• Published 28th Feb 2020
  • 1,169 Views, 197 Comments

Rarity's Colt: A New Life - Mocha Star

After so much has happened, can a normal life finally be in the cards for Snickers?

  • ...

Goodbye; Ponyville

Returning home, Snickers was met by Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom. He walked past them with a casual gait, and ignored them as they tried to talk. He went to his room and had Laxxie guard the door in her vicious form, scaring the fillies down stairs as he and Kiwe prepared their luggage.

Kiwe held three of Snickers’s outfits in his magic, andSnickers packed them in a large trunk Rarity had given him weeks before. “Snickers, brother and friend, are you sure this is where you want this journey to end?”

“Yeah, and no. I won’t be gone forever, and I won’t be doing anything crazy while we’re in Canterlot; but, I need time away from this place. Mom and Twilight… Applejack isn’t too bad, I guess. I found out she was pretending to be a cunt, which only makes her a snatch, if my cunt-to-bitch scale is right.”

Kiwe’s magic faltered. “Must you use such vile speak? It only serves to make you seem weak.”

“Whatever… damn, I didn’t realize mom made me so many outfits over the past couple months. Wow, I’ve only been in this world for a couple months. Funny...” Snickers chuckled breathily, “...but I didn’t think being a colorful pony would make me so happy. I thought it was a joke at first; rose colored glasses or something.

“But, until a few hours ago, I’d never been happier to be a pony. More than my old life, too. Won’t you be a dear and give me the blue one? Toss the red one, it clashed with my colors then, and it will again now, darling.”

Kiwe smirked at Snickers.

“What?” Snickers asked.

“Only that you will bring more of Ponyville with you than you think.” Kiwe responded.

“Oh, why, certainly,” Snickers waved a forehoof at Kiwe, “I have this whole trunk to fill. Not to mention the photos, and you.”

Kiwe smiled and bowed his head. “Thank you, but I meant more in the manner of who you are now; your family and friends have influenced you, more than you know. Also, before I forget; I have asked Zecora to come to wish us well on our journey.”

Snickers banged his elbow on the trunk and yelped. “What the… why’s she coming around now?! What about the last couple weeks? What about finding me in the forest?!” Snickers screamed.

Kiwe backed away, dropping the clothes and preparing a stunning flash of light, if Snickers acted on the emotions he displayed. “She will explain when she arrives at the library to you and me. So, let us hurry and get to the tree.”

Snickers grumbled and slammed the trunk closed. He bit the handle and dragged it to the door, then left it behind them leave as they left, but not before grabbing the scroll and slipping it into the saddlebags he’d been gifted.

Laxxie turned and startled Snickers with her feral look, but the green returned to Laxxie’s eyes and she gave Snickers a sappy lick, that she nuzzled clean right after. Alpha, are we to travel in the winds as I once did?

Energetically, Snickers spoke to Laxxie, “Yeah, Laxxie, we’re going on a trip. Are you ready to see a new city? The capital city of this land?” Snickers asked, roughly rubbing Laxxie’s head.

I am unsure what you speak of, however, I will follow you, guard you, and stay with you through it all.

“Aww, yeah, you’re ready, aren’t you? Let’s get ready to go and take a break from this place! C’mon, let’s go!” Snickers cheered and walked briskly beside his timberwolf down the stairs.

The CmC were blocking the door outside, so, rather than start a confrontation, Snickers lifted his snout and turned around the stairs with Kiwe and Laxxie, then went out the back door. “Stop him, he’s gettin’ away!” Apple Bloom shouted.

Laxxie stayed back, just inside, and barked at the fillies when they got near her. Snickers smirked at the sound of fillies screaming. The timberwolf was beside Snickers again in a few seconds. They are playing prey very well, Alpha. I pretend to chase them, and they run to hide. He-he, Sweet even began to cry like prey last time. It’s as though they don’t know how to play at all.

Snickers bumped her side with his. “Yup, another great scare, Laxxie. Well done.”

As they walked through town, Snickers ignored the spiteful looks, angry glares, and thankless expressions he got as they walked through town, most mares guarding their foals and covering their ears as Snickers passed by. Kiwe was unnerved by it all, while Laxxie was on guard, watching for anypony to take an action against Snickers.

Before too long, they reached the Golden Oaks Library and went in, startling Spike, who was on a ladder putting books away. Spike hopped to the floor and twiddled his thumbs. “Oh, hey, Snickers. Twilight told me about your talk, and I’m sorry about all that… I didn’t play their game, and I treated you like I would any other colt.”

Snickers shrugged. “Not upset or mad at you, Spike; you’re <a slave>, and they treat you like one.”

“Uh, what’s that word mean?” Spike asked.

Snickers waved a forehoof, dismissing the question. “More importantly, my draconic friend, I have a missive that must be sent to Princess Celestia, at once. I trust you recall her direct orders, yes?”

Spike watched as Snickers dug into his saddlebag and pulled out a poorly rolled scroll. After Snickers passed it to him, Spike rolled it tighter and inhaled. The scroll was pulled from his grasp just as the green fire left his maw. “Hey?! Twilight? What gives?”

“Spike, what are you doing sending letters without telling me first? This could be treasonous or… oh,” Twilight halted herself when she saw Snickers, “I heard voices, but didn’t see you because of the angle we were at. Oh! I guess this is yours?” Twilight said nervously with a chuckle. She passed the scroll back to Snickers, who pointed at Spike.

“Give it to him, he’s sending it for me, per Princess Celestia’s order.”

Twilight’s eyes widened and she looked up the stairs. “Um… Rarity, can I see you down stairs for a moment?”

“Whatever for, darling? You know healing Rainbow Dash’s injury is delicate work, afterall. One little mistake and she may not orgasm properly for days.”

Twilight grimaced. “It’s Snickers, he’s here and has a letter to send to Princess Celestia.”

Rainbow shrieked, a few seconds later Rarity’s horn and mane shown at the top of the stairs just before she descended past Twilight and hopped the last few stairs, nearly slipping into a small flower growing on the window sill. “Snickers, darling, my sweet little prince,” Rarity said urgently, wrapping Snickers in her magic and pulling him to her.

Rarity smooshed his cheeks and kissed the top of his muzzle, earning her a brief fight from him. “Mom, gross! Don’t kiss me with your lips!”

“Oh?” Rarity smirked. “What else shall I kiss you with, my dear? Perhaps my horn, or my tail?” She mused at the colt in her grip.

“Lemme down, this doesn’t make me like you any more than I did an hour ago.” Snickers kept a strong look, but still a slight smirk broke through.

“Oh? And what if I were to do something like… this!” Rarity used her hooves and magic to tickle Snickers on his belly and sides. Snickers giggled, laughed, and begged for her to stop as she hit all his best tickle spots. Finally, she stopped and released him from her magic with a sigh. “Truly, I shall miss times such as these.”

Snickers looked at Rarity; as his humor faded, he noticed her melancholic look. “Y-you knew I was leaving?”

Rarity nodded twice. “Yes, everything seemed to be falling into that line of chance. I only hoped we would be wrong, but Twilight is quite astute at noticing things. Rainbow was the one who actually realized you’d be sending the letter today. That mare gives herself far too little credit at times.

“Oh, here I am, prattling on when I should be sharing your last moments with us as a family. Wherever is Sweetie Belle? I was sure she’d have gathered you by now.”

Snickers smiled. “I got Laxxie to scare her off. Oh, shit, that’s right. Laxxie, you should look like a pony for a while; I don’t want anypo-- anyone to freak out, seeing a timberwolf as big as me walking around the capital of the realm.”

Laxxie’s body creaked and groaned as the wood reformed, and several seconds later the timberpony stood beside Snickers. “Apa!”

Snickers motioned his head to Laxxie. “She’s quite the talker.”

Laxxie looked at Rarity, then Twilight, finally Spike. “Ma-am, Ti-li, Pike!”

Rarity and Snickers stared at Laxxie, then looked to one another and felt the sadness surrounding them. It might be the last time they saw one another for a while, and they weren’t sure how to end the moment, so they hugged one another and shared in the warmth of their embrace.

The moment ended for them when Spike’s fire breath scorched the letter to ash. “Huh? Oh, sorry. I figured I’d send the letter while you two were having a moment; I didn’t mean to ruin it.”

Both ponies shrugged and noticed Kiwe standing with Twilight by the stairs. Twilight’s horn was glowing and a camera was lowering behind her, but was still totally visible since Twilight was standing. “I just wanted a picture to remember this moment; it was so sweet.”

“Sweet?!” Rainbow shouted from the top of the stairs. “What you did to me… was anything but… cool,” Rainbow spoke haltingly as she started to descend the stairs with stiff hind legs.

“Rainbow, you shouldn’t be out of bed until we’re done! Go, back to bed with you,” Rarity chirped, trying to urge Twilight to help Rainbow away from confronting Snickers.

Twilight used her magic to lift Rainbow and hold her by her side, but Rainbow wasn’t having it. “Twilight, let me down… I need to repay him for, ah-ah-ah, ow… what he did to me.”

Snickers taunted Rainbow, “Ha, you wish you could try. I’d get another good kick in, just to prove I could.”

“Y-you little… ouch! Twilight, watch the tail!” Rainbow whined. An ice pack fell from behind Rainbow, small specks of red were on the cloth covering the ice. Rainbow gasped and reached her forelegs down to grab it. “Put it back, put it back! Ah, it’s swelling again.” Rainbow hissed and groaned in pain, even after Rarity rushed behind Rainbow to pick up and replace the ice pack.

Rarity tutted. “You see, Rainbow Dash? You had your moment of anger, now go back to--”

“No,” Rainbow shook her head. “Can’t let it end like this. I was mean to you, and did the wrong thing. You don’t have to forgive me, or anything like that; just… don’t hate Aj; she was against it from the start.”

Snickers wanted to spit on Rainbow, again. “So, you tricked the mare you love into doing something she didn’t want to do, just to make yourself feel like you were doing the right thing?”

The room was quiet for a moment, then Rainbow spoke weakly. “Well, when you put it like that…”

Snickers scoffed and looked away from Rainbow. “Go shove all the ice in that bag in there, it’s the only wetness you’ll be getting, if the world is fair.”

“Well, with AJ, I’ll be getting wet without even trying!” Rainbow snapped back.

Twilight shook her head. “Okay, you’re going back upstairs now, and if you leave the bed again, I’m going to numb more than your labia, got it?”

Rainbow sagged in the purple aura. “Yeah, whatever. Just, get me away from him…”

Twilight’s horn brightened and both she and Rainbow Dash vanished in a teleport.

Rarity sighed and placed a forehoof on her head, massaging her temple gently. “About five minutes ago, Rainbow Dash was wondering how to earn your trust back. Now, though, she’s ready to geld you. What is wrong with that mare?”

Snickers sniffled. “Well, she’s actually super smart; smarter than Twilight, maybe. Also, she’s got social anxiety bad, but she refuses to take medication for it. Which is weird, because almost all the meds here are either magical, holistic, or a combination of the two; it shouldn’t mess with her at all.”

Kiwe cleared his throat, “Actually, if I may; there is something I would like to say. There are some herbs that can affect the magic flow in a pony in the smallest of ways; it could be she worries her speed will be affected in this way.”

Rarity and Snickers nodded to themselves at the idea. “I think that may be the best answer, thank you for that, Kiwe.” Rarity said. “Now, let’s wait for Twilight to return and perhaps we can plan a schedule to write between one another, if that’s okay with you.”

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, I’m okay with that… I mean, I’m not a liar, or a trickster, or whatever,” Snickers said, trying to impart the dislike he had for what Rarity had done. However, even though he wasn’t ready to trust her, she had cared for him like a mother should to a child, even if it did start roughly.

They had both learned, together, how to be a family; and that was something they both couldn’t fake or deny.

Twilight descended the stairs with a frustrated sigh. “Rainbow’s asleep; I had to stun her twice, and finally I just cast a sleep spell on her. She’ll have a nice rest and while she’s out, we can talk about--”

There was a knock at the door, firm and steady. The five in the room looked between one another. “Huh,” Spike said, “it’s open, so why’s a pony knocking?”

“Just get the door,” Twilight said, excitedly having an idea as to who was knocking.

Opening the door, the feeling of power and serenity filled the room and Snickers saw Celestia herself walk in, a smile on her muzzle. “Aquelis, er, Snickers, it is good to see you again. I received your letter and am ready to take you to Canterlot as my guest. Have you said your goodbye’s?”

Snickers nodded. “Yeah. Goodbye,” he said to Rarity and Twilight. He held a hoof up to Spike and got a bump. “See ya around, Spike.”

Spike smiled “See ya, don’t forget to write.”

Celestia’s horn glowed and a book sharing Snickers’s coat color with writing on the cover colored as his mane was passed to Rarity. “While I am taking him, I am not heartless. This is an enchanted book; anything you write in it will be transcribed to an exact copy, both ways. You can converse, share ideas, and communicate as though you were writing from across the room to one another.”

Rarity took the offered book with reverence and read the cover. “‘Snickers’. I presume his shares my name?”

Celestia nodded once. “Yes, it awaits him in his room at the castle. Shall we depart with your friend, Kiwi?”

Kiwe grumbled. “My name is Azikiwe, not Kiwi.”

Celestia frowned slightly. “I am very sorry, it was my mistake. I won’t make that mistake again, nor shall any of my staff. Do you have any luggage, Snickers?”

“Yeah, back at Carousel Boutique, two trunks; one for each of us by the front door. Kiwe’s and mine.”

Celestia turned her head back. “Guards, please gather their luggage and bring it to their suite at the castle. I will be taking them home by myself. Come closer and we shall depart at once.”

Snickers and Kiwe moved to Celestia and as soon as the alicorn’s horn began to glow with a golden aura, both colts and the mare vanished in a smooth transition of golden light.

The colts didn’t have time to blink and their eyes only needed to adjust to the brighter light reflecting off of a polished, white marble statue as the first thing they saw.

Their mouths dropped open at once and Celestia chuckled quietly to herself as she watched them step past her and look at the apartment they were given. Four maids, two butlers, and a chef stood to the side, but went practically unnoticed by the foals as Snickers and Kiwe looked up to see a ceiling as tall as the showroom in the boutique they, until recently, called home.

Walking from the foyer into the main ensuite, Snickers and Kiwe looked at each other and grinned.

They reared and kicked their forelegs, then landed in a gallop going separate ways, giggling and laughing as they began to explore the room. A table was set with fruit and vegetables, a small tray of fish jerky sat to the side and Kiwe grabbed one to chew on. Snickers found a wall taller than Celestia, including her horn.

A rolling ladder stood against the center and with a nudge it moved along the wall, earning a grin from Snickers. He turned and ran towards a doorway and stopped, gasping. “Kiwe?! There’s another room in here, and stairs!”

Snickers waited, prancing in place, for Kiwe, and once they were side by side, they ran into the gathering room and up the dual flight of stairs to explore their new home.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading; on to the next book... soon!

Comments ( 11 )

Wow, this is very well done. So far I really enjoyed this series, you have done a phenomenal job.

On another note, I think our hero has no idea the can of worms he has opened. A prince from nowhere, or even just a foal being treated like one will tweak the nobles badly.

Pushes everyone down a notch in the social ladder. Especially Blue Blood.

The Monk
"I-I'm sorry, did you just say 'blowjob'?" Jesse had to think seriously hard about this.” -An Intricate Disguise

Next ones gonna be all kinds of crazy!

RD's plea to forgive AJ reminds me that the whole thing must've been eating AJ up inside. I had thought she was a little off character and now I see why. I'm glad Snickers has at least three adults who'll be able to rebuild his trust with. Good job on all the characterizations by the way. Laxxie and the bond she and Snickers share continues to impress me. I look forward to seeing what happens there. I'm guessing Snickers didn't go into detail in his letter to Celestia. I don't think she would've been so cordial otherwise. I'm sure that's going to be one hell of a conversation. I'd like to think Celestia and Luna would believe Snickers' story. No doubt they've seen weirder stuff in their long lives.

Thanks for another great book for the series. I look forward to reading the next one.

He has 3/6 adults out of the main 6, but there are others, too.

Next book starts when I finish first chapter... going slow to get it right, but it'll be a solid start.

Kiwe held three of Snickers’s outfits in his magic, and Snickers packed them in a large trunk Rarity had given him weeks before

then left it behind them leave as they left,

“Sweet?!” Rainbow shouted from the top of the stairs. “What you did to me… was anything but… cool,” Rainbow spoke haltingly as she started to descend the stairs with stiff hind legs.

Maybe we can piece her back together and put some cheese in her.

I'm not sure this will get a reply but what happened about meeting Zecora at the library, was curious if there would be any explanation about not finding him in the forest or even why he wanted to see her in the first place

before i begin with the next book i wanna say how much i love this story series:heart:

Thanks! I really enjoy writing it.
It was gonna be about rarity beinga good mother, but it quickly became clear that she was too inexperienced to be a full time mom.
I write each chapter without thought or plan so most of what you read is just what I feel would happen and not along a structured path.

Both colts and the mare? was the timberwolf not coming too?

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