• Published 20th Mar 2020
  • 7,150 Views, 99 Comments

Saving a Hopeless Soul - Mister E-Nonymous

A human boy who has been abused by his terrible aunt and uncle has somehow ended up in Equestria as a Pegasus, and taken in by Rainbow Dash.

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Chapter 8: Protecting Danny

Chapter 8: Protecting Danny

(Danny's Point of View)

I felt better from what Mom did for me. But, now, my protection is the most important thing to me, my mom and her friends, and my friends at school. It turns out that whoever framed me wants me for something. I'm sure that Mom and her friends will deal with the situation, like they always do around this place.

Right now, my friends and I are at Sugarcube Corner for a snack. And because that Pinkie Pie lives here and she would be there to protect me. And I got this weird feeling that someone is watching me. I looked out the window of the sweet shop and I got a little nervous.

"Are ya okay, Danny?" Apple Bloom asked. "Ya seem a little spooked."

I looked back at Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, and they were worried for me. I said to them, "I just have that feeling."

"A feeling that something bad is about to happen?" asked Sweetie Belle. I nodded. "Then maybe we should head over to Rarity's boutique. Perhaps there, we might get a good feeling for you and have some soothing thoughts."

"I guess that makes sense," I said. "Let's go."

We then headed out of Sugarcube Corner and headed for Carousel Boutique. And for some reason, I thought I see Pinkie Pie peeking her head out of multiple things. Now, I know it seems normal to ponies around Ponyville, but the things she pops her head out of are impossible. I thought I saw her peep her head out of a freshly baked blueberry pie.

I then leaned towards Apple Bloom and asked, "Is Pinkie Pie popping out of pies normal for you ponies?"

"Ya do know you used at least five words that start with the letter P, don'tcha?" Apple Bloom asked. "But, nothing normal is about Pinkie Pie. She's very excited about everything."

She then pulled ahead, and I was about to say something, but Pinkie Pie came out of the back of Apple Bloom's bow, surprising me. I was jaw dropped about Pinkie Pie. What kind of pony is she?

We then arrived at Carousel Boutique, and inside was mom and the rest of her friends. They saw us come in.

"Danny?" Mom asked. "Is something the matter?"

"Well..." I said. "I just have the feeling that something is watching me."

"It's probably just Pinkie Pie," said Rarity. "She does tend to keep an eye on those who are in danger."

"Well, duh!" came Pinkie's voice. We all looked over and saw her in the mirror. Not in front of the mirror, but literally in the mirror. I was getting really confused about her. I was about to ask how she was able to do that, but I was stopped by Applejack.

"Don't bother askin', sugarcube," said Applejack. "She's just Pinkie Pie. She don't make sense to anypony, so we just accept who she is."

I thought about it. I know that there are things that other people, or in this case, ponies, can do what no one else can, but I'm surprised that Pinkie Pie has been doing stuff that nopony else can. It's really weird.

"Rarity," Sweetie Belle said. "We're going to be upstairs in my room. Just to let you all know where we are."

"Alright, Sweetie Belle," said Rarity. We all went upstairs into Sweetie Belle's room.

Once we headed in the door was slammed shut. We turned around and saw two ponies there.

"Who are you?!" asked Sweetie Belle. "What are you doing in my room?!"

"We did not come here for you," said the mare. That voice. It couldn't be.

"We just want the boy," said the stallion.

"You're not getting Danny!" said Apple Bloom.

"Just who do you think you are?!" asked Scootaloo angrily. I then ran under Sweetie Belle's bed. The girls noticed what I did and looked back at them. Scootaloo then asked, "Who are you? Really?"

"We are the ones who know's what is best for Daniel!" said the mare, who I knew was Aunt Natasha. "He rightfully belongs with us."

Then Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at each other in confusion, which then lead to realization. Sweetie Belle then asked, "You're Danny's aunt and uncle... aren't you?"

"That's right," said uncle Reginald. "And you three aren't going to keep us away from our nephew. He belongs with us."

"After the way you treated him?" asked Apple Bloom. "Keepin' him from school, making messes and forcin' him to clean up, and punishin' him for wantin' a better life? You two have no right to keep him!"

"Oh, no?" asked aunt Natasha. "Well you have to know that family should do what's best for family. And we know what's best for him."

"You think punishing him for no reason is what's best for him?!" Scootaloo asked.

"Some things are worth the sacrifice," said uncle Reginald.

"Reginald, get Daniel," said aunt Natasha. "I'll deal with these squirts."

Then aunt Natasha tackled Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, and then she tied them up and gagged them. I was really scared, but then I got grabbed by my tail. I turned around and saw uncle Reginald grabbing it. Uh oh.

"I got him!" said uncle Reginald.

"Let's get out of here before they realize something's off," said aunt Natasha. She then tied me up and gagged me. Then they carried me out the window. My worst nightmare ever since I came here is coming true. I'm being taken away by my aunt and uncle.

(Rainbow Dash's Point of View)

Something felt wrong. I looked towards the stairs and I started walking towards them.

"Is something wrong, Rainbow Dash?" asked Fluttershy.

"I just have a weird feeling," I told her. I then headed upstairs, and I looked towards the room where Sweetie Belle sleeps when she stays over at Rarity's. I walked in, and I was surprised. I saw Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, tied up and gagged. I gasped, and then untied them. "What happened? Where's Danny?"

"Rainbow Dash!" said Scootaloo. "Remember those two ponies who tried to blame Danny for the damages last week? They're really his aunt and uncle!"

"WHAT?!" I asked. "But how?!"

"We don't know," said Apple Bloom. "But they've taken him and are heading off somewhere, but we don't know where."

I then looked out the window. I was looking all over Ponyville for any sign of Danny. But then, I saw him and those ponies who I now know are his terrible aunt and uncle. I saw them pulling Danny into the Everfree Forest.

"Oh, no!" said Rainbow Dash. I then rushed downstairs and said, "Girls! Those ponies from last week, they're actually Danny's aunt and uncle! And they just took Danny into the forest!"

"WHAT?!" asked the other girls.

Twilight then looked at Spike and said, "Spike, notify the princesses, and keep an eye on the other girls. We're going to get Danny back."

"On it," said Spike. Then the six of us ran out of the room, and headed for the Everfree Forest. No way I was going to let those two awful excuses for family members get away.

(Danny's Point of View)

I was really scared when my aunt and uncle into the most dangerous forest in all of the forest in Equestria. I didn't want to be taken away.

I then saw that we were going into some what looked like some castle ruins. Mom told me that her first adventure with her friends was here against the fiendish Nightmare Moon. But being here in person, it's really scary.

"DANNY!!" I heard Mom's voice. I looked over to where Mom was coming from, and I saw her and her friends coming for me. I would've screamed for her, but I still had my muzzle gagged.

"Oh, no you don't," said aunt Natasha. She and uncle Reginald ran into the castle ruins and headed somewhere. We were in an old room where it looks like a throne room just like in those fairy tales my mom and dad read to me when they were alive.

Then Mom and her friends came into the room. They got into battle position and Mom said, "You two are not taking him away from us! He wants to stay here and be happy! All you want to do is make him miserable!"

"You don't know what's good for him or what's not!" said aunt Natasha. "It's time for us to take him back to where he belongs."

"And how are you going to do that?" asked Twilight. "You're surrounded, outnumbered, and overpowered."

"We might be surrounded and outnumbered," said aunt Natasha. "But overpowered? That's what you think."

(Rainbow Dash's Point of View)

We were all confused by what Danny's aunt said. But then, some dark blue mist came from the walls. I looked at the mist and saw that it looked familiar.

"I don't like the look of this fog, girls," I said.

"I got a bad feeling about this as well, Rainbow," said Twilight. Then something picked us all up, and slammed us down to the ground.

"Gaaah!" I yelled in pain when the other girls groaned. Then I heard wicked laughter. I knew that laugh.

The mist formed together and formed a familiar looking mare. It was the ghost of Nightmare Moon.

"NIGHTMARE MOON?!" shouted me and my friends.

"If I can't rule over this world, then I'll take over this little twerp's world!" said Nightmare Moon. She then cackled, and her mist surrounded Danny and his aunt and uncle. I had no choice, I had to rush over and getting him out of there. I flew up to him and tried to grab them, but they vanished before I could grab him, and crashed into what was left of the throne.

"Rainbow!" called out my friends. They all rushed over to me.

I couldn't believe it. Nightmare Moon's ghost has come back, and I lost my son. I was so upset that she did that, and I wanted to cry. So I let myself. I felt my friends come up to me and hugged me. I did nothing but cry into them. I lost Danny, and I was supposed to keep him safe. Why?! Why did this have to happen?!