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Uplink Fifteen: Surprise

New Uplink Found




Auto shunt found
Designation: Deccius Thrane
Rank: Sub Dominus
Location: Unknown World assigning designation: VP- 23336789432

Uplink successful

+By the Omnissiah, I will find a way.+

The forces of the Machine God had, in all things remained dogmatic in their duties. Never stopping in their mission till the job set forth before them was done. For the past 18 days the servitors had dug a network of trenches and defenses around the shield bubble. The trenches were constructed precisely because during their entire bombardment, every single attack they made had been bounced off right back at them, the only thing to leave the bubble, was the occasional wisp of green flame, always darting to one of the two other bubbles, likely some form of communication. Craters and scorch marks now dominated a radius around the dome, the once picturesque green fields and rolling kills were now replaced with sand bags, bunkers, craters, and orderly trench lines. To the north, bulk mining equipment and greedily plunged their sucking drills into the sides of the mountain face the capital rested on. Dunecrawlers and skitarii rangers scaled the cliffs towards the capital. All the while Archaeopter fusilave's streaked across the sky, disgorges their payloads, and left for resupply as their bombs bounced harmlessly off (undetonated in some cases) and rained death on their own allies. Thrane looked through magnoculars into the pink dome, once again he knew with certainty the eight pointed crystal star at the domes center was mocking him. Inside the xenos had set up barricades just along the perimeter. A crude and throne together barricade made of furniture, and whatever loos boards and trees were inside at the time. Though it was mildly impressive they managed to set up sand bags in certain places. The xenos resistance would crumble once the damn shield was down. It was only a matter of time, for his plan to fall into place, and step one was was already in motion as sure as the cog turned.

"My lord." a voice behind the dominus asked. Thrane turned and saw it was Kars. "Do you not think this amount of force is a bit, excessive? Should we not focus our efforts on the other settlements that remain unshielded? Or even redirect these forces to the capital siege?"

Thrane fought to hold back his rage at the notion.

"When dealing with these xenos, their is no such thing as 'excessive force.'" Thrane said gravely. "Despite their outward appearance, They're abilities are not to be underestimated."


Dominus Deccius Thrane stood in the xenos settlement, even back then taking in all the data he could on potential weaknesses should the Arch Magos decide to mount an attack. To one side he saw Fash engaged in a conversation with one of the aliens, in hindsight he probably should have been suspicious of that, but it was put out of his mind for now. Their were a great many of strategic weaknesses, open spaces, large alley ways, wooden buildings, the most defendable positions appeared to consist of their capital building, and the crystal tree. The eight pointed star at the top brought him back to memories of fighting traitors. He marked them as potential hold outs on hi--

"Hey what are you doing!?" A high pitched xenos asked him, surprising a tech priest who had fought the Night Lords. His body twisted 170 degrees and he tilted his spine downwards to see a pink equine with incredibly fluffy mane. The horse beamed up at him with those massive eyes that took up most of it's skull. For several moments he considered feigning he did not recognize their language, as many of the tech priests that came down here indeed didn't. Then he considered the potential tactical information that this one could provide. They live in these villages, perhaps they could reveal many weaknesses he couldn't see with an initial inspection. However before he completely ran through both potential scenarios in his head, the xeno unexpectedly lunged at him and pressed it's nose directly against his rebreather, rapping it's forelegs' around his neck in an embrace.

"What's with the half metal face?" It asked, the creatures breadth invading his nostrils with the foul smell of... sweets? "Couldn't decide if you wanted to be a robot or not so you went with half in half out? Ooooooh I live playing halvsies!"

The xenos let go of it's embrace and landed perfectly in front of Thrane.

"Have you ever had a half chocolate and vanilla and half mint brownie pie?" The equine asked. Before the dominus could respond the xeno had already zipped behind him and was tugging on his robe.

"Oohh I love these dresses you guys wear, they make you look like red ghosts." She then brought the robe to her muzzle and sniffed it. "Blech, they smell like dust and oil though, why do you even wear them?"

Again before he could answer the the pink horse interrupted. "Ohh, sorry I'll get you that Coco- Vall- Min- Brownie pie right away." And then the creature zipped away leaving behind a puff of smoke vaguely in its shape. Thrane was left utterly speechless as to what just happened.

He then noticed a skitarius ranger holding one of the frosted xenos delicacies while his pink feeding tube sucked it down. The ranger looked at him and froze, then slowly backed away acting as though he didn’t notice the dominus.

Thane again wondered what this place was doing to his men, then looked up into the crystal palace and saw a figure looking down at him.


Starlight Glimmer looked down at the street of Ponyville and let out a long sigh. For almost two and a half weeks the invaders had kept dropping bombs, firing rays of light, and casting lightning at their shield non stop, the domed sky rippled like water at all these attacks. Twilight Sparkle had been locked in her room for all that time, using all of her energy to keep up the barrier, only Spike was aloud to enter, bringing food and occasional sending a message. From what he said, Twilight was in a near constant state of meditation and had gotten almost no sleep in almost three weeks. That left Starlight Glimmer reluctantly in charge of leading the sheltering residents of Ponyville.

As much as the former dictator was loathed to admit it, she was a natural leader. Her past experience leading a village in a lifeless wasteland also made her an expert in rationing limited resources when cut off from the outside world. She tried to delegate as much of her tasks as possible, emphasizing the point that she was not the soul individual in charge and was merely filling in for the princess of friendship while she was indisposed, however whenever their was a problem they always went to her, and many thought of her as the leader. Starlight Glimmer was the most qualified to lead, Mayor Mare was... not doing to well, it hadn’t even been a full day and already she was talking about cannibalism, putting her in charge of paperwork seamed to calm her down though. Being in charge at least distracted the unicorn from the existential threat the invaders posed, at least somewhat. She desperately hoped this nightmare would end. That at any moment she would wake up in her soft bed, without Ponyville under siege, and all the missing ponies would be their to. But with each passing day and rising tension, that possibility seamed to drift further and further away. She had no idea how long Twilight could hold a shield spell this big for, but it probably wouldn't be much longer.

Why did it turn out like this? What had she done to deserve this? Had her own personal sins really warranted the the suffering of others? Rainbow Dash, was she still even alive?

As she contemplated this she felt the ground shake a little and noticed a slight bulge forming in the ground. What was it now?


Uplink Reestablished






Auto shunt found
Designation: Dravak
Rank: Enginseer
Location: Unknown World assigning designation: VP- 23336789432

Uplink successful

+I hold the secrets of the machine+

Enginseer Dravak knew this was a suicide mission. Why else would they put him in charge of a group of disposable servitors rather than highly trained skitarii? However he didn’t complain when Dominus Thrane gave him his orders and told him to board the Terrax assault drill. He did as he was ordered, because that was what the Omnissiah willed of him. The drill was on a pre programmed course that was nearing its end. Dravak took this time to check/ bless his gear and the instruments of destruction the servitors wielded. He was the furthest from the door as his duty required him to be the most protected.

The Termite drill’s cabin shook, then it’s incline leveled out with a slam, the subterranean craft coming to a stop. The doors slid open with a hydraulic hiss, the pressurized air equalized with the alien world, and the automaton servitors began their work.

Surprise was total, all around them the panicking xenos were being butchered. Smashing and burning everything in their paths the servitors opened up on them without pity or remorse. After a while Enginseer Dravak finally left the cabin, slowly his organic eye adjusted to this worlds tinted sun, this was his first time on this world. All around him the sky was pink and rippling like an ocean. The shield bubble was indeed impressive to have stood up to such a torrent non stop for so long. Privately he thought that perhaps their methods could be adapted in some way to serve their own needs. Looking down he saw the corpse of a xeno and sneered under his rebreather. It was utterly disgusting, walking on four legs with enlarged eyes and a disproportionally large head, even the things colors hurt his eyes. He reminded himself that anything a xeno made would always be inferior to the creations of the Machine God, and brought down a metal boot onto its skull, crushing it in seconds.

That out of the way, he pulled out a data slate and started his mission while the servitors kept the equines at bay. He was just about done with the final preparation when he heard a loud popping noise, almost like air particles being shoved out of the way of a teleportation.

The tech priest turned and saw a light pink xeno with a dark purple mane highlighted by a light blue streak. A servitor with a servo claw noticed the sudden appearance and lunged at her, quickly the psyker’s horn glowed, and it shot a beam from it that instantly vaporized the servitor. Then their was a flash and the xeno was gone.

Their was another pop and the xeno was behind a flamer armed servitor, again it shot another beam and the construct vanished, it then called a bucket of water into being and doused the flames, vanishing yet again.

A third pop and the xeno took out two more servitors before vanishing again.

Another pop, another servitor gone, another flash. Another pop, another disappearance. Another pop, and gone.

One by one Dravak watched the beast teleport as though it was nothing, struggling to keep up, till he realized the only one left was him. He drew his side arm and readied his axe in anticipation. A second past, then another, then another, then a third, then a fourth... Finally their was a pop. Dravak whirled around to fire his las pistol, but it was too late, and the blue beam struck him right in his chest, then he was gone.

Uplink Interrupted

New Uplink?




New Uplink Found


Auto shunt found
Designation: Deccius Thrane
Rank: Sub Dominus
Location: Unknown World assigning designation: VP- 23336789432

Uplink successful

+Iron Fist+

Thrane and Kars had watched the whole exchange from outside the dome marveling at how fast the xeno teleported.


Soon after the first servitor disappeared they heard a loud clang from being and to the right of them.


Then another thump when the second disappeared. Then a third thump. It didn’t take them long to figure out that it was raining servitors, one by one the bodies fell.


The last body landed right on the edge of the trench with with a very painful sounding crack.

“How did the surprise attack go?” Asked Thrane.

<Could have gone better.> Responded the bent tech priest through the golden text of the noosphere.

“You alright Enginseer Dravak?”

<If my maintenance protocols don’t repair my spine in 25 minutes, then retrieve a medica servitor.>

“Of course old friend.” Thrane nodded. “Did you manage to leave behind the servo skull undetected?”

<Let me check.> His organic eye rolled back while his bionic one blinked a few times, then his gaze again returned to the Dominus. <Servo skull in place, we should be able to see through it's eyes with the data slate in my pocket.>

“A fine job soldier.” Commented Thrane carefully removing the slate to check it wasn’t damaged from the fall. “With this, we ca—“

<My lords!> Another voice interrupted. It was a Skitarii ranger with an enhanced data tether. The tech guard rushed through the trench, antenna waving about. <We have confirmed from Terrax teams 3 and 4 that the shield bubble now extends to below the surface.>

"Well that avenue of attack is closed off." Commented Dominus Kars, only to turn and see that Dominus Deccius Thrane was practically grinning.

"After this attack they will now be expending double their energy to protect them selves." Announced Thrane, "Along with that their moral will be almost certainly shattered from the phycological effect."

Kars gaped speechless, before regaining his voice again marveling at his fellow dominii genius.

"Not only did you weaken their resolve, you've cut their energy supply, and defenses in half to cover their flank. As well as implement a way to spy on them."

"And all without a single casualty." Added Thrane not even trying to hide the emotional pleasure he took in his own genius.

The data tethered skitarii pressed a finger to his ear, receiving a new data packet.

<Sensors report a another attack from the fauna is on it's way from the East.> Reported the Skitarius. <As well as a storm from the north... precisely on schedule with your prediction.>

"That confirms they can control the weather." Thrane already began reallocating troops to the east, as well as formulating a plan do deal with both the fauna, and the weather control device in the north. This war was far from over.

Uplink Interrupted

Author's Note:

New Codex! New Codex! New Codex!

It is defiantly going to help with the next few chapters, which will be about the different dominii staging their various attacks. Hopefully we also get some lore on the new units from Engine War. Disappointed we STILL don't have any new mechanicus novels to look forward to, but at least we have this. More to come.