• Published 27th Feb 2021
  • 886 Views, 11 Comments

Late Night Encounters At The Gas Station - Barracuda cyborg

Late night adventure in a Convenience store in the middle of nowhere.

  • ...

Split Down The Middle

The next day the two were still mad at each other. Throughout their whole shift they did not talk to each other, unless it was related to restocking items, or helping verify customer licenses in order to buy cigarettes or beer. Other than that, they just held a grudge from the other night.

The air was tense; so tense that in the two’s wallowing, they barely noticed the two ponies walking in. It was as if the universe itself knew misery loves company, because the two ponies were also arguing with each other. Oddly enough the only thing the clerks did manage to realize was that there was the scent of burning hair.

“Why in the name of all things decent, did you have to act like that?!” The lilac pony asked, “You made both of us look like complete fools, and you singed my mane.”

“Well how was I supposed to know that the fireworks were going to go off like that.” The light blue one said in a defensive tone, “The pony that sold them to me did not specify anything when I bought them.

“Well maybe some ponies have the common sense NOT to wave them carelessly over an open flame!”

“Well who makes a fire that late in the evening anyway, it’s really irresponsible.”

The lilac pony sighed, “I can’t deal with you when you’re like this!”

“The feelings are mutual.” The blue pony replied. The two walked across the store looking at the store's items. Most likely trying to burn time and not look at the other; the clerks decided to do the same.

“I guess you’re having friend troubles too huh?” Mark asked.

“As if, I let her stay in my cart,and this is how she repays me?” The blue pony asked, “It just seems like she can’t handle things when-“

“They’re not in control?” Mark asked

“How did you know?”

“My ‘friend’ over there is just like that.” The clerk replied as he extended his hand, “My name's Mark.”

“I’m Trixie.” The pony said, extending her hoof to shake with Mark.
- - -

“It truly feels like I keep surrounding myself with insanity.” The lilac pony sighed as she looked at the candies.

“Tell me about it.” Derrick said, “It's almost like no matter what you do, no matter what you try-“

“You just seem to be an idiocy wrangler.” The pony said, completing the clerks thought.

“FINALLY! Someone else gets it!” The boy exclaimed, “I’m Derrick.”

“My name’s Starlight.” The pony said with a small smile, she finally had someone else to talk to about her situation.
- - -

“Ok, I get why you got the fireworks, but why did you have them near the fire exactly?” Mark asked as he listened to Trixie vent out her problems.

“Well I wanted to show Starlight how they looked so I could get some opinions on using them for my show.” Trixie replied, “I didn’t expect them to ALL go off.”

- - -

“I just wanted some peace and quiet. I didn’t expect her to just come out and ask my opinions on fireworks, they all seemed fine to me.” Starlight stated as she looked at Derrick, “The explosion was the final straw and… I went off.”

“I get that you got angry about it, I would be too.” Derrick replied, “Why didn’t you just go out for a walk then?”

“I guess my anger was just clouding my judgement.” Starlight replied.

- - -

“I’m guessing I could’ve been a little less… eccentric.” Trixie sighed, “Maybe everything could’ve been a bit different.”

Mark looked over to where Starlight and Derrick were and looked back to Trixie, “I know the feeling… me and my friend got into an argument yesterday.

- - -

“Me and my pal got into some dumb argument when we talked about this stupid Christmas party and went bad pretty fast.” Derrick said.

Starlight looked over to where Trixie and Mark were and looked back to Derrick, “And you have that feeling wishing you could just go back in time and fix it?”

“Yeah.” Derrick sighed, “I doubt there’s a spell or something that can do that.”

Starlight looked around, “Well not anymore, that scroll caused more problems than solutions.”

- - -

Trixie sighed as she looked at Mark, “I guess the only thing we can really do is apologize.”

“I guess so.” Mark replied, “Try getting something that she likes, that’d be a good icebreaker.”

Trixie nodded as she ran towards the freezer where the ice cream was held. She dug around until she found something, “If there’s one thing I know, is that she loves pistachio ice cream.”

“Guess that stuff isn’t just a shelf warmer then.” Mark chuckled.

- - -

“Well try apologizing with a gift.” Derrick said, “Maybe that’ll butter her up.”

“Of course, and I know just what to use.” Starlight said as she looked along the shelves and pulled out a few packets of peanut butter crackers, “Do you think that three would work?”

“Better make it five, just to be safe.” Derrick replied.

Eventually the four met in front of the register. The air was tense, but this time it was due to uncertainty from the two sides about the others' thoughts.

Trixie was the first to speak, “Starlight… I know that I have been annoying all day, and the fireworks didn’t help in the slightest.”

“Me trying to control the whole day wasn’t helping either Trixie.” Starlight replied, “I should’ve been a bit more… easy going.”

The two looked at each other before running towards the other, soon enough they just started to apologize constantly and felt sorry for each other. After everything they put their items on the counter; Derrick scanned the items, “That’ll be eight dollars.” The two paid and walked out of the store with their items.

Mark sighed,it was his turn now to apologize, “Derrick… I just wanna say-“

“I don’t wanna hear it dude.” Derrick said, “I already forgive you.”