• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 8,265 Views, 518 Comments

Spike's Turnabout - PonyJoel

It's time for a change in Spike's life. No more abuse, no more being used, no more loneliness. His decision will change Equestria's future for everyone.

  • ...

Shining's Visit

Author's Note:

Shining meets up with Princess Luna on important matters.

Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

It's now 7:00 at night. Princess Cadance gets off the train at the Crystal Empire. She sees Shining Armor galloping to the station to board the train to Canterlot. Princess Cadance orders the conductor to hold the train for a few minutes. He complies and waits for Shining Armor.

"Thanks for doing that, Cadance," Shining said. He gives Cadance a quick kiss on the lips.

"You're welcome, my love."

"We'll talk more when I come back home."

"Sounds good, Shining. Have fun with your meetup with Princess Luna."

"I will," Shining boards the train. Princess Cadance flies to the castle as the train leaves.

On the train ride to Canterlot, Shining Armor looks at the Equestrian Map. He and a few squadrons are in search of Daybreaker's location. During Spike's days in his comatose stasis, Shining Armor and Princess Luna conducted teams to search for Daybreaker. From the Crystal Guards squadron with the Royal Guards, they search high and low in remote areas of Equestria. The train stops at Galloping Gorge. A Crystal Guard squadron boards the train and sits with Shining Armor as the train starts leaving.

"Shining Armor, Sir," Amethyst said, saluting to Shining Armor.

"At ease, Amethyst. Status report."

"No sighting of Daybreaker near Galloping Gorge, Sir."

"What about Unicorn Range and Smokey Mountains?"

"Nay, Sir. There was a recent activity near the Sal Palomino Desert. We sent some of the other Crystal Guards to investigate the activity at Sal Palomino Desert, Sir."

"Good. Making progress to tell Princess Luna. Hopefully, the activity near the Sal Palomino Desert is nothing more than a tourist visitation or a research team."

"We won't know until further notice, Shining Armor."

"How long ago you sent some of the Crystal Guards to Sal Palomino Desert, Amethyst?"

"Last night, Shining Armor. There was a huge crowd of ponies heading to Sal Palomino Desert. We don't know why a large group of ponies wanting to go to the desert last night, Sir."

"Hmm, could be a group activity or something. I want a full report of the investigation at Sal Palomino Desert for the next meeting with Princess Luna, Amethyst."

"Yes, Sir!"

In an hour, the train stops in Canterlot. Shining Armor and the Crystal Guards leave the train and trot to Luna's castle. On the way there, Shining can see an increase in security in Canterlot. Princess Luna takes priorities seriously. The Royal Guards nod in respect to Shining Armor. Two Royal Guards stand aside once Shining Armor and the Crystal Guards made it in front of the castle. They enter and see Discord walking with Princess Luna.

"Hi, Discord. Hi, Princess Luna."

"Hey, Shining Armor," Discord and Luna said.

"Ready for the meeting?"

"Yes. The meeting shall commence," Luna said.

"Has the Royal Guards made it back from their search?"

"Nay, Shining Armor. My Royal Guards has not come back. No updates and reports on their search."

"Alright, then. The meeting won't start for another half hour. Hey, Luna?"

"Yes, Shining?"

"Is Twilight here or in Ponyville?"

"She's residing here, Shining Armor. However, I don't want you to see her until the meeting is over. She has homework and studying."

"Homework?" Shining said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. I gave my first Princess lesson to Twilight earlier today. She's on the path to humble herself first. Right now, she's reflecting on her past. She could be taking notes on the good, the bad, and the ugly as we speak."

"How is she coping with everything that has happened so far, Luna?"

"Twilight is handling things differently. She swore to never corrupt a Friendship again. She still has Spike on her mind, wanting a real chance to redeem herself. It'll take time for that to happen. Also, I've been in touch with Spike."

"How is he, Luna?"

"He's alright as far as I can say. He's on his path in life with his new friends. He's happy and will need time to forgive his former friends someday. Right now, he's focused on creating new memories and becoming the dragon he wants to be."

"Good, I'll know more from Princess Cadance. She went to see Spike, today."

"How nice, Shining," Luna said.

"Hey, Discord?"

"Yea, Shining?"

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm okay with my friends except for Twilight Sparkle. I'm in the midst with her in my mind after what she'd committed."

"I understand. Twily has a problem that comes from our dad's side of the family. Twily will go great lengths to get what she desires."

"No fooling. When Twilight found and used the book of Deal With a Discorded, I was shocked that she would use it to get Spike back. She of all ponies in Equestria to make a soul-binding agreement with me. Creating Disharmony in the process to get what she wants. She has a lot to learn about letting go to see the bigger picture." Discord states.

"Twilight has much more to learn as a Princess. I'll continue to educate her until I see her fitting to go out and learn on her own."

"How did you learn, Princess Luna?" Shining asks.

"I had my help from a wise pony that watch me grow. It wasn't my demented sister but somepony else."

"Who, Luna?" Shining and Discord asks.


"Who's Grim?" Shining and Discord asks, curiously.

"She's special to me and very helpful. It's all I can say, for now, that is."

"Fair enough, Luna," Shining said.

"Grim Reaper?"

"Somewhat, Draqonecuus. It's hard to explain."

"Alright, then. I won't ask any more of it. Right now, I'll see you two in the meeting room," Discord said.

"Will Twilight be present in the meeting room, Luna?"

"Not yet. Twilight needs to become a better Princess first, right now, she's not stable yet. I don't want her sneaking off and trying to fix things without planning. I know she wants to redeem herself fast to show Spike she's changed for the better. Princess Celestia failed Twilight on teaching her to become a Princess. I won't fail Twilight. I'll do everything I can to help her become the Princess she needs to be."

"Thank you, Luna."

"You're welcome, Shining. Now, let's get to the meeting room. We have a lot to discuss."

A half-hour later, Princess Luna and Shining Armor trot to the meeting room. Inside the meeting room, delegates of both the Shadowbolts and Wonderbolts are sitting by the table. Discord is hovering above the table. Spitfire and Dashing Bullet come through the window. They sit with their teams until Princess Luna and Shining Armor arrive. In a few moments, Princess Luna and Shining Armor arrive in the meeting room. Two Royal Guards stand in attention outside of the meeting room.

"Alright, everypony. It's time to start the meeting. Any sight, reports on Daybreaker?" Shining Armor asks out loud.

Amethyst stands first to speak. Everypony stares at the purple crystal pony, giving her their full attention.

"My name is Amethyst, Captain of my Crystal Guard squadron in search of Daybreaker. As I mentioned to Shining Armor on the train ride to Canterlot, my team and I have not spotted Daybreaker in Galloping Gorge, Unicorn Range, and Smokey Mountains. We did notice some activity by the Sal Palomino Desert. I sent some Crystal Guards to investigate last night. I should have a full report on the investigation in a day or so."

"Thank you, Amethyst," Luna said, respectively. "Anyone else has something to report?"

Spitfire raises her hoof. "I do, Princess Luna."

"Please, speak."

"Some of my fliers have reported a disturbance with a dragon recently. The dragon refuses to talk to us about his troubling issues. We believe it could be signs of Daybreaker's presence or something worse. We don't have the analysis just yet, your highness."

"Hmm, Dashing Bullet?"

"Yes, Princess Luna?"

"Can your Griffin Shadowbolt squad interview the disturbed dragon?"

"Griffon, what?" Spitfire asks confusingly.

"Oh, that's right, Spitfire. You don't allow other creatures that can fly to join the Wonderbolts."

"You better watch your tongue Bullet before I rip it off!" Spitfire raising a hoof at Dashing Bullet.

"Enough!" Princess Luna slams her hooves down hard on the table, cracking it in half along with the floor. Dashing Bullet and Spitfire quiet down a bit. "This is not the time nor the place to be bickering. Do I make myself clear?!" Luna angrily said.

"Yes, your highness," Spitfire and Dashing Bullet said in unison.

Princess Luna takes a deep breath to calm herself. Everyone in the room looks at Luna cautiously except for Discord. They now know this is one Princess not to upset.

"Apologies for my bickering, Princess Luna. I will send a Griffin squad to interview the dragon. Dragons and Griffins are on better terms than ponies."

"Thank you, Dashing Bullet."

Shining Armor stands. He uses his magic to levitate a map of Equestria he's been using to track. Everyone and draqonecuus now give Shining Armor their full attention.

"Alright, everyone. The following locations have been searched and crossed out. Galloping Gorge, Smokey Mountains, Unicorn Range, Neighagra Falls, Ruins, Bogg, and Ghastly Gorge. We need to start searching in populated cities. There can be secret passages or underground areas that Daybreaker can be hiding until the timing is right. We'll continue to investigate other remote areas as well. Report to Princess Cadance or Luna of your findings. The next meeting will take place at the Crystal Empire, one week from today."

Everyone nods in agreement.

"Should the new wielders of the Elements and Spike know of this?" Discord asks.

Princess Luna takes a few moments to think. The others in the room start questioning as well.

"Not just yet, Discord. Our new wielders need time to recollect themselves after recent events. In a few weeks, I will write to Spike and have him tell the others about our progress with Daybreaker so they can prepare themselves. Right now, everything we say stays with us. Do not bring the subject with anypony else. Do I make myself clear?" Princess Luna calmly states.

"Yes, Princess." Everyone said in unison.

"Good. Meeting dismissed."

Everypony except Shining Armor, Discord, and Princess Luna leave the meeting room. The two Royal Guards escort everypony to the front doors.

"Thank you for being here, Shining and Discord."

"You're welcome, Princess Luna. Always happy to be in assistance," Shining said.

"Before you go and see Twilight, Shining. There is something else that you need to see," Discord said.

"What is it?"

"Follow us, Shining."

Princess Luna and Discord lead the way down the corridors. Luna opens a hidden door that leads down to the secretive library. The door shuts behind them as they enter. Shining Armor has never seen this library in all the years he worked at the castle. He starts questioning about the room.

"Shining Armor, what Discord and I will show you must remain a secret. No pony else except your wife can know of the area."

"I understand. I make a solemn promise to never speak of this to anyone but my wife."

Discord and Princess Luna use their magic to deactivate the chaotic magical barrier, open the safe, and take a copy of D.W.A.D. Discord is holding onto the book. He turns to Shining Armor.

"Shining Armor. Memorize the image of this book."

Shining Armor uses his magic to take the book from Discord. He examines the book but doesn't open it. He gives it back to Discord.

"Now what?" Shining asks, curiously.

"That book you examined, Shining, is called Deal With A Discorded."

Shining's eyes widen in shock and breathes heavily.

"That book is,"

"Yes, Shining Armor. The same book your younger sister used to make a soul-binding agreement with me."

"I don't think I can read it... Why are you showing me that book?"

"If you or Cadance happens to find the book, you can alert us of it so we can store it away forever," Luna said.

"We can't have Daybreaker find the book and use it for evil purposes and domination. I am bound by the book to do whatever the wielder says. If we lock the books forever, then Daybreaker would not be powerful enough to destroy Harmony and Friendship," Discord said.

"Will Twily know of this?"

"No," Discord said.

"Nay," Luna said.

"Twilight doesn't deserve to know this information. She crossed the line to oblivion for making a soul-binding agreement with me. Not only she made things worse with Spike, but she also screwed her friends out of using the Elements of Harmony. She has a long road ahead of her to redeem herself. She lost some privileges as being a Princess."

"Fair enough. I won't say a word of this library."

"Thank you, Shining," Discord said as he places the book back in the safe.

"You may see Twilight Sparkle now, Shining Armor. Discord and I will have certain matters to attend to."

"Alright, then."

Princess Luna and Discord uses their magic to enable the chaotic magical barrier. Discord flies through the ceiling to prepare himself for another night of Nightmare Patrol in the dream realm. Shining Armor leaves the secretive Library. He trots down the corridors looking for a Royal Guard. He asks the Royal Guard to escort him to Twilight's room. After a few minutes, the Royal Guard go his separate way. Shining Armor knocks on the door.

"One minute, please!" Twilight shouts.

In Twilight's room, she has notes scattered everywhere of today's lesson. She wasn't expecting any visitations so she's clearing as much room as she can. Her state of mind is erratic, something in which she needs a better control to become a better Princess. After she cleans up a bit, she opens the door to see Shining Armor.

"Big Bro!" Twilight hugs Shining Armor. Shining Armor returns the hug.

"Hey, Twily. Can I come in?"

"Of course you can!"

The two enter the room and Twilight closes the door.

"So, how are you doing, Twily?"

"I'm okay for the time being. Princess Luna gave me her first Princess Lesson. As you see, I have a lot of notes in today's lesson."

"I see. How are you coping overall, Twily?"

"Not well, Shining. I screwed up. I made a mess of things, screwed my friends out of the Elements of Harmony, screwed my bond with Spike, and made things worse for all of Equestria. Princess Celestia turned to Daybreaker because of my actions. All of Equestria can be doomed. I have a lot on my shoulder, Shining. I have a war in my mind that's eating me alive. I don't know what to do."

"Give yourself time, Twily. Accept how things are now to focus on bettering yourself. I believe you'll become a great Princess someday."

"Thank you, Big Bro," Twilight hugs Shining Armor.

"You're welcome, sis."

After the hug, Shining Armor leaves Twilight's room and heads to the front gates. He is now on his way back to the Crystal Empire. Somewhere in the outskirts of the Sal Palomino Desert, five Crystal Guards are captured and taken to the cave where Daybreaker resides. Daybreaker uses her magic to bind the Crystal Guards.

"What a nice surprise, visitors from the Crystal Empire."

The Crystal Guards glare at Daybreaker. Not making a sound as she speaks.

"What are you doing? Looking for me?" Daybreaker devilishly smile.

"That is none of your concerns, demon!"

"Well, it is. You are trespassing, after all. Now let's see what's inside."

The Crystal Guards panicked as Daybreaker uses her magic to read their minds. After knowing what's in their heads, Daybreaker plot something sinister.

"You have two choices, join me or death."

"We choose death!" The Crystal Guards said in unison. Daybreaker smiles.

"Death it is," Daybreaker uses her magic to corrupt their minds into thinking they are dead. Instead, Daybreaker is now controlling them like puppets. The Crystal Guards bow in respect to their Dominant God of Equestria. "You are now my insiders, my fellow ponies. You will see and report to me Shining's and Luna's advances. Do not let your guard down and do not let them notice a change in behavior. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, your highness," The Crystal Guards said in unison.

"Wonderful," Daybreaker starts laughs maniacally as her fellow ponies start chanting Dies Irae, Gloria in Excelsis.