunging forward and beating Celestia into the ground.

“Two years,” Carol snarled at Celestia. “For two years, I had to deal with this! The entire pack DIED because of your little stunt!”

“What?” Logan stammered, almost letting her go again.

“That’s not possible,” Celestia insisted. “I was only…”

“Reaper was our Alpha!” Carol screamed, turning to Logan as if hoping he’d understand. “She wouldn’t leave that base alone. She had to find you! And then when she went after you… and all we found were her legs?” Carol’s tail tucked as she looked down. “It was like the Great Wolf had died all over again. The entire pack split apart; they blamed each other. And I…” She shuddered, as a look of horror crossed Logan’s face. “I had to go back to him!”

The others looked around in confusion, but Logan looked horrified. He shifted on his haunches. “Carol…” He whispered. “I... I'm so sorry.”

“What are you sorry for?” Carol demanded. “You didn’t leave us because you wanted to.” She snarled at Celestia again. “You weren’t the thief who brought our pack crashing down around us!”

“Dude,” Rainbow Dash protested. “She was trying to save his…”

“I DON’T CARE!” Carol roared at her, the red lightning making her look like a monster. “I don’t CARE what she MEANT!” She was grabbed by Logan, but her anger was slowly giving way to sadness. “Everyone… the first people who ever cared about me…"

Logan hushed her, leaning into her as she started to sob.

“Darius?” he whispered. “Griffin? Krios?”

“All of them…” Carol sobbed. “Gone.”

He rocked her back and forth, as she clutched at his arms like a vice. The ponies backed up and away from them. The bravest one to approach was Fluttershy.

“I… don’t know if it helps,” Fluttershy said, “But… you have a home with us, Logan. You and Carol. You’d still be welcome in Ponyville.”

“She’s right,” Applejack said, walking up to them. “Whatever you guys need… just ask.”

Logan glanced up at them. Fluttershy's eyes watered at the look of absolute heartbreak in his eyes, and she put a soft hoof on his shoulder. He glanced down at Carol.

“You, uh…” he asked cautiously. “You wanna get out of here?”

Carol shivered, before nodding softly.

With nothing else to say, Logan pulled Carol up, and he helped her towards the empire's exit. The guards glared at her, but Celestia waved them off with a shake of her head. She cautiously approached Logan and Carol.

“Logan…” she whispered, but he simply raised a paw in her direction.

“Don’t,” he said flatly. “Just don’t.”

Celestia’s hoof hovered in the air, her jaw trembling, but she lowered her head and backed off. And the two wolves limped for the outside, flanked by the Mane Six.


The train ride back home was dead silent. Logan and Carol sat by each other’s side, unwilling or almost unable to let go of each other. A few times, Pinkie or Apple Bloom tried to break the ice – even try to ask Carol about herself – but each time, the wolves just gave them sad looks, and the mares wisely backed off.

When the train pulled into the station, Logan led Carol away and towards the Ever-Free.

“Guys?” Twilight asked, but when she touched Carol, a spark zapped between them. Twilight yanked her hoof back with a yelp, while Carol and Logan retreated into the forest. The mares glanced at each other worriedly, but there wasn’t much they could do. Neither of the wolves had given them anything to work with. And besides, the Ever-Free was still scary for the mares.

But when two days passed, and the wolves showed no signs of coming back out, Fluttershy finally had enough. Her hooves trembled as she walked to the border of the forest, but soon enough, she was joined by Twilight. And the two ventured into the magical woods.

It wasn’t long before they found them. At first, all they saw was Logan, sitting by a tree, almost looking like he wanted to sink into the bark and become part of the tree.

“Logan?” Fluttershy asked softly.

“Hey, Fluttershy,” he said softly, though he didn’t glance at her.

“Do you… need anything?” Twilight offered worriedly.

Logan simply nodded at what he was looking at. Twilight and Fluttershy followed his gaze… and Twilight covered her mouth in horror.

“Wait here,” she said, before racing away.

“Hm,” Logan mumbled.

Fluttershy, on the other hand, just sat there and watched sadly. Carol was face down in a patch of familiar bright blue flowers. She was giggling to herself softly… and she was the size of an actual tree.

“Carol?” Fluttershy asked, approaching the giant wolf.

Carol giggled again, her green eyes bloodshot as she turned them to the mare.

“Y’know,” she hiccupped. “He always tried to make me feel small.” She indicated herself. “Everyone told me he was just dragging me down to his size. But these… awesome flowers…” she poked at the blue leaves. “They just show me for myself.”

Fluttershy strode forward, and stroked Carol’s paw.

“Who tried to make you feel small?” Fluttershy asked, chancing a glance at Logan.

Carol growled at the implication. “You think Logan was capable of that level of cruelty?” she asked.

“I’ve done plenty of bad things," Logan noted. "I abandoned you. My pack..."

Carol turned to him, the ground thudding as she hefted her large body to him.

“You didn't abandon us, Logan,” she insisted, nuzzling at him. “You were taken. You got me away from him; forgave me even when…”

“Don’t,” Logan said, touching her snout softly.

Carol’s ears flattened, and she looked down in shame.

“I’m sorry, Logan,” Carol whimpered. “I should have done more. It’s all my fault.”

“I’m the one to blame,” Logan said softly, pulling her snout back to him. “I was gone too long. I should have… I don’t know…”

“Don’t,” Carol insisted, nosing him back down. “Don’t make this a guilt-off. Okay? Just…?”

She was cut off by Rarity’s scream. The giant red wolf jumped, several branches snapping off and hitting the ground. Logan just rolled his eyes and got up.

The rest of the Mane Six were staring up at Carol in horror. Rarity looked about five seconds away from fainting.

“Goodness,” she stuttered. “W-What happened?”

Rainbow Dash saw the bright blue leaves behind them. “Did… she get into that Poison Joke stuff?”

Logan glanced at the patch. “That’s what it’s called?” he pondered, before glancing at Rainbow Dash with a chuckle. “You’re a fantastic detective, Dash.”

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes at his tone. “I’m trying to help,” she said.

“You’re failing,” Carol growled, before turning around and rubbing her face in the Poison Joke. She started to grow bigger.

“Oh, darling,” Rarity said. “That’s not…”

“Don’t even try it, royal,” Carol snarled, flipping to her back and rolling in the joke. “This is my body. This is my choice. This is…”

With a pop and a spray of fur, Carol shrunk down to the size of a pea, and was nearly lost in the Poison joke before Logan managed to catch her. However, he fell into the patch himself, and Pinkie had to resist giggling as Logan’s fur began to shed while he hauled Carol out. In seconds, the wolves had been reduced to Logan looking almost like a human, and Carol the size of an apple. Pinkie held back her laugh valiantly, though it didn’t stop the glares that the wolves shot her.

“Sorry, Logan,” Twilight said. “I should have warned you; Poison Joke plays practical jokes on anyone who touches it. It somehow figures out each pony or creature’s personality, and gives them an affliction that’s… usually humorous in a way.”

Logan glared down at his strikingly human body, and then at Carol, who slumped defeated in his jaws.

“Yeah,” he growled angrily. “I can really see the humor.” He set Carol down before promptly trying to hurl a lightning bolt into the patch.

“Hey-HEY!” Applejack and Rainbow Dash yelled, grabbing him before he could throw it. Carol tried to shoot by them, her own lightning spiraling to life, before Fluttershy managed to grab her.

“Get off me!” Carol yelped, her voice like a chipmunk. “We're gonna burn that stupid patch to the ground.”

“And what if you set the whole forest on fire?” Applejack demanded. “What if you spread the effects of the Poison Joke?”

“I know you guys had it rough,” Rainbow Dash said. “But you’re not gonna solve anything just sitting in forests before setting them on fire.”

Logan threw the mares off him.


The mares backed up, while Carol slumped in Fluttershy’s grip.

“Logan,” she whimpered. “Said he searched all over this damn world. No way back. We got your royal Sun-Butt lording over us… and now this stupid plant messing with us.”

“Everyone’s dead,” Logan mumbled. “I mean… Carol’s back, but everyone else. They were gone. And now… I don’t know what to do!” Logan sat, curling his claws. “I don’t know what to do.”

Twilight stepped forward cautiously.

“Logan,” she said softly. “Let us help you. We’re not pack, I know, but… you’re not going to survive like this.”

“I beat the changelings,” Logan growled. “I beat the minotaurs. I beat the Sirens.” He bared his teeth at them. “I’ll beat you too.” He stood, glaring at Rainbow Dash. “Care for a rematch; I might like it this time!”

Rainbow Dash resisted the urge to step up to his challenge, and instead stepped back. “Not this time, Logan,” she said firmly. “We’re going to help you through this. Like it or not, we’re stuck with each other. So, why don’t we try and figure out how to make it work?”

Logan’s glare softened, but Carol’s didn’t.

“We don’t need your help,” she snarled. “You’re not pack. You’re not even wolves!”

Fluttershy looked at Logan pleadingly. “Logan, please,” she whimpered.

Logan’s ears perked at her. Carol’s eyes whipped between the two, causing Logan to share her glance nervously. His eyes then flicked to her tiny form, and then to his own altered body.

“Can we at least fix that,” he asked, indicating Carol’s tiny body.

Carol ducked her head in shame, while Twilight nodded.

“We’ll show you how,” she said. She glanced at Fluttershy. “You guys might also need some help as well.”

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked, before realizing her voice was several octaves lower. Rainbow Dash and Applejack gasped, before looking at each other; Applejack had shrunk to Carol's size, and Rainbow Dash's wings had been inverted.

“OH, COME ON!” she yelled.

That time, Pinkie couldn’t hold in her laughter, and she howled with cackles. For once, she got a grin out of Logan and Carol.


A few minutes later, Logan, Carol, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were all soaking in hot water mixed with herbs. Logan’s fur and snout were growing back, Carol was returning to her normal size, and when Fluttershy spoke again, her voice was back to its normal pitch.

“So,” Fluttershy said. “I know you two are down, but… is there anything you want to share? We’re all here.”

Logan sighed and ran a paw through his fur.

“I… don’t know what to think,” he admitted. He looked at Carol, who was flexing her growing limbs uncomfortably. “I got Carol back,” he said with a grin. He looked at her. “I feel like crap for being happy with everyone else gone, but… I’m really glad that I got you back.

“And I’m glad to be back with you too, Logan,” Carol said, looking at him sadly. “But… what was the cost?” She curled up in the water. “Everyone we knew is gone, or in another dimension.” She looked around. “And what even is this place?”

“Don’t worry, Carly,” Pinkie said, “We’re super best friends with Logy; and we’re happy to do anything we can…”

“That’s what I don’t get,” Carol said, looking back at Logan. “What are these guys? Your pack or something? I thought that…”

Logan sighed, and glanced at the Mane Six with a ‘You see what I meant’ look.

Twilight raised a hoof for him to calm down. “Carol, Logan never forgot about you or his mom,” she said, “You were always in his thoughts, and he reacted badly to any attempt we made at what he thought was ‘replacing’ you.”

Carol still looked conflicted.

“It’s… a bit more complicated than that,” Logan said, causing Carol to look at him. “These guys? The gal they work with…”

“That Celestia chick I blasted?” Carol asked.

“Yeah, her,” Logan clarified, ignoring the pointed grimace Twilight hid, “These guys… work for her, I guess?” he glanced at them.

“Well, she’s kind of… God. For us, anyway,” Rainbow Dash clarified.

Carol’s eyes widened, “I blasted a Goddess?” she asked in disbelief.

“Don’t get excited,” Logan said with a grin. “I bit her.”

Carol laughed. “Wow.”

“Which isn’t something that we approve of,” Twilight noted with a pointed glance at Logan. Logan just smirked at her.

Carol chuckled. “Glad you haven’t lost your charm, Logan,” she whispered.

Logan chuckled. “Still, I figured out a long time ago that these guys aren’t to blame for what she did. So… walking off in the night? Trying to hurt them so that Celestia can continue feeling bad? Yeah, that’s a dick move.”

“We know you did what you thought was right,” Fluttershy said. She gave him a small smile. “We’re not mad at you for it.”

“Anymore?” Logan muttered, looking right at Twilight. She just sighed.

Applejack then spoke up. “Do you wanna know what I think about all this? Why I think it was the best thing for ya to go on this trip?”

“So, you weren’t lying about that,” Logan noted.

“I’m the Element of Honesty for a reason, sugar.”

Logan waved airily. “Fine. Why do you think so?”

“Closure.” She tipped her hat back. “Think about it: if ya hadn’t gone on that trip, would ya have ever known without a doubt that yer pack was gone?”

“It’s not gone completely,” Carol said, though even she sounded doubtful. She flinched when Logan looked at her. “I mean… I’m still here.”

“Exactly,” Applejack noted, turning back to Logan. “Would ya have found Carol?”

“No,” Logan admitted.

“So?” Applejack offered. “It would have been a nagging question for the rest of your life. You would have spent your time wondering if ya had done the right thing by just accepting Princess Celestia’s word and not even trying.” She smirked. “I may be mistaken, but that doesn’t sound a whole lot like the wolf I met.”

Logan's tail wagged, scattering water with a splash. She had listed the exact reason why he had gone. The reason why he couldn’t rest until he was sure that his family was gone.

“You’re right,” he said. “I did everything I could.” He looked over at Carol. “And I didn’t walk away empty-handed.” He looked down. “And… I’m not sure if it’s selfish, but… I wish that the others could see this place as well.”

“The pain’s not going to go away all at once,” Twilight agreed. “But... If you don't mind me saying, your pack probably would have wanted you to live happy. To honor their sacrifice." She flinched. "At least... Would they?"

Logan grimaced. "Yeah," he admitted. "They would have wanted that."

"But, can we?" Carol asked. "Is this place really safe?"

Twilight nodded. "Ponyville is, at least. Here, you don’t have to worry about human slavers or any of the things that you were going through on your world or in the Outlands. More importantly,” She put a hoof on Carol’s shoulder. “You have friends here; no one in Ponyville is going to use or abuse you guys ever again.”

“No abuse… ever again?” Carol sighed. “That sounds like a dream.”

“Oh, you don’t know the half of it,” Pinkie said eagerly, as music began to play. “Logan may have seen the rougher side of Equestria, but there’s a whole other side to us. Another flip of the coin! In fact,” she pulled out a bit with a grin. “Let me fill you in.”

She flipped the bit before bursting into song:

The eighties brought the pony breed.

Now Faust has made some changes; yes, indeed.

She kept the values, but she’s got a new creed.

You’ve got so much to see!

She pulled the wolves from the spa and led them out into Ponyville.

Here, ponies care; we lay the frames

For friendship to blossom with music, fun and games

No one scoffs at Dashie’s use of ‘cool’ and ‘lame.’

“Hey,” Rainbow Dash yelled.

You’ve got so much to see!Pinkie continued, undeterred.

She led them to Sweet Apple Acres.

Farmers and wolves would have their grudge.

But this is a family place with lots to do.

Where once Applejack would have a shotgun, now,

You’ll can get apples, cider and great pie too…

Pinkie danced them back into Ponyville.

You heard it from this equine’s mouth.

This place has got a heart bigger than the South

And you’ll agree.

No one really knows, my canine friends.

When stories begin, and end

So, let’s hurry now, cuz you’ve got so much to see!

She led them to Zecora.

It’s true that new comers can give some dread.

“But fear and loathing, we will quickly put to bed.” Zecora continued.

They won’t care about body, just what’s in your head.”

“You’ve got so much to see!” Pinkie continued.

She led them to the library.

And if you grow bored or just feel bizarre

You won’t have to worry, just a step too far.

Adventure waits to take you to the stars

You’ve got so much to see!

Twilight and the others joined in.

Our magic may make people mumble, “Oh Wow,”

“This guys’ into ponies, but he’s much too old.”

But when you ignore the haters and bullies.

You’ll find enjoyment in things outside the mold.

Rainbow Dash jumped in.

There’s lots to do and much to see

Applejack added in.

Not just Ponyville; other places to be

Spike appeared, pulling out a comic.

We got comics that suck you into the pages.

Rarity showed off some dresses.

Canterlot fashions; oh, so contagious.

Fluttershy showed off her cottage.

Animals living in harmony.

Even Logan chimed in.

Dogs and cats? Mass Hysteria, maybe?

Despite his snark, Logan soon found themselves grinning as he led Carol after Pinkie, looking around at the marvels of Equestria as the rest of the ponies joined in the dance number.

So, let’s go see Equestria, Pinkie declared.

They’ll treat you right, even if you don’t like Celestia. Or Royalty!

Please forgive our world and its flaws.

And follow me here because.

You’ve still got so very much to see!

You’ve Got!





Pinkie and her friends did one last dance number.

You’ve got so much to see!

Pinkie concluded with a final burst of music.

Logan and Carol gazed at the others around them. And they shared a look.

“Well,” Logan asked. “Care to give it shot?”

Carol grinned at the mares before nodding at Logan. “Why the hell not?”

Comments ( 8 )

Up and ready. :twilightsmile:

Is it just me or does seem like you set up for sequel?

Ps i would not mid it if so

Yes, this story was good. ANOTHER!

I actually really like Carol, she has that wolf like attitude like Logan.

Is it wrong that I read the opening with Samurai Jack opening theme playing in the background

Nothing wrong with that all all.

Unless Celestia now sounds like Aku to you. :trollestia::rainbowlaugh:

“I will not calm down!” Carol shrieked; her fur spiking to the point that she looked more like a porcupine. “Let me at her, Logan!” she screamed, her claws slashing at empty air. “LET ME AT HER!”

I like her

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