• Published 18th Apr 2020
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Stay Together, No Matter What - Mister E-Nonymous

After a tragic accident with a couple parents, a young boy and his baby sister try to run away, and nearly get severely hurt. But it was up to one pony to make a tough decision when the two human children came to Equestria.

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Chapter 11: Home Alone: Part 3 (Endgame)

Chapter 11: Home Alone: Part 3 (Endgame)

(Third Person Point of View)

Natasha and Mr. Balk came in to the basement from outside, breaking the door in the progress. Natasha then called out, "Reginald! Mr. Quinn! Mr. Pierce!"

"Welcome!" said Mr. Pierce. Both Natasha and Balk looked over and saw him sitting on a broken toilet.

"What happened to your face, Pierce?" asked Mr. Balk.

"You don't wanna know," said Mr. Pierce.

Then Mr. Quinn came towards them, fidgeting, whimpering and crawling.

"What happened to you?" asked Natasha to Mr. Quinn.

"I fell, slipped, got painted, then got shocked by an electric sink," said Mr. Quinn.

Then the sound of plastic wheels came in, and the noise was coming from Reginald, his head covered in grey water, and his pants had fallen down. He then asked Mr. Pierce, "Are you almost done in there?"

"Don't... start with me," said Mr. Pierce.

(Cody's Point of View)

We all went up to the attic. We were watching the bad guys recover from all the damage they taken. We were surprised that the getaway driver hadn't taken any damage.

"Wow. That one guy is lucky," said Danny.

"Yeah," I said. "And we're not done with them yet. We got some more traps."

"Then we'll set them up to fall into the hands of the police," said Alex. "I hope they get here, soon."

I then grabbed my walkie talkie and said into it, "Mom? How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing fine for now, Cody," said Mom through the walkie talkie. "Your sister is eager to get out."

"Oh, boy," I said. "I remember that the first time she was born."

"What happened?" asked Alex.

"Before Flora as born, she was struggling a lot before the water breaks," I said. "Mom, if she kicks a lot more than now, it means she wants out now. She's going to break your water soon."

"Oh, boy," Mom said. "I better get myself to the hospital."

"No," said Alex. "If you call the paramedics, then the bad guys will know where you are."

"Aunt Natasha is smarter than that," said Danny. "She always has another step ahead of us. But not until we play the wild card."

"We better stop them soon," I said. "We have to keep them away from mom and us."

"Right," said Danny and Alex. "Let's get started."

Then we got started. Alex headed down the stairs to the second floor. Then Danny walked over to where a string was connected to something in the floor below.

(Third Person Point of View)

The bad guys came up from the basement. They were all upset that the kids tricked them with traps. Reginald came up with a pair of coveralls from the janitor's closet. They were baggier than what he was wearing, but at least they would be able to cover him up.

Natasha and Reginald were angry. Natasha then said, "Find those kids. Check upstairs."

Then Quinn, Pierce and Balk headed upstairs. But the sound of Alex's voice came up, her saying, "Oh, no. I'm really scared!"

"Get her!" said Mr. Pierce as he, Balk and Quinn started running upstairs. Then the sound of a child crying came from a closet. Then Mr. Balk headed over to the door.

"This'll be a piece of cake," said Mr. Balk. "The girl is the first to go." He then put his hand on the door handle. He started turning the door handle and then he said, "You're dead, little girl." Then he opened the door fast, and then a boxing glove on a pole connected to a rocking chair came out, and punched Mr. Balk in the crotch. He let out a low volume, high-pitched gasp of pain.

"Ooh, that's gotta hurt," said Mr. Quinn. "Let's check the bedrooms." They started looking around for the kids. They were looking all of the other rooms but couldn't find anything.

Mr. Balk was slowly recovering, as he was trying to search for the kids. Downstairs, Natasha and Reginald were wondering something.

"Wait a minute," said Reginald. "What about the pregnant pony woman?"

"You're right," said Natasha. "She has to be close by. Let's look around."

Then it went back upstairs. Mr. Pierce headed for a door that would lead to the attic. He grabbed the door knob, turned it and pulled it. But there was a string connected to the door knob. Then the sound of clanging metal was coming down from inside, clanging rapidly. That got the attention of Balk and Quinn.

"What's that sound?" asked Mr. Quinn. The three of them put their ears to the door. On the other side of the door, there was a tool chest rolling down the stairs. Then the tool chest pushed the door off of its hinges, pushing Pierce, Quinn and Balk towards the wall right behind them, making them all groan in pain.

With the sound of a stuffy nose, Mr. Balk said, "That was the sound of a tool chest. Falling down the stairs."

The other two groaned in realization, and then they all put their noses back in position. As the chest was falling down the stairs, Cody, Danny and Alex went down the dumbwaiter to the basement. They grabbed the jackets that were hanging on and they put them on.Alex took out the bottom of the dumbwaiter and the light bulb lighting it. Then she grabbed a toy robot, and activated it, and it was slowly walking towards the controls of the dumbwaiter. It was holding a fake gun, and when it reaches the controls, it'll push the button to the attic. Then she and the boys headed out the door going through the backyard.

Balk, Pierce and Quinn went up to the attic where they were searching for the kids.

"Where are they?!" shouted Mr. Pierce.

Mr. Quinn looked at a TV that was looking all over the place. He then said, "They've been watching us the whole time. They got cameras on us."

"Where are they now?" asked Mr. Balk.

Outside, Cody, Danny and Alex were near the back gate. Then Alex shouted, "You're not gonna find us up their you law breaking dumb-dumbs!"

That got the attention of the crooks in the attic, making all of them say, "They're outside." Then they ran to the window and they saw the kids.

"How did they get outside?" asked Mr. Pierce. Then they noticed a trampoline set up in the backyard. He then smirked and said, "C'mon, Quinn. Let's get them. Mr. Balk, cover us."

"Got it," said Mr. Balk. Then Mr. Pierce and Quinn climbed out the window and onto the roof.

"Ready, Quinn?" Mr. Pierce asked, getting a nod from Mr. Quinn. "One... two... three!" Then the two of them jumped off of the roof, and they headed for the trampoline. But what they didn't know was that some of the coils on the trampoline were unhinged, and the two of them went through the trampoline, and under the pool that was covered in snow while the handle bars and the diving board were on the other side.

Mr. Balk was surprised. He then said, "The ol' Switcheroo." But then the toy in the basement pushed the button to the dumbwaiter, taking it to the attic. That got the attention of Mr. Balk. He then smiled and said, "Of course." He then walked over to it when the dumbwaiter stopped. Then he climbed into it, saying, "Here I come, you little brats." What he didn't realize until it was too late that the bottom was missing. Then he fell down the shaft, screaming. When he crashed, a bunch of dust came from the door. "Ow!"

(Cody's Point of View)

The three of us headed right towards the safe house to get to mom. We headed on inside to get to mom. Danny, Alex and I came in.

"Mom! We're here!" I shouted. We then headed towards the stairs to look for her. But then we got surprised by the sound of a bullet firing. We turned around and saw Natasha and Reginald.

"Thank you for leading us here, kids," said Natasha. "But you all have a lesson to learn. You disobey us... you pay the price." She then aimed the gun at me. I was getting scared. "Remember this, Daniel. Friendship... is useless. You and the girl get on the couch." Then she said to me, "You, on the other hand, this is the last day of your life." She pulled the cock on the gun, and was about to squeeze the trigger.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY SON, YOU UNCOUTH WOMAN!!" came Mom's voice. Then the sound of a piano was going down the stairs, and Natasha and Reginald were in it's path. They got pushed out the door, and they got knocked out.

We saw mom come down the stairs, holding her belly with her left hand and keeping her right hand on the handrail. I then called out, "Mom!"

"Are you okay, Cody?" Mom asked.

"I'm fine, Mom," I said, hugging her. "You saved me."

"Of course I did," said Mom. "You're my son, and I love you. Along with your sister."

"I love you, too, Mom," I said. "Now, let's get the authorities here."

Then the police arrived. They got all five of the criminals, and they were loading them into the car. Twilight, her friends, and two other people I didn't recognize came up to us.

Natasha noticed Solar Eclipse and widened her eyes in surprise. “HOW?!” demanded Natasha furiously, “How did you escape?”

“There’s this new thing these days,” replied Solar Eclipse, “it’s called the truth. Back when she was evil, my new friend Sunset Shimmer had some amazing tech skills, hacking and the like. It was that knowledge that helped her expose your lies to that asylum, and the police. You might as well give up, you two... again.”

Natasha got really angry. Then she looked over at Danny, and said to him, "“You haven’t seen the last of us, Daniel Philips. You and your friends, along with your pathetic excuse for an adoptive mother, may have beaten us this time, but we’ll be back, and when that time comes, you’ll soon realize that turning on us was a big mistake.”

Danny got angry at her and said, “That’s where you’re dead wrong. The only mistake I see here is that you thought you could mess with my friends and my new family, especially with Solar Eclipse, and get away with it."

Natasha then shouted again, but it was muffled because the door got shut. Then a police man banged on the door and then the van holding the hostages pulled off into the streets.

"Oh," said Mom.

"Are you alright, Rarity?" asked Twilight.

"I'll be fine, darling," said Rarity. "Flora seems to be a little bit feisty." Then her eyes widened. She looked down and saw that the pants she was wearing were soaked. "Oh, no."

"What is it?" asked Applejack.

"MY WATER BROKE!" shouted Mom.

The police heard and walked towards her in a hurry. One of them said, "Alright, ma'am. We're getting you to the hospital. Bring in the paramedics!"

Then an ambulance pulled up. Then two guys in the back came out with a gurney and then they loaded Mom onto it. Then they got her into the back. I got into the back with her since she's my mom. Then the ambulance doors closed and then it drove off.

(Third Person Point of View)

The rest of them watched as the ambulance pulled away. The Mane 6, Solar Eclipse, Danny and Alex watched as they were leaving.

"Do you wanna know something?" asked Alex. "Before I left, there wasn't a house in this lot, and yet this house looks really old."

"Really?" asked Twilight. "If there wasn't an old house here before you left, where did this place come from?"

Then the man from Witness Protection came up to them right after the police left. The Mane 6, Solar Eclipse, Danny and Alex looked at him. Danny then asked, "Who are you really?"

Solar Eclipse then smiled. Then he said, "Nice to see you again, old friend. I'm guessing it was you who sent Cody and Flora to Equestria. Isn't that right, Discord?"

"DISCORD?!" asked the other eight.

Then the man snapped his fingers, then there was a flash and the entire house disappeared. Then the man snapped his fingers again, and in that man's place was Discord.

"It is a pleasure to see you again, old friend," said Discord.

"Solar Eclipse, you know Discord?" asked Twilight.

"We've been friends since we were little colts in school," said Solar Eclipse. "Both of us were unicorns. Then one day, my parents and I moved to the city of Canterlot. And then one day, came... well... how I became the first male alicorn. I wasn't really ready for this."

"I didn't know what Solar Eclipse was banished, which was house I became the Lord of Chaos back then," said Discord. "He was my best... and only friend back then."

"Oh, my," said Fluttershy.

"Now that things are okay," said Solar Eclipse. "Now, how about we get all of you to the hospital where Cody and Rarity are. It's time to see them. Let's go."

"Well, I'm heading back to Equestria," said Discord. "I'll see you when you get back." Then he snapped his fingers and vanished. Then the rest of them got into the van and then Solar Eclipse drove off, getting all of them to the hospital.

Author's Note:

Part of this chapter was written by Edward Sapphire.