• Published 8th Feb 2020
  • 769 Views, 21 Comments

The Washout Program (2e) - AzuraKeres

The Washouts were on an tour across Equestria when Lightning's crew got injured during practice. Now hospitalized for the rest of the tour, Lightning is forced to find replacements. How in Equestria did she end up with a young griffon and dragon?

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Chapter 1

Lightning Dust approached the front desk of a hospital as a yellow mare seated there appeared to be shifting through documents that were scrambled amongst the desk. Lacking any patience, Lightning voiced, "Hey, you see me right here don't ya?"

"Oh," the mare perked from the disordered documents. "I'm so sorry, the pony before my shift mixed up the files here somehow. I can't believe she left it like--"

"Don't care," Lightning Dust raised a hoof. "Look, I'm just looking for my crew. A pony told me they’re here because of some accident."

"An accident? I'm so sorry to hear about that." The yellow mare grabbed a clipboard from the desk. "What are their names?"

"They're Short Fuse and Rolling Thunder," Lightning answered.

"Okay," the mare said as she skimmed through the sheets. "Short Fuse and Rolling Thunder are in room 313. They are currently available for visits."

"Good," Lightning said as she proceeded further into the hospital.

The mare looms her head over the desk and voiced, "Wait, don't you want a guide?"

"Don't need it," was all Lightning said as she disappeared from the corner of a hallway.

Lightning rushed her way through the stairs and halls, indifferent to the ponies she rudely passed by. She had a rude awakening this morning when she found her equipment damaged at the training field she had set up. Most of them were of her own design and now she needs to hurry and fix them before they can proceed with their tour across Equestria. Whatever those idiots did, they've completely postponed their tour and are now making things complicated for her; not that she's surprised. Those two have a habit of screwing up in a pain inducing fashion.

"Room 313," Lightning read the label next to the entrance to a room. Not wasting time, she barged into the room, ready to scold her birdbrained crew. But then she paused when she noticed the bandages and plaster cast that layered them on their bed. "The heck happened to you guys!?"

"Can I guess you are Lightning Dust?" A doctor voiced from between Short Fuse and Rolling Thunder's bed.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's me," Lightning said. "Now tell me what happened to them?"

"The two were reported to be performing a very dangerous stunt that has given them fairly unique injuries," the doctor answered as he finished wrapping the bandages on Short Fuse.

The small stallion winced when the doctor tightened the bandage. "Hey! Go easy why don't ya!"

"My apologies," the doctor said as Lightning stepped before Short Fuse's bed.

"Alright," Lightning eyed at the Short Fuse. "What did you do?"

"I was just practicing that Phoenix Cannon stunt you showed me," Short defensively said. "I looked pretty easy, so I thought I had it in the bag."

"That stunt has given you second degree burns all over your body and also fractures in your wing bones," the doctor retorted.

"So, what," Short Fuse said. "It was just a small mistake. I'll get it right next time as soon as this heals up."

“Soon is not enough for your recovery,” the doctor said. “You and your friend, Rolling Thunder will need to stay here to recuperate for roughly three months.”

"What," Lightning and Short loudly voiced in unison.

Lightning then perked at the wincing from her other crewmate, Rolling Thunder, who was lightly shifting in her bed.

"What happened to her," Lightning asked. "It can't be that serious, can it?"

"Rolling Thunder had severe frost bites along with fractured wing bones," the doctor answered. "Neither of them are in no condition to leave this hospital."

"I can't have that," Lightning argued. "If they can get themselves together, then how am I supposed to continue the show? Cause there's no way I'm cancelling the tour!"

"I'm sorry Lightning," the doctor said. "But I'm afraid you'll have to find some pony else to perform at your show. And perhaps more consideration in precaution next time around could help."

"And who do you expect me to ask," Lightning Dust retorted.

"Stunts are not a strong topic of mine, you'll just have to figure this out on your own."

"You can't be serious," Lightning complained.

"Don't listen to him," Short said. "Watch me, I can walk this off." The small stallion attempted to move his body but continuously winced from the pain in his muscles.

"Will you stop that!" Lightning leered at him. "You're just going to make it worse."

"Well what do you want from me!? I am not gonna be the one that messed this up."

"Look, I'll figure something out, okay. To Tartarus I'm gonna let this gig end."

"I don't want to do this," Lightning groaned to herself as she walked the streets of Ponyville.

Before coming to this place, Lightning had reached out to many pegasi that seemed to share her passion for danger. However, literally every single one of them wussed out on her when she mentioned the Washouts. Yeah, they were a fan of her work, but the cowards were complete babies about performing them themselves. Just goes to show that they're all talking.

But now her endless search has led her here and she was far from excited about who she was going to meet.

Lightning stared at the school of friendship that stood afar within the distance. Word has it that Rainbow works there as some sort of P.E. instructor. Heh, what a lame job. Though, she may have to refrain from voicing that if she has a chance of…

Lightning anxiously rubbed her belly and looked at the buildings around her. Her eyes came upon a restaurant called The Hayburgers.

She looked again at the school and then turned back to the restaurant. A small grub wouldn't hurt. Besides, she has plenty of time to get this done.

Lightning shrugged and entered the restaurant. She took a seat on one of the tables as a waiter approached her and asked for her order. Lightning asked for hayburgers, obviously.

When the waiter left, Lightning eventually dunked her head on the table and groaned. "What am I even doing here? There's no way that softy is going to help me."

"Hey," Lightning heard a voice. "Is that Lightning Dust!?"

At the sound of her name, Lightning perked from the table and noticed a blue griffon approaching her. "Uh, can I help you with something?" Lightning asked indifferently, not invested in this creature in the least.

"It really is you," the blue griffon awed. "I…I can't believe you're back here in Ponyville. I thought the Washouts were on a tour?"

"Chill out Gallus," an orange dragon approached Gallus from his side. "You don't want to look like a geek in front of her, don't you?"

"Is there something you want," Lightning voiced. "I kind of got plans for today."

"I'm Gallus," the blue griffon introduced himself as he extended a claw toward her. "I'm a big fan of the Washouts."

"Yeah,” Lightning eyed Gallus oddly without reciprocating a hoof/ claw shake. “I already got that impression. You want an autograph or something?"

"That'd be awesome!" The orange dragon elbowed her excited friend. "I mean, yeah, that would be cool."

"I'm Smolder," the dragon introduced herself. "I'm also kind of a fan of your work. Though I'm not a fanatic as Gallus is."

"Hey," Gallus yelled. "I'm no fanatic. I'm what you call a number one fan. You know, like Scootaloo."

"Why are you bothering me," Lightning voiced their attention.

"Well," Gallus started. "I'm just curious why the leader of Washouts is doing here when you have a tour to go to."

"The tour is on hold," Lightning said as the waiter finally returned with a plate of two hayburgers.

"What," Gallus gasped. "Why!?"

"My crew got in an accident during practice and now they can't perform for three entire months. At this rate, I may have to cancel the whole thing."

"That can't happen," Gallus voiced. "There's gotta be a way we can help?"

"If you can find me two pegasi that don't mind being a Washout, that'd be a start," Lightning plainly said as she took a bite from a hayburger.

"Well," Smolder spoke. "We're not ponies, but I think we could fit the bill."

Lightning quickly downed the hayburger in her mouth and then said, "Seriously? You two think you got what it takes?"

"Why not?" Smolder shrugged. "I'm sure with some practice we could do well, right Gallus?"

"C'mon," Gallus kneeled before the table. "You got to let us in. It would mean so much to be a Washout."

"Well," Lightning tapped her chin. "I guess you guys can do it after some practice." That and it would mean she wouldn't need to look weak before Rainbow.

"Does that mean you'll let us join?"

"Alright," Lightning said. “I'll take you up on your offer.” It's not like she has many options anyways.

The griffon loudly cheered as Lightning and Smolder hushed him to quiet down in front of the surrounding ponies. Getting these two prepared is going to be a hassle, but the show must go on.