• Published 30th Sep 2019
  • 7,797 Views, 232 Comments

Fallen Knight - DanishDash

The Jedi have fallen. Finding himself on the run from the new Empire, Jedi Knight Revan Blake finds himself in a new dimension. Will he use what he knows to rebuild the order, and so his life in Equestria?

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Chapter 2: A place of peace

The sun had gone down, the stars were finally out, and Revan enjoyed the cool breeze hitting his face as he looked up at the stars. He had excused himself after the recording of master Kenobi, he needed air, he needed a moment to calm his mind. None of them had protested as they all understood, Celestia had pointed him to the balcony, which Revan had gladly accepted.

It was the first time he got to see the view, had he not been so upset, he might have been able to enjoy it. Beside, the sky calmed him more, it was like he looked at the same universe as his fellow knights did, if anyone even still lived. Closing his eyes, he felt the cool wind move through his dark blonde hair. He took a few deep breaths, calming his body and mind, letting go. Slowly, he started to whisper to himself, it was the same again and again, repeating the words like he was making an anchor to the reality he was now in.

There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force

Again and again he recited the Jedi code to himself, reminding him to focus on the here and now. Though it did little to help.

"It's beautiful, is it not?"

Revan opened his eyes as he heard Celestia's voice, she was calm and spoke softly as she trotted up beside him, looking up at the stars. "It is.. I find the stars always, calm me.." He felt like he needed to apologize, he should have had better control of his emotions in there. Opening his mouth to say it, Celestia cut him off.

"It's funny, I used to look away from the night sky. The mere sight of them brought terrible memories back, so much regret, so much pain." Her words were, filled with sadness, like they dripped with the very pain she spoke of. Celestia still did not look up, she just kept looking at the stars, and so, Revan looked up too. "Back when we were younger, I neglected my sister, I failed to see her suffering.. In her sorrow, she turned against me, became a creature of darkness.." Revan listened intently, he could feel her pain of that memory. "It ended with me banishing her, a choice I would live with for over a thousand years.."

If not for Doctor Pen, Revan would probably react stronger to her age, but that paled compared to Celestia and Luna moving the sun and moon. He instead just listened to her story, closing his eyes as he could see it before him. The force giving him the images, not visions per say, but the feelings and energies that battle had left behind, it was like scars in the Force itself. He could sense Luna's hate, her fear and anger as she stood against her sister, doing what she could to prove to her she was her equal. Then there was Celestia, her anger at being betrayed, but that emotion was dwarfed at the sorrow, the pain of having to fight one's own sister. It was almost like an open wound, raw pain bleeding out as he could sense Celestia pleas, even hear them as faint screams from the past.

He had to open his eyes, he felt the warm tears sliding down his cheeks, but he did nothing to hide them. Celestia took a moment for them both to relax before she continued. "A thousand years without the sister I failed to save.. I failed to see her fall, her loneliness, not before it was too late.." She let out a sigh and finally looked at him. Now, both of them looked into each others eyes, both of them filled with tears. "It's a story all my ponies know, but few fail to understand the, pain, of what happened.. I'm telling you this because I know what you are going through.."

Revan was not even going to try and deny it, even if he had the desire to do so. "I know the pain you are going through, I recognize the look in your eyes.. Like you, I felt betrayed, I felt regret from doing what I did, i blamed myself for what i did and didn't do.. It's a burden I still carry to this very day.. Even though I got my sister back, for which I am glad and thankful for, I still never feel I have made it up to her. So i tell you, Jedi Knight, you do not need to carry your burden alone."

He really had no idea what to say, he could only smile a little and nodded as a little thank you. Both of them wiped their eyes, and Revan could not help but feel, grateful. Even though it was common knowledge, Celestia had shared this in her own words and feelings, that could not have been easy. "How did you cope?" He asked after a few moments.

Celestia did not answer first, it was like she was looking for the right way to reply. Finally she let out a long sigh as she looked at her sister's beautiful full moon. "In truth Revan, I didn't.. To be honest, even though she rebelled against me, I knew I failed her first, I betrayed her.. But, during those long years, when I handled her duties, each morning when I would bring her moon down, I would sing to her. A lullaby, to let her know I did not blame her, to let her know we would meet again and everything would be alright." She smiled a little and looked at him. "I do not expect you to sing, but you must have something you can do to send out your heart to those to care about, to those you miss.."

Revan looked at her, then smiled. "I think there is, I will try." He then chuckled a bit.

Celestia tilted her head in slight amusement, giving him a soft smile. "What?"

"Nothing, it's just.. Our grand master would always say. 'Do or do not, there is no try.'"

Both of them shared a small laugh before she turned around. "Your master sounds wise.. I shall leave you to it." She started to walk away towards the door, but was stopped when she heard Revan say, wait. She looked back at him. "Yes?"

"Thank you, Celestia."

She smiled and nodded. "Not at all, that is what friends do." And with that, she left him to his own thoughts.

Revan stood there, his heart felt more calm now, but he still needed to lighten it. Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes, letting everything around him vanish. He reached out with the force, not to anything in particular, just out, just out to the stars. It hurt when he felt nothing, no sign of anything echoing, it was like sending out a signal with no one responding or a lifeline into the dark void. However, he decided to do what Celestia suggested, even if no one could sense him.

"Master, brothers, sisters, friends.. I know not if my thoughts, feelings or words can even reach you, I do not think so, but I find comfort that you might. I feel ashamed, i'm safe, in a world that seems to value what we as Jedi strive for. Maybe if this was a world in our own dimension we would have moved the temple here." He let out a small chuckle. "I know not what has happened, I know not what has become of us, you or me.. I'm scared, but also hopeful. I feel the force has led me here, has led me to these ponies. For what purpose, I do not know. Even if i'm the last Jedi, I will continue to let our order live through me, protect, defend and learn. I will make you proud brothers and sisters... Be safe, rest, because there is no death, there is only the force.."

He waited, but felt nothing, no image, feeling, echo or calling, but, his heart did feel lighter. Opening his eyes, he let the world come back to him. He wiped the last tears away that had formed in his eyes while he talked and let out a sigh. "Goodnight.." And with that he turned and left to go back inside to his new life.


Princess Celestia had let dinner be dismissed for now, letting the elements know he just needed a little time. He was thankful for that, it was not their fault, and he did not blame them, there was just so much. While the others ate, Celestia and Luna escorted them to a room where he could rest.

After just a minute or two, Celestia spoke. "I feel like I must apologize, please, do not blame Twilight for-."

Revan chuckled and held up a hand to stop her. "It is okay, I was much like her when I was a kid. Before the war, I hoped to be a Jedi historian. I think we can get along well together, when we are both more, calm."

Celestia nodded. "I'm glad to hear it."

"We will show you to one of our guest rooms, we'll hope you find it to your liking." Luna continued as they rounded a corner, but Revan stopped. "Is something the matter?"

Revan shook his head. "No, there isn't anything the matter, but I hoped I could go to my ship first. There is some things I would like to gather."

The princesses looked at each other for a second and then back at him with a nod. "Of course, we shall take you to it."


They exited the front doors and walked into the courtyard, it was there he finally saw his ship, The Seeker. He smiled relieved to see the damage was nothing major. "I must say." Luna said as they walked closer. "Your ship is rather huge for a single human."

Revan nodded. "That it is princess, but it is not for carrying me, it is for carrying the history of my order. It was quite well guarded and I did not manage to take it without certain prices being paid.." He let out a sigh. "But, here she is, one of the more valued ships og the order."

Walking over to one of the panels, he entered the code and pulled a small lever and the boarding door slid open. The princesses stepped back , unsure about this, 'ship'. As the entrance opened a boarding ramp slowly moved down to the ground, allowing entrance.

"Please, come." He offered as he went inside the ship. The two sisters hesitated and glanced at one another, but Revan simply smirked. "Come on, it's quite safe."

With his words of confidence and smile, the two royal sisters decided to follow him into the alien ship. Despite them trusting him, it was, new. The ship seemed to be a metallic wonder that was far from their own technology, it was truly a wonder. Beeping noises catching their attention, small red and blue lights here and there, even the smallest of things held their attention and made their progress through the round hallway slow.

Finally they entered a simple room of what looked like to be some sort of workshop. Metallic parts scattered around, and objects that looked like tools. In one end there was a lot of tables connected to the walls and small chairs. At the other end a lot of shelves, even build into the walls themselves. Though as Celestia moved around, she suddenly bumped into her sister as she seemed stunned in place. "Sister? What troubles you?" She asked and looked far corner where Luna was focusing her gaze.

As the object became clear to her, she gasped. It seemed at first to be a strange creature, but soon enough it became clear it was some sort of metallic statue, though it was wired, it looked like it wore a tool belt and some sort of work apron. The metal man seemed to be equipped with two arms and legs, though his head was not like Revan's at all, it had this wired shape, which was hard to describe. The thing seemed to be slumped against the wall, maybe the crash had thrown it there??

Just as Luna was about to approach it Revan walked in from the other entrance. "Ah, I see you have found Huyang."

"Huyang?" Celestia asked. "Is it some sort of artwork?"

Revan chuckled. "No, Huyang is a droid." He walked in with a small leather sack and placed it on one of the tables. "He was damaged when i escaped, and it will take some time to wake him up."

"What is a droid?" Luna asked and tried out the word, it sounded funny coming from her, like she was tasting food and was not quite sure yet if she liked the taste.

"Well, it is hard to explain, but basically they are machines we have build with intelligence. They help us with certain tasks, Huyang here had a pretty important job here on the ship. When I saw I had a chance to save him and the ship, I did so."

"What is so valuable about this ship and droid?" Celestia said, trying out the word as well, and like Luna the word was foreign to her.

Revan smiled. "This ship is where Jedi younglings would create their lightsabers. Youngling in our order is the word for child student." He explained before going on. "When they come of age we fly to a world on this ship and find a crystal, a crystal meant for us. On the way back our task is to create what is known as a lightsaber, the weapon of the Jedi." He unhooked the hilt from his belt and held it.

Luna raised an eyebrow at the small thing. "That's a weapon?"

"It is indeed princess. It might not look like much now, but." He held it up to his side, and with a single push of a button a three feet blue blade sprang to life. The blue blade lit up the room and hummed softly. Both sisters took a step back in shock as the blue blade appeared.

It took a moment before the surprise faded and they both studied it with fascination and awe, both of them mesmerized by it's beauty. "What is it?" Luna asked, never taking her eyes of the blue glowing blade.

"This, is a lightsaber. A blade of pure plasma is emitted from the hilt and is contained in a powerful force containment field." He let the blade twirl in his hand for just a few times. "It is very light, only the hilt weigh anything in fact, which is why you need to be very highly trained to use it. Put in the hands of someone untrained is dangerous, not only for the people around the user, but to the wielder too. " With a short swoosh sound, the blade vanished back into the hilt. "Only force users are able to safely handle it, it requires sharp reflexes and instinct to handle." He saw how both of the ponies were listening with great interest. "Now, I believe I got what I came for. I just need my last droids."

Both sisters tilted their heads. "Last droids?"


A voice called behind the sisters and they both let out a gasp and turned around. In the entrance stood a tall, skinny looking robot. His limbs were not as solid and well defined as the other droid, there were more thin, had a lot of gears and exposed wires. He almost looked like a skeleton, some plates here and there that slid over one another. The eyes, it seemed to have three, two on what was it's blank face and then a smaller eye right below the right. The little eye seemed to look the two startled Alicorns over and then tilted it's head.

"Oh? What is this master? Did you get yourself some pets?"

Luna's eyes glared. "I beg your pardon! We are NOT pets!"

The droid didn't seemed to register the anger or seemed the least bit intimidated. "I see, they are able to speak." The droid looked at Revan. "Master, is it safe to presume these two equines are intelligent?"

Revan smiled amused and walked over beside the droid. "Yes Jester, they are." He pointed to each of them as he spoke their names. "This is Princess Celestia, ruler of the sun and the kingdom of Equestria." Celestia relaxed a bit more as Revan seemed to be calm. "And this is princess Luna, fellow ruler of the kingdom and ruler of the moon."

Luna stood a bit taller, like the mere mention of their names and titles should make the droid bow down to them. "I see master, I have cataloged the information into my memory banks."

"Good." Revan turned to his new friends. "I'm sorry, this is J-7-K, or Jester as I call him. He's a sparring droid, and my friend. He likes combat, but do not worry, he won't attack anyone he isn't programmed to."

"Do not worry master, I have filed the equines as none hostile." The droid said like that was supposed to be a compliment or an insurance.

"Why does he look like that?" Luna asked. Even though she had no real knowledge of how a droid was supposed to look, or even if they had a common look or not, she did notice something was out of place with this one.

"You have a keen eye." Revan said with a chuckle. "As a sparring droid, he is able to mimic most creatures in size and body capabilities, within a reasonable range of course." He pointed to several wired looking lights on him. "These are holo projectors, they create a hologram around him so his outer body looks like whatever opponent he is mimicking."

As if on cue, the droid straightened up next to his master and suddenly the lights started to flash around him. The mares gasped once again as suddenly a perfect clone of Revan stood beside, well the real Revan. "Greeting your.." The voice started to change. "Oh excuse me." The voice turned back and then after a few changes and static his voice sounded just like Revan's. "Greetings your majesties."

At first the princesses were in pure shock, but then Celestia smiled. "Very clever." The droid bowed and then a few flashes from the projectors once again and soon enough a replica of Celestia stood before them. Celestia giggled. "Now, have I seen you before?" She smirked playfully.

Jester mirrored the expression. "I do believe you have." He replied in her voice. The hologram image vanished and revealed his metal body, which was framed to stand on four legs now and stand as tall as Celestia herself. As soon as the hologram vanished he started to stand, his body parts moving around as he fixed himself to stand back on two legs like his master.

"Of course this is merely for physical combat, he cannot mimic things like the Force or your magic." He assured them both. "I do have one more droid, but do not fret, she is more your type I should think."

The sound of something rolling into the room could be heard. A series of beeps and clicks came from behind Revan and she stepped aside to revealed a three legged droid that went up to his hips. It had a cylinder body, and a head with the same wide as it's round body. The main body was painted wide, with some places painted dark grey to reveal small hatches here and there. The head was however painted mainly grey, with a few red patched spread across it. Instead of eyes, it seemed to have only one, along with two small camera lenses that stuck out two places on it's head.

"This i R6-R7, but R6 is fine." He let the little droid roll towards the two princesses, and after looking at them for a few seconds it let out a some positive beeps and clicks. Revan chuckled. "She says hello and that she is happy to meet you both."

Both of them smiled at the cute droid. "It is an absolute pleasure to meet you R6, I am princess Luna and this is my sister, princess Celestia."

The little droid beeped in reply before it turned around and returned to her master's side. "Thank you for coming with me." Revan said and bowed. "I believe I have what I need, I am ready to depart."

Celestia smiled and nodded. "Please follow us then."


Revan was escorted to a nice big beautiful guest room, it even had it's very own bathroom which he appreciated greatly. Taking a long and relaxing bath, his droids made themselves at home in these new settings. "I must say master." Jester began as he laid the robes for tomorrow out. "This is a very strange world, did I really understand you correctly? We have landed in another dimension?"

"Yes Jester." Revan replied as he made his way out of the bathroom. He was drying his short hair, only covered by his shorts. R6 added her two sense to the conversation, adding that it might be a blessing in disguise. Revan always found her positive attitude to be welcome. "Maybe it is, their world is.." He sighed. "It's like the Force is, I don't know how to explain it.." He handed the towel to an awaiting Jester who promptly began to fold it as he got it into his metal hands.

"It's like two rivers are meeting here.. The Force, and what they are calling magic, harmony.. One thing I know for sure, the Force is strong here, I feel it grow in me.. Almost like I have become a spring.." He sat on his bed, sitting with crossed legs as he closed his eyes, focusing, reaching out. "I sense.. Peace, yet, chaos? Darkness for sure, but not.." Sighing, he opened his eyes. "No.. I don't know how to describe what I am feeling.." It was frustrating, but he knew if he was patient, trusted in the force, things would become clear.

"Master." Jester called and walked over to a corner with R6. "Tomorrow I suggest you get plenty of rest. Though I would still recommend to do your daily morning sparring, we don't know what we could face here after all."

Revan nodded, the princesses had told him he may use the guard's training yard for his own training if he so wished. It would be foolish not to take advantage of that fact. That was for tomorrow however, tonight, he needed to rest.


Morning came early for Revan, his night was not peaceful, but at least he didn't have night terrors. He was used to waking up early, meditating in the temple gardens to find peace and clear his mind. Though during the war, it was hard to find the time to do so. This morning however he chose to meditate out on the balcony, facing east, he sat cross legged, one hand on each knee as he took deep breaths, letting the force and the calm of his mind take him gently into his meditation.

The Force moved through him, letting his senses reach out and connect with every living thing. He could sense the many guards and servants, sense their emotions and their moods. The Force guided his senses throughout the palace, letting him touch the plants, even out to the princesses themselves. Of course he did not touch their minds or reached out to them, but he could sense them. For a single moment, it was like all the hearts in the palace became one, all beating at the same time. It was an immense relaxing feeling, but one that was rare, very rare. Could it be it was because the ponies were such social and kind creatures? It was not often any Jedi would feel something like this, even in his life time, he had only sensed a brief flicker of this once before, but here it was, peace, harmony.

Letting out a deep sigh, he smiled and opened his eyes. He was greeted with the rising sun, it was a beautiful sight, like Celestia herself was greeting her ponies in a gentle warm blanket of love. He let out one more sigh, taking one last look before he stood up and went back inside.


After getting dressed in his normal Jedi robes, Revan made his way to the training grounds with Jester. The guards were very polite and pointed out the way for him as he traveled the hallways of the palace. It did not take them long to reach the barracks, when they did they quickly found the training grounds. It was big, could have a lot of ponies here to train and was more than enough for himself and Jester.

Walking over to a bench, Revan took off his robe and placed it there along with a canteen filled with cold water. Jester was already in one of the sparring rings, the ground was solid stone, but some places the rings were filled with sand, soil, mud or even stones. It provided a nice range of terrain for the guards to train in, and they were all big enough to be able to house a group sparring.

"Master, should I initiate training protocol program six?"

Jester asked as Revan made his way into the arena. "Yes, I think we should focus on form 6, probably be the the most useful in this world."

"Of course master, initiating training protocol six, form 6, Niman."

Pulling out a lightsaber hidden in a small compartment in his wrist, Jester ignited it and took a combat stance. The green blade hummed soothingly as it casts it's green glow onto the droid. Jester did not bother with a form this time, this was just exercise after all, and to be honest, Revan did not want to fight a hologram of one of his Jedi brothers or sisters.

Taking a deep breath, Revan unclipped the lightsaber from his belt and held it in his right hand. Taking the hilt in both hands, he ignited his lightsaber, the blade turned down towards his left foot as this was his starting position. There was not danger of being hurt, of course. Jester had a small shield generator and he used practice sabers, so there was nothing to be nervous about.

They both stood there for a few seconds, waiting for the other to make a move. The lightsaber form Revan preferred was form 6, Niman. It was a hybrid fighting style, Niman incorporated elements from the previous forms, like form one and five. It balanced out between their various specializations, in keeping with the Jedi quest to achieve harmony and justice without resorting to the rule of power. It was a fitting form for this world, he thought, maybe the Force really had brought him here.

There was no time to think about this, Jester leaped forward with an alarming speed, but Revan kept his focus and calm. Using his Jedi training he saw the attacks coming through the Force.

Double vision. Slashes coming for left arm, to head, to chest, to left knee.

Using this technique Revan could see the attacks coming right before they started. It was a useful skill, one that all Jedi were taught. Though of course there were limits to it, and no Jedi should ever rely on it fully, in dueling you always changed tactics, you always move, you always adapt.

Despite this, Revan blocked all attacks smoothly. His blue lightsaber clashed with Jester's, moving his blue blade up to cover his arm, then tilting it to cover his head, then his chest and down to protect his leg.

Their blade work was fast and elegant, Jester quickly calculated new ways to attack, and started to calculate Revan's likely defense.

Slash coming at head, stab coming for chest, slash for arm, head again!

Once again Revan blocked the quick attacks, but he was being pushed back as Jester moved forward. Revan decided to respond by making one powerful slash to knock him back, then turn and then use the Force to push the droid. He did so and Jester did indeed stumble back , though his mechanical body compensated and made sure he did not go far.

Revan started to go on the offensive, moving forward he slashed at Jester's head, arm, chest, arm, leg. Jester calculated, adapted and quickly blocked the blows.

The clashing of their lightsabers and the sounds their blades made soon attracted the attention of the guards on their way to morning training. They all watched in pure amazement and curiosity, it was quite the light show for them.

The duel became faster and more acrobatic as Revan needed to be on the move a lot, Jester did not have a stamina limit, but he did. Of course Jester could simulate it, but this was a good way to train quick thinking and creativity.

Double vision. Attack coming in at torso! At torso! At head! At torso! At head! At head!

Revan blocked the attacks, but at the last attack to his head, he crouched, avoiding the powerful swing from Jester. He did not stand still though, he turned and kicked at the droid's leg, sending it landing on it's back before Revan moved his blade down to Jester's metal chest.

The fight was over, he let the blade hover over the droid for a bit, panting and sweating, but smiling. "I win.." Revan said in between his pants. Jester looked up at his master and gave a single nod, confirming his defeat. With a long swooshing sound, the blades of their lightsabers retracted back into the hilts.

Jester got back up and Revan walked towards the bench. Before he did though, he noticed the many ponies who had gathered to watch. Their expressions were mixed, as were their emotions, they ranged from impressed to shocked, but thankfully none of them were afraid, maybe a bit nervous yes, but not afraid.

"I believe you have impressed them, master Jedi." Revan turned and looked up, seeing Celestia gently landing on the training grounds. Every guard saluted, and she dismissed them with a small nod and smile.

"I hope we did not cause a commotion princess." Revan asked, but Celestia simply dismissed the concern with a wave of her right wing.

"Not at all, I told you that you were allowed to train here." She gestured towards the bench and Revan gratefully accepted the invitation. Putting the hilt of his lightsaber back in his belt, they started to move to the bench. As Revan walked over there, he reached out with the Force and pulled the canteen to his hand. "I must say it was a quite impressive display of skills. I have never seen anything like it."

Revan blushed a little, not used to anyone watching and admiring his sparring. "I thank you, but I assure you, my skills are nothing compared to my former master."

She smiled. "I would have liked to see it, but if you are not busy, I would like to invite you to breakfast. It's still quite early, and my student and her friend's wont be up for at least an hour or two."

It was not like he had any plans for now, and besides, the princess might have something in mind for him. "Of course princess, I would be honored. If you don't mind however, I would like to freshen up after my morning training."

Celestia nodded. "Absolutely, I will see you afterwards." She smiled to him, her beautiful purple eyes looking deeply into his, and for a moment Revan felt something, something strange. Not bad, just something strange, like a gentle warmth deep within him. Before they could speak more she gently flapped her wings and took off.

Revan watched her sore through the sky elegantly, moving higher and higher until she vanished behind one of the towers. "Master, I do believe I detect a slight facial heat increase. Do you want me to check your temperature to make sure you are not having a fever?"

"What?" Revan looked at the droid who was picking up his brown robe. "Uhm no, no thank you Jester.."

Was i, blushing?

That was strange, but he did not have time to dwell on it, he needed to shower before he met with the princess for breakfast.

Author's Note:

Next chapter, I wanted to get more of the characters introduced!

I really enjoyed to write the first bit with Celestia and Revan. The inspiration came from the Luna lullaby and the animation some fans has done. I really suggest you listen if you haven't and watch the animation, it is really good!

Show some love! XD