• Member Since 4th Jul, 2012
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Dee Pad


After two years of being locked in the dungeons of the changeling hive and even helping someone he hated, Guise abandons the Changeling Kingdom in pursuit of a better life. But unlike a certain someone, he's doing it his own way and for his own reasons. He has no intention of making friends, or forming bonds that aren't useful to him in some way. But, sometimes, even the best laid plans can be met with unforeseen circumstances.

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 47 )

AWSOME! The first 2 stories were some of the first I read, and remain of my top favorites near a year later. 3 "OC Changeling in love but gets discovered and still loved despite what they are" series I found and loved alot are: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, Flitter, and Without a Hive. I can't choose a favorite between the 3 tho, they all have a very special place in my heart.

This title is odd. Maybe it’s the only noun here?:pinkiegasp:

Are you referring to the chapter title? Because I'm just going with words ending with the suffix -ive, regardless of whether they are adjectives or nouns or whatnot. Although, the word "relative" is still an adjective depending on the context used.

Yeah I know, but I’d still like to consider the name of this chapter a noun among a bunch of adjectives.:rainbowlaugh:

And all caught up. I'm really enjoying this. Thanks.

I blame Chamella for all these.:pinkiecrazy:



I convinced myself I was already following you so when one group randomly got this added I was taken so off guard.

In the middle of a few stories right now but can't wait to read this.

I feel like at this point where everything Guise has been carefully constructing is now falling apart, he really needs someone besides himself who knows the whole truth so that he can stop pretending for a while and be completely honest in front of them. Ironically, Tapioca happens to be the best choice for this role.

Well, after finishing it in one go I have to say - you need more exposure. Good quality story with quite a heft in length and only a handful of likes.
Add it into some changeling groups.

Guise is starting to get attached. :ajsmug:

I like this. A lot.

Daily Scoop is a really good character. Almost forgot about her until the wedding came up in the conversation.

Relative can be an adjective.

"Time is relative."

It seems I do need to practice my English a little more, because obviously I failed to state that I do know the word “relative” can be an adjective in my previous comments.:derpytongue2:

Bran strikes me as an EP for some odd reason.

Tapioca is really growing on me.

She has been a good pony from the start. It's actually entirely Chips' fault the company went under.

Maybe lacking in work ethic but you can see she's starting to adapt to a more harsh lifestyle.

If she did work for Minty she'd be told what she had to do and after this experience I can see her taking to it like a lumberjack in a forest.

Good Chapter!

So, how is Guise going to explain the large amount of money that suddenly comes into his possession to Mint? Lottery?:rainbowlaugh:

> side story
Thanks to my inattentiveness I just realized this is, in fact - a side story.
But after reading Guise's perspective about mc of main story I find my interest in that story lacking.
Still hope you'll continue updating this one consistently.

Wrong move!!! That idiot! The solution was so simple!
1. Return with airhead
2. Airhead makes clear statement about you 'rescuing' her from the bad guy
3. Wealthy parents make with the cash.

Now initially I was hoping Pudding Head II was going to get hit by a cart. Now she is starting to use her head... a TINY bit. I don't want her to die any more, I just want her to keep making headway to using that brain.

I am honestly liking this story more than the others you wrote in this universe. The changes are very gradual and the pacing is excellent.

Guise would be the perfect date if he was looking for genuine love from the start.

Seems that's about to go over soon though.

Again you really made me like Tapioca, which is an applaud to you.

Come on Guise, you know why it’s not satisfying.:ajsmug:
Also, just wanted to say that you are a great writer. Keep up the good work.

I honestly thought that there was going to be a tracker that followed him, or that Figgy was gonna give him an Uno Reverse Card or something.

Kind of curious about Chip's role though. Might be only me, but I kinda wish for him to do something... useful. (Chip finding out he was a changeling was such a genius scene, by the way). But that just brings up my uncertain hopes now, is it?

And now, I'm just waiting when Shade will be coming in. But I know that I should have my patience for that glorious moment. I just can't wait for the drama!

Keep up the good work, bro!

Guise apparently isn't a particularly lucky individual, but I guess he could always be more careful and do a better good job at being a sole changeling infiltrating the pony capital. Also, as I said before, if Chamella hadn't had that argue with Guise, all these things probably would never have happened. It seems fitting that she'd be the one to settle this mess. Hopefully.

I don’t know exactly why, but Tapioca’s my favorite character right now.:rainbowlaugh: Perhaps it’s because the shit’s out now and she’s the only one who can still be dumb and happy while trying her best to help at the same time.

I like how you made Tapioca turn out to be a (surprisingly) likable character. Sure, she's dumb, but the fact that she apologized and decided to be empathetic (In a way... Right?) towards others like Guise makes me like her as good character, so kudos on you for good writing on characters. Definitely going on my good-developing-characters list.

I'm still wondering about the role of Chips though... Is he going to be a nuisance or shockingly helpful support? (Surprise me!)

Solid story that certainly deserves more attention. I might even say it’s my favorite out of the three.

:twilightsmile: awww... :rainbowhuh: wait... :fluttercry: its over... :raritydespair: again... :ajsleepy: sigh. :pinkiehappy: thanks for another wonderful story!

That was a great ending. I've been following this series since that first one so I wanna say thanks for giving me one hell of a read over the years.

The development Guise made and the ordinary, yet lesson learned ending was enough to make me satisfied.
This is definitely going to be one of my favorite side-stories. Kudos to you my friend!

It’s over? Damn, this was one of my favorite series. Guess I’ll just have to reread all three stories.

Just noticed that the last chapter’s title isn’t formed like the others. You might wanna fix that?:pinkiehappy:

Whoops. Thanks for pointing that out. Fixed now.

I had taken my glasses off at the end of this one and just barely noticed how few likes this story has, I was shocked! So little for so many great horse/bug words! I feel personally affronted that this fic doesn’t have triple digits yet.

I think this story is an awesome example of how a rough character doesn’t have to do a 180 to have a satisfying happy ending. Most changeling stories end up with just kind mushiness, and I love kind mushiness (like Shade’s story- one of my all time favorites), but it’s a rare treat to see a love story like this.

I guess that Guise's philosophy could be summed up as "Confident egoism". You're the best, so you shall go out and be the best and nobody is going to stop you!

In this world, Bran would be called a Karen.
So Guise is starting to get ahold of that mind reading spell. Pretty useful to have had someone they were able to imitate instead of try to create it from whole-cloth.

He kissed her for backing him up even when there didn't seem to be any reason to. He has someone at his back. Don't think he had that even when he hung around with Shade.

Now that's one way to set up a "I'm getting DRUNK!" sequence.

So Chips is an even bigger creep than we thought and Tapioca is so dumb that parts of her have wrapped right around to smart again. What a group Guise has surrounded himself with.

I'm not sure that plan will work. Tapioca's father didn't really seem to care for his daughter there. Throwing her out not ten minutes after they were unexpectedly fired thus not even letting her try to have a new job is malicious, not helpful.
There's throwing someone in the deep end as a last chance for them to learn how to swim, then there's throwing them in the deep end along with a 50 pound barbell.

So now Guise has everything he though he wanted. Money and power.
Yet he reacts to this like an addict getting a new hit after being clean for so long, but not feeling the same enjoyment despite the high being just as strong if not more.
It guess it can be summed up as "What Now?"

One thing I can say about Guise, they are really good a rolling with the punches. "I shall take over equestria! Oh, that won't work? Well, moving on. I shall take revenge on Shade! Oh, he doesn't care about me? Well that's no fun, so moving on. I shall use this kidnapping to get money for my girlfriend! Oh, they tracked me down and put me in jail? Well, I'll call in that favor to get out and MOVE ON!"

Continuing off my last comment of Guise rolling with the Punches...
"Oh, the pony I was in a relationship found out I was a changeling and is now mad at me? Well, I got my bail posted so I'll just move o-"
"No you're not."

Can't roll with a punch that doesn't seem to have come.

Guise is fascinating to me. He is unapologetic of his past and never believes himself to be called a "good person", but at the same time seems to have truly repented (if that's the right word for it).
"Honestly, I was shit, my old life was shit, and not worth shitty the effort I was putting into it. So frankly, I decided to leave that all behind. My new life's better, so I'm sticking to it!"


and Tapioca is so dumb that parts of her have wrapped right around to smart again.

So basically an underflow error, like what Nuclear Ghandi started out as in one of the older Civ games?

"Not you, shut up," Guise corrected with a sidelong glare.

Guise be like

She blushed with a bashful grin. "Nah, I just think you're kinda hot. Speaking of..." She leaned toward him, batting her fake eyelashes. "What, uh... What are you gonna do with me now that I'm your 'helpless prisoner'?"


And we can't turn 'em away because 'the customer's always right,' so Rocky's got us mixing a new batch of butterscotch pecan for these two while he gets to clock out and leave us behind to clean up."

butterscotch pecan I would start a war for butterscotch pecan. I would be Stalin for butterscotch pecan.

You want to rule the world......master butterscotch pecan ice-cream.

“…the perverted tickler of buff men in hairy underwear, left the realm of sleep to join those who had decided to start a productive and early day” -Hotel_Chicken

A really cute series, glad to have found it.

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