• Published 25th Nov 2019
  • 2,614 Views, 46 Comments

Scoot 10 - TheIronPone035

Scootaloo wanted to be like her idol, a hero, somepony that Ponyville could look up to if they needed help. With the help of a strange space watch, her wish comes true.

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(S1) Having Fun

So what ya are say'n is that these strange creatures are able ta disguise themselves like us but are actually insect creatures?" Apple Bloom asked after recapping Scootaloo's testimony.

The three Cutie Mark Crusaders had once again grouped up together in the Crusader clubhouse, Scootaloo telling the other two about the events of last night. They'd managed to patch up the broken window and repair the blown apart door, so they had plenty of privacy for now.

"Yeah! And they had this weird ball thing which I hid underground so they can't get it." Scootaloo exclaimed.

Sweetie Belle rose an eyebrow. "Wouldn't it have been a better idea to of brought it to Twilight?"

"... oh yeah." Scootaloo responded, realizing her mistake.

"Well, let's go get it then!" Apple Bloom said, getting up from her seat and trotted over to the door.

The rest of the Crusaders left the clubhouse and began their journey towards the hill that Scootaloo had buried the suitcase. Once they reached their destination, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked over at Scootaloo.

"Uh, what?"

"You're tha one who hid it, where'd ya bury it?" Apple Bloom questioned.

"Oh that's easy, I hid it over..." Scootaloo looked around the area, not seeing any signs of where she had buried the suitcase. Then again, everything looked the same. "Somewhere here."

The three Crusaders glanced around the area, before sighing. "We 'lready tried Cutie Mark Crusaders treasure hunters, an' remember how that turned out?"

"I will never look at a beach the same way again." Sweetie Belle stated, shivering at the memory.

Scootaloo looked down at the watch, an idea forming in her mind. "Actually, I've got an idea."

Scootaloo activated the watch and spun the dial, before slamming down on it. In a green flash, Scootaloo had once again transformed into the orange dog like creature that didn't have eyes but a very good nose.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both grabbed some shovels in the wagon they had brought with them and got ready.

"A'lright Crusaders, let's find ourselv's ah suitcase."

The once beautiful hill that had been at the very edge of Sweet Apple Acres, was now covered in dirt and full of holes. It had been around fifty minutes since the crusaders had started digging, Scootaloo had timed out by then and had to use a shovel until the watch recharged again.

Even after all their hard work, the trio came up empty hooved, except for a few gemstones, an old saddle, three socks, and a red journal that smelled worse than Sweetie Belle's cooking.

After Scootaloo had finished digging her fortieth hole and not finding anything, she called out to her friends. "Any luck?"

"Nope!" Apple Bloom responded, sticking her head out of a hole that she'd just dug.

"I found a llama pinata, but no case." Sweetie Belle exclaimed, shoving a massive pinata out of the most recently dug hole.

Scootaloo grumbled as she went back to digging. This was getting ridiculous. Why hadn't she just thought of this before hoof and had put it in the clubhouse or something?

Finally, Scootaloo's temper gave way.

"THAT'S IT! I'M GOING HERO!" Scootaloo declared, before activating the watch.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle stuck their heads up from the holes they were in, confusion on their faces. "Goin' hero?"

Apple Bloom's question was answered by Scootaloo smashing the dial down. The watch let out a few sparks, before engulfing Scootaloo in a flash of green light.

Once the light faded, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle saw what looked like a ghost floating where Scootaloo had been standing. The ghost was covered in a white cloth and had one single pink eye. The watch's symbol was tucked underneath a rip in the cloth.

"I'm a ghost?" Scootaloo said out loud, her voice echoing slightly.

"Ya seem ta be." Apple Bloom stated, Sweetie Belle nodding her head behind the earth pony filly.

Scootaloo floated around a little, opening and closing her hands a few times.

"Wait, doesn't that mean that you can faze through walls and stuff? Every ghost story my parents told me had them do that." Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"I'll give it a try." Scootaloo answered, floating down to the ground.

Scootaloo focused her mind, trying to see if she could activate an ability to let her go through the ground. Finally, something happened, causing her to turn invisible and faze into the ground.

"Cool!" Scootaloo said, floating back above ground behind her friends.

"Where'd she go?" Apple Bloom questioned out loud, looking around for Scootaloo.

"I think she went into the ground!" Sweetie Belle stated.

Scootaloo was about to agree, only to stop when she heard the sounds of hooves approaching. She turned around to see Applejack trotting over to them, a stern look on her face.

Scootaloo's eye widened, she was still in ghost mode! However, before she could react, Applejack trotted right through her and towards the other two crusaders.

"What in tarnation are y'all do'n digg'n holes 'n the orchard?" Applejack asked, looking around at all the newly dug holes.

"We're look'n for someth'n Scootaloo buried 'round here." Apple Bloom exclaimed to her big sister.

"Y'all really need ta bury yer things somewhere else. Just make sure that y'all fill in those holes once ya find what you're look'n for. By the way, where is Scootaloo?" Applejack questioned, not seeing the orange filly anywhere.

"Oh yeah, she's... well," Sweetie Belle put a hoof to her chin as she tried to think of the correct words to say.

As Applejack waited for a response, she heard something. It sounded sort of like chuckling, but it seemed to echo. Applejack looked around for the source of the chuckling, but it had stopped, and nopony else was there except for her, her sister, and Sweetie Belle.

"Did either of ya hear that?" Applejack questioned.

"Hear what?"

"Ah didn't hear anyth'n."

Applejack took one last look around the area, only to wind up with the same results. She rubbed her left ear a bit with a forehoof before returning her focus on the two fillies.

"Hmm, could've sworn ah heard someth'n. Must be hear'n things. Anyways, ah've still got some work ta do, stay outta trouble." Applejack said, before trotting off through the orchard.

Once the earth pony was gone from their sights, Scootaloo uncloaked herself. "Are you girls thinking what i'm thinking?"

Apple Bloom looked over to Sweetie Belle, who now had a slight grin across her face.

"Ah think we are." Apple Bloom responded, a grin spreading across her own face.

"It's payback time!" Scootaloo declared, right before a loud beeping filled the area, followed by a flash of red light.

Scootaloo looked over at the watch, frowning. "Right after the watch recharges."

After filling up the holes that they had dug, the Cutie Mark Crusaders trotted off towards their clubhouse to make preparations. Once they were done, they made their way to the outskirts of Ponyville, a certain destination in mind.

The trio soon found themselves in a bush, looking at a large two story brick mansion with a blue roof and expensive looking windows. Two large golden doors marked the entrance to the building, right under a white wooden balcony.

"Alright girls, everything ready?" Scootaloo asked, looking over at her two friends, who nodded in response.

Sweetie Belle took off a saddlebag she had been wearing and pulled out two white and pink cameras. Apple Bloom took one of the cameras while Sweetie Belle held onto the other.

They had ended up spending the rest of the day getting ready for this moment, so with Celestia's sun lowering on the horizon, the three fillies began to advance on the mansion.

The CMC halted when the reached one of the mansion's sides, Scootaloo eyeing the watch which glowed lime green.

Scootaloo activated the watch and selected the ghost creature she had used earlier, and pressed down on the dial. A flash of green light engulfed her as her body was wrapped in white cloth. A single purple eye emerged from where her head had been wrapped, her forehooves turning into wrapped hands. The watch's symbol appeared, tucked under a bit of cloth on her chest.

Once the flash faded, Scootaloo wasted no time floating up to a window which she cautiously peaked into. On the other side of the window was a hallway that was lit by several lamps that were anchored into the walls. A few wooden tables were lined up against a few walls, most having expensive looking objects on top of them.

Scootaloo's single eye drifted along the wooden doors until she found her target. One wooden door at the other end of the hall had a familiar looking image of a tiara on it.

Scootaloo tried to open the window, but it was locked from the inside. But she had been expecting that. So Scootaloo focused like how she did earlier and ended up floating through the window, completely invisible. Scootaloo quickly unlocked the window, before gently opening it and floating back out.

"I found the room, it's the one on the right at the end of the hallway. It has her cutie mark on it so you can't miss it." Scootaloo explained, before picking up her friends and floated back up to the window.

Scootaloo set her friends down inside, before shutting the window and floated ahead of the other two crusaders, still invisible. She peaked around the corner where a set of stairs led to the first floor, not spotting anypony.

"We're clear." Scootaloo said, leading the way as the trio went as quietly as they could past the staircase and towards their destination.

Scootaloo fazed her head through the door, looking around for any signs of a particular pink filly. But the room was empty. She removed her head from the door and opened it up, shutting the door behind her once her friends had entered.

The room, as expected, was mostly pink. The walls were painted light pink, so was the carpet and the single window that was in the room. A large bed had baby blue sheets and pillows, neatly folded. One hoof-made doll of Princess Celestia with a pure pink mane was the only occupant of the bed.

"She's probably downstairs finishing up dinner or something. That makes our job a lot easier." Scootaloo exclaimed, pointing towards a large closet.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle went over to the closet, opening the white door which exposed several expensive and shiny dresses, jewelry, and other fancy accessories.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle did their best to not touch anything as they squeezed into the closet, cameras pointing out of a slightly open crack in the wooden blinds that aligned the doors.

Right as Scootaloo shut the closet door for her friends, she heard the distinct sound of two voices coming from the hallway, followed by two sets of hooves. Scootaloo quickly turned herself invisible and floated up to the ceiling, watching the door like a hawk.

It didn't take long before the door opened, revealing not one, but two earth pony fillies. Scootaloo had to hold back a chuckle, seems that luck was on her side today.

"Are you ready for the first of many sleepovers over this summer?" Diamond Tiara, a pink earth pony filly with a purple mane and tail which had a single white stripe down it, questioned. Balanced on top of her head was a silver tiara that matched her cutie mark perfectly.

"You bet, no more boring school and having to sit next to those blank flanks each week." Silver Spoon, a grey earth pony filly with a silver and white mane and tail, responded. She had her mane in a ponytail with a pink ribbon and was wearing a pair of blue glasses.

Scootaloo waited a few minutes before starting the fun. She floated over to the light switch and flipped it down, starting the prank.

"Hey, who turned out the lights?" Silver Spoon asked, looking around.

Before Diamond Tiara could respond, Scootaloo flew right through her, sending a chill down her spine and causing her to shiver.

Scootaloo tried not to snicker as she slowly lifted Diamond Tiara's tiara off of her head, fighting even harder to not laugh as she spotted Silver Spoon's reaction.

"Diamond! Your tiara's floating!!!" Silver Spoon shouted, pointing up at the hovering piece of jewelry.

Diamond Tiara looked up, spotting the floating tiara, her irises shrinking to the size of pinpricks. Scootaloo chose this time to slowly reveal herself, her eye locked onto the two fillies.

"Boo." Scootaloo said flatly, before turning invisible again right as a set of flashes came from the closet. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were too distracted by themselves screaming and running out of the room to even notice.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle emerged from the closet, massive grins across their faces. Scootaloo picked them up and went out the window, setting her friends down right as a loud beeping noise filled the area.

After a red flash of light, Scootaloo was back to being a filly, joining her friends as they laughed and ran back towards the clubhouse, priceless photos in the two cameras.