• Published 24th Aug 2019
  • 7,567 Views, 123 Comments

Unchanging Love - Azure Notion

With the advent of the Canterlot wedding, change is coming. Sweet Leaf is an undercover changeling love collector, wife, and co-owner to the Sweet Roast Cafe, she can only hope that change is kind.

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Chapter 5

Bobby Pin stood there, her steel-colored mane frazzled and out of sorts. Her eyes were wide and glued to Sweet Leaf. “S… Sweet?”

Sweet Leaf shook herself of her stupor and shoved Bobby Pin outside. She followed and closed the door behind her. “What do you think you’re doing here?!” Sweet Leaf said in a hushed voice.

“I-I messed up! Wavy found out,” Bobby Pin replied, the mare’s panic spilled through into her voice. “I-I mean he saw me when I was changing! I didn’t know what to do so I ran.”

“Why were you changing in the first place?!” Sweet Leaf shook her head. “Nevermind that. You thought it would be a good idea to come here?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “Look, there’s no time. Wavy stopped by not five minutes ago. Roast already knows about you!”

Bobby Pin’s eyes widened. “B-but, how—”

“That means you need to get out of here! You’re about to blow both of our disguises.”

“You’ve done this before though! I need help! Please!”

“Look, your cover’s already worthless. You need a new disguise. But first, Roast is going to be down here any second.” She ruffled her own mane with both hooves. “I’m going to run inside and scream for help and you’re going to get out of here. Find a new town. Understand?”

The younger changeling nodded and gulped. “Yeah, I think so. But I need love! I can’t get at mine. C-could I borrow one of your crystals?”

Sweet Leaf shook her head. “There’s no time. You have to get out—”

The sound of the door handle twisting made Sweet Leaf freeze for a split second. Reacting on instinct, she leaped forward and tackled her fellow changeling. She rolled over and made sure to put Bobby Pin on top.

Both mares looked over as the door opened.

“Sweet are you o—” Fine Roast’s eyes opened wide as he saw the mares on the ground. “What do you think you’re doing?!” The stallion scraped his hoof on the ground and huffed out his nose.

Bobby Pin looked down at Sweet Leaf for a moment. Sweet Leaf gave her friend a pleading look and Bobby jumped off her. The young mare bolted down the alley.

Sweet Leaf watched as her husband took a stand between the fleeing mare and his wife.

Roast huffed again and turned around to Sweet Leaf. “Are you okay?” he asked as he helped her up off the ground.

“Um, yes, I think so.” Sweet Leaf wrapped her arms around herself.

Fine Roast looked down the alley once more before walking back to his wife. “What was that?”

“It… she just… dragged me out and closed the door.” She did her best to add shakiness to her voice.

“Come on, let’s go inside.”

“But, don’t you want to go tell someone? The guard?”

“In a little bit. Come on.”

Sweet Leaf was confused, her brows furrowing as she followed him inside to the kitchen. Wavy immediately went to notify the guard. She figured he would want to help add by way of a tip.

“Head back up, Sweet Leaf. I want to get a drink.” Fine Roast waved her towards the stairs.

“Are you sure? I can make you something upstairs.”

“No.” His voice was hard as he stared at the cafe’s fridge. “Just go, please.”

“O-okay.” This time the stammer wasn’t artificial. Sweet Leaf went upstairs and turning left into their bedroom. She went for the end of the bed, closest to the door, and sat down.

What is going on with him? She sensed his emotions were in turmoil when she left him downstairs and could still feel hints of it from below. She hoped against hope that he was merely in shock.

A tension came across her body as she heard him ascend the stairs. She looked towards the door as he reached the second floor and appeared in the doorway. He stopped just inside the room.

“Honey? Where’s your drink?” Sweet Leaf asked, even more worried than before.

“I…” Fine Roast started, swallowing hard. “That was your friend, right?”

“Yes.” She slowly nodded. “Bobby Pin was my friend.”

“How close were you?”

Sweet Leaf searched his eyes for half a second. Where was he going with this? “I, um, we were somewhat close. I met her a couple months ago when she first came into the cafe, looking a little lost.”

“She came by earlier today. She’s the one that brought you the newspaper, right?”

She nodded.

“Why would she do that?” he asked, looking her in the eyes. “Why would she bring you of all ponies a newspaper depicting exactly what she was?”

Sweet Leaf started to panic. “Sh-she was just...scared? I mean, I am—was her friend. She needed someone to talk to.”

“Someone she could relate to.”

“What are you implying?” Sweet Leaf stood up, trying to act indignant. She wasn’t sure if she pulled it off.

Fine Roast breathed deep, exhaling. “Sweet Leaf, I know you’re one of them.”

“I-I’m not! How could you think such a—”

“I’ve seen you.”

Sweet Leaf’s world collapsed on itself as she began to panic.

“Y-you couldn’t have. I’ve never, I’m not—”

Fine roast took a step forward. Sweet Leaf tried to take a step back, but her hind leg immediately hit the bed.

“I want to know. Are you my wife? Am I your husband? What were—what are you really after?” Fine Roast took another step.

Real tears began to form in her eyes. “I’m not… I don’t want anything. I’m your wife. I just want to love you and be with you.”

“Please cut the horseapples,” Roast said exasperatedly. “I saw you three years ago and I know what I saw.”

“That wasn’t… I’m not…” Sweet Leaf shut her eyes and squeezed the tears out. She hated her only option. Her life in Hoofington was looking so bright, but the sun itself burned out in just that instant.

Firefly opened her eyes and shed her disguise, needing a surprise. The changeling charged her shocked husband, shouldering him in the chest and shoving him down and out of the way.

“Sweet Leaf, Stop! Please!”

She let his call go unheeded as she nearly flew down the stairs. She ran to the back door and fumbled with the lock. The latch clicked and she began to open the door, only to be caught and dragged back to the middle of the kitchen.

Fine Roast stood over her, attempting to pin down her legs. “Would you stop struggling for just a minute?!”

She refused to answer him as he used his earth pony strength to keep her on the floor. But she wouldn’t let it happen. She couldn’t. He had her pinned down by her forelegs and he was not giving her much room to struggle. She looked down and her heart sank when she saw her only opportunity.

Firefly clenched her eyes and drew her hind legs in close. She hesitated for only a moment before she kicked.


Her legs caught him in the stomach and knocked the air out of him. It wasn’t enough to get him to release his grip. She hated herself more as she kicked him again and again. His grip finally loosened and allowed her to throw him off. She flipped herself over and ran out the door, disguising herself as Sweet Leaf immediately.

She hurried down the alleyway in the same way Bobby Pin had only minutes ago.

“S-Sweet! Wait, please!” She heard a wheezed call from behind her. She knew she shouldn’t. He was no longer hers. He was just another lost source. She couldn’t help herself as she stopped at the outlet of the alley. Firefly looked back at the stallion as he hobbled towards her, holding his stomach.

“I’m sorry,” Sweet Leaf said before trotting down the sparsely crowded street. She tried to attract as little attention as possible while still reeling inside. It was only the barest of hope that she’d managed to keep the panicked look off her face. She ducked down an alley, only a couple blocks from her — no, it wasn’t hers anymore — from the cafe. She could barely think through her emotions as she walked between a couple dumpsters and collapsed against the wall.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t keep the tears out of her eyes. She knew this day might come, she knew she might have to leave Fine Roast. She tried to convince herself her tears were for the hive. Her queen had failed. She had failed. Her race had been discovered. Soon enough even disguises wouldn’t help them. The logical side of her brain told her this.

Her heart remained broken without its other half.

The snot and tears barely slowed as she desperately tried to get a hold of herself. It had to be because she let Sweet Leaf infect her. She was a skilled collector. She’d been at it for six years. True collectors wouldn’t let themselves get attached as she had.

Telling herself this didn’t change a thing.

She had to get up. Roast could be looking for her and she hadn’t exactly gone far before she’d fallen apart.

Sweet Leaf pushed with all her might, but a hiccup sent her sprawling back to her belly. She leaned her head against the cool, brick wall of the alleyway. She sniffled and wiped her eyes with a fetlock.

A frown set itself on her face and she smacked the ground with a hoof. She could and would get a hold of herself. She set her hooves against the ground and strained. It was a little easier that time and she shakily managed to get herself upright and leaning against the wall.

She wiped her face again and only managed to smear the mucus and wetness around. Huffing at herself, she was determined to put her feelings in a closet to deal with later. Sweet Leaf forced herself from the wall and shook her head. She had to get back into the mindset hammered into her all those years ago.

First thing to do, she thought, get a new disguise.

She wracked her brain, trying to think of something, anything to change into. The only disguise she could think of was her previous role’s. It hadn’t been used in over four years and no one around here would pay it any attention. It was only temporary anyway.

Green fire surrounded the mare as she shifted into an orange unicorn mare with a white mane and tail.

Orange Mint. It’s been a while, she thought.

Breathing deep and exhaling slowly, she opened her eyes. She had to get out of there. Subduing Roast wasn’t an option. Not only was there no point, as Skirrax said before he’d taken her love crystals, but she’d blown that by escaping as fast as she did. Roast had doubtlessly gone to tell the guards. There probably weren’t even any cleanup crews available anyway.

She took her first step towards the alleyway exit before remembering a vital fact, one that Bobby Pin had brought up.

She had no love crystals with her.

In the past week since the collection she’d been able to make three crystals and they were all sitting under the floorboards in her closet. Without them, she’d barely last a week before starving and maybe two before she collapsed. The discovery of them as a species ensured she wasn’t sure she could reliably feed off anypony with their suspicions so high. She’d also need the emergency bits she kept next to the crystals.

“Stupid, complacent mare,” the freshly disguised Orange Mint muttered to herself as she clenched her eyes. “I knew I should have kept them somewhere else. A bank deposit box even.”

She sighed and prepared herself for a long night out. There was no way she was going to get back in tonight. He’d likely already gone to search for the guards and there might even be patrols around. That could make the night extra ‘fun.’ Hopefully it wouldn’t.

Lighting her horn, she wiped away the remaining wetness and snot that stayed with her through her transformation. Ready to face the world once more, she set out back the way she entered the alley. She paused and looked back at the spot between dumpsters. A horrible sense of finality came over her as she realized that was it.

Sweet Leaf was no more.

Firefly set her jaw and turned back. She tried to decide which way she would meander off in, which way she’d lose herself to for the night. Her heart gripped her as taking a right would mean walking past the Sweet Roast Cafe.

Just one more time, she convinced herself as she turned toward the cafe. Few ponies were out at this hour with the sun nearly reaching the horizon.

A short moment later and the front of the building came into view.

Her stomach turned over itself as she realized she would never clean those tables again. Orange Mint walked up to one of the tables outside and laid her hoof against it. She shouldn’t be that sentimental. The life of a changeling was exactly that, change. She knew she’d have to leave Roast and the cafe one day.

The orange mare snorted, setting her hoof back on the ground.

I’ve got to stop this. She shook her head. Welcome back to changeling life, you little nymph. Get used to it.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement above. Glancing up, she saw the light was on in the upstairs bedroom. Firefly hoped at least Roast would be able to get a decent night’s sleep.

She certainly wouldn’t.

Setting out at a quick trot, she began her search for a halfway decent bridge or brush to sleep under for the night.

Morning slowly came after a night of near sleeplessness. Orange Mint roused as the sun began its ascent. With a discontented sigh, the white-maned mare stretched out on her pile of leaves. As she rose and attempted to make mane and coat presentable, she thought how lucky she was. She’d stumbled across a small wooded area with a little clearing in one of the Hoofington parks.

She and Fine Roast had been to—

A growl crossed her lips as she shook her head. She and Fine Roast were no more. Her experiences with him were nothing more than a stepping stone, a long path in becoming a better collector.

She sighed and set about smoothing out her coat. Halfway through a stroke of her hoof, she realized she just couldn’t get her mane proper without a brush. She blinked, then realized how silly she was being. She closed her eyes and changed into an Orange Mint that didn’t look horribly disheveled.

Satisfied with what appearance she could see, she headed out of her impromptu bedding. Across the deserted park, she passed a fountain. She stopped as the barest morning light sparkled off the water and the many shiny bits laying at the fountain bed.

Firefly never quite understood what it was with ponies and throwing good money away into fountains. Over the years, she’d seen several foals being given money to make a wish and toss the coins into the water. She’d even seen adults throw bits into the fountain. She stared at the money for a moment longer and then realized they could be useful.

Orange Mint looked left and right. She nodded, satisfied with her lack of witnesses, and lit her horn. She repeatedly plucked and levitated a few coins, and set them on the fountain edge. Satisfied with her plundered funds, she quickly counted eleven.

She stared at the damp coins and wondered who they belonged to. Would the ponies who discarded them have thought about how these could have helped a creature like her? Would they have wanted them to?

Firefly snorted and could only imagine the anger they’d have if they knew their money had gone to such a cause.

Worthy or not of their generosity, she gathered the bits up in her magic and looked towards the park’s exit.

She steeled herself for what she had to do as she left the park and began her short journey to the cafe. If she knew Roast, he would likely still open the shop, regardless of a night like the one before. Ponies loved their drinks and he loved serving them. She hoped she was right.

Continuing down the streets, she watched as the city began to wake up. Ponies made their way out of their homes to begin the day. Some off to work, others getting their morning breakfast or coffee.

Soon enough the disguised unicorn arrived at the oh-so-familiar street. As she got closer, she was relieved to see she was correct. Not only had Fine Roast still opened the cafe, but there were a decent number of patrons. Not so many that it would make it hard to navigate, but an amount that should keep Roast busy enough so she could get into the back unnoticed.

As she approached the building, a wave of realization hit her and her ears went flat against her skull. She’d never seen the cafe from this angle before. Seeing it as a patron was… disheartening. To know she’d never again make another cup of espresso behind the counter again. The world was truly cruel.

Breathing deep, she opened the door and was immediately hit by the smells and sounds of a coffee shop. Orange Mint approached the line in front of the counter and could pick out the orders of the customers just based on smells. Vanilla latte. Caramel macchiato. Fresh blueberry muffin. Plain old coffee.

The disguised changeling stood in line, everyone else oblivious to her true nature. With the news of the wedding, ponies might be more wary, but it was impossible to know that the orange mare with the white mane and tail was not one of them. She listened as each of the three customers ahead of her gave their orders. One by one, they paid and moved over to the serving counter.

Before she knew it, she was next.

“Hello, welcome to the Sweet Roast Cafe,” her ex-source said. “What can I get you?”

“I—” she choked, realizing this was the last time she’d speak to him. She cleared her throat. “Sorry about that. Could I get…” She also realized this was the last of his drinks she’d taste. One last time. “Um, could I get a medium iced Equestriano with a bit of cream, please?”

His eyes widened just a bit. “O-of course,” he stammered.

Firefly realized her mistake and nearly panicked. Why in Equestria had she ordered that?! He knew what her favorite drink was! She felt a flurry of emotions come over him. Fear, hope, desperation, pain, and so much more. She watched him eye her for what felt like an eternity as she waited for the accusation.

But it never came.

“That… That’ll be three bits please,” Fine Roast said after a short moment, his emotions calming.

Her relief was nearly palpable as she put the bits on the counter and added a fourth bit to the tip jar.

“Thank you, ma’am.” Fine Roast picked up a medium cup and a marker. “May I have a name for the order?”

“Of course.” She managed to keep her voice level. “It’s Orange Mint.”

He wrote her name on the cup and set it and the marker on the counter. “Thank you, Miss Mint. Your order will be ready shortly.”

She walked over to a table near the serving counter and waited for her drink. She couldn’t help but think how lucky she was that he didn’t call her out on her blunder. In fact, she had no idea how she’d gotten away with it. There were few ponies who ordered an Equestriano with cream and fewer still who ordered it iced.

“Roast! How are you doin’, buddy?”

She overheard a familiar gruff voice. It was one of Fine Roast’s stallion friends, Straight Angle.

“Hey, Angle, I’m doing as well as I can be,” Roast said in a surprisingly normal tone. “Would you like your usual?”

“You know it!” the light blue stallion said as he looked around. Orange Mint quickly averted her eyes as he looked in her direction. “Hey, where’s the lady friend of yours?”

Mint’s ears perked up at the question. She wanted to know his answer to this as well.

“Oh, I’m afraid she’s out for the moment,” Roast began.

What? I’m out?

“She had a little family issue to deal with and had to leave last night.”

“Ah, that’s not great. Sorry about that,” Straight Angle said. “Any idea when she might be back?”

“I’m not quite sure,” Roast said, shrugging. “It had something to do with her mother, so she could be out for a while. I’m hoping she’s not gone too long.”

“Mmm, me too, bud. Say, we should—”

Firefly stopped listening after that. How can he be so nonchalant?! Did I really mean that little to him? And why hasn’t he said anything about, well, me?

Her questions would remain unanswered, it seemed.

She pushed the questions aside and out of her mind. They ultimately wouldn’t matter after she’d gotten what she came for. She observed as Fine Roast made order after order and eventually filled hers.

“Miss Mint? Your order is ready.” Fine Roast set the cup down on the serving counter.

Orange Mint got out of her seat and stepped over to the counter, grabbing the coffee. “Thank you,” she said and headed over to a different table, closer to the doorway of the kitchen on the other side of the cafe. Along the way, she quietly popped the rest of her seven bits into the tip jar. No sense in levitating the things all around when she’d have her emergency fund securely tucked away in a pair of saddlebags.

She took a deep draw from her iced drink and waited for the opportune moment. Out of the corner of her eye, she observed her once-husband and ex-source. To and fro he went, taking and filling orders.

Eventually, there was enough of a lull in customers that he could make his way to clean tables. He started with the tables inside and then headed outside. Firefly saw her opportunity and pounced. She placed her cup in the trash and slipped into the back.

Here we go. One last time, she thought as she crept up the stairs.

Her ears remained pointed behind her for signs that Roast might be headed back inside. She only had a couple, scarce minutes.

At the top of the stairs Orange Mint crept left to the bedroom, pointedly ignoring the hallway pictures she herself had hung. She passed through and made a beeline for the closet. Her brow furrowed as she noticed all of her clothing was ruffled. Confused, she looked around at the rest of the bedroom.

Her writing stationary had been moved around as had her nightstand. Mission on hold, she walked over to the piece of furniture next to the bed and opened the drawer. All of Sweet Leaf’s things were still there, if shuffled a bit. Closing the drawer, she picked up a piece of amethyst off her nightstand. Carved into it were Sweet Leaf and Fine Roast’s initials surrounded by a heart.

Roast had gotten it for her a couple years back as their first anniversary present. Her eyes threatened to tear up at the memories. He’d said it matched her, or rather, Sweet Leaf’s eyes. She held the gemstone to her chest and contemplated taking it with her. After a moment of deliberation, Orange Mint set it back on the nightstand.

This wasn’t hers anymore and sentimentality was a pony concept. Changelings couldn’t afford it, despite how much it seemed she was failing at keeping it out of her mind and heart. She took one final look and forced herself to get back to her goal.

She began walking over to the closet and froze midway. Hoofsteps downstairs in the kitchen. She cursed her stupid sentimentality. She had to be quick and quiet.

As silently as she could, she tiphoofed over to the closet. She pushed aside the clothes and pulled back the floorboards. Her heart began to race and her head shot to the door as she heard hoofsteps coming up the stairs. She looked back at the open floor and her stomach sank like a rock.

The burlap sack was missing.

“H-how…” she whispered to herself. She knew she created three new crystals and she knew she left them right there!

Using her magic, she quickly put the floorboards back in place and straightened the dresses. With no time left, she turned to the door only to see the earth pony himself.

“Miss Orange?” Fine Roast started, a frown on his face. “You do realize this is the private portion of the shop and in fact my bedroom, right?”