• Published 5th Dec 2019
  • 3,132 Views, 128 Comments

New Dawn - Split Flow

Radiant Dawn thought that she was ready for anything when she volunteered to make first contact on behalf of Equestria. But is all the preparation in the world enough when she has to face the unexpected?

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2 - Contact

Radiant was floating in a silent lake as smooth as glass, with just her thoughts for company. She drifted under the moonless sky, the polished surface of water flawlessly reflecting the streaks of the galaxy, Ifing and its stars hanging over her head.

The water was warm and comforting, not unlike a favourite quilt one would snuggle under on a cold day. Radiant purred in content, drifting aimlessly under the backdrop of the night sky. She felt like a filly again, counting the stars in Luna's sky and trying to puzzle out the size of the infinite universe by herself.

Of course, being a full grown mare meant that she now possessed the mental faculties to understand the definition of infinity. That didn't stop her from humouring her foalhood memories and wondering just how many planets were out there in the lonely void harbouring life just waiting to be discovered.

Radiant stretched lazily, watching in fascination as the movement distorted the copy of the galaxy in the water. Ripples bounced into each other and grew in intensity until they formed into waves.


She gasped as the water turned into an icy, oily sludge, growing thicker in consistency and chilled her to her core. It was harder for her to float now. Radiant tried to tread water, managing only a few feeble kicks before her limbs started to become weighed down by the slime.


The waves crashed into her body and dragged her under the waterline. She coughed, her lungs hungrily sucking in air that was no longer there and gulped down more of the goop in her panic. Radiant struggled against the liquid, kicking and paddling in vain in a desperate attempt to make for the waterline.


But the forces at play were too strong and not even a seapony could fight against conditions like this. Without her connection to the earth, a frail earth pony like herself was quickly wearing out. Panic flashed across her eyes as she sunk to the bottom of the riverbed, mercilessly raked across its coarse surface by the currents.


A bright light engulfed her and she screamed in silence as it burnt away at her very essence, stopping only when nothing but pure consciousness remained. She drifted in agony, her bodiless form drifting in a bright void of jabbering voices that she didn’t understand.

And then the world went black again.

Beep. Beep.

Radiant stirred in her bed, feeling her senses return sluggishly to her brain as whatever sedatives in her body wore off. She knew that much, having become familiar with the loopy sensation more than she world have liked over the years.

The loud beeping noise beside her bed made her wince, but her limbs were still too heavy for her to move. She groaned at the thought of being made to listen to the shrill noise coming from the devilish device.

Other than that stupid device cheerfully reporting that yes, she was very much still alive, the room was oddly silent. Radiant couldn't hear any of the hustle and bustle that was a staple of the busier hospitals she had been admitted to. Too bad that didn't result in somepony coming to switch the irritating thing off.

The mare blinked, slowly taking in her surroundings. It looked strangely utilitarian, lacking the overly cheerful decor that had been plastered in so many of the wardrooms she had been in. The only hint of any attempt at decorating the drab environment were the walls, painted in a shade of inoffensive green.

Whatever empty space in the room was taken up by various carts that surrounded her bed, crammed with medical odds and ends that were probably related to whatever procedure the doctors used to revive her from her stasis. She didnt recognize much, except that they all seemed to be made of a matte white material.

Stasis. The mental fog in Radiant's head slowly cleared, returning a steady trickle of memories to her mind. She remembered volunteering to be turned into stone for the voyage to the Arion probe's origin system.

She also remembered that realistically speaking, Startrotter hadn’t expected for them to make the trip. The speed of the Trailblazer, combined with the vast distances involved meant that it would have taken close to four million years to make the trip.

The official plan was to send a craft to haul them home when ponykind had mastered space travel. How so was unclear to Radiant - the specifics were lost on her, except that there was a rather wealthy benefactor sponsoring the whole endeavour.

Personally, Radiant felt that the entire endeavour was rather hare-brained. Why waste their resources on something that amounted to a very expensive publicity campaign instead of actual research? After the hype of the moon landing, shouldn't they have focused on something more attainable like getting ponies in orbit around the gas giant Jotun or landing on Vanir?

She squirmed in her bed, shifting the weight on her spine to a more comfortable position. To be honest, all she wanted was a way to go to space. She couldn't have cared less about the theory, and the prospect of actually making the trip was miniscule.

Radiant shivered, casting a glance at the rather impressive window beside her bed. What if she had actually made the trip?

She shuddered involuntarily, the fever dream of being chased by oversized apes surfacing from the depths of her groggy mind. It had felt real enough, the very real sensation of fear and choking on some kind of foul tasting goop forming a pit in her stomach.

On the other hoof, she did have her fair share of sedative induced delirium over the years. She once saw shapes in the shadows for nearly a week before the doctors figured that she was allergic to whatever herbal treatment they tried on her. It wasn't a fun experience.

A soft knock at the door snapped the mare out of her reverie. “Please, enter!” Radiant croaked with vocal chords that didn’t work quite right, waiting impatiently for the attendant to step through the door. “Miss, could you be so kind as to turn th-”

She didn't quite manage to finish the sentence as she found herself face to face with the creature from the images carried by the Arion probe. It stood in the room, silently staring at her with beady eyes that looked way too small for it, no, her - Radiant glanced at its chest. She was sure of that at least - to see with.

The being was clutching a plane of glass with her claw like digits. Radiant watched in fascination as she brushed the flowy, auburn mane that ended at her shoulders with the other appendage. Radiant thought that it complimented her coat, no, skin? Rather nicely.

For what it's worth, knowing that the smartest ponies in Equestria were wrong brought some comfort to Radiant. She has suspected that it was rather far fetched when the scientists told her about the gelatinous membrane theory during the briefing, but she kept her trap shut on the off case that they used her objections as an excuse to have her booted off the program.

Either way, she was at a loss for what to do. Her heartbeat was starting to drown out the silence in the room. She gulped. Do I introduce myself? Offer peace? Where was that changeling when you needed him?

“Good afternoon, I’m Doctor Moriah.” The alien mare spoke. It sounded foreign, and there was no way that Radiant should have been able to understand what she was saying. But the universe seemed fully intent on screwing with her today, and she was able to comprehend every syllable flawlessly. It was disorientating to say the least, and she was starting to find it getting harder to breathe. Don’tpanicdon’tpanicdon’tpanic.

“Do you understand me?” Doctor Moriah asked in a tone that vaguely reminded Radiant of an adult patiently trying to get a newborn foal to speak. It would have been hilarious if the situation wasn’t so different.

“I... I… yes.” She replied, her eyes widening at the realization that she was replying in the same language that the doctor was using.

The feeling was akin to somepony dumping an entire library's worth of knowledge into her mind, kept that information hidden deep inside her brain under lock and key and only revealed it to her just now.

Radiant was no linguist, but it sounded like she was speaking the language just as fluently. “I-I’m R-radiant Dawn.”

“That’s good, Miss Radiant. I see that the sedatives are wearing off nicely. How are you feeling today?”

“U-uncomfortable. My skin’s itching all over a-and my entire body feels sore.” Radiant stammered, taken aback by the casualness of it all. “W-where am I?”

“Well miss, I can assure you that those are simply a normal side effect of the procedures we did." The doctor said, tapping at the glass. To Radiant’s surprise, the object lit up with the ghostly outlines of a document of some kind. She couldn’t make heads or tails out of what was written on it though.

"Do you remember anything from before you were in here?”

“I don’t... T-there was a nightmare… I was… dying? That isn’t terribly helpful, sorry. I’m always dying. And there were… monsters, golems trying to...” Radiant blinked, faintly aware that the beeping in the background was increasing in tempo. "Drown me. I think they managed to."

"That was the Biofabricator. Normally, you'd be unconscious for the procedure but we couldn't risk it with your… physique." Doctor Moriah pulled up a chair and sat down on it beside her bed. “and those were our people in hazard suits. I’m sorry if they scared you, but it was a necessary precaution. We needed to keep the Biofab room clean from any pathogens they might have been carrying.”

Radiant blinked. Hazard suits were mostly antiquated on Equus now, having been replaced by thaumic harnesses that did the same. The rest of what Moriah said was lost on her - she could understand what was being said, but the words were meaningless to her. “Biofab? People? What are those?”

Even if she did understand what a biofabricator was, she wasn’t prepared for any of this. She wasn’t trained for first contact and she was a cripple at best, Celestia be damned!

They had said that Project Trailblazer was supposed to be a PR stunt to garner support for the space program! The trip to the Arion homeworld alone would have taken all eternity.
Did that mean ponykind was no more?

The mere thought of it made her sick.

The doctor didn’t answer her questions straight away. Instead, she seemed perfectly content with reading whatever was on that slab of enchanted glass.

“Well, people are how we humans refer to ourselves.” She finally said, placing that strange claw like appendage on her chest - it reminded Radiant of a monkey’s hand, albeit less hairy.

“Humans? Is that what you call yourselves?” The mare croaked. “That’s… good to know. We were never quite able to translate what you were saying in the disc the Arion probe carried.”

“Ah… Right. Well, Miss Radiant, if you don’t mind me asking, how did your people discover Voyager 2? It wasn’t supposed to cross the nearest star in over two hundred thousand years.” More tapping on that piece of glass.

“The Arion probe?” Radiant frowned. The ‘human’ still scared her, but the interesting tidbit Moriah had thrown piqued her interest. “You mean it’s not even two hundred thousand years old?! We thought that it was ancient!” There was no way in Equestria that they could have just teleported over here - not even the princesses had that much energy to send them across thousands of light years!

“Wait.” Radiant’s mind ground to a screeching halt. This conversation was getting increasingly one sided, with Moriah doing the same roundabout questioning the physicians back home liked to do whenever they had bad news to deliver.

This was going to end now. “Doctor, you still haven't explained to me why I can understand you. What exactly is a "Biofab"? We didn't have anything like that back home.”

“Well uh…” The doctor shifted in her coat, looking almost evasive as she turned her attention to that stupid sheet of enchanted glass.

Just what was she tapping at? Radiant couldn't see any buttons on the artifact. Some kind of mind magic perhaps?

She waited and waited until an uneasy silence hung over them, broken only by the infernal beeping of the heartbeat monitor. Radiant steamed in her bed as she waited for her reply, mustering every ounce of patience in her body to wait.

She couldnt. It didn't help just how itchy and irritated her body felt. Was her fur supposed to feel this rough? She dragged her hooves under the covers, having half a mind to smack the strange device out of Moriah's grip.

“I don’t mean to be rude, doctor, but hello?” Radiant pried, hauling her way too heavy hooves out of the blanket and waved at the human.

She blinked.

Her hooves.

A perfect replica of the human's claws greeted her from under the sheets, finally understanding why her body felt so strange.

“OH CELESTIA WHAT THE BUCK!” Radiant screamed, throwing off the covers with newfound strength. She screamed as it unveiled a body that was most definitely not hers. She didn’t stop screaming as the claw-like-finger-things twitched, sending a torrent of sensation that her brain didn’t know how to process.

Her body might have been hidden underneath a hospital gown but it was clear through the openings that her once bright yellow coat was replaced by furless skin that was a gut wrenching shade of pink.

There was no sight of her two tone tail anywhere between her abnormally long hind legs that now ended in stumpy little knobs of flesh. Worst still were her forelegs. They didn't look as bad on Moriah, but things were different when it was her hooves being replaced with the sniewy things. It looked like somepony had decided to graft spider legs onto her hooves.

How she didn’t notice the changes until now eluded her.

She felt sick.

She didn't fight as Moriah eased her shivering form back onto the mattress, unable to break her gaze from her new body. It felt so unreal, but the sensations coming from them kept her painfully aware of the truth. "What the hell did you do?! T-they look like spiders!" She wailed, holding up the disgusting looking things in the air.

Moriah flinched. "We’re… I'm sorry. We would have asked, but given the circumstances we had to act quickly." Moriah said, her voice soft and gentle. "The electronics in your ship were badly damaged when we recovered it from orbit. It took us longer than expected just to get it working and our previous… tests showed that your cells would have started to degenerate as soon as the reverse process took effect. You would have died, Radiant."

"So you just decided to turn me into some freak without asking?! Just how stupid are you people?" Radiant snapped, slamming her… hand against the railing. It hurt, but it felt good. “Have you ever considered what the ponies back home would think of me when I go back looking like this?”

"Miss, please! You were dying! We took a big enough risk with the Biofab and Neuroflash just to save you! There was no knowing what side effects your body might have experienced with the nanites!" Moriah raised her hands in a gesture that was lost on Radiant. "We tried to salvage what we could of your body, but we didn't have enough data to work with!"

Radiant growled at the blurry figure in her vision. Nanites? What the hell were those? "Don’t you go hiding behind your mumbo crap and expect me to understand! I don't care if I died! You could have tried to tell me before you started chasing me down!” The mare yelled, hot trails of tears running down her cheeks. Part of her wished that she could strangle the doctor here and now, peaceful contact be damned. They could have at least tried.

“I’m sorry miss! We tried to save your original body, but your cells were dying off too quickly. We would have fabricated one that was your species but we lacked the data needed! The nanites can’t ” Doctor Moriah’s calm demeanor was a stark contrast to the teary eyed human’s whimpers.

Part of it irked Radiant. She wanted the doctor to yell at her and call her an idiot, that she could have been left to die just so she had a reason to scream back at Moriah. It was terribly frustrating for her to be given none of that.

“You can get through this Radiant.” She felt the doctor’s hand rest on her shoulder. Moriah had probably wanted to comfort her with the gesture, but all it did was make her feel cold and distant. “We already have the best therapists on standby for you. When you’re feeling up for it, maybe I can introduce you to some of my friends. You’l-”

Radiant had enough. Therapy? They crammed me into this stupid body and they expect me to get past this with theraphy?!

“GET OUT!” Radiant slapped her hand away. She hadn’t managed to figure out how this stupid body worked, but at least her forelegs still felt like forelegs.


“OUT!” Radiant shouted until she saw stars. She had enough of the doctor and her myriad of excuses. All she wanted right now was to be left alone.

"At least let me sho-"

"OUT!" Radiant smacked the railings again, fresh trails of tears flowing down her face. It was foalish of her to be behaving like this, but Radiant didn't care. If they crammed her into this hell of a body without asking, then they would have to deal with the consequences. Whoever they were.

Moriah sighed in defeat, finally putting that glass of hers away. At least the doctors on this world knew when to drop their case. "Please, let the nurses know if you ever decide to change your mind."

Radiant turned away, not wanting to look at the human in the eye. She sniffled, letting the tears flow down her cheeks as the door shut behind her with a resounding click.

Author's Note:

Holy crap, I didn't expect this to stay in the feature box for four days!

I can't believe that so many of you were willing to give my attempt at expanding the short into something bigger a chance. I am by no means an experienced author, so your words of encouragement mean a lot to me!

Thank you all for joining me on this ride (and giving me pointers on where to work on)! I'll do my best to improve as this goes along, so please, bear with me if I make literary mistakes in the meantime >.>