• Member Since 14th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


A Graduate of the Don Bluth School of Making the Protagonist Suffer.


War. War changes ponies.

It has a way of shifting priorities and perspectives. None who survive it emerge unscathed. Especially those who weren't supposed to have survived it at all.

An unscheduled detour to uncover a secret was all that saved Starlight Glimmer from dying in the fiery culmination of The Great War, along with everypony else not fortunate enough to have reserved a spot in one of Equestria's many Stables. But she did survive, and found herself in a world she didn't recognize. A world consumed with hate, violence, and death; even when no longer faced with an external zebra threat. A world she couldn't understand.

So now she seeks the only understanding that she cares about any longer: learning the fate of those she loved. Far to the north, she seeks answers to what became of the Crystal Empire, and the husband she left behind.

While it is not necessary for this story, I don't think, I do encourage reading Legacies if you want to find out how Starlight came to find herself a couple hundred years in her future.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 13 )

Aaah, glad to be here! Finally, I have found the time to read this. Let's see which main characters you're going to ruthlessly MURDER this time, eh? XD
Strong start! This seamlessly introduces both Starlight as a character and the setting of the story. I can't wait to see what you're gonna do with the hand you've played here (*hooks sinked in puny brain-flesh. Commence fanboying in 3... 2... 1...*). Nicely done! Say, is there a possibility of a reappearance from characters of the last story? I mean, I guess Windfall coming all this way wouldn't actually be possible/logical, but wouldn't it be cool if there was like Constance coming all the way up to the North to plot her revenge against the gang from Seaddle (why? I dunno, stop asking meaningless questions!) just to end up joining Starlight as a companion? (I said STAHP XD) Imagine having such a brilliant strategist on your side... *salivates in potential*

Hehe, glad you're already enjoying it. I'm afraid that Starlight's going to be the only Legacies character in this particular story. Sorry about that.

That being said...I may have been giving some more thought to expanding that little epilogue stinger out into something more substantial. So I doubt that we've seen the last of Windfall and the others. That's going to a ways down the release road though. That story has to wait in line behind the others that already actually have outlines and drafts written :P

Great story. I don’t a story has made the emotional in a while.

This is a helluva story, I'll give you that! Well written too!

With extra sprinkles,” the ghoul snorted absently as he headed for the door, “and a small thistle nuggets. I'll see what I can do…”

I get it, the ghoul is her husbend, i figured it at chapter one.

I don't know the angle but i get it, its so obvious.
More so after that chest.


should be an arcane tethering spell on page two hundred and fourteen

I was growing small amount of doubt to my assumption. This has reformed my belief that this is her husbend.

oh and is compleat lack of magical use but his vast knowledge of magical theory. Honestly grimmer is dumb for not even suspecting.

Why so many spell books if all he cast is levitate?

Squee, i so hope that epilogue gets a expansion.

Last chapter... your killing glimmer and her hubby... you need to to save them..... i hate bing a know it all......

oh, they live on, together forever, bittersweet, but far better then what i assumed.....

Glad you liked it, hehe.

Yeah, I'd feel weird killing off characters that aren't mine :P

Not much of a difference. T_T

but at least there together forever.

Snff, we better get more on windfalls kid... snff..... please dont kill them...

Boom, right in the feels.
It was great, the twist at the end was on point, and I got emotional knowing a rare thing happened; resolution.

Yeah, I really like this one too. It probably has the "happiest" ending of any of my stories so far...and definitely the lowest body count :P

I really liked this story. It was my at work read.
I was good emotional and it translate well into my work.

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