• Published 19th Jan 2020
  • 3,263 Views, 50 Comments

OH NO. - Flutterpriest

I'm inside the cartoon my daughter likes. Okay. Fine. WHY DO I LOOK LIKE HER DRAWING?! WHAT THE HECK IS DISPLACED?!

  • ...


It’s a normal, average day… on Earth.

You sit at your bedside, feeling exhausted from your 12 hour day. You hold in your hands the picture that always sits on your bedside. It’s developed a dull luster from the caress of your hands over such a long period of time.


It’s been four years that she’s been gone. To the date. Nina was only one when she was taken from you, so she never had the chance to really know her mother. But that’s the reality of the metropolis you live in. Good people get hurt. Bad people get away with anything, and the best you can do is hold on to what little you have tight, but not so tight you choke the life out of it.

“Daddy, Daddy!” Nina calls. You can hear the thump of her footsteps down the hall of your modest apartment. “I made you a picture!”

“Yeah?” you ask. “Show me.”

She rounds the corner into your bedroom holding a picture of a… creature in hand. Probably a horse. She’s in a pony phase thanks to that My Little Pony show.

“I made you as a pony!” she says, holding the photo out to you. “Do you like it?”

“Like it? I love it.” You take the picture in your hands and look down at it with a wide smile. “It’s gorgeous. Would you like to put it on the refrigerator?”

Suddenly, a blinding purple light fills the room and a loud cracking sound deafens your ears.

You open your eyes. This is not your beautiful home. This is not your beautiful daughter. Oh god. What have you done?

All of your muscles tense instantly as a single thought fills your mind. Where is Nina?

The world around you has been replaced by a vast library with shelves overflowing with books.
The crystal floor shines under the light of the many chandeliers above you. Directly in front of you is… Nina, who is examining the room along with you. You feel a huge tightness in your chest decompress. She’s safe.

“What just happened?!” Nina cries out loud looking around. “Where are we? Daddy?”

“I’m right behind you, sweetie. Stay close. I’ll protect you.”

You look take a moment to examine the room more carefully. That when you notice that across the room, slack jawed, is… wait a moment.

Those are the My Little Ponies. The ones that Nina always watches.

“Twilight Sparkle?” Nina asks, awe filling her voice. “Is that Princess Twilight Sparkle??”

The purple one with wings and a horn stands stock still. The purple dragon by her side tugs gently on one of her wings. Beside her, sits a more pinkish unicorn with a purple mane. Wait! That’s the one who had the cult that turned good. Sunset, right? Probably. Half of their names always ran together.

“Um,” Twilight says, breaking the silence. “Well, that did not go as expected. That was not supposed to happen.”

“Stay close, Nina. We don’t know if this is safe.”

“Spike?” Nina asks, as if she didn’t hear you. “Starlight? Are we in Equestria?? OHMIGOSH are we in Equestria?!”

Starlight. Right. The bacon one was Sunset.

“Yes, little human,” Spike says, stepping forward. “Welcome to Equestria. It seems like you know who we are… somehow. Who are you and who is your... friend?”

Honestly, this could be nice. This unbelievable fever dream could be a ton of fun. And it would be amazing for Nina, if there are as many friendship lessons here as there are in the show. Lord knows you needed a vacation.

“I’m Nina, and this is my Daddy-” she turns to you, and freezes.

You blink, moving your eyes from Nina to each of the ponies, and the dragon.

“What?” you ask. “You’re all looking like you’ve never seen an adult human before.”

You look down.

“OH NO.” you involuntarily scream.

“You’re just like my drawing!” Nina cheers excitedly.

“OH NO,” you screamrealizing your penis is gone and your nose now almost extends to the floor.

“Now listen,” Spike says gently. “We’ve dealt with this before. This is called Displaced, and-”

“I’M A HORSE,” you scream, realizing you’re on all fours.

“Well, I wouldn’t really call it a horse,” Starlight whispers to Twilight.

“MY ARMS ARE DIFFERENT LENGTHS.” You try to stand up, but a cracking sound in your back legs informs you that your circle of a torso can’t be supported by only two hooves.

Twilight takes a step forward, trying to pacify the situation.

“If it makes you feel any better, we were actually aiming for our friend Anon and-”


“Well, we can’t.” Twilight said. “Not without sending you back.”


“Language!” Starlight growls. “There are children present.”


“But Daddy!” Nina pouts, “I wanna stay and play!”


“Twilight, do the spell!” Spike shouts.

Twilight nods and burst of energy shoots from her horn and fills the room.

And when you open your eyes, you’re back in your room, in your apartment. With Nina.

You take a deep breath and collapse down on your bed.

“Daddy! I wanted to play with Twilight!”

“Nina, you’re grounded from My Little Pony.”

“Daddy! But they’re real!”

You remain silent and sit up for a moment, considering the ramifications of what your next action could be.

“Okay, you’re not grounded. But if you EVER have any sort of weird portal or transport to Equestria, you need to tell me. And CARS are not a portal to Equestria, got it?”

Nina sighs and looks at the ground.

“Okay. I just wish I could have stayed and played with Twilight and Spike.” Without another word, she walks out of your bedroom and down the hall.

You look down to your hands at the horse picture. You drop it like it just pooped in your hands.

“That’s enough horseplay for one day.”

Comments ( 50 )

Welp. Okay then. That was a thing.

Well, that was... a thing... that happened.

funi hoers


I'm going to masturbate to that picture, but I'm not going to like it

Meanwhile, someone is like “You poor deformed horse thing.”

Comment posted by The Bannerlord deleted Jan 19th, 2020

It looks like a warthog. Adorable.

Congrats, you made me laugh. This is a whole lot better than the other joke displaced stories. :rainbowlaugh:

Haven't read the story yet – not sure if I even want to, but I've read the description and seen the cover.

Let us all have a moment of silence for the human.

I'm not in a position to criticize, but why?

Yes... Just, so much Yes.


And people say there is no Celestia.

This was the highlight of my day!


I hope you have a sequel for this story

“Twilight, do the spell!” Spike shouts.

So Twilight did the spell. It was a magic spell, and Twilight knew it was magic because she was a unnicorn!

And then everything was bigger and eight!

Sometimes just after reading a fic I wonder. what the hell I just read? And oh boy this is one of those.

Taking THAT out, this was good? i guess

"Sometimes just after reading a fic I wonder. what the hell I just read?"
Like this one? https://www.fimfiction.net/story/187869/tcb-ponies-try-to-invade-earth-but-fail-miserably

When I saw the image, all I see... is chaos.

This seems relevant.

So you're saying that you're one of those whimsical fools eccentric people beyond comprehension? :rainbowhuh:

Oh, and my name's not Mark.

And CARS are not a portal to Equestria, got it?

Of course not. It's always a truck.

I am 100 percent glad I read this drunk.

I laughed 'till I f:yay:cking cried.

If I turned into that thing, I think my reaction would be about the same. :rainbowlaugh:

of course this is flutterpriest. of course.

I this sums up my opinion just about perfectly:


You open your eyes. This is not your beautiful home. This is not your beautiful daughter. Oh god. What have you done?

Well, at least as the days go by now, things will be the same as it ever was.

This is my favorite comment in here.

before i saw the title, i looked at the description, and at the picture for a little bit, and said "oh no..."
pretty fitting title if you ask me

the fuck did I just read...

I have no idea what I was expecting, but contents were exactly as listed on the can. Can't blame anyone but myself for popping it open and to nobody's surprise it being just as advertised inside.

I honestly got a little sick of seeing Displaced stories in the featured box. But this... this is art.

I may have ruptured a vertebral disk or two laughing, :rainbowlaugh:

Another piece of wonderful "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DID I JUST SUBJECT MY BRAIN TO?" from Flutterpriest.





I find this bit funny for some reason.

Your profile pic made that comment a million times better.

Isn't this the only joke displaced out there though.

I am DEAD. Gods bless your awesome little brain!

I chuckled.
And you got your 200th like. A good deal for both of us.

One of the best Displaced fics ever, for both being completed ... and for showing the victim coming back home.

I also tip my hat to this particular Anon--he was quite the responsible parental figure, and so convincing too! :pinkiecrazy:

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