• Member Since 17th Jun, 2013
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[He/Him] Just a writer who likes MLP and hopes to make a living off it: https://ko-fi.com/ink_hoof


Chrysalis, the former queen of the changelings, is randomly tossed into plots and story ideas from various animes.

(Idea inspired by comment made by FanOfMostEverything. So blame or thank them for this. Also, if you like it, leave me a tip or two here.)

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 43 )

Oh, this is sure to be amazing. Looking forward to more.

what type of anime there will be? i bet jojo will be in this fic

There is no WAY Chrissy WONT become a Magical Girl of LOVE and Justice! :pinkiehappy:

Before I even read, I just want to say thank you for steering me to Ocellus the Meta-Breaker.

Well, that was fun. I find I sympathize with Chrysalis, though. Ah, well. More to come.

Heart of the cards aka praying for a miracle topdeck.

REALLY good job on the exchanges, characterizations, general game wrap-up and future chapter set-up in this "Duel Monsters" inspired chapter.

Yeah, I could, indeed, VERY easily see Twilight as the Yugi Expy in this universe. And got to give Twi credit for pulling out that win.

I'm guessing that there will PROBABLY be chapters based on Sailor Moon, the Dragonball franchise, One Punch Man and Pokémon. It's POSSIBLE that there will be chapters based on Lupin III, One Piece, Naurto, Astro Boy and other anime on top of THAT.

But, anyway, very definitely looking forward to more of this.

Chrysalis could do nothing but sulk, staring at the inside of the stupid red-and-white ball. "All I said is I wasn't going to fight for the little brat, and he throws me in here. When I get out, he and that little electric rat are going to get such a stomping..."

Yeah. That could happen. Of course, she could also be, essentially Jesse, of Team Rocket with Tirek as James and Cozy as Meowth. Admittedly, her luck wouldn't be MUCH better, but still.

Of course, the complaint would be more likely aimed at that "little, scrawny nerd with the four-legged purple flamethrower" because we are talking about Expies rather than the real characters so far.

If nothing else, I have to admire Chrysalis's commitment to capturing the essence of her guise.

Right next to it was one filled with magic journals that Twilight had submitted to and been published in.

Also some rejection notices she received during her earlier years in academia, which she definitely wasn't holding onto out of spite, honest.

Finally, she reached the library that was dedicated to human history and culture.

I have to wonder how Twilight got all the volumes in there. I imagine that a lot of books have made their way through the portal. I really shouldn't be surprised.

She was going to have to figure out what they were, and what they were for.

"I'm a mammal!? Disgusting!"

Huh. Usually getting run over happens...
Oh. Oh. :rainbowlaugh: Magnificent. As far as I'm concerned, this is canon. And may have happened multiple times.

Definitely a great job on the dark humor in this chapter as well as Chrysalis's characterizations. Yeah, I could see Chrysalis finding a book on human culture AND on the magic portal mirror. And, yeah, getting run over by a car just as she was getting used to her new form and ending up right back where she started was some delicious stuff.

Definitely looking forward to seeing what anime you're going to be tackling next.

I choose to think she got rammed right back into the portal so hard it spit her out all the way into the Everfree.

My Google-Fu is weak, and I am unable to find that book. Is it good? Is it worth looking for?

It's a genre actually Restaurant to Another World is a type of one, In Another World With my Smartphone is another well known one and is a great example of the genre.

Oh yeah! I HAVE to see what happens when she ends up in a mecha anime like Gundam, maybe even Neon Genesis Evangelion?

I didn't realize what you were asking. Sorry. Also, sorry if I'm not answering what you asked, or telling you something you already know.

So, "Isekai" is a genre of Japanese light novels, manga, and anime, where the main character ends up going from the normal world to a magical one. Most often, it is due to their dying, but not always. Also, the main character often ends up becoming the hero of that world. Some add some sort of twist to it. For example, there are two where the main character has access to a cellphone which works, despite being in a mostly medieval magical setting.

The parenthetical title, and the title in the Author's Note are a reference to a comment about titles. A channel on YouTube called "Mother's Basement" reviews and talks about anime, and commented on how some of them have extremely long and specific titles. Unfortunately, I can neither find the video, nor remember any of the exact titles.

If you want to find something you may like, you could start by watching some of his reviews. Or just put "Isekai" into youtube search. Some channels post clips of various shows and advertisements. So you could watch them and see if any appeal to you.

Oh, I'm familiar with the genre. (Funny story: my entry into the genre was with the deconstructions of it. That's a weird place to start in any genre.) It's just that How I went to another world, only to die and end up back in the first world (or one exactly like it). sounded like an interesting example of it. Really, it was because it was so ridiculously long that I thought that it was a legitimate title!

Ashes fall on the tournament grounds. Ashes that were once a friend, an ally, a brother. And another fire ignites in a gentle heart. Will Twilight avenge Spike? Will Chrysalis claim the championship and the world? And will Trixie ever get over that convenient case of food poisoning? Find out next time on Harmony Elements D!

Meanwhile in the land of the dead

Krillin: Huh, first time?

"You may have killed one dragon - but you have awoken another."

(opening credits)
(ending credits)

Have to say, this was a pretty well done parody of Dragonball Z. Feel bad about what happened to Spike (though at least he went out on a Heroic Sacrifice). And, yeah, Twi is royally peeved and Chrysie is going to get it next chapter.

Anyway, very good job on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places.

Huh. I actually expected the title to refer to Trixie not actually being there. "You Fool! You thought that was Trixie, but it was he! Chuck Testa!"

Stands usually reflect abilities based on the desires of the user. Those abilities tend to be part of their core.

Joseph for example. He was a savant with Hamon, and found all sorts of ways to extend his reach with it. His uncanny ability to predict what someone would say, combined with his trickery, form the basis for Hermit Purple, expanding his precognition and range with Hamon.

Kira required a means to dispose of evidence. He became more and more thorough, and Killer Queen’s invisible explosions reflect this well, along with Sheer Heart Attack ensuring no witnesses.

And cue Roundabout.

Also, I can't tell if this is a stealth Them's Fightin' Herds reference or not.

A reference so stealthy, not even I caught it.

But no, I wasn't thinking about it at the time.

All I can say is - wow. You have a MUCH wider range of anime knowledge than I do. By my admission, my anime knowledge is limited to Yu-Gi-Oh! (which was already covered), Dragonball (which was also already covered), Pokémon, One Piece, Sailor Moon, Lupin the Third (and even then, just a few episodes of the English dubs of those four shows), Astro Boy and One Punch Man (and, even then, only heard of those two). Still, have to greatly respect the work that is going into this. And the exchanges, characterizations, action, humor and future set-up are all quite well done.

And, yeah, might be amusing to see a chapter where Chrysalis is a mob boss that got robbed by Starlight and her gang and chased by Inspector Flash Sentry (who is actually after Starlight and her gang, but does stop to arrest Chrysalis after the right amount of evidence against her gets exposed [so, yeah, basically Lupin the Third with Starlight as Lupin and Flash as Inspector Zenigata]).

Or Chrysalis as a giant robot insect that gets trounced by a much smaller, but surprisingly powerful robot version of either Twilight or Starlight. (so, yeah, Astro Boy [or Astro GIRL in this case]).

Or Chrysalis as a ruthless magic-powered she pirate who runs afoul either Twilight or Starlight as another magic powered pirate (albeit a much more heroic one) with an oddball, but extremely powerful crew (so, yeah, One Piece).

Sorry about that. Got carried away with my thoughts (sheepish grin)

But in all seriousness, I AM looking forward to seeing which animes are going to be next.

The mare, known as Maud Pie, said nothing. Instead, she turned around, pulled up her back hooves, and kicked.

Shoulda listened

"I hope they didn't traumatize Tom too badly."

Poor guy rock

You don't mess with One Buck Mare.

Again, this was a quite well done chapter. LOVED the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations, (very short) action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Yeah, kind of figured you'd get around to One Punch Man eventually in this series, but LOVED seeing Maud whomp on both Tirek and Chrysalis with one buck (not one buck EACH; One buck PERIOD) and Cozy, at least, having the sense to Know When To Fold 'Em.

Definitely looking forward to seeing what anime is next.

This... was not how Chrysalis was expecting things to go. Tempest Shadow was supposed to be a hardened fighter. Someone who took down criminals and cops all the same, and en mass. A woman who could leave an entire town destroyed in her wake, without breaking a sweat.

And you're surprised that she isn't intimidated by you? Temper that ego, Chryssy.

Wait, if Tempest is Vash, does... does that make Grubber Knives?

I'm going to say it's Glitter Drops from the comics for the sake of my sanity. Or possibly the Storm King, but that raises some issues with the whole "twins" thing.

All I can say is great job on this latest chapter. Again, the exchanges, characterizations, action, humor and general wrap-up are quite well done in all the right places. Yeah, great work on this Trigun-inspired piece. Yeah, Tempest does a GREAT job as Vash.

I don't know what anime is next (could be inspired by Lupin the Third, One Piece, Pokemon, Astro Boy or literally just about anything else you can think of), but that's part of what is so fun about this.

At any rate, definitely looking forward to more of this.

'What about the Master Ball?"
"But what if I need it later?"
"Lyra, it's a completely undocumented Colectemon."
"Yeah, but what if I need it later?"

Not the first time I've seen her as a Pokemon, but always enjoyable.

Excellent job on this latest chapter. Took a while, but was definitely well worth the wait. Definitely liked the Pokemon references, especially with Bon Bon TRYING in vain to warn Lyra away from capturing Chrysalis as well as the fight with Mascutie. Well, Chrysalis getting SOME satisfaction at the end was surprising (meaning that she actually got less humiliated here than in the previous universes [and most likely the majority of the ones following this]).

Of course, I wonder what the next universe is going to be. I wonder if the next universe is going to have Chrysalis as a humanoid insect/vampire hybrid fighting a smart-mouthed/foul-mouthed high level vampire who hunts and kills other vampires, or as a crime boss who gets ripped off by a trio of master thieves and busted by a police inspector who was chasing after the previous three, or as a ruthless magic powered she-pirate up against a band of much more heroic pirate, or as a giant robot insect fighting a much smaller, but surprisingly powerful robot hero or what have you?

Anyway, very definitely looking forward to more of this.

I can only assume this comes after the "Too Many Cooks" of episode recaps.

That's hot, ah that's hot.

Another great job on this chapter. Absolutely adored the characterizations (as well as the picks for the other judges). Oddly enough, this seems closest to Iron Chef (which is live action) than any anime I'm familiar with (though, as I admitted in an earlier review, that's not saying much). Chrysalis's reactions from the Flim-Flams' AND Sugar Belle's dishes were definitely well done.

Very much looking forward to seeing what is next.

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