• Member Since 10th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 17 hours ago

Shazam 25

I'm a guy who loves Video Games and is a Brony. I get different ideas for the mane six and mostly into game crossovers.


This story is a sequel to Fluttershy's Mansion: Dark Moon

It's been five months since Fluttershy save Dark Moon Valley and had her last ghost hunting adventure. Now she and her friends are invited to a Hotel for a chance to relax and not have any worries. However, it turns out the whole thing was a setup! Fluttershy friends have been captured by the Hotel Owner and she's working alongside Nightmare Moon! Fluttershy must now brave through a Haunted Hotel to save her Friends and stop Nightmare Moon! But this time she not alone!

Fluttershy meets up with a man named Luigi who was also trick into coming to the Hotel and his friends were also captured. They work together to save their friends and defeat Nightmare and her new ally, King Boo! But can Fluttershy get used to her new body without any means to fly?

I can't find any fan cover for Fluttershy's Mansion 3. No one made one. So this will be coverless until I can find one. Stop asking me for the next chapter. I'm not going to come back to this any time soon. I do plan on returning to this one day, but I need you all to stop asking me when the next chapter is coming.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 60 )

The first chapter is a good start in my opinion keep up the great work. :pinkiehappy:

I’m liking this so far, can’t wait for the next chapter

Not bad so far! I was so sure that Nightmare Moon would have the Hellen Gravely role, it just makes more sense to me, but this is your fanfic not mine. I wonder how Luigi will make his debut in this story. :D

9993297 You know, I'm not against you writing your own version. But thanks for the comment. I try to have the next chapter up before christmas. Oh and I finally got the game! I got it as a early Christmas present from my sister, my half sister, not my step sister.

You'll have fun with it! I know I did! I don't want to write my own version, though. I like your versions best. Besides I'm already focusing on a fanfic that's taking a while anyway. :D

Nice touch turning the ponies into humans. After, I think that it would have been funny to see Luigi and E Gadd's reaction to Fluttershy's pony form. But now, I wonder, does this mean that we will see two Polterpups (Luigi's and Fluttershy's)? Boy, those two won't stop playing with each others! And I already pity the Polterkitty. Speaking of, I wonder if Fluttershy will be able to convince the Polterkitty to stop following Hellen.

Will Fluttershy be taking the Gooigi role or is Luigi getting demoted to player 2 for the umpteenth time.

Looking forward to seeing this being continued. I only hope Luigi isn't demoted to Player 2...again.

Hi, quick question. How much longer will it be for the next chapter?

10073560 I started the next chapter, I got up where Fluttershy meet Luigi and they are going to get their ghost catching devices, but every time I try to write it, I can't bring myself to do so. And I want to continue this story! Trust me this is a story I been wanted to write even before I learn of a third Luigi's Mansion.

I believe you. Take all the time you need. And I'd be more than than willing to help.

I'm with Darth Wrex take all the time you need. Good stories take time.

i look forward to what you come up with

:yay::yay::yay:bout time u got to this one shazam i cant wait for it to be done the first 2 where epic so i'm gunna wait with baited breath for u finish this new story for us all!:yay::yay::yay:

10328604 You might be waiting for a long time. I lost interest in Luigi's Mansion. I have tried to get back into it, but it couldn't stick around like the first two.

thats ok man the 3 game was a lot harder then 1 and 2 put together take ur time and when u feel like u can wright a chapter for this then ok if not thats ur go im ok with it not every one can play and stick with the luigi's mansion games for long it took me till march to beat the game my self i have had it sense it's release day so don't sweat it man u do u then no need to rush on things that ur tired of ok?😁

I’m curious. When did you lost interest with Luigi’s Mansion 3? What were you doing when you’re not writing? When are you going to get back into the game? I mean, it’s been 9 months since you’ve published this chapter.

10386173 I can't remember when but I think I remember why. I have mentioned that got up to King Boo and yet to beat him. He's the last boss of the game and I just drop everything about the game. I couldn't think on how to keep going or even focus enough to write the next chapter. I do plan on finishing this, I just got no idea when. I have tried to get back into it but nothing works.

The truth is, I haven’t read the first chapter. I always have some kind of rule that I don’t read it unless it’s marked complete. But I don’t understand how could one lose interest in writing. So I just thought the reason is that the fanfic is time-consuming or because of how long it took to write the first chapter. By the way, how long did the chapter take? I hope I’m not pressuring you. I’m not trying to force you. I just wanna know why and how you lost interest in LM3/FM3.

10421976 It just faded. I try to work on the second chapter but I just couldn't focus on it. I have tried to get back it but I couldn't keep it in my head long enough to write. I really didn't want to stop but I just can't bring myself to go back to it.

Comment posted by uniquecorn deleted Nov 10th, 2020

Maybe You just need a break from writing or maybe you have too many projects going on at once. Maybe come back once you take a break and/or finished with other things

I do hope you get the inspiration again to continue. I love this series hate to see it end. But juggling with so many things to do can cloud a person's mind and make them lose interests with certain things. So take your time with finding that interest again.

Comment posted by uniquecorn deleted Oct 28th, 2020

Shazam 25, I have questions about Fluttershy’s Mansion 3 for you.

  1. What do you do when you’re not writing FM3?
  2. Did you make any progress (words, paragraphs, etc.) on the second chapter?
  3. What is your plan for FM3 (The bosses, gooigi, paintings, gems, boos, etc.)?
  4. Where’s VK and thephoenixmaster when you need them and help?

Hey, what happened? My last comment was from 3 weeks ago and recieved no reply. Surely, you must have some answers to my questions on my last comment.

Also, so far, you have 1200 views on your first chapter and I’m sure some or all of those people are waiting for an update.

Would you like to fill them up with what’s been going on for the past year?

I don’t want to flood the chapter with comments that belong to me, please reply my last two comments as early as you can.

10561089 I lost interest in Luigi Mansion and I haven't got back in the mood. So please don't ask when I'm going to update this again, because I don't know when.

I just saw this and I'm outraged
I loved the first one and the sequel
I'm not asking you to work on it I'm saying take your time and I WILL ALWAYS BE WAITING
and I'm offended you lost interest its one of the best games I never played the 1st or second or the 3ds remake of the 1st one but I played the arcade version and the 3rd one and I 100 beat my first save I didn't know how to get the gold poltergust which I know is real and if I was writing this id probably be done or at least halfway done so read this and at least consider it
cuz if you don't I will also I had an idea for my own Luigi's mansion story
Luigi and pinkies mansion 1-3 it's inspired by this also even though I never got to play dark moon I loved that game and I'm getting sidetracked well I'm here and always reading this site so at least reply okay
from a really big fan aka " insert my user name here "

also read this out of now where
I beat pretty easy when I played and I know there no difficulty setting a least I don't think there is
not bragging

insert elevator music just gonna wait until at least a new chapter is put on here
cuz I'm sick of waiting so
we gonna do
the easy way
the hard way
or the pinkie way

okay fine I'm joking
but in all of Luigi's mansion fimfictions this one I was looking forward to the most
I am not afraid to just put a lot of reply in here but its mainly cuz I don't wanna have to make
a super big reply so
please just
work on it / the easy way
cancel it / the hard way
or have me just endlessly talk / the pinkie way

I'm not afraid to do it it's your decision
or pinkie

dislikes to the comment this is replying to

10606878 DUDE! Chill out! I get it. I'm really sorry! I still have the game, and it's still fun. I have tried to get back into it, but it never stuck again like the other two. I really want to get back to this, but I just can't. The story is not dead, I just can't focus on it,

but seeing the reply I just cant help but
hahahahahahahhhahaahha :rainbowlaugh:
hahahhahahahahahahahhahahahaha haa
sorry I'm just really passionate about Luigi's mansion 3 I really liked the pirate floor
again sorry

okay I guess I can understand I just really like the other 2 stories and I loved the 3rd Luigi's mansion if how much I loved the game was money id be the richest person in the multiverse
but sorry feel free to delete all those dislikes if you want and if you can

I'm just gonna re-read the same chapter over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and OVER :pinkiecrazy:

so final thing
choose your diffaculty level

Okay, Shazam 25, I have one question for you. Don’t you have VK or thephoenixmaster? If so, why don’t you contact them to help you write the story while you, well, lost interest. If not, you can just visit the ‘Looking for Editors’ group.

:pinkiehappy: ( evil grin intesifies )

10699904 Do not ask me when I'm going to update! I don't know when I'm coming back to this!

( still grinning but not evil this time :pinkiesmile: )
I'm not gonna ask but I'm still gonna wait I will wait till 2022 if I have to
try me :ajsmug: ( i would put a determined face but i couldn't find one )
hello also if I didn't tell you I really liked the previous stories
that was my sanity before now its kinda
:pinkiecrazy::pinkiesmile::pinkiehappy: repeat but only if this is involved

Why don’t you get some authors to help you? How did you get VK and thephoenixmaster to help you with ‘Fluttershy’s Mansion: The Dark Moon’? Maybe they can help you with this story. If that’s not possible, you can just get another author helper. Please answer so that I know you’re not ignoring me, thank you.

I won’t ask you if you will update, but can you inform me when you are planning to come back? (Please:fluttershysad:)

Shazam, I don’t know what’s going on, but I think you’re ignoring most of this story’s comments. Why? It’s not like you don’t reply just because you don’t notice or check your notifications. Is everything alright besides the lack of interest? I’m no doctor, but I like to suspect that it’s stress, or is it? Also, I noticed that you’re not only lacking interest in writing this story, but in writing any story. What kind of things do you do on this website when you’re not writing stories? Reading? I was trying my best to help you and the only course of action to do that is comment. I’m giving you a recommendation to get a friendly and helpful author. Maybe get the writer of ‘Applebloom’s Mansion’, Lucar who commented on #6, he seems to enjoy the idea of the story. But PLEASE reply to this comment in under 3 weeks from now so that I know that you’re okay. If you don’t, I’m just gonna keep on commenting and eventually, the comment counter will reach 50 even before the next comment from “2022 WyattS” comes out. No hard feelings!

10756892 I'm fine, really. I do want to work on this. But my focus just keeps changing to something else. Plus, I haven't been on this site as much as I use to. There's no stress or anything. I really lost in interest Luigi's Mansion. I'm mostly ignoring them because I keep being ask when I'm going to update. Look, the story is not canalled, but who knows when I'll gain interest again.

I know that you want to continue, you don’t have to keep telling us. What about my recommendation? It’s the whole point of my last comment. Do you approve? Don’t you think that you need help writing the story?


But my focus just keeps changing to something else.

What is that “something else” referring to.

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