• Published 1st Jan 2021
  • 1,333 Views, 16 Comments

Queen of Crimson Crows - ZhaoZoharEX

After Twilight's coronation, Celestia and Luna get a visit from their mother. Twilight must earn the respect of this ally she didn't know existed or she's gonna have a bad time.

  • ...

Episode 03 ~ Under The Ice

“Brother, reporting in.”

“Welcome back. Do you have an update?”

“Our Brother has successfully infiltrated the heart of Bloodmist. We will get updates sparingly from here on as the delivery method is going to be tricky.”

“Do not be discouraged. We have another ace, so long as Brother remains in control of the situation, it will prove no issue. Just remain at a distance and relay as always.”

“Yes Brother.”

“Oh, and while you’re here, I have been hearing of sightings of that draconequus near the old castle.”

“Yes, I can confirm this. According to our Brother, he seems to be dealing with chronic migraines. Currently, our assessment of this information is inconclusive, we do not have any evidence to suggest this is going to be a problem.”

“Hmm… Observe him further, I would prefer to know his angle. For all we know, this could be a side effect of… Well, I think we would all prefer to never speak of that ever again. Still, our priority is the search for more of the missing pieces. Master will not want us to be sidetracked with such a thing. Aside from that, more of our resources should be allocated to Operation Castle Kingside”

“Yes Brother. Oh, speaking of which, the assembly of the task force is nearing completion.”

“Is that so? What is the strength of it so far?”

“We have assembled a small brigade thus far, consisting of a battalion for the prison and a battalion for the museum, in addition to a reserve force that can be converted into an armored squadron or a fires battalion. We still have a few companies and platoons to form, but we hope to be ready by the time the princess and her clique return to Equestria.”

“Hm… Remind me again how many we have amassed?”

“Currently I estimate it to be about mid four-figures strong, Brother.”

“Create another reserve battalion or two for later should it be necessary.”

“Yes, Brother…. Um, Brother? Do you think all this is wise?”

“We may be strong as we are now, Sister, but we cannot assure Master’s position without some cannon fodder.”

“No, I mean this whole thing. What we’re striving for. It’s been… Well over a millennium and we’re still at it. And Master… Is it really necessary or wise to hold onto such hatred and bitterness…?”

“Sister, I respect your concerns for my mental health, but I do not wish to yield. We have to put them in their place and destroy everything that treasonous trash stood for. It’s because of him… Because of her…. Because of them that we are even in this position to begin with. And yet you still show pity?”

“Brother, this amount of resentment is dangerous.”

“Sister. I need this. We need this. We will see this through to the end, just to prove them wrong. And Master will be returned to what is rightfully--”

“Brother, perhaps it is best I extract myself from this discussion for the time being. I believe I will rest before setting out again.”

“...Very well. Dismissed.”

Chilly. Nippy. Whatever word you want to use to describe it, the courtyard of the palace was cold and snowy. Yet the staff working tirelessly to ensure a well-manicured lawn and flourishing cherry blossom trees were certainly warmhearted. A petal from such trees landed in Fluttershy’s hoof. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad--

“Oh my,” Rarity sighed in admiration, knocking Fluttershy out of her thoughts. “This is absolutely gorgeous. I must admit, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect from the description of the palace, but this is a pleasant sight.”

“Really pretty!” Pinkie added as she bounced about.

“It sure is,” Fluttershy replied. “I was honestly expecting something a little, err, gloomy?”

A proud cackle boomed from the queen in front. “Perish the thought, dear Willow. I may not look it, but I fancy myself the artsy type. Though I confess my son Sequoia did most of this. Some of his finest work in my humble opinion.”

It was at this point Spruce stepped out from the main palace doors with a maid. “You are many things, mother, but humble isn’t one of them.”

“Oh don’t give me that, boy, when I’m not out making babies I’m making masterpieces with my grandbabies. Of course,” Maho playfully elbowed Fluttershy, “first I need some grandbabies. You’ll be providing some, right dearie?”

Subtle isn’t one of them either,” Spruce added as Fluttershy hid her face in her wings again.

Rainbow Dash inserted herself between the queen and her tomato-faced friend. “Okay look. I don’t care if you are the queen here and I don’t care if you are Celestia’s mom. I’m gonna have to ask you to cut it out with the comments. They’re making Fluttershy uncomfortable.”

“Heh, you sound like you’re jealous.”

“Excuse me--”

“You know, envy is a dress that looks ugly on anyone.”

“What does that even mean--”

Maho’s face contorted into an unamused glare. “It means shut up, Chicken Wings.”

A chill ran down her spine, and not because of the frigid air. She wanted to retort, to call her bluff, but she also didn’t want her wings clipped. After all, everyone knew full well what happened to the Ursa. So Dash feigned indignance with a pouty facade. “Don’t call me Chicken Wings…

“Mother, please. Let’s not start with this so early in the morning.” Spruce waved away the maid. “Mrs. Orchid, would you be so kind as to attend to my guests still on the ship? Please and thank you.”

The mare curtseyed and rushed off to do her job. Spruce took a moment to gather his thoughts, steeling himself for a proper, princely duty.

“Now then. As crown prince of House Bloodmist, I, Spruce, formally--”

“Heeeyy Spruce~!”

“Bite my tongue, what the hell are you doing out here, Hawthorne?”

A male pegasus dressed suavely in black and white server clothes swaggered out of the main doors, carrying a tray of several hot drinks on one of his leathery wings, and a fresh towel on the other. His freshly bathed pale orange coat was slick and glossy, as was his conditioned brunette mane. “Whaaat, I can’t come greet the lovely ladies? And our queen.” Hawthorne asked with a rhetorical snark, plastering a light grin on his face.

“Are you implying something, Hawthy?” Maho chuckled with an equally snarky playfulness.

Spruce, devoid of any patience for such antics, lit his horn and grabbed one of the drinks with his magic aura. “Mocha, huh? I don’t suppose this is decaf?”


“Ugh, great. Caffeine. Now I’m gonna have the jitters...”

Hawthorne passed his drinks out to each of the mares one by one, passing Rarity the last mug.

“Why, thank you, sir.”

“A pleasure, love. And what is your name, so I may commit it to memory?”

“Oh my,” Rarity waved her face with her hoof, blushing and giving him flirtatious eyes. “You may call me Rarity, you charmer.”

“Oh brother,” Applejack groaned from behind, prompting an unamused glare from the unicorn. “Mighty kind a’ya Mr. Butler, a warm drink is appreciated.”

“Pleasure is all mine, love. My name is Hawthorne.” The pegasus winked. “Prince Hawthorne.”

The country mare choked on her drink and spilled all over herself, wide-eyed with fear that she may have screwed up some sort of etiquette. Darn country mannerisms. “Ah-ahm so sorry, yer’highness!”

Spruce grunted audibly. “Applejack, for the love of Faust, don’t humor his shenanigans. Brother, if you’re half the gentleman you claim to be, I suggest you lend her the towel draped over your wing.”

“Pfft, you’re rather cold today.”

“So is the drink you gave me. Thanks for the lukewarm coffee by the way.”

“Fine, fine. Here, let me clean you up.”

Fluttershy mused over this scene as she sipped from her cup, lightly blowing on it after burning her tongue a little, smiling a bit. The palace atmosphere at least seemed relaxed and like a nice place to live. Were it that she were here on her own terms, perhaps a life here wouldn’t be so bad.

(“No Fluttershy, push those thoughts out of your head. You’re here as a visitor, even if the queen believes otherwise. Though I will admit, it doesn’t seem so bad here.”)

Spruce cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention. “Now then, as I was saying. I formally welcome--”

A gnarly belch interrupted his sentence and echoed through the courtyard. Probably measured on the Richter scale too, judging by the looks from the staff several meters down. A very unamused Spruce glanced over at the giggling queen, turning her cup over and bumping her chest. The pegasi were trying hard not to giggle as well, with Pinkie not evening bothering to conceal her glee. Rarity stood dumbfounded though secretly impressed with the power behind those lungs.

“...Are… Are you quite done, did you get that out of your system?” Spruce flatly asked.

“Ye,” Maho casually uttered, a very mischievous look plastered across her face, whilst handing her mug - which was more of a jug - back to Hawthorne.

“Okay, just wanna be sure.”


“Okay good… Glad we could take that little trip. Anyway, continuing. As crown prince, I s-”

“Yikes, I felt that from the ship!” a galloping Trixie stated as she approached with Starlight and the rest of the group, sans the princesses and Spike.

The agitated Prince inhaled sharply, letting the air out in a slow trickle as he somehow managed to keep his composure. “Good… Good morning to you Ms. Lulamoon, Ms. Glimmer, everyone. Is Twilight still on the ship with my sisters?”

“Yeah…” Starlight affirmed, though her heart just wasn’t into it much.

“Cripes, this palace is quite large,” Atha stated as she adjusted her monocle and exhaled smoke from her pipe. “Quite comparable to Canterlot Castle, with it being on the side of a cliff.”

“Ohoho man, I gotta get a look of the place from up there! Bet you could see for miles!” Night Glider beamed with excitement. “Hey DD, think this valley has some wicked slopes?”

Double Diamond seemed too preoccupied with eying the vast scenery to respond. That or he was still too fatigued from his bug or perhaps just the morning as a whole. Either way, he didn’t respond to her question, which with a chuckle she decided not to repeat.

“Well now, more ladies is it?” Hawthorne slicked his mane back and adopted another suave grin. “Welcome to Bloodmist. Name is Hawthorne, head of staff and the palace chef. I look forward to making an extra scrumptious meal during your stay.” He attempted to take Starlight’s hoof and plant a kiss on it. His face got about halfway before Sunburst pulled her back and with a sheepish smile stepped between them.

“Err, say, could we perhaps get someone to help us with our luggage? Oh, uh, my name's Starburst- err, Sunlight, err… Sunburst.”

Hawthorne was initially stunned with his gesture being interrupted, but his confusion melted back into the grin. “Sure, sure, we have the staff unloading it as we speak. Mrs. Orchid should be aboard, I’m sure she’s probably talking to Mr. Snapdragon.” He leaned in and with a wink, he hushed his voice to a whisper. “Don’t worry, I won’t make a move on your mare.”

The slick prince decided to make his exit by collecting all the now-empty cups he had brought out and made his way back to the palace doors. It was not long before, just as he said, the staff caught up with the group with each of their bags. One by one, the maids had brought their luggage off the ship, along with the supplies of the ship itself.

“Okay, is that all?” Spruce held up his hoof. “So there is nothing else we need to worry about. Nothing to interrupt this time?” He waited for any sort of response, nothing to get in the way of his speech again. “Okay… Okay, now then. Let’s try this one more time. I, Prince Spruce of House Bloodmi--”

A spark erupted in the middle of the group, the alicorn trio - plus dragon - landing on the ground looking quite flustered, especially the purple princess. “Guys!”

“Why do I even bother at this point- Wait, Twilight? What’s…”

His voice trailed as he saw each alicorn holding a sickly looking filly. A unicorn, a pegasus, and earth pony…. All green in the face with dark circles around their eyes, looking quite bad.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity exclaimed, horrified at the state her sister was in.

“Consarnit Apple Bloom! Ah jus’ knew you was goin’ta do somethin’ stupid!” Applejack stomped with worry.

“Squirt! Oh geez…” Rainbow hurried over to check on the kid.

Atha, seemingly unphased or at least was keeping her composure, cantered over as well. “What is going on here?”

“The staff found them hiding in the cargo hold,” Spike answered. “I guess they stowed away.”

Maho lost her proud grin and rushed over to check on the girls. “Two and a half days in the cargo hold without food or water, plus the mist? At least it was well insulated down there, otherwise… Bonsai, do you still have those talismans we had for the purple and yellow ones?”

“Yes, my love.” Bonsai tossed the amulets over to her, which she planted on two immediately. “But we don’t have a third one, I’ll go get Hawthorne to retrieve one.”

Atha removed the amulet she had around her neck. “Here, use mine in the meantime.”

“But what about you, professor?” Starlight snapped up with concern.

“I’ll be fine, I can handle the mist for a few minutes. Besides, I'm a marine. Moments like these are what I live for. You’ll understand when you’re older.”

Wincing through her words, preparing herself for the effects of the mist, she strung the amulet of protection around Apple Bloom before stepping back to let Maho scoop her and the other girls up into her arms. She cooed as she stroked their manes and rubbed their heads, holding them close to warm them.

“M… Mrs. Maho?” Apple Bloom said in her daze, the bags under her eyes weighing them down.

“Shhhh, it’s okay. You’ll feel better in a bit, you’re just feeling it harder because of hunger and dehydration. We’ll get you better, okay hun?”

The color gradually returned to their faces, a sign the amulets were working their anti-anti-magic wonder. It took several moments of comforting from the queen before they felt able to stand on their own. Once their vision (mostly) returned, they saw the furious faces of their sisters.

Applejack was the first to yell. “Apple Bloom! What in sam’hil did you think you were doing?! Ya’ll didn’t think of how dangerous it was’ta do that?!”

“That was a very reckless thing to do, Applebloom!” Sugar Belle firmly stated through some light tears.

“What you girls did was extremely irresponsible,” Rarity chimed in with a very lady-like scolding. “What if we had never noticed you? What was your plan?”

“And how did you sneak on anyway?” Rainbow said, asking the real question.

“I… S-sorry… I mean....” Each of the girls could barely get a word in between the worry driven angry words of their elders, slightly shaking and softly crying from the embarrassment and shame.

ENOUGH!” Maho shouted with a volume that rivaled the booming nature of the Royal Canterlot Voice, prompting the older sisters to step back in shock. “Don’t you think they’ve learned their lesson? They’re sick and hungry. You are rightfully angry and scared. I understand that. As a mother, my little ones have done some atrociously dangerous things in their youth that have gotten me riled up. But taking that out on the little ones is neither productive or helpful to their care. They get it, now BACK. OFF.

Paying no mind to the looks of astonishment on the faces of the adults, Maho turned back to the kids and exchanged her look of murder for one of nuture. Apple Bloom winced as the queen reached out with her claw, softening when it was perched upon her head, stroking her hair with the soothing comfort of a grandma.

“When you’re feeling better, I want you to apologize to your sisters and promise that you will never do something like this again. Also make sure that you make up for it later. Okay? Can you please do that and make me proud?”

“Y-yes, Mrs. Maho…” the three fillies said in unison through embarrassed tears.

“Thank you. You aren’t bad kids, you just made a stupid mistake. You can get past it, use this as a learning experience. Heh, I bet you won’t forget this, will ya? Now come come, why not join us for breakfast. My Hawthy will make you anything you like, just make sure you get many nutrients and water.” She looked back at Sugar Belle, her face returning to a downgraded version of her angered look from before. “You. Sugar Belle was it? I’m putting you in charge of looking after them. Think you can handle the responsibility?”

“Oh, s-sure. Of course, I’ll make sure they don’t get into more trouble.”

“Good. Go easy on them, they’re still young.”

Exchanging glances with each other, the older sister trio scratched their heads and returned to the side of their friends. “Well… Shoot, A’hm sorry ‘bout this, Twi.” Applejack said, laying a hoof on the princess. “Ah should’a checked before we left that they were stayin’ put.”

“They must have snuck on the train while we were napping, and then on the ship during that Ursa attack… I don’t know for sure, but those girls are a handful.”

“Younger siblings can be like that sometimes,” Celestia assured with a smile. “They’re alright and nothing else bad happened.”

“Still. What are we going to do with them? We can’t really spend the two days taking them back home. And I can’t really teleport from across the world. Not anymore anyway. We may have to just bite the bullet and keep them with us for now… Ugh, things just get more chaotic every day...”

Fluttershy pondered, glancing back and forth between the fillies and her friend. A stray gust of wind blew her mane back, causing a light ringing from the bell she still had slung around her neck.

“Chaotic… Chaos… Hey wait a minute, I wonder…”

The fog again.

Discord once more found himself here, stranded in this ghost town. The fog was as thick as ever and his mind was as muddy as the ground he stood on.

Normally he’d just grow bored of yet another repeat of this episode. That wasn’t the case tonight. After the previous dream, he was on edge. His regular confidence and snark was in stasis in the face of so many questions, yet not an answer in sight.

What was in sight however, was the well in the town center. Along with the inky mare standing in front of it, clad in white and smiling warmly.

“You again… Seems you’re doing alright for yourself after last time.”

The mare giggled, an action Discord felt quite awkward about, given what he had witnessed the last time. He darted his eyes around, waiting for another ambush to be sprung. This effort ended up being unnecessary, the mare had gestured for him to follow her prior to jumping into the well. Hesitantly, he pursued.

Everytime he had jumped down here prior, there was nothing but black surrounding him, save for a light highlighting his place on the ground. This time, he was not the only one illuminating the shadow around, for the mare was standing before him.

The bell around her neck, shining with the pulsing of mana.

It wasn’t long before the darkness started to evaporate from a focal point behind her. The bottom of the well was still dimly lit, but it was enough to reveal a large pair of double doors which the mare had been standing at.

“What… You are throwing so much at me right now.”

The mare giggled again. “With..ime..I ho...ou will re...ber t….place. Ma...r...ar.is….ing to….n you.”

“Okay… Still can’t understand you.”

“Entr…. pl..se. I know it…..en s...ong. Our breth….ave..aused you s...uch pain and t...ble. I just w……. to remember. We... We need your help…”

“Help? Just… Who are you? And who is we?”

Mere moments after his words left his lips, a surge of pain overtook his head. Doubled over, his vision blurred, and the sensation of his head splitting apart, he reached up to clutch his face.

An arrow of light. Lodged right between his eyebrows.

Confused and in agony, a sense of dread flooded his mind. Were he mortal, blood would be flowing instead. And while it only lasted seconds, it felt like hours, days, years, even decades before the arrow fizzled and its base elements remained, removed by the mare who had approached him in a loving embrace.

For some reason, this felt… natural. He felt safer and much of his pain and dread melted away with the arrowhead. This mare’s touch was so soothing and her comforting nuzzle felt so familiar.

As she pulled away, Discord felt the weight of something placed in his lion’s paw. Something bulky and metallic. His vision was still blurred to make out the details, but it only took examining and hearing the rattling dings to make out a bell, the noises far deeper than the one on the mare’s person.

“Pl..se…. Tak...are of you...lf, my….e...”

With his vision back, he tried to ask the mare one more question. But he never got the chance. The mare’s body from the ground up had started dissolving into an inky black fog, merging with the darkness around them.

“Wait! What does all this mean?! Tell me what I’m supposed to do!”

The desperation in his voice made the mare’s smile morph into a forlorn, teary eyed frown of regret and sorrow. “She…...ey will tr…...ip ev…..ing awa...om you. Please, whatever yo….… B...d the world sh…..uld want, and protect......”

“What do you…?”

The mare closed her eyes as the last of her body faded, leaving behind the white robes and the parting gift Discord had in his paw.

Now, the doors were the sole landmark in this place.

Discord steeled himself, he had no choice but to shrug off the sorrow and step forward. He could not make out the details of the bell in his possession, but it was pulsing with the most powerful mana.

And the ram-shaped seal on the door was pulsing with much of the same. As he approached, a faint echo started to gain in volume.

A deep, growly voice calling out to him.

Discord… Discord… Discord…”

He reached out and touched the door. Yet as he did, his surroundings abruptly changed, snapping him out of his dream. Before him stood not the imposing doors shrouded in black, but rather a small pair with a starry seal, illuminated by the crystalline light of the tree of harmony. It would appear that in his sleep, he had somehow made his way into the cave, staring right into the roots. He reached for his head - still aching from a migraine, presumably due to what happened in the dream - and while his eagle claw found his face with no problem, his lion paw still felt heavy. Puzzled, he lifted it to examine the pulsing bell that was still in his ownership.

“This… The Bewitching Bell? Why do I even still have this?”

(“Discord?... Discord?”)

Nearly dropping the bell, the startled draconequus jumped upon hearing his name, especially as it was coming out of the bell.

“F-Fluttershy? Is that you?”

(“Oh good, it worked!”) Fluttershy sounded equal parts ecstatic and dejected. (“I thought it was kind of a long shot, but I’m so glad I can talk to you! I hope I’m not bothering you.”)

“Oh, no no! I just… woke up, actually. Anyway, how do you do? And how are you talking to me right now? Is Twilight using a telepathy spell or something?”

(“Actually, yes. Kind of. Well, I’m talking to you through that little bell you gave to me at the gala. I asked Twilight if she could try contacting you, and after a few tries, this is the solution we came up with.”)

“Bell, huh… Right then, glad you rang, heh. Well, questions for later. Now, what can I do for you?”

(“Well… See, we just arrived in Bloodmist. Lovely place by the way, I don’t know if you’ve been. And the thing is… We found Apple Bloom and her friends in the cargo hold. Long story short, I’m asking if you might be able to take them back to Equestria? If that’s okay with you?”)

Discord shook his head in disappointment. Of course those little fillies would do such a thing. Well, they still had some growing up to do it seems. “Ah, I suppose I could do that. Anything for my best friend. Good thing you have the bell. Now, stand back.”

With the pop of his neck and still holding the Bewitching Bell, he used his free claw to snap his fingers, disappearing in a flash of light. The mystery of this strange door and the dream related to it would have to wait for later.

“Wait, stand back for wha--”

Now it was Fluttershy’s turn to be startled as Discord popped into existence mere inches in front of her, causing her to drop the small bell from her hooves.

“EEK! Warn me before you do that, please,” Fluttershy said as she held her chest, nearly having a heart attack.

“Sorry. Didn’t think I’d get this close. Hey, at least I made it.”

“Hey, Discord…” Twilight approached with a quizzical head tilt. “That thing in your hand, isn’t that…”

“Hm? Oh this? Yeah, I had it when I got your call. I guess I forgot I had it on me all this time. But it came in handy!”

He turned to look at Maho, who was approaching with a growing look of annoyance.

“Heeey,” he said through an involuntary eye twitch, growing increasingly short of breath. “Long time old see… I mean long time no see, you old… you old goat… Is it hot out here? Feels kind of hot, which is funny, cuz… Snow...”

A spark shot from his fingers down his arm and his whole body, causing him to let go of the Bewitching Bell and drop it. The arcing quickly got more intense, as did the pain. Maho quickly picked up on this, and her face went from annoyance to outright anger.


For the second time, he doubled over in agony. Arcs of electricity struck him all over, every muscle in his body tensed up, his chest felt tight, and as he tried to clutch his head again, his face felt… soft… and sticky. He pulled his claw away and it was tainted with a sticky sludge. He looked to Fluttershy for help.

He saw the horrified, frightened look on her and her friends’ faces. “D-Discord! Y-you’re melting!”

Sugar Belle ushered the fillies inside the palace, away from the scene, past Hawthorne who was galloping out with Bonsai, talisman held in his wing. “Mother, what’s happening?!”

“Hawthy, dear, toss that to me!” Maho said in sarcastic urgency as she held out a claw in the air.

The younger prince did as requested and after winding up for a throw, tossed the amulet to his mother who caught it and proceeded to open palm smack Discord in the face with it. The protection talisman stuck to his melting cheek and once the sorcery started to kick in, his stupid face started to reconfigure, his body following suit and the shocks ceasing.

This fiasco left him on all fours, hyperventilating and desperately trying to snap his fingers, just to do something, anything to end the agony faster. This was the first time in… Well, forever ago he felt truly scared. Fluttershy rushed to his aid, embracing him in a scared hug.

“Discord! I’m so sorry! This is my fault!”

“Fluttershy… D… Don’t beat yourself up over it, I wasn’t thinking…”

“No, you weren’t.” Maho frowned, yet took the time to pat Flutters on the back. “Mish-mash, you’re an idiot, I hope you know that.”

Twilight knelt down with Fluttershy, both to comfort her and to pick up the bell Discord dropped. “Um, Maho? What exactly happened just now?”

“The mist. Just like with the kiddos and Other Purple, the mist sapped his mana and debilitated him physically. Unlike the girls though, for some odd reason the mist seems to have an extremely potent effect on him, this happened last time too.”

“Wait, last time? This happened before?”

“That’s not important. All you need to know is that last time, it took awhile for him to return to full strength and recover. Until then, he nor the little ones are going anywhere, so…” the queen sighed, resigning herself to her fate. “I guess I’ll have the staff set up extra rooms…”

The dining halls of the Bloodmist Palace were practically a castle in and of themselves. Spacious with multiple tables, and an enormous floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall set of windows with a view of the city plaza. The ground was layered with waxed obsidian tiles and the walls lined with tall portraits of each of the royal family.

Maho took her seat at the head of the largest table where Hawthorne had placed an assortment of foods distributed among the guests. The queen seated the recovering fillies on both sides of her chair with Sugar Belle sitting nearby, after which she gave portions of her food to the girls.

“Here you go, dearies. Eat as much as you like, there is plenty to go around. If there is something specific you’d like, just ask Hawthy.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Maho,” Sweetie Belle murmured. She and her friends wasted no time devouring the sweet feast in front of them.

“Eat up, friends!” Hawthorne exclaimed, “I’ve got plenty to go around. If I can accommodate you, just ask.”

Celestia, retaining her elegance, sank her teeth into the large stack of pancakes and berries while Luna took regular sips from her coffee in between eating her soup and sandwiches.

“I missed this,” Luna sighed in satisfaction.

Twilight and her group were seated at the large table too, each having been served various different foods to their liking, with Spike being served a generous side of gems, and Starlight and her group sat at a neighboring table with more of the same. Discord was seated next to Fluttershy, opting not to eat anything as he reconfigured his face.

“Are you okay, Discord?” Fluttershy asked between bites.

“Yes, I’m fine. Did not expect this today, whoof.”

Were it appropriate, Maho would probably be shooting lasers from her eyes with how hard she was glaring. “You have only yourself to blame, Mish-Mash. Seriously, after the last time…”

“I know you’re implying something, but I’m afraid it’s in one ear and out the other.”

“No doubt due to a distinct lack of a functioning brain stem, you asinine assortment of animal appendages.

“Hey come on,” flailed the flustered Fluttershy. “There’s no need for strong language, let’s just have a nice breakfast and, er, talk about how nice it is that everyone is all together safe and sound.”

Maho, ever the revolving door of emotion, switched to a sweet smile, accompanied by a giggle. “Oh dear little Willow, you are such a little sweetheart, keeping the peace in spite of it all. Hawthy, would you mind fetching her an extra portion of that scrumptious pudding?”

Fluttershy sighed. “I’m so sorry everyone. I wasn’t thinking when I brought us here, I just…”

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy,” Twilight smiled. “For what it’s worth, I think we would’ve ended up here one way or another. Or, at least I probably would.”

Discord popped his neck as his face reconfigured to its handsome recognizable form. “Don’t fret over me,” he cackled with a playful smirk, “I got myself into this mess. You know how much I just love a little chaos. Besides, it was already starting to get rather droll back in Equestria looking after this stupid bell.”

“Say, Purple.” Maho muffled between bites. “Would you explain to me why this living zoo is in possession of the single artifact that was responsible for putting my angels - oh, and your citizens too - in mortal peril when it was because of his actions that it was endangered in the first place.”

“I have a better question,” Twilight countered with the stink eye, “If you knew of the danger Equestria was in - and by extension, your angels - why didn’t you come down to help us and them? You seem quite capable of handling the world’s biggest and baddest judging by your show with the Ursa, you probably could have put a stop to that whole debacle, especially seeing as how evidently it would seem to be your idea to move Celestia and Luna back here in the first place.”

“Twilight, please calm down,” Tia urged as she raised her hooves. “Let’s just keep this a nice calm breakfast--”

“Oh, you wanna pick a fight, eh Purple?” Maho cracked a smug grin. “If you must know, my Tia and Lulu asked me to leave matters regarding their principality to them and not to interfere.”

Twilight snapped her glance to her mentor, trying her damndest not to let her irritation boil beyond an eye twitch. Luna cleared her throat, very audibly in order to get her sister’s attention.

“Sister, could I please speak to you in private?”

Tia sat in apprehensive silence for the moment it took for Twilight to do her breathing exercise and swallow another dose of painkillers. Sighing herself, she stood up and placed a napkin over her finished plate before following Luna away, flashing a sheepish apologetic smile to Twilight. In order to change the subject, Twilight turned her attention to Hawthorne, who had been pushing out another cart with second helpings. “Hey, uh, I know it’s a little early for this, but I’d like to put an order in for lunch, if that’s okay.”

Hawthorne nodded and took out his notepad. “Ready for ya. I do have some seafood I’ll be serving later if you’d like to try some.”

“Uh, no no, I’m more of a burger and fries kind of gal…”

“Comfort food, eh? No problem. I assume you want to substitute the ground meat?”

“Yes, please.”

“Very well, I’ll have something whipped up before noon.”

As Hawthrone multitasked between placing down new plates and drinks with his wings and writing down in his notepad, the clopping of hooves signaled the arrival of other ponies. Two stallions and a mare.

“Good morning, mummy!” the tall slender mare shouted with an energetic poshness.

“Maple! Morning to you, sweetums. Oh, and Cypey dearest! It’s a rare treat to see you out of the library.”

The lankier unicorn dragged himself in with dark circles under his eyes, his mane disheveled and the large haori draped over his turtleneck was wrinkled. “Brother, drink. Now,” he impatiently said to Hawthorne, seemingly ignoring his mother’s comment.

Spruce smirked as his younger siblings approached. “This is why I stick to tea, brother.”

“I refuse to take lip from you this early. Hawthorne, coffee.”

“Yes yes, I heard you Cypress, just gimme a second,” Hawthrone replied with a dismissive wave of his wing. “Do you want it dark or blonde?”

“By the liter, and don’t add any sugar this time, it made me all jittery last night.”

Spruce took a sip of his mug. “Right. The sugar gave you the jitters, not the excessive milligrams of caffeine.”

“Alright, alright,” Maho interjected with a giggle. “Cypress, I have a special treat. I’d like you to meet a good friend, his name is Stygian.”

Cypress scanned the table and saw the stallion in question sheepishly waving. “Hey,” Cypress quipped as he adjusted his glasses before turning back to his mother. “Which of these mares is the--”


The yelp of the yellow mare startled all of her friends, turning to find the other stallion standing over her, inadvertently spooking her with his shadow. He was a large brown earth pony that towered over everyone, his long bangs of a lighter shade swept over his eyes which no doubt were transfixed on Fluttershy... though what part of her she could only guess.

“Uh, h-hello? Can I help you?”

He was standing just a tad too close to her, allowing her to get a whiff of the surprising aroma of flowers and grass.

“Haha, looks like my boy couldn’t wait to meet you,” Maho again adopted her sweet disposition. “Little Willow, I’d like you to meet Sequoia, your future hubby.”

The stallion in question, remaining stoically curious, tilted his head at Fluttershy’s battle to remain polite in spite of the obvious rosiness of her cheeks. “O-oh… My…”

“Land sakes, yer huge! Probably bigger than Big Mac!” Applejack blurted, accompanying a further head tilt.

“Hehe, he’s a strong boy indeed.” Maho took a sip of the tea Hawthorne served her. “But don’t fret. He may look big and burly, but he’s a softy with a gentle touch, especially with delicate flowers. Why, he just loves planting seeds… and I ain’t just talking about gardening--”

“M-Mrs. Maho, please!” Fluttershy shouted, burying her face in her hooves.

“Fluttershy…” Rarity said, rosy-cheeked and fanning herself with her hoof. “I’d… I’d take him if you don’t--”

“Rarity, keep your libido in check please, I’d rather not talk about this over breakfast,” Twilight uncomfortably requested, blushing herself as the fillies giggled. “M-Mr. Sequoia was it?”

Sequoia nodded silently after a pause.

“Um, well, if I may, it’s just that my friend here is… Well, she’s not quite ready for this sort of thing yet, do you think we could… Take a raincheck on it?”

Sequoia tilted his head again, seemingly confused.

“Pay her no mind, son,” Maho waved her hoof, “we can discuss the details of the marriage over dinner.”

“N-no!” Fluttershy said, raising her voice a little. “I mean… You seem like a nice, handsome stallion and all, Mr. Sequoia, but I’m just not…”

Fluttershy trailed off, her flustered trepidation suddenly replaced with confusion as she felt a shuffle under the table at her hooves, followed by a thud and an “ouch” in a filly’s voice.

“Um… Hello?”

A pigtailed filly poked her head out from beneath the tablecloth, rubbing her head and grinning ear to ear, showcasing her vampony canines. “Hi! Could I be the flower girl at your wedding?”


“Holly! There you are,” Mrs. Orchid rushed to pull the filly out. “What did I tell you about running off? And interrupting our guests at that.”

“Sorry mom, I got excited and wanted to be part of it.”

Maho cackled once more. “Hey there, morning Holly, you’re up early this morning.”

The filly smiled widely. “Sure am, Granny! Slept real well!”

“Good to hear, sweetie. Have you seen my son? I figure he can’t be too far behind you.”

The filly gasped in excitement and reached back under the tablecloth and pulled out a timid pegasus colt who was hiding his face in his hooves. “Sure have!”

Maho smiled warmly at the sight of her son and giggled softly. “Good morning, Acacia. Are you having a good morning so far?”

The colt lowered his hooves enough to show his wide eyes peeking through his long mane. “Uh huh…”

“That’s good to hear. Now, mommy has some business to attend to right now, so could you do mommy a favor and play with your girlfriend in the other rooms?”

Both the kids nodded, Holly having a firm grip on Acacia’s hoof.

“Good. Hm… Say, little ones?” Maho pulls the crusaders in, having noticed them finishing their food. “I know you’re probably curious about what the adults have to say and I’m sure you’re mature enough to contribute, but could I ask you to keep these two company? I’m sure you are eager to explore and they’d make excellent tour guides.”

“Sure thing, Mrs. Maho,” Apple Bloom said with a nod with Sweetie Belle in tandem.

“Yeah, I kinda wanna stretch my legs anyway,” Scootaloo affirmed.

“Just remember to keep those talismans on at all times, okay? Now go have fun. Maple, could you be a dear and help Mrs. Sugar Belle watch over them? I don’t want them to get hurt again.”

“Will do, mom, I’d be happy to.”

Maple joined the kids and led them to the corridors. Fluttershy, having been glad for the distraction, felt Sequoia place a blue rose in her mane, smiling before walking slowly off.

“Should I prepare the marriage papers tonight, mother?” Cypress asked, sipping the comically oversized coffee mug Hawthorne placed in his hooves.

Bonsai held his hoof up. “There is plenty of time, no need to rush into things. For now, why not show your father around the library. I’m sure you’d have some things in common.”


Maho stood up out of her chair. “Stygian, the library is in the second wing down the hall, my son can show you.”

Stygian glanced at Cypress, who glanced back at him with a dull look in his baggy eyes, shrugging before taking another gulp. “O-Okay, thank you.”

“Whatever,” Cypress stood, carrying the mug with a magic aura. “I’ll humor this I guess.”

Stygian awkwardly followed the other unicorn out of the room, while Maho merely yawned and popped her neck. Rafflesia initiated the clean-up of the dishes, pausing once to make eye contact with Starlight before leaving for the kitchen.

“Hey, Twilight?” Starlight spoke up. “Could you excuse me for a minute? I need to have a private conversation.”

“Sure I--” Starlight didn’t wait for her to finish as she followed the maid into the back. “...Guess.”

It was at this point that General Atha stood as well. “If you will excuse me as well, I must attend to a bit of business in the lavatory.” Atha threw Maho an icy scowl. “Besides, I’m not so keen on participating in the remainder of this… Discussion, if you may call it such.”

Twilight sat in her moment of respite as Atha too left the room. Shifting her eyes between her friends, at Spruce, and then at Sunburst. “I can’t say this has been very productive. First a failure to get a word in, then everyone just runs away…”

“It’s okay, Twilight,” Fluttershy said as she removed the rose from her mane, taking a moment to smell it. “We can take the time to settle in first.”

“Yeah…” Twilight turned to Sunburst and Trixie, whose faces were fixated on the kitchen doors. “By the way, Sunburst? Is something wrong with Starlight? She’s been silent this whole time, ever since being exposed to the mist on the ship’s deck? Is she feeling any better?”

Sunburst looked aback. “Hm? Oh, yes. She’s just… A bit distracted.”

“I noticed that. After meeting that maid, she just kinda… withdrew.”

Sunburst exchanged a glare with Trixie, who shrugged. “Well… You’re probably going to find this out soon anyway, so I’m just going to tell you. You see…”

The palace had many rooms that could be converted into places for guests to stay. As a maid, it was Rafflesia’s job to set them up; laying down fresh sheets on the bed, fluffing the pillows, placing luggage on the whole thing. Repeat this from room to room. For over a decade she had worked in this routine among other jobs and had achieved a level of efficiency in the work.

Today was different. The guest she was setting up for was a member of her own family, her daughter who she had not seen since she was a young filly, whom she had lost so much time with. The same filly who herself had apparently went on to achieve many things as an adult. And she had traveled here along with--

*knock knock*

“Err- Huh?”

Pulled out of her thoughts and wiping away the moisture developing in her eyes, she glanced back at the door. The very mare she’d had her mind on… She opened the door and for the second time that day, they locked eyes.

“...Um, hello,” Starlight spoke with a hesitant, nearly whispering volume. “Could I, um, talk to you?”

“Y-yes, how can I…” Rafflesia took a short breath. Sensing the tension, she knew where this was going. This was not a reunion she was prepared for. “Ms. Glimmer, right?”

“Yeah, that’s right. Starlight Glimmer, we saw each other on the ship earlier.”

“How…” the maiden cleared her throat, if just to dislodge the metaphorical frog. “How can I help you?”

“Well… Um… I was just wondering. I can’t help but think that you… does the name ‘Skylight Glimmer’ ring any bells?”

Rafflesia took another, sharper breath, her eyes widening and muscles tensing. She knows. No point in playing dumb anymore.

“Skylight… That’s a name… I haven’t been called that in a long time…”

“Then… You are my mom!”

Admittedly, Starlight’s faint look of delight put her at ease, if marginally. Still, she was cornered with no escape from what was to come.

“...Yes, Starlight… It’s me… I-I know you have a lot of questions as to why and how I’m here, but--”

Again she was interrupted, her daughter enveloping her with a tight hug. This sent both unicorns over the edge, Rafflesia could do nothing to stop the tears flowing.

“I thought you were dead, mom! I thought you were dead!”

“Oh, sweetie! I’m sorry! I really am! I had no other option but to leave!”

Starlight pulled away and wiped the tears away from her eyes. “I’m just glad you’re alive. I missed you so much. There’s *sniff* so much I have to tell you.”

The older mare too wiped her tears. “You’re… Not mad at me? I just up and left with no explanation or warning…”

“Mama, it doesn’t matter to me. I am a little confused, sure, but I had long expected I’d never see you again, and to just be able to talk to you… I do have a lot of questions though.”

After calming from the sudden display of emotions, her mother sat down on the bed and sniffled between breaths. As Starlight sat next to her, Rafflesia reached around and pulled her into another hug, kissing her on the forehead. “Oh my little chipmunk cheeks, it’s a long story. I’m so happy to see you again, but I think you deserve an explanation. You see… Well, you remember that big storm, right? With the mesocyclone?”

“Yeah, I was actually talking about that with my colleagues.”

“Well… I got struck by a bolt of lightning.”

Starlight’s eyes widened and her face bolted upward. “You what? And you survived that?”

“I was surprised too. Well, after I got struck, I can only assume I got carried away by the winds. When I woke up… I was laying in a field scattered with debris and…” Rafflesia suppressed a gag, “With some of the bodies of the weather patrol… And as I was looking at my own injuries I discovered… Well, that I looked like this.”

The curved horn and fangs of her mother were on display, as were the pointed ears, cloven hooves, and slit-pupiled eyes. Truthfully, it wasn’t a drastically different change - honestly the vampony queen was more intimidating - but it was enough of one to identify her as not being an Equestrian pony.

“But it was more than appearance that changed,” Rafflesia continued, “Something more felt different. I felt… I don’t know how to describe it exactly, but I felt drained. Like my mana was replaced with something. I was a prodigy before, I was valedictorian at the magic school for gifted unicorns. But after that, I could barely hold a spoon, my magic was so weak.”

“Well, you did survive a traumatic storm--”

“This was different, Starlight! It’s like I lost my ability to manipulate mana! My magic was different, and the normal methods for using it no longer worked. I felt so confused and lost. But… Somehow I just wasn’t that injured. Aside from some scrapes and bruises, I was otherwise fine besides the magic debacle. And yet when I went to the nearest town to seek help… Everyone was afraid of me. Treated me like some kind of monster or outcast. Even threatened my life if I didn’t leave.”

“That’s horrible! How could anyone do that!”

“...Starlight, vamponies… Vamponies are not well liked outside of Bloodmist. They’re ostracized and feared due to misconception and prejudice. It happened everywhere I went. I didn’t know that at the time. I feared for my life… and for your safety. I wanted to send letters to you and your father to let you know I was alive. But the post offices wouldn’t do business with me, and that was assuming I could even go into town in the first place.”

“Oh, that reminds me! I need to ask Twilight to send a letter to dad, he has to know!”

“S-Starlight, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I can’t imagine the kind of emotional wreck he’s been in.”

Starlight sucked in air through her teeth. “Yeah… He’s not really taken it well… I haven’t either. I went through some… stuff during my teens because of everything that happened. But dad needs to know. We all need closure.”

“I suppose you are right. One step at a time though, this is just so much to take in.”

“Anyway, so. How did you make it here? This place is halfway across the world on a whole separate continent, you can’t tell me you just walked here or took a boat.”

Rafflesia fiddled with her hooves a bit after letting go of her daughter. “No, of course not. Her Majesty actually took me. See, while I was on the road again, I was jumped by these… I don’t think bandits or thugs would be the right word for these guys, they were… Organized. It was years ago but I still remember it clearly. They were dressed in white and wearing white masks. There was a group of them that confronted me, threatened me… I thought I was done for. But then I was saved by Queen Mahogany and Sir Bonsai, they’d stepped in and cut them down. Really, it was more blood that I’d like to have seen in my life, but I was saved. The Queen was so kind and nice to me, nurturing and protective. She explained to me what was going on with me and said she was going to take me to a safer place. And, well, I accepted. I had no other options, it was either that or risk dying on the road, not that she really gave me that choice. So, here I am.”

Starlight pondered, hoof to her chin. The Queen, who had given Twilight a concussion in her own castle, had more layers to her, it seemed. “This is a lot to absorb… Say, why didn’t you send a letter once you were safe here?”

Rafflesia froze and averted her gaze. “I… I didn’t think about it at the time. It had been almost a year after the incident and I had given up hope. I thought you two would have moved on by then, I didn’t want to burden you any further… I’m sorry…”

Starlight internally was kicking herself for asking such a question. Damn her crappy social skills. “N-no no, don’t worry, I was just curious. To be honest, I had kind of moved on at that point… Well, as much as I could as a young filly who didn’t know what was going on anyway. Dad though… I understand as an adult, but he became so clingy and protective of me, I just ran away in my mid-teens. I would keep in touch with him, but I didn’t see him again in person until years after when I was a legal adult.”

“Is he doing okay? Has Firelight… Found anyone new?”

“No no, he’s still on his lonesome. Though he’s gotten far better, it’s very clear he still holds a torch for you. Really, I think he would love to see you again… Mom… Would you be willing to come back home with us?”

Rafflesia sighed, both in longing and in resignation to her fate. “I… Don’t think that will be an option for me either, sweetheart…”

Flabbergasted at this response, Starlight stood, clenching her chest with a hoof. “M-mom, it’ll be okay! I know you think you’ve caused us trouble, but you haven’t! We just want you back, it will be okay. Equestria is a much better place since then, we even have a new ruler. Twilight Sparkle, my friend and… Well, one of the most important ponies I’ve ever met really. She changed so many lives, she… She helped me see the error of my ways after I made some… let’s say questionable life choices. But if you’re afraid people will reject you now, she also opened a school for creatures all around the world and Equestria is a much more accepting place, I know it will be okay! Please!... Please come home with me. I missed you so much…”

“Starlight, dear…” Rafflesia sniffled, wiping her moist eyes again. “It’s a bit more complicated than that… I want to go home, really I do… But…”

“But what? What could possibly stop you from going back to your family at this point?!”

“Starlight… I physically can’t leave this place, the Bring Them Home policy won’t allow it!”

Starlight’s anguish faltered, and in its place confusion set in. “The… What?”

“The Bring Them Home policy.”

Spruce wiped his lips with his napkin after delivering his answer.

“It’s a mission statement Mother lives by wherein her fellow kin are to be brought to Bloodmist where they can be kept safe and away from the outside world that wishes to harm them. For their safety, no vampony taken in may leave the land without expressed permission from the Queen. That is why your friend’s mother remains. For their own safety, including hers.”

Twilight sat in her chair, deciphering the information she was being fed along with her breakfast. Between Sunburst informing her about Starlight’s mother and Spruce divulging this policy… Well, perhaps complicated isn’t the word she’d use, but this situation certainly was far more intricate than perhaps she was prepared for.

“I see. All things considered, I suppose I can understand the logic here. Still… I can’t imagine this is really all that great for your subjects, being cooped up in this place effectively against their will.”

“For the most part, they accept their plight and appreciate the shelter. Vamponies have long been ostracized for their association with dark mana, in addition to the myths and stigma surrounding them.”

Bonsai sighed, putting a fresh mug to his lips. “My wife’s terrorizing in her younger days did not help this matter. Nor did the bender in the aftermath of Lulu’s banishment.” He took a long sip before lowering his drink.

“Right here, y’know,” Maho pouted with mild annoyance.

“Anyway,” Spruce continued, “Our subjects are either natively born or individuals seeking refuge within the confines of the nation, albeit begrudgingly accepting it thrust onto them in some cases. Mother holds the security and well-being of her subjects close to her heart. For the most part, they accept it and are happy with it. They’re safe and it helps the dwindling population that is being caused by a… Let’s call it a genetic quirk. That being said, I have always advocated for a more free and open border, and were it not that the queen has final say on policies, that would have been the case.”

“I see. Hm… Have you talked with her about possibly letting up--”

“Still here, Purple.” Maho slouched in her seat, arms crossed and feeling shafted.

“Enough for her to shut the conversation down at every turn, I’m afraid,” Spruce said, his mother prompting an eye roll from him. “Believe me, it’s not from lack of trying that we are in this little diplomatic dilemma.”

Twilight nodded. “Which will make it difficult to free - for lack of a better word - Starlight’s mother from this… That doesn’t explain why--”

Rainbow Dash slapped her hooves on the table, rattling the glasses and startling everyone. “Ugh! I don’t understand any of this! I don’t know anything about Dark Mana or policies, what I wanna know is what does this have to do with Fluttershy?”

“...I would have put it in better words, but yeah. Pretty much said what was on my mind.” Rarity affirmed. “Why is Maho so insistent on marrying her into her family anyway? Fluttershy isn’t a vampony… Right?”

“Not as far as I know,” Fluttershy quietly mumbled.

“Well…” Spruce analyzed the yellow mare, shifting his eyes between her and the purple one. “Hm… Say, I don’t suppose Ms. Fluttershy has been exposed to any concentrated mana of some kind?”

“Concentrated mana? No, not that I’m aware… Hm, you know there was that one time with the vampire fruit bats…” Twilight’s eyes gradually widened as the implications were hitting her. “Wait wait wait, you’re not implying…?”

“Well, the Vampony gene is recessive. Both parents need to possess it for the child to be one. If one lacks the gene, then the child will be born a standard pony. However, it can be artificially activated and they can become vamponies with large concentrations of mana, be it prolonged exposure to the dark mana in the mist, or significant mana events like… Well…”

A silence befell the ladies, the purple princess eying the irritated queen across the table.

“...Maho? Is this…”

“Oh good, now you acknowledge me. Glad to be part of this conversation again.” The queen sat up once more. “Alright, look. If little Willow going to be part of the family--”

“Like hell--” Rainbow spat before being elbowed in the ribs by Applejack.

“I suppose it’s only fair to explain. Look Purple, as inept as you are, I’m sure even you can’t be so blind so as not to notice the ever so slight changes in your friend’s physique. The fangs and leathering wings aside, her mana aura is thicker than my Tia’s tush and is so saturated with dark mana I’m surprised she hasn’t fully turned yet. Frankly, I don’t understand how you haven’t figured out something was different.” She turned to Fluttershy and adopted her sweet demeanor once more. “But dear little Willow probably noticed the changes in herself, right?”

Fluttershy cleared her throat and nodded. “I um… I didn’t want to burden anyone with anything, especially all the… Y’know, everything that happened over the years.”

Maho giggled and clapped her hooves. “Aww, she’s so considerate and sweet! Still child, you must be so confused about what is happening to your body. Worry not, dear! Maho will take care of you. Besides…” Maho stood and adopted a more serious tone. “We are a dying kind. Vampony biology is unkind to fertility, you see.” The queen faintly smiled. “I hope in spite of all inconveniences, you will try to be happy.”

“Wait wait,” Twilight interjected, “This keeps evolving way too quick. Look, just… I know you have a lot of problems to cope with. I get it, I sympathize. But…” Twilight glanced at her friends, sharing a brief one with Spruce. “But I just don’t agree with… Well, frankly with how you’re handling all this. You’re effectively coercing my friend to not only marry into your family but also… Ugh, I don’t know, I just don’t agree with the way you’re ruling!”

Maho dropped her smile and replaced it with a look of annoyance. “Oh you’re such a child yourself. Just wait until you have problems of your own that require some bigger solutions. Besides, things are far better than when my father was around.”

“Oh really?” Twilight’s face contorted, complete with an eye twitch. “And what exactly makes you any different from him?”

At the last of those words, a look of sheer horror washed over Spruce’s face, accompanied by a concerned expression on Bonsai’s as Maho’s facial features morphed into a look of pure unfiltered anger, replacing the previous annoyance during the pause in the conversation. She regretted her words immediately as the queen snarled, shouting with a volume so booming, threatening to shatter the glasses along the table.


The ground rumbled, rattling the contents of both the table and Twilight’s cranium. She honestly wanted to cower from how violent and venomous the queen’s words were. Rather than go to kick her again though, Maho softened at the other ponies (plus one draconequus) staring with a mix of fear and confusion. After retracting the claws she hadn’t realized she had drawn mere moments prior, she scoffed and left the table.

“I’m going to cool off in my study. Do not disturb me. Bonsai, Spruce, I’m leaving this to you, Tia, and Lulu for the day.”

“Y...Yes mother,” Spruce hesitantly said, his voice quieter and less assertive than usual.

Maho angrily stomped out of the dining hall, passing staff who very quickly got out of the way, as well as the alicorn sisters who were returning.Twilight exhaled in relief. Disaster averted… For now. She sat down, only now realizing just how hard she was shaking.

“Warn me before you do that next time, Twilight,” Spruce said, rubbing his left ear, temporarily going deaf from the shout of his mother. “You do not realize just how royally you have to piss mother off to have her shout in the Royal Canterlot Voice. Count yourself lucky.”

Twilight placed her face in her hooves, half from fear and half from embarrassment. “I’m sooo sorry, I didn’t… I wasn’t… I don’t know what I was thinking, I just said it in the heat of the moment...”

“What was that about?” Celestia inquired as she took her seat again. “I heard that all the way across the palace.”

Bonsai took a seat in his wife’s now vacant chair. “Some things were said and feelings were hurt. Your mother will get over it, she just needs some time to herself.” He took a sip of his tea after sliding the cup over to himself. “Your… Grandfather was mentioned, I’m afraid.”

Luna and Celestia exchanged looks with Spruce. “Ohhh…” they said in a reluctant tandem.

“Celestia?” Twilight looked up at her mentor. “...Did I screw up already? Am I really cut out for this?”

The elder alicorn shook her head and adopted a smile. “No, no you didn’t Twilight. Mother is just… complicated is all. She can act like a child at times, we all know it. But I can’t exactly put all the blame on her, she’s had her childhood ripped away from her…”

Bonsai finished his tea and set it aside. “Perhaps it would be best to avoid the topic of her father in the foreseeable future, it’s a very sore subject for her. I can state from experience… To say my former lord was not a good person would be a gross understatement.”

Twilight sighed. “My head is hurting again… Would it be alright if I lay down to rest and think a bit until lunch?”

Discord, who had until now had merely been observing up to this point, smirks and snapped his fingers. “Can I get you anything? Perhaps something stronger?”

“No Discord, no,” Twilight grumbled.

With nods of approval and a smug chuckle from Discord, she left the table and made her way to the guest room set aside for her. It wasn’t too difficult to find, and she found her bags and stuff neatly placed on the freshly made bed. Opening her satchel for her water bottle and painkillers, she found… Something she didn’t expect to find.

“A potion? When did I pack this?...” Upon further inspection though, she recognized this bottle. “Wait, is this… The flashback concoction? I know this wasn’t here before…”

Examining the bottle yielded a letter taped to the bottom, prompting her to open it and read it.

“I know you said you didn’t want anything, but I think you’ll find this useful. Best regards.”

The purple princess sighed and ran a hoof across her face in frustration. “Discord…”

She was prepared to just repack it and think about the odd gift later, but…

“Actually… I wonder… Something must’ve happened in Maho’s past for things to be like this… Maybe Discord knows this. After all, they seem to have a history. Perhaps… N-no, I shouldn’t! It’s probably not a good idea to go snooping into her life like that… But what if… I wonder if maybe I can help her…”

She paced, spending a solid ten minutes rationalizing with herself the logical and moral implications of such an idea. Regardless of what she’d learn, she'd almost certainly draw more ire from the queen if she ever found out. But the opportunity presented itself, it would certainly help understand where she’s coming from. It would be foolish not to at least try to use all avenues to make things better between everyone...

“...Screw it, she’s gonna punch me either way. May as well find out what makes her tick.”

She cast her spell on the potion, turning it milky white. And after steeling her nerves, she took a deep breath and put the bottle to her lips.

“Well… Bottoms up.”

Author's Note:

Alright, that's another one down. Next I'm gonna start work on Episode 04. We're gonna start learning more about the past of our queen and perhaps that will give us some context on things. :raritywink:

Now I'm also gonna make a renewed effort to get artwork done. I lost work in the hard drive failure and it kinda discouraged me. Gonna try again. Wish me luck. :moustache: