• Published 5th Mar 2020
  • 3,994 Views, 409 Comments

Game Quest: Super Mario 64 - Phantom-Dragon

Princess Twilight Sparkle and friends arrive in the Mushroom Kingdom to help Mario and his buddies rescue Princess Peach.

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King Boo’s Battle | The Great Mission to Rescue Luigi

Upon leaping through Luigi’s portrait, Spike-Maio and Mario find themselves falling through the blinding dark, before it fades away revealing a rotating wooden platform beneath them. With a curl of his body, Mario performs a front flip and lands safely upon his feet, with Spike-Mario faltering a bit on the landing.

“Where are we now?” Spike-Mario asked, as they looked around. “Hey! Where’d every-a-body go?!”

It didn’t take long to notice it was only him and Mario and no pony else.

“I don’t-a-know,” Mario replied.


A loud cackle echoes throughout the room, startling our heroes.

“Mamma mia!” Mario shouted. “What was that?”

The laugh repeats itself, as Spike-Mario turns to his right.

“It’s coming from that door!” Spike-Mario pointed.

“Then let’s-a go!”

Just as Mario is about to race toward the door, he notices a sign in front of them.

“Hey, what’s-a this?” Mario asked.

According to the sign, it reads:

King Boo's Haunt
Eee hee hee...
There are no exits.
You may as well wander in here forever...
Listen carefully.

Can you hear me?
If you find me, you're history.
Eee hee hee...

After reading, Spike-Mario and Mario exchange looks toward each other.

“Let’s-a go!” Mario said. “He’s-a got my brother, Luigi!”

“Probably the rest of our other friends too!” Spike-Mario added. “We’ve got to find them!”


The two fist-bump together as they bound toward the door. However, something from the corner of Spike-Mario’s eyes caught his attention.

“Hey! A red coin!”

Spike-Mario points at a red coin sitting on a platform, right next to another door. Spike-Mario quickly picks up the red coin, making it the first one collected.

Red Coins collected: 1

After picking up the coin, Spike-Mario regroups with Mario as they enter the door following the loud laughter of the evil specter.

Upon entering, the two heroes find themselves in a large room, with a large bottomless pit, with four doors along four platforms on the walls, each connected by block bridges, leading back to a large block in the center of the room where another Mr. I sits. Looking ahead, Spike-Mario spots two more red coins. One is next to the Mr. I, while the other floats along the bridge to the right.

Mario quickly takes care of the Mr. I, running circles around the giant eyeball, causing it to disappear in a puff of smoke and leaves behind a blue coin. Spike-Mario and Mario both listen for the evil cackle, which roars from the door along the left. Just as they were about to move, two more sounds are heard.

“HEEEEEEELP!!!” Rainbow Dash called, from the right.

“SOMEPONY SAVE ME!!!” Applejack wailed, from the front.

“Applejack! Rainbow Dash!” Spike-Mario confirmed. “They’re in trouble!”

“Okay!” Mario began. “You save-a Rainbow-a-Dash! I’ll-a save Apple-a-Jack!”

Spike-Mario proceeds to the door on the other side, while Mario makes for the door on the right. Upon walking across the bridges leading to the two doors, the platforms collapse into the darkness below. Along the way, both Mario and Spike-Mario pick up the two red coins, bringing up their collection to three red coins.

Red Coins collected: 3

Turning his attention back to the door, Spike-Mario turns the knob and steps in. The dragon-turned-plumber soon finds himself in a field of sunflowers, with large eyes… and singing.

“Rainbow Dash?” Spike-Mario called out. “Rainbow? Dashie? Where are you?”

“HEEEEELP!!!” Rainbow called.

Spike-Mario turns and discovers Rainbow Dash trapped in a web of vines.

“I’m being held against my will by these deranged flowers! THEY’RE TORTURING ME WITH UNBEARABLE CUTENESS AND THEIR FLUTE PLAYING IS HURTING MY EARS!!!”

In the meantime, the sunflowers continue to sing a tune reminiscent of ‘This Old Man’:

We are such happy flowers
We will now sing for hours
Aren't we unbearably cute?
Watch me solo on jazz flute

Suddenly, one of the flowers turns and greets Spike-Mario.

“Howdy! I’m Flowey! Flowey the flower!”

“… You’re creepy,” Spike-Mario said bluntly.

The dragon-turned-plumber springs into action, trying to free Rainbow Dash.

“Hang in there, Dash! I’ll get you out!”

Immediately removing his hat, Spike resumes his true dragon form. With an inhale, Spike exhales a steam of fire burning the vines and freeing the Pegasus.

“Come on, Dash!” Spike shouts. “Let’s get out of here!”

“Don’t have to tell me twice!” Rainbow said.

Spike takes the lead, as he draws the Pegasus back to the door. Rainbow quickly follows the young dragon, until the two are back through the way he came from.

Meanwhile, upon entering the door to rescue Applejack, Mario finds himself in what appears to be a dead orchard, with rotten apples littered across the grounds, and flocks of ghastly-looking fruit bats hanging from the branches.

“Mamma mia!” Mario cried out. “Apple-a-Jack? Where are you?”

“Over here!” Applejack answered.

Mario turns as Applejack gallops into a view, a swarm of large fruit bats chasing after her.

“I’m being chased by giant vampires!!!”

“This-a way, Apple-a-Jack!” Mario ushered.

The plumber leads the country pony through the door he came in. With a big swing, he slams the door in front of the bats, just as they followed the heroes out.

“Phew!” Applejack breathed a sigh of relief. “Thought I was a goner for sure that time…”

Soon, Mario and Applejack group with Spike, who just returned after rescuing Rainbow Dash.

“A.J.!” Spike exclaimed, hugging the pony. “You’re alright!”

“Sure am, sugarcube!” Applejack hugged back, facing Rainbow Dash. “Glad to see you too, Rainbow Dash.”

“I’m just glad to be out of that cringy valley of singing sunflowers,” Rainbow sighed. “Though from the looks of it, I’m guessing we’re all scattered again…”

“Afraid so,” Applejack nodded. “Somethin’s playin’ games with us and If I’m countin’ right, I’d say we’re down by three!”

It didn’t take long for the rest of the assembled heroes to share the country pony’s agreement.

“Mamma mia!” Mario exclaimed. “Pinkie Pie!”

“Yoshi!” Spike added.

“And Fluttershy!” Rainbow frowned. “We just got to get her back and fast!”

Before long, another loud cackle bellows.


The cackle echoes throughout the room, drawing the heroes’ attention to the door it came from. Without wasting a second, Rainbow Dash sprang into action, flying towards the door, with the rest of the heroes following. They barely make it across when the bridge collapsed after them.

Upon entering a room, the heroes see a floating platform in the center, above a deep hole, and a ‘?’ Block floating above the platform.

Around the room, Spike could it is filled with two patrolling Boos. Furthermore, Spike spots two more red coins. One on the platform to the east, next to a door where the laugh came from, and one in the air in the back-right corner.


Yoshi’s scream echoed from a door, on a platform just to the west.

“Yoshi!!!” Spike shouted, flapping his wings into action.

“Spike! WAIT!!!” Applejack called out.

But it was too late. A Boo suddenly reappeared out of thin air, sticking its tongue out at Spike, and making the scariest face Spike had ever seen.

“AAAH!!!” Spike screamed.

The dragon rapidly beats his chest to ease his equally rapid heartbeat. Another Boo materialized itself behind Spike, floating quietly to scare him.

“Not so fast!” Applejack hollered.

The country pony ensnares the ghost by the tail with her lasso. Then, with a pull, Applejack violently thrashes the Boo against a wall causing it to disappear in a puff of smoke. Before the other Boo could react, Rainbow Dash pounced on it, landing a kick and a punch, defeating the ghost into a puff of smoke.

“All clear, Spike!” Rainbow calls out. “Go get Yoshi, we’ll wait for you guys out here.”

“On it!” Spike replied, with a thumbs up.

Spike turns his attention back to the doorway, where his dinosaur friend is hidden behind.

Upon entering the door, Spike finds himself in what appears to be a valley littered with the bones of dead dinosaurs. The sky darkened by the night, with trees so tall they block the moon’s light.

“YOSHI!!!” Yoshi howled in fright.

Reaching into his backpack, Spike puts Mario’s cap back on and becomes Spike-Mario, thereby allowing him to better understand Yoshi’s screams.

“Yoshi!” Spike-Mario called. “Where are you?”

“Over here!” Yoshi called out.

Without wasting a second, Spike kicks his legs into a sprint, following the direction of Yoshi’s cry until arriving to find the green dinosaur cornered by a larger dinosaur resembling a purple Tyrannosaurus Rex. Only this T-Rex has an orange underside with bumpy yellow spikes sprouting from its head to its tail, three fingers, and it was digging its tail along the ground.

“Help me!” Yoshi cried.

The little guy scrambled against the wall, desperately trying to escape the large dinosaur cornering him.

“Raaaah!!!” The large dinosaur roared. “Yoshisaur! Uhhmmmm… smell good! EAT!”

“Leave him along, you big bully!” Spike-Mario called out.

The dragon-turned-plumber hurls a pebble toward the dinosaur, hitting it in the eye. This enraged the dinosaur, turning its attention toward Spike-Mario and gave chase. With the dinosaur distracted, Yoshi makes his escape, while Spike-Mario ran through the woods to lure the large dinosaur away. He quickly runs into the woods, where he knew that the thick-tangled tree branches would make it nearly impossible for the large dinosaur to pursue any further.

Spike-Mario could hear the dinosaur roar with rage, as he finds himself regrouping with Yoshi.

“Yoshi!” Spike-Mario greeted the dinosaur.

“Hey, Spike!” Yoshi greeted, recognizing the voice. “Glad you came. I thought I was a goner.”

“Hey, what are friends for?” Spike-Mario asked.

He removes his hat, as he and Yoshi leapt through the door Spike came through. Upon returning to the room, Spike and Yoshi find Mario, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack waiting for them on the platform, the next door just across from them.

“Ello-a Yoshi!” Mario greeted the dinosaur. “Are you okay?”

“Yoshi!” Yoshi nods, confirming his well-being.

The little dinosaur pats Spike along the shoulder, a sign of thanks toward the young dragon.

“It was nothing,” Spike said modestly. “Anything happened while we were gone?”

“Oh yeah! A lot!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly. “Right after you left, we collected two red coins.”

“Which brings our-a total up to-a 5!” Mario stated.

Red Coins collected: 5

“And we couldn’t help but notice the ‘?’ block in the room,” Applejack stated.

It is then she noticed a ‘?’ block up above the floating platform.

“Much like that one that just appeared.”

“So, we just punch it and try out the Power Flowers that come with it!” Rainbow suggests.

The cyan Pegasus excitedly flew up to the box, kicking it open to reveal some of the magical flowers within.

“I can make copies of myself!” Rainbow demonstrated.

Eating the power flower, three Rainbow Dashes appear.

“Triple awesomeness! Oh yeah!”

The three Pegasus agree with each other, before the effect wears off and there stands only one. In the meantime, Applejack picks up another Power Flower.

“This magic flower lets me create shields of boulders!”

As a demonstration, Applejack ate the flower, causing two of her front hooves to coat in stone, which she holds together to create a large blocky stone shield.

“Whoa, girls those are some awesome powers!” Spike marveled, turning towards Mario. “I wonder what happens when you use a Power Flower, Mario?”

Mario turns away, slightly embarrassed, until Rainbow Dash snuck up behind him and stuffs a Power Flower into the plumber’s mouth, which magically inflates him into a balloon.

Rainbow Dash, unable to hold it much longer, falls to the floor laughing.


Soon, everyone follows, laughing at the red plumbers funny superpower. As soon as the effects wear off, the heroes resume their mission to search for their two missing friends, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. All the while, uncovering the rest of the red coins for their next Power Star, and rescuing Luigi.

Before leaving the room, however, Spike and Yoshi wait until a new ‘?’ block spawns in place of the old, which they break open to collect more Power Flowers for future use to discover their own hidden powers.

Spike and Yoshi quickly catch up with the rest of their friends, finding themselves in a room with a large hole in the center, with checkered platform lifts serving as the only means of transportation to reach the doors on all four platforms. Two red coins are seen, floating above the chasm below. The first to the heroes’ right, the second along the farthest left corner.


A cackle is heard, booming from the door on the left till three Boos made themselves visible. Not willing to fall for their tricks again, Rainbow Dash flaps her wings into action and attacks the ghost, exploding them into puffs of smoke. She quickly collects the two red coins in the room.

Red Coins collected: 7

With the ghosts gone and the red coins collected, the remaining heroes gather together along the checkered platform, which sprang to life as it carries them to a platform to the right. From there, the heroes step along another platform which takes them to the next on the left, where the door swings open and reveals Pinkie Pie exiting the room.

“PINKIE!!!” The gang shouts happily.

“Oh! There you are!” Pinkie Pie wailed happily. “I’ve never been so happy to see you all! All those cakes in there were awful! They’re the opposite of sweet! No vanilla or chocolate or even caramel! They’re either broccoli-flavored, spinach, or… ‘chicken’! THE HORROR!!!”

The rest of the gang turn, with exchange of bewilderment toward one another.

“Chicken… flavored… cake?” Spike asked slowly.

“Yoshi…” Yoshi cringed.

“Doesn’t-a sound-a tasteful,” Mario shook his head.

Wanting to change the subject and diffuse a rather awkward situation, Applejack turns toward Pinkie Pie.

“Anyway… have ya seen Fluttershy anywhere?”

“I thought she was with you!” Pinkie answered, alarmed. “OH NO! Unless… SHE’S BEEN KIDNAPPED BY THE GHOSTS AGAIN!!! We’ve got to save her and Luigi now!”

Just then, without warning, Pinkie Pie starts bouncing with her mane and tail vibrating all at once.

“Ooh! My Pinkie Senses are tingling! A Power Star and Fluttershy are… THAT WAY!!!”

Pinkie points with her tail toward the door where the cackling is heard. Our heroes hop onto the final platform leading them toward their destination.

Upon entering the room, the heroes look around and see that the entire room is not like the last four rooms they’ve been through. Instead, there is a long bridge just ahead, made of the same flimsy blocks which give way the moment either one steps on them. On the other side, hanging along the wall, is a portrait of a rather large Boo. Spike turns to the right, spotting another block of dark bricks.

“Hey Applejack!” Spike called out, tugging the country pony’s tail. “Care to do the honor?”

“With pleasure!”

Setting herself in position, Applejack thrusts her legs out, kicking the block. Cracks begin to form, until she fully breaks it apart revealing the final red coin.

Red Coins collected: 8

Upon collecting the last red coin, a Power Star materialized itself along the upper left corner of the platform where our heroes stand.

“JACKPOT!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

The cyan Pegasus leapt forward collecting the Power Star, thereby making it their 39th collected star.

39 Power Stars!!!

The Power Star danced around the heroes, as they jump and cheer.



After the celebration dies down, Pinkie Pie felt her senses tingle again.

“Ooh! Oh! Fluttershy’s here!” Pinkie Pie pointed. “She’s over there, with another Power Star! Whoa, and I’m grooving!”

“You mean, we’ve got to cross over this dangerous looking bridge?” Spike gulped.

Spike and Yoshi recall the time when they tried crossing a bridge, back in the house.

“And don’t forget, we’re still being watched by some Boos,” Applejack added. “And y’all remember how to fight them ghosts, right?”

The heroes face the area in front of them, seeing there weren’t any Boos. At least, not yet. Knowing better, they turn their backs and whistle casually. Just as they expected, three Boos turn visible and slowly advance toward the heroes from behind.

Pinkie’s sense immediately kick in, as she performs a backflip, jumps over the boos, and curls her body into a ground-pound, beating one of the ghosts into smoke. The rest of the heroes follow suit, repeating Pinkie’s stunts to fight off the rest. As soon as the Boos are taken care of, the six assembled heroes turn their attention to the bridge.

“Now how are we going to get across?” Spike asked.

“We can’t all cross the bridge at the same time,” Applejack replied. “It’s too narrow for all of us to cross and it looks like it’s about to collapse. I don’t reckon we’d all be able to make it across together.”

“Ooh! Maybe we can cross this chasm two at a time?” Pinkie Pie suggested. “Rainbow Dash can fly A.J. across, Spike and Yoshi can run across the bridge, while I can float Mario across with one of those Power Flowers. Spike, if you’d please.”

The heroes exchange bewildered looks as they exchange questionable glances, wondering how Pinkie could’ve known that… especially when she was trapped in one of the fear rooms the entire time.

“How did you know about that?” Spike asked.

“Eh, just a hunch,” Pinkie smiled with a squeak.

Shrugging, Spike hands the flower over to Pinkie, who consumes the flower causing her mane to puff up into a balloon as she carries Mario across the chasm. Rainbow Dash picks up Applejack, and as she carries the country pony across, Spike and Yoshi run for dear life across the bridge, which collapsed behind them.

Once all the heroes reach the other side, they can hear Fluttershy screaming and pounding her hooves on the other side of the Boo portrait.

“Help! Please!” Fluttershy cried desperately. “Somepony, help!!!”

“Fluttershy!” Applejack called. “Don’t worry, Sugarcube! We’ll get ya outta there! Stand back!”

Applejack proceeds to kick the portrait with Rainbow Dash landing some flying kicks toward the large portrait. Without warning, Pinkie Pie picks up Spike, clutching him by the stomach, with her other hoof holding him by the tail.

“Out of the way!” Pinkie warned.

Her friends step aside just as Pinkie pulls Spike’s tail, making him spew a stream of fire like a flamethrower… but the portrait remained unscathed.

“There’s no way to destroy this thing!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, frustrated. “How are we supposed to get Fluttershy out?”

“Um, hello?” Fluttershy whimpered. “I don’t mean to be pushy, but are you going to get me out? It’s really cramped in here! And… I’m getting awfully hungry…”

“We’ll get you out Fluttershy, don’t worry,” Applejack reassured. “There’s gotta be a way for us to get you out.”

Pinkie Pie looks up and spots a tiny hole in the Boo’s portrait, right where the mouth goes. Her face lit up, as an idea pops in her head.

“Hey! We can’t get Fluttershy out,” She began. “But what if she can get herself out?”

“How’s that even possible?” Applejack asked, with skepticism.

“Spike, another Power Flower, please?”

On request, the dragon gives Pinkie a Power Flower, With a spin of her tail, Pinkie Pie hovers above the mouth of the Boo in the portrait calling out to Fluttershy.

“Oh, Fluttershy! I’ve got a Power Flower for you! It’s really good!”

“That’s very nice of you, Pinkie,” Fluttershy replied. “But how’s that supposed to help me out?”

“Just eat it! Trust me!”

Pinkie Pie hurls the Power Flower through the mouth just before landing back along the floor with the rest of the heroes. A few seconds later, they could hear their friend consume the Power Flower behind the portrait.

“Ooh! I’m feeling a little… light…”

The next thing everyone knew, emerging from the portrait was Fluttershy, once more transparent and intangible.

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow smiled, holding her hoofs out for a hug. “You’re… a ghost… again?”

“Again?!” Fluttershy repeated, looking at herself. “Pinkie! What have you done to me?”

“Don’t worry, It won’t last long,” Pinkie Pie reassured.

As if on cue, the effects of the Power Flower times out as Fluttershy becomes solid.

“See? You’re you again!”

“Oh, thank goodness!” Fluttershy breathed a sigh of relief.

Fluttershy wraps her hooves around her friends in a joyous hug, happily reunited.

“Oh, I’m so happy you saved me! It was scary and lonely in there! But thankfully, I found a Power Star!”

“We’re just glad to have you back, Fluttershy,” Rainbow smiled, before doing a double take. “Wait! What did you say you found?”

“A Power Star,” Fluttershy repeated, holding up said star. “Here it is.”

“Mamma mia!” Mario exclaimed.

“Yoshi!” Yoshi added.

The rest of the heroes join in the dance, as the star sparkles around Fluttershy.


40 Power Stars!

“Fantastic!” The Guide’s voice spoke. “You have found 40 stars. Your powers grow with every star you collect thus far. You found all the stars hidden in this course. Now, onward to rescue the green man, Luigi!”

“Wow, 40 Power Stars!” Spike spoke, in amazement. “At this rate, we’ll have all 150 stars, beat Bowser, and foil his evil plans in no time.”

“Oh yeah!” Mario agreed. “But-a first, we need to rescue-a Luigi! Where is-a he?”

As if on cue, Pinkie starts vibrating again.

“Oh! My Pinkie Senses are telling me to take the elevator! Luigi’s up there!”

“Let’s-a go!”

The heroes quickly hop onto the checkered platforms taking them up to the next floor, just above the Boo portrait where they discover a hole at the end of the wall.

“This must be the way in,” Applejack commented.

In no time flat, she and her friends jump directly into the hole.

Upon landing in the room, the heroes look around only to find it was empty. Only a large mirror stands before them.

“Luigi?” Mario called out. “Luigi? Are you in here?”

The heroes approach the mirror which, to Mario’s confusion, his reflection suddenly shifts to resemble his brother.

“Luigi?!” Mario exclaimed, in bewilderment.

Suddenly, a loud cackle is heard, to which the heroes turn and spot a large Boo materializing itself. It resembles a typical Big Boo, except it wore a large jewel encrusted crown atop its head.

“Eee-hee-hee!” The Boo cackled. “I am King Boo, the spookiest of all the spirits! I locked up the wimpy green mustache man and I’ll do the same to all of you!”

“Just try to catch us again!” Rainbow Dash scoffed.

“Eee-hee-hee!” King Boo scoffed back. “Since I’m a ghost, I can turn invisible in the mirror’s reflection. You’ll have to attack me from behind to defeat me. But you’ll die of fright before that ever happens and then you’ll be one of us!”

“Oh no!” Fluttershy whimpered, frightfully recalling being a spirit. “I don’t need to repeat that again!”

Super Mario 64 – Stage Boss OST

The battle begins with King Boo advancing toward the heroes’ reflection in the mirror. Reacting fast, Mario performs a backflip over King Boo’s crown, before curling his body in a ground pound. King Boo stumbles briefly from the impact of the attack, before fading away into a ball of blue fire.

“Eee-hee-hee!” King Boo chortled, as he disappeared.

“Where’d he go?” Rainbow asked.

They looked in the mirror, searching for King Boo. But the ghostly tyrant is nowhere to be seen. Nevertheless, Fluttershy felt a clammy sensation along the back of her neck as if sensing someone watching her. The Pegasus turns her head behind her, her eyes widen with fright.

“K-K-K-K-K-K…” Fluttershy stuttered.

“What’s the matter, Fluttershy?” Applejack asked. “Cold?”


Fluttershy holds a hoof up to point, guiding her friends’ attention behind them.

“KING BOO!!!” Pinkie Pie screamed.

King Boo breathes several balls of blue flame toward the heroes. One of the fireballs hit Mario at the seat of his overalls.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” Mario wailed.

He runs around the room with his butt on fire, while King Boo cackled in delight. He unleashes another burst of blame flame after the others. But then, Yoshi whips his tongue out and swallows one of the fireballs, as he and Spike breathe burst of fire at the ghost, stunning him long enough for Applejack to lasso him by the tail with her rope. As Applejack holds him in place, Pinkie Pie performs a double-jump above the ghost’s head, curling her body to ground-pound King Boo.

Infuriated, King Boo disappears in another ghostly blue fire before reappearing.

“Get him!” Rainbow Dash shouted, flying towards the ghost.

“DASH! WAIT!” Fluttershy called.

But it was too late…


“Ouch…” Rainbow groaned.

She hits her face in the mirror, realizing too late the King Boo she tried to pounce was a reflection.

“Ooh, I’ll be that smarts!” Pinkie Pie winced.

King Boo floats toward her own reflection in the mirror and bit her flank.

“AAAAH!!!” Pinkie yelped, clutching her flank.

Mario shakes his head as he recovers and steps back onto his feet to help his friends win the fight.

“Leave-a my friends alone!” Mario shouted.

Looking in the mirror, Mario determines King Boo’s exact location, as he runs toward the ghost to deliver a flying kick to the side, sending him rolling into a wall, disappearing in a puff of smoke.”

“Eee-hee-hee!” King Boo’s cackle echoed. “You can never really kill a ghost! We always come back! See you again. Eee-hee-hee!”

End of the fight

In a puff of sparkling gold aura, a golden key with the letter ‘L’ engraved appears. Without hesitation, the heroes race toward the key to pick it up. They punch their fists up in the air in triumph over their latest victory. Before long, the heroes are bathed in a blinding white light as the entire world turns white.


A sparkle of glittering gold shimmers into the empty courtyard before the heroes suddenly appear before the fountain.

“We’re back!” Mario shouted. “Oh yeah! We’re-a back in Princess-a-Peach’s-a castle!”

“Oh thank goodness!” Fluttershy sighed in relief. “I’m glad to be out of that awful place. I was really scared!”

“Well, you don’t have to be afraid anymore, Fluttershy,” Rainbow replied. “Because now we can go and unlock Luigi!”

“Wait just a moment!” Pinkie Pie shouts.

Suddenly, she feels another tingling sensation from her Pinkie Senses, leading her to point her nose to a brick in the upper-right corner of the yard. Faster than Mario could say, ‘Mamma Mia!’, Pinkie takes off in a pink blur and destroys the block of bricks, revealing an opening underneath.

“Whoop!” Pinkie Pie whooped.

The party pony jumps right into the hole, before coming out and happily bounced.

“Might want to add another to the list of Power Stars collected because I—wait for it…”

With a spin and a dance, Pinkie Pie whipped out a Power Star from her mane, which dances and showers her with golden sparkle while she cheers:

“I found a Power Star!”

Thus, the Power Stars collected by the heroes increased to 41.

41 Power Stars!!

The heroes race out the courtyard, rushing back into the castle’s main hall, up the steps, and back to the Princess’s room. From there, they insert the key they recovered into the door with the large green letter “L” at the top. After opening the door, a tall thinly man in green attire, dark blue overalls, and a neatly groomed mustache steps out.

“Oh yeah!” Luigi exclaimed, glad to be free.

“Mama Luigi!” Yoshi chirped happily.

The dinosaur embraces his arms around the man, assaulting the plumber with wet kisses.

“Yoshi?!” Luigi exclaimed. “Okay, I’m-a happy to—”

“Mama?” Rainbow Dash snickered. “Mama Luigi? Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!”

Rainbow Dash fell to the floor, laughing her heart out, much to the green man’s annoyance. After the loving reunion between Yoshi and Luigi passed, Luigi turns toward Mario and his friends.

“Mamma mia, what-a happened, Mario?” The green man asked.

“We were captured by-a Bowser and his-a minions,” Mario explained. “Then we got-a trapped in those-a door.”

“It’s a good thing me and Yoshi came to save you guys,” Spike said, making himself known.

“Mamma mia!” Luigi exclaimed. “A dragon!”

“Yoshi!” Yoshi chirped, vouching for Spike. “Yoshi, Yoshi, Yoshi, Yoshi!”

“Oh, he’s a friend?” Luigi asked, which Yoshi nods.

“Yeah, I’m a friend,” Spike confirmed. “I happen to be a close friend of Twilight and the girls here.”

“Darn tootin’!” Applejack smiled. “Whenever we’re in a pickle, Spike’s always there when we need him.”

“Anyway, now that we’ve saved you and Fluttershy, we can get back to collecting the rest of the Power Stars and find our other friends!” Spike insisted. “What do you say, Mr. Luigi?”

In response, Luigi gives the assembled heroes a thumbs-up.

“Okie-dokie!” He answered. “Let’s-a go!”

“This is so great!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “The Mario Bros. are back together again! Ooh! My Pinkie Senses feel a song coming on!”

Before long, Pinkie Pie pulls out a boom box and plays the Super Mario Bros. theme song, and proceeds to rap with the Mario Bros. and her friends.

Super Mario Bros. rap

Meanwhile, still trapped behind his doors, Wario growls and seethes with rage.

“MUST… RAGE… NAP!!!!” Wario declared, resuming his loud angry snoring.

Author's Note:

Power Stars collected thus far: 38 + 3 = 41!

Up Next:
Our heroes go skiing to collect the next Power Stars on Cool, Cool Mountain.

After That:
Our heroes engage in an epic showdown with Bowser for the first time.