• Published 13th Dec 2019
  • 3,804 Views, 144 Comments

How Death Lived - Crimson Wisp

The son of a demon and a necromancer is thrown into Equestria in his darkest hour. Will he find the peace he so desperately seeks, or will he not survive long enough to tell the tale?

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Chap. 1 A monster in the halls

//////////Princess Celestia////////////

I must admit. The events of last night prevented me from getting any sort of rest. Being woken up to the sound of a massive explosion and then Canterlot shaking with an earthquake that threatened to split the mountain on which our home resides was alarming enough. Then to learn that the cause of this was an unknown creature that slammed into the mountain like a runaway freight train added a whole other level of confusion that I was not ready to handle in the middle of the night.

Fortunately, my sister's vigilance over the night kept us safe and informed over what was happening. If she was still banished on the moon, I don't know what might have happened. Assuring our little ponies of the Court of the Sun that everything would be alright was no easy feet, explaining to them what had happened seemed to be enough. Though there were many protests after revealing that the cause for the earthquake was to stay in the castle until we could determine with certainty what to do with it.

Fortunately, Lulu was able to give a... persuasive speech, that was enough to qualm the uncertainty of the court. When the end of the night came, Lulu lowered the moon, and I raised the sun to start a new day for Equestria. Luna came by my room shortly after, she looked more exhausted than usual as she walked through my door. Every time I've seen her like that, she tells me that she had to deal with a particularly troublesome nightmare in the dream realm.

"Good morning Lulu. Did you sleep well?"

I asked more as a courtesy. I knew exactly how she slept, though I didn't know why. Besides, I would much rather be kind to my sister for her sake rather than my own.

"No Tia... And that's exactly why we must speak with you."

She croaked before clearing her throat. I used my magic to serve her a cool glass of water from a pitcher my maids bring me every morning. Luna gave me a tired smile and took the glass from my magic. She drank it down as greedily as etiquette would allow and rubbed her throat with a forehoof before speaking.

"Thank you, sister..."

She said before walking over to me. Her tone... It was sadness, not weariness.

"Luna is everything alright? You don't look well."

I asked as gently as I could, wrapping a wing around her as she sat next to me in my near the balcony of my room. We were looking out towards the city of Canterlot, the Everfree that loomed in the distance, and Ponyville just behind it. Luna remained silent for a moment.

"Sister... We're... I'm conflicted."

She started, struggling to find the words. I did my best to let her know I was listening.


I asked.


She said with a hint of pity and remorse in her voice. I blinked in confusion.

"I'm sorry, Luna... What?"

I asked, trying to be as respectful as possible.

"The creature that we brought into the castle last night... His name is Azazel Astoshan Lilith."

I had an idea of where Luna was going, but I let her continue by nodding in understanding before she continued.

"This creature is not of our world. I know not where it comes from, and it is a formidable force to be reckoned with."

This was worrying indeed. But what puzzled me more was the fact that Luna felt "conflicted", as she put it.

"I have seen his memories. For one barely exiting his adolescence, he is not afraid to take the lives of those that would dare harm him or those he cares for... He is the only son of a demon and a necromancer that is referred to as a God of death... But..."

Luna stopped, unable to find the right words. My impatience was getting to me, so for now, I decided to nudge her only a little to help her get the thought through.


I asked.

"I have seen five of the elements of harmony in some shape or form manifested in his life out of his own volition. Kindness. Generosity. Honesty. Loyalty. And laughter. But just as I have seen the elements, I have also seen him perform merciless brutality, bring death, instill fear and very recently... suffering born from loss."

I will admit the first three of the last list didn't surprise me much. But that last one...


I asked tentatively. Luna simply nodded. She must have read my pleading eyes because she continued after taking a glance at me.

"He and his family have been persecuted by a kingdom that mirrors our own in many ways for him and his family's practice of black magics... His arrival to Equestria was the result of his parents sacrificing their lives to save their son's life."

My heart sunk as I heard this. I have no love for necromancers. They are monsters in pony form who exist with the sole purpose of causing mass death and destruction wherever they go. But I knew for a fact that Luna's control over dreams was beyond question.

"What do you think we should do Luna?"

I asked my sister as calmly as I could manage after a bit of thinking. The amount of information that had just been laid on my hooves was too much to make the decision on my own. Luna was taken aback by this. But she recovered just as quickly before giving me a concerned reply.

"Part of me wants to imprison him in stone as we did for Discord. But I know that won't work in the long run, and it would not be just after all he's been through... I... Hmmm..."

She chose her next words as carefully as she could manage considering the pressure she had on her shoulders.

"Do you think that Princess Twilight and her friends could help him? Twilight and her friends were able to reform discord and save me from myself.. He's nowhere near as powerful as Discord, should he turn on them they should be able to defeat him with the elements."

I can't even begin to express how proud I am to be Luna's sister, especially when she says things like this. I had been holding back tears that began to flow down my cheeks as I hugged my sister and began to laugh out of pure joy. Luna was first startled, but quickly realized I meant well and joined into my embrace. We let go of each other and made up our minds.

"Then it is settled."

I mused.

"We should make ourselves known, he's already awake, and I don't know if he'll be alright with being chained to his bed."

Luna stated. My eyes went wide at this before I sighed in acceptance.

"I forgot about that. It's ok. It will be fine, everything will work out."

I repeated to myself in my head like a mantra as we headed towards the infirmary.


When I came to, two things were immediately clear. One, I wasn't home. The room I was in had white marble walls and tall ceilings. A single window that let in the sunlight illuminated the room. It had nothing other than the bed I was on. Two, wherever I was, I was chained by my wrists and legs with enough leeway to allow for me to sit. Upon noticing this, I began to pull and strain my bonds.

They groaned and whined as I pulled with the little strength I had after waking up, but the chains wouldn't break. I could feel magic on the golden cuffs that bound my wrists. They were engraved with many small runes, draining me of my magic and feeding the chain to repair and reinforce my bonds.

It quickly became apparent that brute force wouldn't. I sat there in silence for a way to free myself And then I remembered something, I could breathe hellfire. The hellish flames destroyed anything and everything it touched, save for the scales on my arms, legs, and wings. So I brought the cuffs to my face and let out a weak stream of black and red flames from my mouth.

Slowly, but surely I could feel the golden cuffs lose their magical runes as they were deformed by the intense heat. I did the same for the other, and once I finished, I waited for my magic to return so I could strengthen myself enough to break free.

As I sat there, I began to feel my strength slowly coming back. I estimated that my strength should return to its full swing in about five minutes. I waited patiently for the minutes to pass, and as I waited my senses began to wander. I could sense life forms outside my room. I couldn't tell what they were but I knew they were very small, they would reach to my stomach if I stood next to them.

"Goblins?... No... They're too dumb to make a place as elegant as this... maybe dwarves..."

I mused to myself as the five-minute mark passed. When I finished counting I held the chains taught and gave them a hard pull. They snapped much easier than I expected. They were mostly made of some brittle metal, though he struggled to find a logical reason as to why there were magic draining runes on the weak golden cuffs if dwarves we're such good craftsmen. He could think about that later, now he would have to find a way out. As the chains fell to the floor with a loud clatter, what sounded like small hooves hitting a hard floor caught me off guards as I eyed the wooden door that led outside.

"What was that?"

A male voice spoke from behind the door in a language the same as my own.

"That thing is probably moving in its sleep again. It's fine, nothing can break those cuffs. They were made to hold monsters like Tirek by Princess Celestia herself. It's not going anywhere."

Another voice stated matter-of-factly, this one female yet gruffy and stern. Princess Celestia? Tirek? Where in the nine hells did my parents send me!? If I wanted answers, I would have to leave the room to find out. I got off the bed as quietly as I could and once I cleared the bed, I stretched my wings, flapping them a little.

I took the opportunity to stretch and pop my joints. As I did, several resounding cracks and pops left my joints, especially in my back as I stretched. I let out a sigh of relief as I walked over to the window to get an idea of where I am, and if needed, possible escape routes.

When I did, I saw a beautiful city even more so than Moonshine. It was easily twice as colorful. Rainbows arched over the tops of buildings and beyond the city was a beautiful expanse of green fields with a forest near by. I could've stayed there for hours, until I noticed movement in the streets below. I used my magic to enhance my vision to see what the colorful dots moving below were.

To my utter bewilderment, I saw small horses in every color imaginable. They wore clothing that reminded me of the wealthy nobles that traveled by carriage to and from Moonshine. these creatures had very short heads with BIG eyes. they looked like caricatures from my dad's story books.

I could see no people other than the pastel horses. I stepped back and stood there trying to make sense of what I had just seen. As my mind raced to find a way to justify what I had just witnessed, the sound of a locked door being opened snapped me out of my thoughts. Out of reflex, I cast an invisibility spell on myself and turned around just before the door opened. What I saw next left me flabbergasted.

Two small, colorful horses entered the room, they were clad in golden armor that looked like it would be heavy to carry. One was slightly larger and bulkier than the other. The former had a mint cream coat and a brown mane, the latter was a pastel pink with orange hair. The smaller one had a small horn jutting from the top of it's head and I instantly recognized it as a unicorn, causing me to blink in amazement. Their eyes opened wide and their huge irises shrunk to pin pricks as they stared at the empty bed with horror.

"ITS GONE!!! How did it escape!?"

The stallion cried out in despair. It was almost funny to watch, but considering my circumstance, it was in my best interests to not laugh and be quiet. That and the fact THAT I WAS LOOKING AT A TALKING MULTICHROMATIC HORSE THE SIZE OF AN UNDERFED DEER HAD ME QUITE SHOCKED.

Before the smaller one could answer, two gasps were heard outside, and I couldn't help but wonder if there were more small talking horses outside.


A feminine voice that reminded me too much of my mother ordered in a voice that must have been amplified with magic to cause the door and bed to shake. Also, "no pony?" This day was getting stranger and stranger by the minute. The two armored horses, or... ponies? left the room with the door wide open.

The sound of many hooves clip clopping away into the distance let me know it was safe to breathe again. I had to drop the invisibility spell as I was getting light headed. I decided to wait for my magic reserves to refill before I dared make a run for it. As I walked over behind the door and sat down as close to the wall as my wings would allow me, I noticed I was missing my gauntlet and bag of belongings. I didn't know exactly what was in it, but I trusted my dad with my life. So if the bag was made with the intent of granting me survival, then I would look for it. Fortunately, I knew just the spell for the job.

However, a divination spell required for me to concentrate. It would take time, and I couldn't use other spells as it would drain me too much. I would have to use it once, memorize my target's location, and make my way with the remaining magic in me to defend myself. It was a long shot, but I couldn't think of anything better. So I sat there for a bit, letting my magic build up. When I was confident I had enough, I focused and uttered the incantation.

"Encontrarium... Satchel"

I was detached from my body and my sight zigzagged through the halls, passing over more armored ponies of various colors, until it flew through a closed door and into a table where his satchel laid next to several of the mementos that should've been hanging from my sash. The spell ended and I was shot back, taking the same route but in reverse towards me and when I opened my eyes I looked down to see that the medallions and other nick knacks that I had collected in my travels with dad were missing. this angered me, but at least I knew they hadn't thrown them away, as all of the missing trinkets were on the table I saw.

"Right, left, left, right, down the stairs, right and second door to the left..."

I repeated the directions twice more before steeling my nerves for what was about to come. When I was sure nothing was in my immediate vicinity, I bolted out of the room and followed the path I had memorized. My heavy footsteps echoed across the halls as my claws tried to dig into the polished marble floor with the hope of getting better traction. This only resulted in my footsteps being louder as they shrieked when I drifted right on the first turn. I nearly slammed into the wall, but I regained my footing and kept running. Upon getting a clear view of the hallway I saw two more of those little horses running in my direction, presumably to see what the noise was. What I can guarantee they weren't expecting, was me.

As I ran at them at full speed, their eyes shot open and they ducked out of my way to save their skins as the big bad monster charged at them to eat them. I don't think that's they're thought process, but it helps me not panic at the thought of how ridiculous the whole situation was. I ran passed them and took a left at the next intersection much the same way I did in the last hallway with the next few turns. Guards were in the way and I did my best to avoid them while going at a full sprint.

The miniature pegasi I encountered we're easy enough to dodge, and the brave one that tried to follow me I juked into a wall as I used the pillars of the well decorated stair case to swing down to the floor below as the distracted pagasus slammed face first into a wall. There was one of them that was right in my path and I couldn't dodge in the second to last turn, so I picked up the mare instead of ramming into her and as she screamed for dear life I slowed down, using the sharp talons on my legs and left arm to grind to a halt.

I set the shivering guard on the floor and bolted off to my destination. When I found the door, I ripped it clean off it's hinges and laid eyes on my prize. I walked inside and paid no mind to the terrified horse that shimmied flat against the wall around me and left the room screaming,


The first thing I grabbed was what remained of my gauntlet, so I ripped off the melted pauldron and kept the forearm and the clawed glove. As I inspected each medallion, wyvern tooth and key I began to clip them back onto my belt. Whatever these creatures were, they didn't damage my things, and for that I was grateful. As I grabbed my satchel, I opened it and began to rummage around for anything to defend myself. as my hand scoured the insides of the bag I found something I recognized, a hilt. Perfect! However, just as I grabbed onto the hilt, I heard a voice call out to me from outside the room.


The voice was unmistakeably feminine, so like a child with it's hand caught in the proverbial cookie jar, I looked over my shoulder, using my wings to hide my arms. I saw two normal sized horses, one was a alabastor with Golden regalia with a sun on it's chest plate while the other was slightly shorter and was a deep blue with jet black regalia and a crescent moon on the other. These were larger and had both pegasus wings and unicorn horns, but what startled me was the way their hair flowed in a non-existent breeze. Their horns were surrounded by a haze of magical aura that I didn't like at all. Unicorns, as I knew them, had magical properties in their blood, but they could not cast magic like I did. The three of us simply stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. Then, the white one spoke with the voice that resembled my mother.

"Turn around. Slowly."

Resistance meant I'd have to deal with two opponents I knew nothing of while weakened. Compliance was my best bet. But before I did anything I decided to make a question of my own. I channeled magic into my vocal chords and spoke with two voices at once. One was my own, while the other was MUCH deeper and barely intelligable. This would increase my chances of not seeming to be at their mercy and would buy me time to think of an escape plan should things go south.

"Where am I?"

My voice chilled the air, and my assailants flinched at the sound I produced. They didn't answer, so I drew the blade from the satchel and slid it into my belt.

"I'll ask again, Where. Am. I?"

In retrospect, I think I poured a little too much dramatic effect, so I dialed down the level of magic in my voice as I slowly turned around.

"I mean you no harm, please tell me where I am."

Getting a better view of each other, I noticed their stances had changed. A few moments ago, these pagasus/unicorn... things were standing ready to charge and impale me with their horns. Now their stance was a bit more relaxed, though their horns still shimmered with magic. I clutched the satchel closer to my chest as we stared at each other like startled Caribous. After what felt like an eternity, the blue one spoke.

"You are in our castle. You crashed into it last night. We found you unconscious outside and brought you in here to question you when you woke up."

The white one looked at their companion for a bit before refocussing on me. This was a castle. It certainly fit the regal bit, and if the crowns on their flowing manes were anything to go about, they must be the owners if this castle. There was only one way to know for sure.

"Who are you?"

I retracted my magic completely. My singular voice sounding a lot less intimidating. I lowered my voice to a near whisper as I sat down with my legs crossed. This surprised the two equines, but they too relaxed and the magic in their horns disappeared.

"I am princess Luna, ruler of the night. I am responsible for crafting the star-filled night, guarding over the dreams of those that sleep, and moving the moon across the sky."

The blue one stated.

"And I am her older sister, Princess Celestia, ruler of the day. I am responsible for raising and setting the sun, handling diplomatic and internal affairs over the land of Equestria, and I am a mentor to the Princess of Friendship."

When I heard "ruler of the day", I felt a wave of rage directed at Queen Solaris and any like her. My slit pupils narrowed, showing my blood red Iris amidst the darkness of my eyes. I said nothing for a while, doing my best to keep my breathing as level as I could. Luna seemed to pick up on my sudden change of mood, and tried to remedy the harm done.

"You needn't worry Azazel. Tia and I do not wish to harm you."

They knew my name. That could not be overlooked. my subconscious pumped magic into my vocal chords again as I stood up and flared my wings out of reflex.

"How do you know my name!?"

My sudden outburst caused them both to flinch. Celestia turned to her sister with concern. Luna looked at her sister and they both too several steps back before speaking.

"We did not mean to scare you. As I told you before, I am the guardian of dreams. When you slumbered I saw your dreams and your nightmares. They told me the story of your life, what brought you here... and the pain you carry in your heart."

She said sincerely, bowing apologetically. They seemed genuine. But I would have to be certain. On my belt, I took one of the medallions that my father had gifted me. It was shaped like a star and held the sigil my mother made for me. According to her, it's my name in her native tongue, Abyssal.

I've learned enough to read it and somewhat understand it when spoken, but I can't speak it fluently myself. I unclipped the medallion from my belt and grasped it firmly for them to see. When I did, my sigil began to glow and the princesses' horns began to glow again with their magic.

"This medallion was given to me as a gift on my fifteenth birthday. It can sense lies. No matter how small. So if you speak truthfully and answer my questions, you will have gained my trust."

I offered, doing my best to act like my father whenever he was trying to strike a deal with some merchant, or trying to convince a traveller he meant no harm. The two looked at me with unease in their expression.

"What do you wish to know?"

Luna asked. I pondered for a moment what to ask, and then settled on something simple, yet risky.

"Are you familiar with my kind?"

I asked, the effect on my voice was still present. The two simply shook their head, and the medallion remained inert in my hand. They were speaking the truth. I need more answers.

"What is the name of this place? I've never seen creatures like you."

I asked. Celestia spoke up to reply, never taking her eyes off me.

"You are in the land of Equestria."

The medallion was still Inert, no lies there either. Now for the real question I wanted answers to.

"What do you plan on doing with me?"

The two sisters looked at each other, then back at me. Luna was the one to reply now.

"Upon seeing your memories, we wish to give you a chance to start a new life here in Equestria. And teach you of the power of friendship. As it was shown to us."

This was making no sense to me. If I had been home I could've sworn that anyone offering me this would've been lying. But here stood two goddesses that were actually concerned with my well being. A demon, no less. I lowered the medallion and clipped it back into my belt as it dangled limply from my waist of a short chain. If this was my mom and dad's doing, then I would go along with it.

"Very well. I will do as you wish."

I said with a bit of hesitation. Celestia and Luna seemed content to find a middle ground. They led me out and of the room and told me of the history of the land, as it was depicted in beautiful murals on stained glass windows that lined the throne room. They told me of the Elements of Harmony and their bearers. They told me of their triumphs and their effect on those that allowed Friendship to heal and mend the wounds inflicted to them in the past.

To me, it sounded like a fairy tale my mother would've told me when I was little. I had to confer with my medallion every now and again. The part I really struggled to believe was the rehabilitation of a God of Chaos. That I would have to see for myself. When Celestia was telling me of her student's newest victory against a pony that threatened to mess with time itself, a parchment materialized from a green flame that appeared without notice. When Celestia opened it, her smile widened considerably.

"What is it?"

I asked her. She looked at me with an excited smile that made me somewhat uneasy.

"It would seem that my student caught wind of your... spectacular entrance to our world, and wishes to meet you. She'll be coming tomorrow with her friends."

She said with motherly love that hurt a little to listen to. This goddess of the sun reminded me too much of my mother. Though I was intrigued with these Elements of Harmony. They were said to hold the strongest type of magic in this realm.

If my father was still alive... he'd want to learn how to harness it and write a whole book about it for me to read. I looked into Celestia's and Luna's eyes for reassurance. I found it at an alarmingly quick rate. I think for the first time in my life, I felt safe without my parents... I gave out a quiet chuckle before musing to myself.

"Maybe I could get use to this."