• Member Since 19th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Howdy. I like to write and be creative. I've done a few things, here and there. Apples seem to be a common theme.



Some days, it feels like the sky itself is falling.
After the destruction of Applejack's prized tree Bloomberg, Braeburn find himself caught between allegiances to his friends, and to a helpless pony who appeared as if from nowhere. Not to mention the suspicious actions of the buffalo, and the recent string of earthquakes rocking the desert. Mixing classic wild western adventures with magic and fantasy, The Outlaw, The Star, and the Big, Big Sky tells a story of revenge, redemption, and how the best of intentions can lead to the destruction of the very ground upon which we all stand.

This story was originally started in 2011, shortly after finishing my first story, Macintosh. While Macintosh was a slower paced character study of the Big Mac himself, The Outlaw, The Star, and the Big, Big Sky aims to tell a story full of fairy tale adventure and deadly desperados. 6 Chapters were written, with an extra unfinished chapter recently uploaded, containing a flashback to Braeburn's childhood showing just how dangerous and bloody the untamed deserts can be.

12 years on, I'm hoping for any and all thoughts and feedback on this story. I would love to continue writing from where it was left off, but life is busy and I may not have the time. But if the interest is there, I would at least love to engage and discuss what could have been, and maybe make the time to finish it.
Thank you kindly, and watch out for shooting stars.

For now, this could be considered an alternate universe fic, though until it's finished it's hard to say how well it would fit in with established canon.

Cover art elements made with AI (Bing Copilot) then tweaked and photoshopped together by me.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 35 )

Bahahah! I love it! Great paragraphing skills, btw. I'm looking forward to more of this. Gonna read now now and let you know what I think.

Hey thanks! Yes, any feedback at all will be greatly appreciated. I want to make this story the best it can be :pinkiehappy:

Moar! Are you planning on showing us what happened with Braeburn and Marmalade?

Yep, Braeburn's past will be delved into at a later point in the story :ajsmug:

Well, that's all I can share of this story so far. Hopefully you enjoyed reading, and hopefully I can continue writing this soon :twilightsmile:

Good stuff, mang. Again, I'm not sure how much help I could be. I think if I could write as well as you do, my stories would be more popular :twilightsmile:

Haha thanks :rainbowlaugh: I'm only a few chapters into your first story, but it's pretty cool so far :raritywink:
Honestly though ANY feedback, even spelling mistakes, would be greatly appreciated. So much work has to be done on this story so anything at all would be of great help :pinkiehappy:

Hooooly crap. This story is so well-written that I don't think any suggestions from me would be better than what you have planned. Definitely some buffalo/pony fisticuffs in order, though.

What I think: I do like the way Braeburn and Strongheart seemed to 'crush' on each other slightly :raritywink: but I don't think very highly of him having a twin sister, fanon or not. :ajbemused:

What to improve: It never matters to me, pretty much anything goes except like-gendered shipping, Spa:pinkiesick:rity, Fancy:twilightangry2:Fleur and other hetero couples I otherwise can't like.

I'm thinking it ought to be "Git yer fat flanks out here..." since they have them on both sides of their rear, wouldn't you think?


With a bray he galloped away before he remembered the filly in his room.

He'd make that sound if he were a donkey or mule, not a pony/horse.

“No, no..AAAAPPLELOOSA!” he brayed, “gotta say it right!”

Again, he is not a donkey/mule and wouldn't make that sound. :ajbemused:- Ya hear?

Later reveals in the show will likely necessitate changes as this story was begun in August of 2011.

Please don't do this; I can't stand when writers think that for some reason they need to do this.

Hello from 2017, you have here a right good yarn and I was hoping you might bring it back, I suspect that Starlight isn't from equestria, and might not even be a pony at all. I'm curious as to what the bighorn sheep have to do with things, and I'm rather ashamed to admit it, but I'd like to see how braeburn fares at lying his way out of this mysterious guest of his. The only errors I noticed were small errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and a few word-choice issues. The best example I can recall comes from the scene in this chapter where Braeburn and Starlight are cleaning up after supper, you used the word desert when you ought to have used dessert. I look forward to seeing more and best of luck in your current and future endeavours.
Sincerely, BirdsBooksBrownies

Hello from 2024! I got nostalgic and was looking over my old stories. Your comment spurred me on to upload the unfinished parts of this story. Better for someone to read them, than for them to never see the light of day. 7 years on, but I hope you do see this.

Hello fellow time traveler:twilightsmile: I might have to start over your story because I honestly don't remember a thing from almost a decade ago (at least as far as reading choices are concerned) but then again, I might struggle to tell you exactly what I had for lunch last week but I can tell you in pretty good detail about a funny situation from Highschool. :rainbowlaugh:

You aren't alone! I need to re-read it myself. It's lived rent free in my head ever since I started writing it. But I'm very pleased you saw this update. Thank you sincerely.

I've just spent the last few days re-reading this story. It's been many years since I read it, and I can't lie, I even found myself getting wrapped up in it and wondering what would happen next. There's a not-so-small party of me that is very tempted to continue writing, another part that wants to go back and refine what's already there, and another part that wants to let it rest as it is. I'm undecided which path to go down right now.
All that said, I do have some old bits and pieces of art i did for this story, which I'm considering posting as well (Though I'd first need to figure out how to post images here and where to host them, haha). Let me know your thoughts.

I haven't been able to read any of it yet, but I'll slide this up to the next fic I look at after I'm finished with my current one. I'll be sure to tell you my thoughts, and I'm definitely intrigued.

Interesting that you had a completely original character named Starlight before the show did...

Your drawings are absolutely spectacular, and I'm glad that the image hoster I suggested is working for you.

I completely forgot to mention that about starlight! I should add that to the post itself haha.
And yes, thanks for the tip, it's been great having an easy way to host images :pinkiehappy:

Twelve years? not bad. Does anyone have a better record? I'll take a look at it later.

Okay, this is very intriguing from the get-go.

Rams? I've yet to see a fic with them, nice idea:pinkiehappy:.

That black ooze seems perfectly normal.

Improvements? None necessary so far.

My only major critique is that I myself would only have the asking for improvements at the end of the prologue, not on every chapter.

And in an Author's Notes instead of within the actual chapter.

‘The Mosquito.’ A fitting name, considering the editor’s tendency to make news rather than just report on it, giving for an entertaining (if scandalous) weekly read. Many considered it less a weekly paper and more a recurring pest.


He chuckled as few ponies jumped at the sudden noise.

He chuckled as "a" few ponies jumped at the sudden noise.

And I know you've said you are busy, but I would be extremely glad if you decide to continue this.

I've only finished the prologue and Chapter 1 so far, but I'm already going to favorite this. I like it that much.

(And I personally like the character of Marmalade you have here, don't pay any attention to what the above comment says.)


One of the best Eagles songs in existence.

I'm quite late to the reply game, but I wanted to do so anyways!

Thanks man, I hope I've only gotten better as the years have gone on, but re-reading this I found myself swept up in it, hoping I haven't actually gotten worse! :pinkiecrazy:

I think my mentality was that I wanted to make sure the story would work no matter when you read it. I ran into this problem in both ways. First in Opposites where a big plot point is that Rarity lost her parents, only for the show to make that concept obsolete. Second in Macintosh, where I actually think my interpretations were so spot with just about everyone that you could read it today (pretending it takes place between season 1 and 2 of course) and almost nothing in it would conflict with canon.
In this story's case, I think it would go down such a unique road that it would have no choice but to be considered AU.

Once you get to the ending notes, you'll understand better why I chose to go with Rams, but yes I was always fascinated by the idea of other races in the MLP universe, and how they might live with their own kingdoms.

Looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts :raritywink:

I definitely had more in mind to explore between Strongheart and Braeburn :derpytongue2: As for Braeburn's sister, she was based on this one, who shared a very similar color scheme so it felt appropriate:

Fair! Yeah back when I was writing this I thought it might help improve feedback and engagement with the story. In the end, I think it may have actually turned people away, since they thought "why bother reading if it's unfinished?" Not sure, but in retrospect, I would've done it differently.
Ah yeah, definitely some typos and grammatical issues I caught when re-reading too. I'm debating doing a polish pass, or leaving it as a relic. :applejackunsure:

I'm glad you're enjoying it that much! Very interested to hear your thoughts on later chapters. I do regret never getting to "the good stuff" from the later acts but it is what it is.
And yeah, I had fun with Marmalade, haha.

“Tsk,” Braeburn shook his head, “they still haven’t gotten that engine fixed, eh?”

That's a great explantion as to why the ponies were actually pulling the train. Always seemed weird to me.

Listening to the sound of the wind through the leaves and the crickets in the dirt and the babbling of the river and the singing and laughing from town behind him, he smiled.

There are a little too many instances of "and...".

Boy, you really wrote that earthquake scene well.

Okay. Starlight is very, very interesting.
I suspect she has something to do with one of the stories Chief Thunderhooves told.

“Yeah, I ain’t never been big on readin’ storybooks an’ such. Now, my sister on the other hoof, well she’s always been a big sucker for fairy tales and the like, y’know, where the brave knight finally gets the beautiful princess an’ they live forever after an’ all that.”

Starlight giggled. After a few more minutes of disentangling her she stood to her hooves, now freed from the blanket menace. She threw herself at Braeburn and wrapped her arms around him.

“Br-brave kn...ight!” she cheered.

Oh my goodness, Starlight is now one of the most adorable ponies I've read about on this site, period.

“An’ here I was hopin’ fer an exclusive interview with the Equestria Daily,” said the orange pony with the bowler hat, “there goes that dream...”

Equestria Daily... Nice reference.

And I assumed Starlight was a unicorn, because the cover art kind of shows her with what looks like the very faint outline of one. Was that a mistake?

Braeburn closed his eyes <add an "and" here> held her tightly as though she could vanish should he dare let go. After a minute, he finally brought himself to stand and release her, and the pair stood in the center of the glossy black crater staring at each other.

Again, supremely cute.

Braeburn winced. What could have happened to her? Where did she come from? He looked up to the pale, pinkish-blue mare with the dark, swirling mane who stared at the book and chewed on a fritter. The stallion fought a sudden urge to hug the filly tightly and protect her from even the tiniest of spiders.

You keep referring to Starlight as a filly. Isn't she about the average adult age like Braeburn or any main cast member?

Story continues to be excellent.

“Don’t let the bed bugs bite,” he said.

“WAIT! What bugs!? They bite!?”

Ten minutes later Braeburn closed the bedroom door, taking care not to say anything else that might force him to thoroughly investigate the room again and prove to a certain filly that there were no bugs (or spiders) anywhere. He did find an old coat of his he hadn’t seen in years during the search, so it wasn’t a complete waste of time.

Absolutely hilarious again.

And like Mechafone said, this story is perfect in practically every way.:pinkiehappy:

I do hope you find the time to continue it someday, but only if you truly wish to
(I'll read the chapter that you have notes for the story on, but I don't know if I'll read the unfinished ones.)

I simply do not want to spoil anything for myself.

(Actually, I will read them. Your writing skill deserves that.)

"Burn," she interrupted, "I don't...um...why do I need to lie?"

Dang that mare is smart, for her naivaté.

Jake began a light gait, hopping delicately on his injured arm with Braeburn in tow.



Ya mean foreleg?

I really liked the flashback sequence in the unfinished chapters.

And like I've said, if you have the time, and you truly want to, I would be ecstatic if you continued this story.

What you have so far is beyond excellent.

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