• Published 23rd Mar 2020
  • 3,913 Views, 54 Comments

The Storm on Ponyville - DatZigga

The Storm King’s army invades Ponyville. Luckily, the resident human is dumb enough to pick a fight.

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Chapter 7: Lost

The lieutenant watched as his ship burned. The rain was dying down and the interior blazed brightly, illuminating the tracks of dirt that lay before it. He stood stoically, the spear in his hand planted firmly into the ground. His other hand was held behind his back. The lieutenant would keep his composure, where his subordinates failed to. The Windbreaker had surprised him, even impressed him. Still, as long as he stood, this campaign would not end.

On queue, Anon reached the lieutenant, facing his back. He was already out of breath, staggering to breathe. Anon cursed himself for not maintaining a light jog. The lieutenant turned to face the creature, his masked helm cracked from the force of the crash landing. Anon could tell by a single look that this was the leader of the Storm creatures. At least the leader of the ones storming Ponyville. His armor was thicker and decorated in archaic medals. Though, his frame was no bigger than any of the other creatures. In fact, he seemed frailer in some ways, such as the way his armor seems to weigh him down.

“So,” Anon started, once his breathing settled. “You da boss?” Anon quickly remembered that they didn’t speak the same language. Maybe he should’ve just-

“Windbreaker.” The lieutenant called to him. Anon was caught off guard. The creature’s voice was booming and gruff, indicative of his age and hardiness. Anon gulped. “I can see that you are a warrior yourself. The way you have beaten my men has told me such.”

“I don’t know about me being a warrior...” Anon admitted, scratching his head. “I just kinda did what I saw on TV.” The lieutenant did not respond to his quip. “Also, you can speak Ponish?”

“I have studied many languages in my lifetime.” The lieutenant responded. “It is only wise that I understand my enemy.”

“Respect.” Anon readied his baseball bat. “But, I can’t let you just walk over innocent little horses. I’d feel bad.”

“Why do you risk your life for the Equestrians?” The lieutenant asked. He withdrew his spear from the soil.

“I just said. Cause I’d feel bad.”

“Why do you really?” The lieutenant was pretty patient with all things considered. Damn it, even the evil people here are trying to psychoanalyze Anon. Anon threw up his hands.

“Dude, I don’t fucking know.” Anon responded, dropping all pretense of coolness. “I got dropped in another world with nothing but the clothes on my back and a phone that I can’t use to go on the internet to look at porn.” The lieutenant raises an eyebrow under his mask. “Ever since I got here, all I’ve ever done was readjust. Readjust to living in the wilderness, readjust to living in an alien town, and now I have to readjust to fighting an army of...whatever the hell you are. The only thing I can safely say I know anymore is that I know nothing.”

The two stood in silence amongst the wreckage of the S.S. Monsoon. The only sounds now were the howling winds and the light drizzle of rain.

“Wait, did you call me ‘Windbreaker’?” Anon asked, breaking the silence. Another brief silence passed the two, before the lieutenant chuckled lightly.

“You are the most curious being.” The lieutenant remarked. The lieutenant dropped into a fighting stance, catching Anon off guard. The lieutenant leaped forward, high into the air.

“You’ve gotta be shitting me…” Anon rolled out of the way of the lieutenant, who landed with a hefty thud that shook the very ground beneath them.

He quickly recovered and began jabbing his spear at Anon. Anon dodges each stab with the littlest amount of grace possible. He tried to deflect the spear with his bat, but it was clear that he was up against a competent fighter. The lieutenant swung for Anon’s head. Anon ducked, turning to his side in preparation to swing his bat. The bat hit with a crack against his armor, but it had no effect.

The lieutenant dashed away, covering a staggering amount of distance between them. Then, he lunged forward causing Anon to roll again. The lieutenant anticipated this however, and quickly aimed the spear again at Anonymous. A lightning bolt shot from the spear, catching Anon in the chest. He flew back, but was otherwise fine. Anon rolled out of the way of more bolts, continuing his rolling until the lieutenant led his shot. This bolt struck Anon in his exposed left arm, causing him to scream in pain.

He stood clutching his arm, gritting his teeth. He felt it twitch slightly, but other than being sore it was fine. Anon, with very little options but to close the distance, attempted to run zig zag towards the lieutenant. It worked for the first two bolts, but the third caught him in the leg. Anon stumbled, but with his good leg, lifted himself up into the air. Then, he jabbed his bat forward, bludgeoning the lieutenant in the mask. The mask shattered as he recoiled, falling to his back. Anon, meanwhile, landed on his gut.

The two stood, with the lieutenant rising faster as a result of sustaining minimal damage. Anon struggles to his feet. As he stood, he could his left arm and right leg throb painfully. Still, he stood.

“Told you I’m not a warrior. You’re a terrible judge of character.” Anon remarked. He looked closely at the lieutenant, after noticing his facial features. “Wait a second, you’re an ape…”

The lieutenant, no longer fond of talking, rushes forward. Anon waits for his moment as the ape-like creature runs towards him. Then, he took off the metal helmet and used it to catch the tip of the spear inside. Lighting reflected from inside the helmet back towards the lieutenant, causing him to reflexively turn his head away from the bolts that flew out.

Anon took his chance and knocked the spear out of the ape’s hand with his bat. He swung for the head, only for the ape to catch the bat and tear it from his hands. The ape then swung the handle of the bat at Anon, catching him in the face. Anon was stunned, briefly seeing stars and feeling his brain beat out of his skull. He touched the side of his head and felt the warm trickle of blood. Looking at his hand, he confirmed it. Anon quickly dug his bloody hand into the ground. As the ape approach, appraising the bat, then raising it, Anon struck.

“Pocket mud!” Anon cried, throwing the dirt into the lieutenant's eye. The ape roared as he dropped the bat and used his hands to rub his face. Anon stood up and was readying a kick to the nuts, when he realized the ape was covered head to toe in armor. His mind raced, until it struck gold. Anon dug under his chest armor, finding a roll of firecrackers and a match. He lit the firecrackers, grabbed the lieutenant’s armor, and shoved the firecrackers into the space inbetween.

Anon backed up to give himself space from what was sure to go down. One by one, each firecracker went off, causing the ape to dance in place at the sudden explosions. To Anon’s surprised he “ooh” and “aah”’d like your traditional monkey. The lieutenant removed each of his armor pieces, in an attempt to rid himself of the miniature explosions. Anon ran for his bat and the spear, removing both of those from around the dancing ape. He took the spear and chucked it like an Olympian spear tossed, sending it a good ways away from them.

“Ha! Try and fight me without a-“ Was all Anon could say, as he turned and caught a giant backhand to the face. He was sent flying through the air, landing with a tumble into the grass. He laid face down, his bat mere inches away from his hand. “-weapon.” He finished with a mouth full of dirt.

“This setback has given me much to think about.” The ape replied, his body now bare. He was very top heavy, with his massive arms swinging by his ankles. His hair was wild and unkempt, with visible bald spots in places, especially a massive one on his head. “However, after I defeat you, I doubt I will have the opportunity to fight someone like you again.” Anon reached for his bat, only for the lieutenant to kick it away.

“Dick move…” Anon eked out, the pain overwhelming his body but not his sense of humor. The lieutenant rolled Anon over on his back, leaving Anon to stare into the sky. Soon, the lieutenant entered and remained in his vision.

“If it’s any consolation, your name will be remembered, Windbreaker.” The lieutenant raised his fists into the air. “The Storm King may even award you posthumously.”

“Where even is your, King.” Anon’s head rolled to the side. Partly because he didn’t want to watch as he was clubbed to death by two fists. But also…

“He has conquered the city of Canterlot, where he will stake his claim on Equestrian magic.”

“You mean the city with the god ray?” Anon pointed in the direction of Canterlot. The lieutenant, puzzled by his comment, looked to see what the creature was referring to.

In the distance, stood the city of Canterlot. The Storm clouds were clear and there were no signs of fighting nor conquest. In fact, just above them, the Storm has all but stopped. Neither had noticed, until Anon had been rolled onto his back. The sky was a beautiful hue of orange-red, signifying the setting of the sun. It was a calm and peaceful sight.

The lieutenant slowly lowered his arm and stepped away from Anon. He stood in stunned silence. Anon, for his part, slowly sat up. He groaned in pain as his everything throbbed as one.

“The Storm King has never lost a battle.” The lieutenant remarked, to no one in particular. Anon smirked.

“I think you mean ‘had’, bud.” Anon looked at the vista. “I heard that these ponies had a habit of fixing everything in the end. Lucky bastards.” The lieutenant looked at the wounded alien as he finally made himself stand. The lieutenant was amazed to find that after the battle they had, the creature was able to stand, despite his injuries. Anon caught him staring. “What? I got my arm broken by one of those ponies. ‘Tis but a flesh wound.”

“Who...No, what are you?” The lieutenant of the former Storm King’s army asked. Anon looked at him. The Storm creature, once composed and unflinching in his goals, was somber. His face was in a state of shock, as if he learned he didn’t exist. His whole body sagged, as if his armor still weighed on his shoulders. Anon could tell the soldier was shell shocked by his Kong’s sudden defeat.

Once, Anon saw a beastly creature. The head of an invading army that had captured Ponyville in the span of hours. It was under his command that he was attacked in his home, ran out of town, and ultimately beaten senseless in an increasingly pointless duel. Anon had feared this creature and, in turn, hated him.

He had the entire fight planned in his. He would suffer a crushing defeat, his darkest hour. The ape creature would tower over him and, at the last minute, an ancient power would awaken in him. He’d learn the reason why he was transported to this strange and unpredictable world. He would be a hero, or a lord, or maybe even an ancient evil in and of himself. Regardless, he’d beat the ape and save Ponyville from utter destruction. He’d have his wish: a reason to belong.

However, as he stood side-by-side with this once scary man, he now sees something different. He sees a man. Well, not really a man, more like an ape-yeti-thing. Regardless, he saw someone who was now displaced. Trapped in an alien world, taken from his home, wherever that was. Anon felt an odd connection with the creature, an overwhelming sense of empathy. Anon gave a sad sigh.

“What I think I am is probably what you are too: Lost.” Anon admitted. The statements sounded profound in his head, but hearing it, it was more pretentious. He shrugged. “Anyway, I’d hide out in the Everfree until everything dies down. Also, be careful of those Timberwolves. They suck.”

With that parting wisdom, Anon hobbled off to his home. He left the old ape to consider his next steps in life. Behind him, he could hear as the ape ran off into the Forest to join his displaced peers. Anon stepped on his foot wrong and nearly landed flat on his face before catching himself on his knees. Cursing under his breath, he silently wished for the lieutenant to be bitten on the dick by a Timberwolf.