• Published 11th Jan 2020
  • 2,981 Views, 25 Comments

Batman Restarts - TheClownPrinceofCrime

The Dark Knight finds himself in a strange colorful world filled with magical ponies while in search of one of his enemies. He must also stand against a rising combined evil in Equestria.

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Chapter 7: Gotham Enslaved


Jim Gordon was traveling back home after an exhausting day at the Gotham City Police Department. His mind was bombarded with so many negative thoughts while driving. The most perplexed thought that predominated his mind was one question and one question only—where on earth was Batman?

“I don’t understand this. I don’t understand this at all!! Where the heck is Batman?! Did he get captured by that lunatic Dr. Crane? Did Batman forsake his duty for Gotham completely? Did he get teleported into another dimension? WHERE IS HE?!” Gordon screamed in his thoughts. His sweat constantly dripped from his forehead as he was stressed by the recent events. But stress was not the only thing that filled him; it was also fear. Not only did he fear for his fellow officers and for his family but also for all of Gotham as well. How will he be able to stand against the villains and the organized crime in Gotham without the help of the Dark Knight?

Once he arrived at home, he was greeted by his wife, Barbara Gordon who embraced and kissed him. Gordon returned the affection but with a depressed smile on his face. She noticed it the moment she set her eyes on him. “Is everything all right, honey?” she asked, concerned.

“Yes, dear, I’m doing just—(stressed sigh)—n-no, everything’s not all right.” he replied while looking down on the ground.

“Why? What’s wrong?” Barbara asked.

“The Batman is supposedly missing. I have no clue what happened or how or why it happened. He’s gone.” he dejectedly replied. Barbara gasped in shock.

“What?! That’s terrible! Weren’t you guys supposed to catch Crane and his goons?” she asked.

“Correct. My colleagues inform me that the last time they saw him—or least noticed him flying over the rooftops—was when he infiltrated an abandoned warehouse where Crane and his thugs had their secret hideout. They assumed that Batman and Crane were duking it out in there until something happened.” Gordon informed. “Right now, the warehouse is under critical investigation; we’re doing everything in our power to search for clues to know what happened. The slight good news though is that Crane and his men are also missing. At least they won’t cause any more trouble in Gotham...for now.”

“If that is the case, then why do you think that everything is not okay?” Barbara asked.

“Because without the Batman, Gotham will be in complete jeopardy! At this moment, Commissioner Loeb is happy as ever since Batman is missing in action! Wait till he sees our people getting robbed, mugged, and possibly killed by these filthy criminals that still waltz around the streets now that our hero isn’t around now! Most of my colleagues are corrupt and won’t do anything to rid them off the roads! I’m sick and tired of their anti-Batman agenda!!!” Gordon vented in frustrated anger.

Gordon did not notice the look of sorrow and worry on his wife’s face after he said all of that. Once he breathed in and breathed out multiple times, he then looked upon her again and noticed her worried expression.

“I’m sorry, Barb. I didn’t mean to yell at you. I’m just so angry and frustrated from everything that happened. Please understand.” Gordon apologized.

“No, no, I get you, honey. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. You really needed to release your stress and vent your frustration. It’s not healthy to keep all those negative feelings inside.” Barbara advised, hugging her husband in comfort.

“Thank you, dear. I needed to hear that.” he said, hugging her back. “Is our son all right?”

“Yes. He’s in his bed right now.” she replied, pointing to his bedroom.

Gordon went to his son’s bedroom, slowly opened the door, and saw him soundly asleep. He drew close to him and affectionately stroked his hair. His son made slight movements to adjust his sleeping position on his bed. Gordon smiled at his son while he had a tear in his right eye. “I love you, son. I’ll do everything I can to keep you safe. Batman will come back. I know he will. I have faith.” he whispered.

Gotham’s criminals gathered together within the headquarters of Carmine Falcone. They were joyous to hear of Batman’s absence. However, they also suffered a major problem: without the assistance of Scarecrow and his thugs, their order of operation would likewise be in major jeopardy. How would they be able to function without the leadership and surveillance of their current crime boss?

“Well, gentlemen, the good news is that the bat-freak is no longer standing between us and Gotham; the bad news is that Crane is also missing somehow.” the leading member of organized crime spoke up.

“Well, that is just great. Falcone is held at Arkham Asylum, Ra’s al Ghul is dead, and now Crane is missing in action?! Come on! Things are just getting worse by the second!” one of the criminals shouted.

“Exactly! I mean, we need Crane to finish up his project he spoke so much about. According to him, the machine is supposed to summon creatures from other universes to both dominate Gotham and destroy the Batman.” another thug spoke. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but could it be that it was that machine that sparked the disappearance of both Batman and Dr. Crane?”

All the assembled members wondered in thought if that could’ve been the culprit behind their disappearances. After a brief silence of contemplation, they turned back towards their leading member. “I think Andrew may be on to something here. In addition to what he said, I might say that the machine possibly could’ve created a portal through which it took both of them and our companions to an unknown dimension. This could be a stretch though.” one of the men said.

“A portal? Here in Gotham? What is this? Some sort of cartoon show where illogical occasions can happen at any time?” scoffed the leader. “Don’t get me started on this, Dave. This is reality, not fantasy.”

“I’m just saying that it could be a possibility. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a grown man with a strong intellect. I’m just theorizing what possibly could’ve happened to both Bats and Crane. That’s all.” Dave argued.

“Oh please, stop with those scientific theories I keep hearing about!” the leader shouted irritably. “They are nothing but complete bull—ahhh!!” the leader screamed as he was thrown against a window. He smashed right through the window, shattering it. His screams were still heard as he flew high in the midnight sky until he plummeted to his death. His screams ceased.

All the thugs rose from their seats in amazement and fear of what happened. Suddenly, a large pillar of darkness manifested itself in front of them and revealed King Sombra who smiled sinisterly. The men were shocked and appalled by the new sight. “WHO ARE YOU?!?” they cried in terror.

“You may call me...KING SOMBRA!!! Prepare yourselves as you behold the new ruler of Gotham take everything that is mine!!” he proclaimed. He shot dark magic at all of them in the room; after they screamed in horror and vainly wrestled against the magic, mind-controlling helmets appeared on their heads. They then bowed before Sombra while exclaiming with a monotone voice, “All hail King Sombra. All hail King Sombra.”

Satisfied with their forced worship, his horn ignited a long steady beam of dark magic all the way up to the night sky which formed into a cumulonimbus cloud of darkness, blocking the moon and the stars from shining. The darkness became so thick that it enshrouded all of Gotham. Large shards of dark crystals grew out of the roads which caused major car accidents throughout all of the city’s streets. Large skyscrapers were impaled by the growing crystals. Several police cars were overturned in a desperate attempt to avoid the stabbing crystals that kept abruptly sprouting from the roads. Many civilians screamed in terror at the sight of the shards.

Sombra stood on top of the largest crystal which coincidentally faced Wayne Tower. He faced all of Gotham’s citizens who beheld him in amazement and shock. “Citizens of Gotham! Your new king, Sombra, arises!! Bow before me! You ALL shall tremble at my infinite power!!!” he announced to them. Commissioner Loeb and his officers were blown away at the sight of this strange cartoon villain that appeared out of nowhere.

“Oh my God...what in God’s name is that thing?!” Loeb shouted. He then reached for his cell phone and called someone. “Gordon, I need you here immediately!! A strange creature came out of nowhere and is taking over Gotham! Hurry!!” he then hung up the phone. Suddenly, he, his officers, and all of Gotham’s citizens were assaulted by Sombra’s magic which then morphed to helmets. Their eyes glowed green and turned to the King of shadows.

“All hail King Sombra. All hail King Sombra. All hail King Sombra.” they emotionlessly chanted. They bowed before their new ruler. Sombra darkly laughed in pride and satisfaction.

Once Gordon heard Loeb’s words during the call, he was confused at first. “He didn’t even give me a chance to ask questions. Strange creature? What creature?” he asked himself. He got out of the house dressed in his officer form and got his cruiser ready. At that moment, he saw Sombra standing on top of the largest dark purple crystal from a far distance. His eyes widen in shock.

Author's Note:

For those of you who haven’t read the prologue, the Barbara Gordon I wrote is based on the Dark Knight Trilogy universe, not the Barbara from other movies and shows.