• Published 27th Mar 2020
  • 3,200 Views, 172 Comments

Product of Friendship - AzuraKeres

With the defeat of Chrysalis and her allies, peace was finally achieved amongst many creatures. All creatures were given the choice of happiness, except for one creature that was stolen of her mother.

  • ...

06: School Admission

Wist waited for a long time for Poison to come back. The time felt endless as she stood at their ruined cabin through the suns and moons for her to arrive. She didn’t want to miss the moment of her return, but there were inevitable moments of hunger that Wist had to attend to by foraging the forest for love and berries. And whenever she returned to the cabin, she hoped that she would finally find Poison standing with hefty blocks of wood to enforce Wist to do labor with. She only found charred wood that was the remains of her home.

At night, Wist would seek shelter beneath the unmarred floorboards. Each night, it seemed that the darkness only got eerier with the shifts of leaves and cries of critters that resounded in the dark. It pricked the small changeling with a daunting feeling that something was always watching her.

At first, Wist thought she was going hysterical because she was getting impatient with Poison. But, when she took a peek out of the floorboard one night, she could have sworn she saw a misty being within the slim glimmer of the moonbeam. For only a small moment, their eyes had met. The creature’s eyes seemed hollowed out as if there was only a black void inside. Wist widened her eyes in utter horror as she immediately retreated under the floorboard and enshrouded her body in her tarnished sheets.

She never managed to find it again through the onward nights, but she couldn’t help but think that it was still there, somewhere observing her from the distance. Wist truly wanted to believe that her mind was playing tricks with her, but couldn’t find a way to dissuade herself. She needed her mother’s voice to assure her. She needed Poison.

How long does Wist have to wait for it? How long does she have to wait to see her again? She wanted her now. She needed her now. “Mom…” Wist uttered as her sight became rippled by her tears. And then it was followed by pitch blackness.

Wist’s body shuffled about before her eyes eventually opened to beaming sunlight. Wist shielded her eyes with a hoof and groaned as she picked her body on her haunch. An impulsive need to stretch her body overwhelmed the changeling as she relished in the crackles of her bones.

Her sight then finally set upon her surroundings, which only left the changeling baffled. Everywhere she looked, she saw crystals that gleamed annoyingly at her thanks to the accursed sunlight. She also happened to find herself atop some sort of roundtable also made of crystals.

Wist made an attempt to hop off of the object but was stopped when her head bumped upon an invisible wall. Wist craned her head and hissed at the brief pain. When she recollected herself, Wist placed a hoof forward and touched upon the strange wall again. It didn’t appear she was touching anything, but she did notice ripples reverberating around her hoof.

“A barrier?” Wist wondered.

Before Wist could have pondered more upon this phenomenon, a large door that stood before her suddenly opened. What came before it was a blue mare that appeared to be pushing a service cart inside. “Ugh,” the blue mare groaned. “Why does Trixie have to feed the menacing imp? Trixie is supposed to be the kind and insightful guidance counselor, not some nursemaid. Trixie ought to—yipe!”

Trixie startled back when her eyes met upon the confused changeling. Wist had been observing the mare complain to herself as she strolled the cart her way without giving the changeling a single glance.

“Hi,” Wist waved a hoof at the spooked mare. “So, are you the one that put me here?”

Trixie hid behind the stroller, craning her head down to the floor. “Why is she awake?” Wist overheard the mare panicking in her fruitless attempt of whispers. “Nopony said she was going to wake up today. Why did Starlight pick Trixie of all ponies to deal with this?”

“Starlight,” Wist perked at the name. “You know Starlight Glimmer? You gotta tell me where she is. I need to find her.”

“Oh no,” Trixie voiced as she backed away from Wist. “Trixie won’t have any part of this. This is Starlight’s problem, not mine.”

“Hey!” Wist unfurled her wings. “Don’t go running away from me.” Wist’s eyes then dawned upon the steaming bowl of a yellow liquid before returning to the steadily retreating mare. “You supposed to feed me, aren’t you?”

“No way,” Trixie declined. “There is no way Trixie is going near you. Trixie knows what you did to the others. You won’t be having Trixie as your next conquest of meals.”

“I promise I won’t bite,” Wist tried to sound sincere. “Just don’t go, okay?”

“...” Trixie looked back at the exit and then towards the changeling that confused her with a glum face. How can such a menace make such a woeful expression? Trixie couldn’t believe that her heart was actually taking pity upon this changeling. The troubled mare stood in place briefly, weighing her options, trying her best to persuade herself to play the smart move and leave...but…

Trixie sighed and gritted her teeth. “If you so much dare try something funny on Trixie, Trixie will make you regret it.”

Wist simply nodded as the blue mare hesitantly returned to the table. Trixie’s horn illuminated in a pink light that slathered upon the invisible wall. Trixie then picked the bowl of soup with a rag and carefully placed the bowl through her slathered magic and set it before the observant changeling.

“You’re sloppy with magic,” Wist commented. “Aren’t you?”

“You’re in no place to make judgments of others,” Trixie harrumphed as she pulled her hooves away. Once her magic had dissipated from her horn, so did her slathered pink magic. Wist prodded her hoof where Trixie’s used to be and confirmed that the portion of the invisible wall was back in place. “Now eat,” Trixie demanded. “Trixie is going to inform Starlight that her guest is awake.”

“Wait,” Wist placed both of her hooves upon the barrier. “You’re not leaving already, are you?”

“Trixie was only told to bring the menace food,” Trixie stated. “Trixie has no other reason to stick around. Besides, this is already cutting into Trixie’s free time.”

“But what about Starlight? Where is she?”

“Starlight will come to you” Trixie answered. “What’s the point of telling you when she’ll be here soon enough? Trixie imagined you would be more curious about what happened when you lost to the Princess.”

“I didn’t lose!” The pitch of Wist’s voice briefly rose. “She just caught me off guard, that’s all.”

“Isn’t that how you fight?” Trixie raised a brow. “Trixie knows what you did to Thorax. It seems to Trixie that you got a taste of your own medicine.”

“Whatever,” Wist crossed her hooves. “You’re just biased towards your beloved Princess.”

Trixie chuckled at Wist’s response, confusing the changeling. “Oh please, Trixie kisses the hooves of no Princess. Trixie will have you know that she was once the rival of Princess Twilight.”

“Was that official or just something you tell yourself?” Wist quipped.

“Hmph,” Trixie harrumphed. “Trixie doesn’t have to take this from the loser. Trixie will be going now.”

“Alright, alright,” Wist rolled her eyes. “How about we just forget about that for now. Why not tell me what happened after my tie with your Princess.”

“Sure, keep telling yourself that,” Trixie mumbled and then raised her voice. “Well, after your little prank at our school, Starlight called in the staff and guards to hide you and Twilight away from the public to avoid causing any panic. Though Trixie believes that was inevitable since you turned Smolder to a ferocious succubus for Ocellus.”

“Was it that bad?” Wist wondered. “I didn’t even give her a lot.”

“You shouldn’t have given her a gram of that stuff,” Trixie leered at Wist. “Trixie will have you know that Smolder burned the halls of the school while Starlight and Trixie were trying to separate her from Ocellus. Starlight had no magic to calm her down, so we were forced to use a containment spell on her until some creature brought the depressants."

"A containment spell similar to this I imagine," Wist tapped upon the barrier.

"Oh no," Trixie shook her head. "What you're in is more special. That table you're standing on is the cutie map that’s able to locate all sorts of friendship problems in the lands. It also happens to have an abundance of magic inside of it."

"And right now, its magic is being used to keep me in place," Wist concluded. "Right?"

"That, along with that suppressant ring on your horn."

"What?" Wist felt her horn and touched upon a strangely cold object. Using the reflection of the cutie map, Wist saw a light blue ring strapped to her horn. Wist quickly tried to pull the ring off of her, but then she shuddered to a stop when the ring released a small jolt of lightning that stung the changeling.

"Trixie would advise not to touch it," Trixie recommended. “We added safety measures to make sure you don’t lose it.”

"And you tell me that now!" Wist growled. "Get it off of me!"

"Trixie will do no such thing. That decision goes to Starlight and the Princess when she finally gets off her lazy plot."

"She's still unconscious? See, that totally means I won!"

"You shouldn't be so desperate for validation. It's not a good look for a Changeling Queen."

"I'm a witch!" Wist loudly corrected the mare.

“Fine, fine,” Trixie groaned. “If it’ll stop your whining, then you won. Trixie is so proud of you. Now if you don’t mind, Trixie has other matters to attend to.”

Trixie walked off to the exit again, goading the changeling to bang upon the barrier that held her. “Wait! You’re just going to leave me here?”

“You’ve been there for the last three days,” Trixie answered as she held a hoof upon the door. “Don’t feel so down, once I tell others that you’re up and about, I’m sure there will be another changeling that would be ecstatic to keep you company.”

At that, Trixie closed the door, leaving Wist alone with her steaming soup. Wist kept her eyes upon that door for a long while before groaning and staring down at the bowl. The changeling lowered her head down to it and gave the soup a lick. “Taste like apples…”

Wist continued feasting upon the soup, satiating the sudden hunger that suddenly surged within her. The liquid was soaked with a strong essence of love as if some creature put in an excessive amount of passion into making this food for her. Who would have so much love for a measly apple? Eh, who cares. Wist needed to take in all the love she can get. However, it would have felt a lot better if she did have to do it inside yet another prison.

Wist was dreadfully bored while waiting for any creature to appear through the door. The least Wist would have expected these Equestrians to do was provide their prisoner with something to keep them entertained. They are supposed to be creatures that show kindness to others, even to the mischievous, right?

Wist grew tired of spinning the bowl about as she found no way to slip through this barrier that they contained her in. Without her magic, the best option she had was forcing her way out, but there’s no way she could believe she could shatter the table made of crystal. She would only crack her hooves in the process.

Thankfully, her ears perked at the door finally opening again. The creature that emerged was the blue changeling that she recalled placing a sleeping spell upon. “Oh,” Wist was dissatisfied. “It’s you.”

“I know that you want to see Starlight,” Ocellus stated as she stepped before Wist. “But with the Princess out of it, you have placed her under more responsibilities that she would like.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means,” Ocellus emphasized. “That Starlight is temporarily the Princess until the real one is awake. Luckily, she has Ambassador Spike for guidance.”

“Hey,” Wist started. “I’m sensing some frustration in you. You don’t happen to have something against me, do you?”

“You mean besides placing the Princess unconscious and causing hysteria at the school?” Ocellus growled. “I wonder what it could be.”

“...It’s the dragon, isn’t it?”

“Her name is Smolder,” Ocellus corrected. “And what you had her do to me has become another talk of the school. Do you know how embarrassing it was for me to have so many of my students see me in such a compromising position!?”

“You Equestrians sure are strange,” Wist tapped her chin. “The Devil’s Dust is supposed to make creatures go wild in joy with a hysterical amount of added magic. Those other behaviors are normally not supposed to happen. And yet they’ve been pretty frequent with you all.”

“Who cares about that!?” Ocellus raised her voice. “You made me and Smolder look like sexual deviants in front of our friends and students. I don’t know if I’ll ever be looked the same way again.”

“To be fair, I only gave her a small push,” Wist argued. “Her reaction only shows that she had a lot of repressed urges. I would argue that it was a bit therapeutic for her.”

Wist’s excuse only earned herself a glare from Ocellus. “Okay, okay,” Wist raised her hooves. “I can clearly see that you’re upset. So maybe drugging your friend wasn’t all that great of an idea.”

“You’ve only realized that now?” Ocellus leered at the changeling.

“I’m sorry, okay!” Wist voiced. “Is that what you want to hear!?”

“...It’s a start,” Ocellus sighed. “At least you’re not one to think you’re always in the right.”

“So,” Wist started. “Any ideas of what you and your friends have planned for me?”

“That’s not up to me,” Ocellus stated. “That decision belongs to—”

“The Princess,” Wist finished. “Yeah, yeah, I heard that same spiel from another creature. Could you at least list me the possibilities here?”

Ocellus placed her hoof upon the barrier, matching them to the opposite side where Wist had hers. “Wist, I promise you that you can trust Princess Twilight. Despite the things you’ve done already, it can still be forgiven. Her judgment will be fair and I’m certain you will see that way as well.”

“Because of friendship, right?”

“And because she wants to help you,” Ocellus added. “You know, all of this could have been avoided if you just asked for help?”

“You expect me to trust creatures I’ve never met before. Yeah, cause that worked so well for me in the past.” Wist sarcastically said.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Wist averted her gaze from Ocellus then walked and lay on the opposite end of the table. “No.”

“Would like something else to eat?” Ocellus asked after noting the empty bowl.

“I could go for a refill. Whoever made that soup soaked it with a lot of love.”

“I’m not surprised,” Ocellus chuckled as she shot her magic into the barrier, creating a pink clear-cut portal for the changeling to stretch her hooves into to grab the bowl. “Applejack takes great pride in her apples.”

“Who’s that?”

“I’m sure you’ll meet her soon enough. Right now, I’ll go see if she’s still around in the castle. We can talk more when I come back.”

And again, Wist was left in her lonesome. It was a bit surreal to see her jailers be so kind to her. These creatures were far unlike the ones she dealt with back in Abyssinia. Of all of the kittens she dealt with in that land, there was only one among them she found trustworthy. “I wonder if he’s mad at me too.”

Young Wist hid underneath the floorboard of her destroyed home when she felt the presence of a creature. Nights have grown to be an ever-growing nightmare for the small changeling the longer she went without her mother’s presence.

Wist couldn’t see it without the aid of moonbeams, but she was certain it was there. Peeking above the floorboard, she could tell that the misty creature was there.

It gazed at her. It watched her. It observed her. And then Wist heard it walk towards her. How far was it from her? Its hoofsteps sounded so soft that it seemed to be far away from her. Wist listened closely and hoped for the sound to go away. But then she heard a creak upon the floorboard.

...It’s here, standing before her. It gazed at her as she gazed back. No words were spoken. No light was given. Only the pitch darkness to conceal the horror that Wist envisioned standing before her.

It touched her forehead. It felt warm and inviting. Something about this felt so familiar to her. Something she felt a long time ago.


Wist’s eyes opened again to the annoying rays of the sun. She shielded her eyes with a hoof and let out a sigh. She didn’t know whether to be angered and relieved to be awakened from that dream. Somehow it all felt so real.

“Sorry,” Wist’s ears perked at a voice. “Did I wake you?”

Wist raised her head to find the source of this voice and discovered the mare she’s been searching for was sitting beside her. Settled atop the cutie map at Wist’s side, Starlight Glimmer peered at the surprised changeling.

“You…” Was all that Wist could voice out.

“I’m glad to see that you’re awake,” Starlight said as she began to stroke down Wist’s mane. “That hex spell you cast turned out to be really strong. Twilight was right when she said it would take a few days for the two of you to wake.”

“The Princess...is she still asleep?”

“She’s actually been awake for a few minutes now. We’ve been watching over her at this castle as well.”

“She’s been here this whole time?”

“She’ll be coming here soon enough,” Starlight informed. “You can imagine that she may have a lot to discuss with you. But let’s not worry about that right now. I would like a chance to talk with you before any of that.”

“Why are you petting me?” Wist asked.

“Oh,” Starlight pulled her hoof away. “Sorry about that. When I came in, you looked like you were having a nightmare. At first, I was going to wake you out of it, but then you seemed to calm down when I touched you. So, I figured if I kept petting you, your dream would be more pleasant.”


“This may be random, but Wisteria, could you tell me about your home?” Starlight asked. “I’m curious about where you came from.”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Wist averted her gaze from Starlight and lowered her head back upon the cutie map. The surface was strangely warm despite being made of pure crystals.

“I guess that's a touchy subject for you,” Starlight assumed. “Then how about we talk about something else. Like, say, your passions and goals.”

“Why should I tell you?” Wist raised her eyes upon the mare. “I’m certain that you’re just going to share this all with your Princess. And besides, every creature I tell always says I’m wrong for it.”

“Then I’ll be the first to not judge you,” Starlight laid a hoof on the back of Wist’s head. “Listen Wist, I don’t want you to be afraid to tell me anything. My outlook on you won’t change regardless of what you tell me...I think.”

“Do you promise?”

“I promise.” Starlight nodded.

Wist turned her face from Starlight, but eventually came back upon her and spoke.“...I want to be a witch. For as long as I can remember, my mom was one. She was ambitious and worked hard to be one of the best. So, I want to be just like her.”

“Twilight mentioned that to me before," Starlight said. "But tell me, what do you think it means to be a witch?”

“They’re smart,” Wist answered. “They’re cunning, ambitious, and work hard to unravel the mysteries of magic. Those that creatures are too afraid to explore themselves.”

“And what would you use that knowledge for,” Starlight asked, giving the changeling a careful glance.

“Nothing,” Wist blatantly answered.

“Really?" Starlight was taken aback by Wist's answer. "You wouldn’t make use of magic that no other creature has come to comprehend? I mean, even I would be tempted by the possibilities.”

“I just want to broaden my knowledge of all magic in the world just like my mother did." Starlight noticed a gloom in Wist's face. "But so far, I lack the basics. I can't even do a levitation spell and that's supposed to be one of the first things a foal should learn. But, I’m going to change that. I'll do everything I can to become an all-knowing witch, bewitching, and full of wisdom beyond that of the greatest wizard.”

“That’s a very admirable goal,” Starlight complimented. “It would be nice if all witches shared that mindset.”

“What does that mean?”

“I’m guessing your mother is the only witch you’ve known. Well then, I think you should know that you and your mother do not share the same sentiment as most witches do. They seek knowledge that is usually lost and forbidden, but their purpose happens to be selfish and place others in a lot of harm.”

“That's not what I've heard. Most of what creatures told me that we are disliked for delving to secrets that they believe are best hidden. In what way do they harm others?”

“Forcing ideals on others, manipulation, liberation, those sorts of harm. And sadly, they are fairly common in Equestria. There are even rumors of a sisterhood that gather these witches together. Who knows what they have planned if they're not stopped.”

“What does that have to do with me? I’m nothing like that. I just want knowledge, that’s all.”

“I know, but the title of witches is not well-liked by the public. So, I wouldn’t recommend telling others about it.”

“What are you going to do with me?”

“That decision goes to Princess Twilight,” Starlight raised to her hooves. “But I think this talk has given me an idea of what I should tell her.”

Wist watched Starlight shoot through the barrier and hop off the table. Seeing this mare close-up made her anxious if she really was what Wist hoped her to be. There aren’t any similarities she could point out. Just this prevailing feeling that feels nostalgic.

“I forgot to ask this,” Starlight spoke. “But before you fell asleep, you called me your mother. Do I have some sort of resemblance to her?”

“I…” Wist couldn’t find the right words to respond with. Her face heated as she found embarrassment.

“It’s fine,” Starlight smiled. “We can talk later about it if you like. I think now is a good time to bring the Princess.”

Wist glared at Princess Twilight carefully as Alicorn Princess was welcomed inside the chamber by Starlight and her associates. Twilight stepped before Wist and then nodded to Starlight.

Wist was surprised when the Headmare struck a beam upon the barrier, as it appeared to have dissipated within the purple glow.

Wist stepped back from the Princess and furrowed her brow. “What’s your angle here?”

“Nothing,” Twilight calmly answered. “I just prefer it that you have more freedom before we speak.” The Princess smiled and placed a hoof on the table. “I think both of us have slept in long enough.”

Wist jumped off the cutie map on the opposite end from Twilight and glared at the creatures around her. Behind the Princess stood Ocellus, Starlight, Trixie, and an orange stallion she doesn't recall meeting. The illeist mare took cover behind Starlight.

“I can understand your wariness," Twilight said. "I wouldn't expect it to be easy to trust creatures you’re not familiar with. But I would like it if you gave us a chance.”

“What? So is this a part of your Princess decorum to bring me into your side of friendship?”

“Please don’t think of it that way,” Twilight frowned. “I can assure you that no creature will force you into friendship. It wouldn’t even be called that if that was the case.”

“Whatever,” Wist hissed. “So, what now?”

“How about we change the topic.” Twilight suggested. "I can tell that you're new to these lands with how little you know about us. I would like to know why you chose to come to Equestria."

“I already told you that I came here to find home.”

“Yes, but I would like to know what this home exactly is.”

“It’s exactly what I said,” Wist said matter-of-factly.

“Wist," There was a slight crack in Twilight's soft demeanor before recovering. "I want you to describe this home you speak of. Where is it exactly? Or I should say, who is it?”

Wist was perturbed by Twilight's statement and had begun looking around for a way to escape the situation. Her eyes met with Starlight's, who smiled and nodded to the changeling. Wist paused at the Headmare's action. After a small grumble to herself, she faced the Princess again.

“There’s...two," Wist mumbled, but loud enough for the Princess to perk at. "One of them led me here. There's a familiar scent here that I remember. I remembered it to be calming, warm…" Her sight trailed to the open window that appeared to far too escape through. It's pretty pointless to try anything given that she has nothing under her sleeves to use. "And then," Wist continued with a sigh. "There’s another that I know very well. I want to go back to it, but I don't know where it is anymore.”

“I see,” Twilight nodded her head. “I’m sorry to hear that you were separated from them. But, I think I can help you, if you like?”

“Help me?” Wist narrowed her eyes at the Princess.

“As Princess, I have many connections and eyes I can place across the lands. You would have a better likelihood to discover the whereabouts of your home with the survey of my fleet.”

“And you plan to want to be rewarded with something from me in exchange, do you?”

“I heard that you lack basic knowledge of magic. I can assume that you did not receive basic schooling, right?”

“I was tutored.”

“Then how about an opportunity to fill in the gaps." Twilight walked around the cutie map to meet the Princess. Wist was a bit surprised how tall the Princess was up close. "While I have my resources search for the whereabouts of your home, I would like for you to attend the School of Friendship.”

“...You want me to learn about friendship?” Wist gazed at the Princess with skepticism.

“Why not give it a chance? You might turn out to like it. I mean, there will also be classes that will teach you about magic and many other facets that may peak your interest, but it couldn't hurt to try it out, wouldn't it?”

“This sounds like a win-win situation for me," Wist was puzzled. "Are all Princesses terrible at bartering?"

“That's because it isn't," Starlight stepped before the cutie map. “If you let us, we want to teach you all the things that you missed out on. And, I would really like it if the two of us have more to talk with each other. It may be some time before we can find either of your homes. But, in the meantime, you could see Ponyville as your third.”

“I don't know about that,” Wist said. "But, if you're really offering free lessons, then I guess I can entertain this. But," Wist fiercely glared at the Princess. "Let's get something clear here. I'll only play nicely as long as you keep me in the loop of your findings. If I feel you're not doing your end of the bargain, then I'll take the matter into my own hooves."

"Ugh," Trixie groaned from behind Starlight. "That snooty behavior of hers reminds her of another Changeling Queen I don't like."

"That better not be that attitude you're going to take with her," Starlight said. "I intend for the two of you to get quite acquainted with each other on the weekly."

"What!?" Trixie backed appalled. "You would lock Trixie with this fiend! Why would Trixie ever agree to such a reckless idea!?"

"Because it's your job," the orange stallion answered.

"Nopony asked you, Sunburst," Trixie retorted.

“Then we are at an agreement,” Twilight said. “From henceforth, Wisteria will be a student of the School of Friendship. I believe Starlight has already made the arrangements to assign Ocellus as your homeroom teacher. I hear that the two of you have already been familiarized with each other. The only pressing matter now is your living arrangement.”

“Don’t worry about that, Twilight,” Starlight said. “I already know just the perfect place for Wist.”

Luster laid on her bed one night, contemplating the event from her first day of school. She had never anticipated the number of class subjects to be so vast, an unexpected benefit that Luster fully intended to take full advantage of.

However, her mind drew to that Wist character that started an incident some days ago. The pandemonium she caused floored the scholarly mare. Headmare Starlight informed the students that they had nothing else to fear after they remedied the crazed dragoness that was her P.E. coach. She's actually been rather touchy about the event. And by touchy, Luster meant prone to threatening responses.

But now importantly, that changeling appeared to know a lot about potion making and also appeared to be strong with magic if she was able to give the Princess so much trouble. Thank Twilight that she’s no longer on the prowl anymore.

Although, there was a semblance in Luster's desire that wished she could have more time with her. Luster never met a creature that she had an affinity for so quickly. It was like she had a kinship with her. Though now her perspective is quite different knowing that the changeling is a deviant. Still though...

Luster’s thoughts sputtered to a close when she heard a knock from her door. How strange; Luster did not expect any visitors. Perhaps it’s one of her new friends coming to greet her. “Coming,” Luster announced.

Before Luster opened the door, she glanced upon a mirror propped atop her drawer to make sure her mane was fixed. When she answered, she stood astonished when she saw Headmare Starlight and the changeling that started an incident at school standing before her. “Headmare Starlight!? Wait, what is she doing here?”

“Good evening, Luster,” Starlight spoke normally as if there was nothing abnormal about this situation. “I trust that your classes went swimmingly today, right?”

“Yes,” Luster stuttered. “They did. But, why is the changeling that endangered the school standing beside you? I thought you took care of her.”

“And I did,” Starlight nodded. “I have come to a decision that I think will work out for both of you.”

“I don’t follow,” Luster frowned.

“I’ve noticed that you have made efforts in the last few days to invite a fellow classmate to become your roommate. By the looks of things, I can see that it’s proving rather difficult.”

“Well, yes,” Luster admitted. “Pitching other students to leave their roommate has so far proven to be an impossible task. It seems like they’ve all become the best of friends...wait,” Luster gawked at the Headmare. “You’re not about to do what I think you’re about to do, are you?”

“If you mean having Wisteria here become your roommate and classmate at the school, then yes.” Starlight smiled at the dumbfounded mare.

“What!?” Luster fell on her haunch. “You’re going to leave me with this lunatic!?”

“Oh,” Wist entered the room. “I remember you now. You’re the one I made mane potions with. Did you manage to finish it while I was gone? I’d really like to have a few since I’m apparently not allowed to have my old things.” Wist eyed at Starlight.

“You’ll get them back in time,” Starlight assured. “Minus Devil’s Dust. Those go with the Princess.”

“Why is she, my roommate?” Luster demanded. “As I recall, she assaulted the Princess!”

“Your Princess decreed me as a student of this place,” Wist approached Luster and poked her snout. Luster swiftly rubbed her nose. “Whether you like it or not, we’re stuck together. So, I suggest getting comfortable with the idea.”

“Why did you poke me like that?” Luster growled at the changeling. “I don’t know where your hooves have been. You probably still have residues of that drug on you.”

“Now that’s an intriguing thought,” Wist grinned at the concerned mare. “I wonder how a goody two-hooves like you would react to it.”

“Don’t worry, Luster” Starlight assured. “Wist was fully disinfected and cleaned days ago. I made sure of that.”

“What?” Wist now gawked at the Headmare. “You washed me while I was unconscious?”

“No creature was willing to step in,” Starlight argued. “We couldn’t leave your hygienes unattended. No, stop looking at me like that,” Starlight pointed at the two students. “It’s not weird.”

“Did you wash the Princess too?” Wist asked. “How did can you manage with how big—”

“Moving on,” Starlight raised her voice. “I will leave the two of you to discuss the arrangement of the room. Think of it as a start to a new friendship.”

“Are you sure about this, Headmare Starlight,” Luster asked.

“Oh I’m sure,” Starlight assured. “You two have a lot in common. I’m certain the two you will get along...eventually.” Starlight then clapped her hooves before Luster could respond. “Well then, I should probably head back to my office and get Wist’s things. I think we should go out for dinner after. Two bowls of soup aren’t going to be enough to satisfy a growing body.”

Starlight closed the door before the two students, leaving Luster with the gleeful changeling that immediately surveyed around the area. “What are you doing?” Luster asked the traversing changeling.

“Checking out my place,” Wist said matter-of-factly. “I thought that’d be obvious.”

“Don’t you mean our place,” Luster corrected. “And if I’m going to be living with you, we should set some ground rules.”

“Now what’s this,” Wist pulled out a book plastered with bunches of heart stickers from Luster’s drawer.

Luster’s face immediately reddened as she rushed upon the changeling to grab upon the book. “Hey, that’s my diary, give it back!”

Wist dangled the book above the embarrassed mare as she chuckled, “A diary, eh? You must have it filled with juicy secrets then, don’t you? A goody two-hooves like you have to have something in your closet.”

Their rowdy voices vibrated through the halls of the dorm as their poor classmates endured the two's frantic act, fearful of confronting the changeling that they heard rivaled against the Princess of Friendship. This moment would mark the day to a new friendship full of chaos and neverending shocks to Luster’s now fleeting peaceful studies at the School of Friendship.