• Published 8th Jul 2020
  • 1,650 Views, 294 Comments

And Now For Something Exactly the Same - Damaged

The fateful day has come and gone. Nightmare Moon returned to Equestria and was dealt with by Twilight Sparkle and her friends. The tale of Equestria is not told yet, however.

  • ...

Chapter 12

"An invitation?" Sweetie Drops asked. "Who from?"

Rolling her eyes, Lyra Heartstrings held up the light pink paper that was covered in dark pink hearts and darker-still flowing pink writing. "I'll give you one guess. She signs her name with five hearts."

It was obvious who it was, but Sweetie still tapped her chin with a hoof. "See, now hearts makes me think of your school friend Lemon Hearts, but hers would be yellow. I know another two of your friends prefer quill writing, but I doubt Twilight or Moon would sign their name with hea—"

"It's Cadance!" The explosive reply startled even Lyra. She knew her wife was poking fun at her, but with this kind of news it was too important to spend so long on games.

Booking Lyra, Sweetie followed up with a kiss. "I know. You're still on edge?"

"It's just not fair I can do this dream-training too. I get this tingling feeling in my dream, and I just can't stop myself from lashing out. I know Tufts could get me in, but even then it is really hard on him until I'm in the Dreaming. And I don't even know if the Dreaming is compatible with Princess Luna's dreams." By the time she was done, Lyra was panting and upset all over again. And, that's when she got wrapped up in the strongest hug in all Equestria.

Just leaning her head on Sweetie's shoulder, Lyra slowly let her emotions flow out. It had been a complicated few weeks since the opening of the school, but things had worked. Foals had left after that first two days, but they had been inundated by pegasi fillies and colts, all wanting to be trained by a Wonderbolt.

Lyra needed to let that specific emotion out. "Over half the school are pegasi now."

"It's Surprise. Well, not Surprise, but she's a Wonderbolt. A lot of them seem to leave as quickly as they arrive." Sweetie knew the numbers and was a little disappointed in them. "They probably think it'll all be flying and stunt shows."

Relaxing a little more in the hug, Lyra sighed. "Should we get Surprise to wear armor rather than her flight uniform?"

"No. That's part of her. What we need is to get more instructors. Think we could tempt Bluebelle?" Sweetie held Lyra to her like they were going to wrestle.

"Bluebelle would be good, but why not that stallion who's been training Scootaloo? Sure Fire of the Royal Guard."

"I think"—Sweetie took a little moment to nibble at Lyra's neck—"we need a lot more trainers from all across the Guard. Police, Royal Guard, Monster Hunters, the core Guard, Wonderbolts… you name it."

"That's really distracting." Tilting her head, Lyra returned the gesture and nibbled her way up Sweetie's neck.

Giggling and holding still to see where Lyra was taking things, Sweetie nonetheless let out a little groan and tilted her head when Lyra started nibbling on her ear. "It is, but don't feel like you need to stop or anything."

"Wait! You did all this to distract me from the letter." Lyra levitated the letter up behind Sweetie's ear so she could nibble and read. "Cadance has gotten approval for her wedding with Shining, and now she needs some ponies for her bridesmaids. Guess who she's picked?"

Sweetie struggled for a moment to get her thoughts in order. "Mmm, both of us?"

"Yes! So now we have a whole mess of stuff to plan!" Finally relinquishing Sweetie's ear, Lyra levitated over a piece of paper and a pencil. "Does Shining have a best man—err, best stallion? I don't know how all of this translates from Earth, and our marriage was kinda personal and just us."

Sighing and shaking her head to get some feeling back in her brain, Sweetie kissed Lyra's cheek. "You could ask them both what they need."

"You don't know either?!"

"Lyra"—Sweetie butted her forehead against Lyra's, long having since gotten good at missing her horn—"I fell in love with an alien. I never really looked into all this stuff. I just asked my crazy fiancee what she wanted to do."


Sweetie had heard that kind of exclamation before. It usually meant Lyra had a possibly brilliant (or crazy) plan. "'Oh' what?"

"We'll ask them what they want. If they say traditional, we'll talk to somepony who has done the whole traditional wedding thing. If they want different, I'll give them different." Lyra used a little magic to make a small thunderclap as she rubbed her hooves together—giggling like a fiend.

"You're a loonie."

Dropping her silliness and adopting a mock-hurt look, Lyra pouted at Sweetie. "How could you say that?"

"You were the one that made me sit through those horrible films when we were in Batstralia, now you have to put up with me using them on you." Kissing Lyra's cheek, Sweetie made a happy little sound under her breath. "Now, the school's teacher roster is the more immediately important of these two tasks, so let's focus on that first. Wait, we can do two at once. We'd need Shining's approval for hiring one of his guards, so we can talk to him about both."

"Don't forget we need to get home on time tonight. We're foalsitting Dinky." Sweetie said.

Trotting along beside her love, Lyra nodded. Both their armor was perfectly taken care of, which is why neither made much noise as they ascended the ramp to the castle gates. "I wish I could stick around Ponyville more often to train her in preparation for her first year at Princess Celestia's school, but there's so much going on right now. The princess has—" She cut short her words as they got to the top of the ramp and saw a pony coming the other way.

The stallion walking toward them looked dejected. Sweetie, knowing him and also feeling grateful to him, paused. "Jet Set?"

Lifting his head, Jet was surprised to see the two ponies before him. He was further surprised to see that none of the Royal Guard were so much as questioning either of them. The E.U.P. Guard had a fine reputation, but he wasn't aware of any special treatment owed them. "Mrs. Heartstrings, Mrs. Drops, how delightful to see you. I hope you weren't here to see Princess Celestia, everything has been called off for the rest of the day and this business simply must be—" He managed to stop himself from spilling his business everywhere.

"Something important?" Sweetie asked. "Anything we can do to help?"

While Sweetie tackled the immediate problem, Lyra stepped over to where she saw Sure Fire was on guard duty. "Hey, heard somepony has had enough time to teach a filly combat."

"Y-Yes, sir!" Sure Fire had a feeling that Lyra wasn't angry, but she was also a training sergeant. When they got angry, it typically meant a lot of time running—and they could run the wheels off a train.

"Relax. I know Shining organized it. How's she been doing lately? Improving?" The relief on Sure's face told Lyra she might have laid it on a bit thick at first, but he seemed to be over it quickly.

"You'd know better than I would. Besides, she has your school now."

"Yeah, but we don't teach advanced attacks, only ways to knock a target down." Lyra smirked at Sure. "Don't think I didn't see the pegasi claws you gave her."

"I should have known better. They were a gift now she's learning how to glide. I promised I'd teach her all the advanced stuff with them once she got past basic flight—which I think she'll do about ten seconds after she's told she's allowed to flap her wings."

Wanting to avoid spilling the beans on Scootaloo's plan to diversify the Royal Guard, Lyra aimed the conversation off onto other topics. "Ever had thoughts about training others?"

Meanwhile, Sweetie had led Jet just out of earshot of the guard post. "So what's the problem?"

"The princess is busy. All the time. Her time is important, I understand that, but so is mine. If I can't get these new appropriations approved—and they require her signature—my business is at a standstill." Jet floated the paperwork from his saddlebag.

Taking the paperwork and glancing over it—mostly rezoning permits—Sweetie had a quick think on how to handle things. "Have you tried talking to Princess Luna instead? She has the authority to clear all such things."

"But she doesn't understand them. Her advisors barely understand civil law—though they are exceptional on just about everything else." As Jet spoke, he saw a grin crease Sweetie's mouth—a smile that reached all the way up to her eyes. "You have a plan?"

"One that will see your paperwork filed, yes, but you'll have to work for it. Come on." Sweetie gestured to Lyra. "Come on, we have to see Princess Luna."

"Princess Luna?" Lyra gave a nod to Sure, turned, and trotted over to her wife. "Something's wrong?"

"Wasn't it your job to arrange the princess' advisors so that she had an even spread of knowledge required to govern?" Sweetie asked.

Jet Set's jaw nearly hit the ground. "You were assisting Princess Luna?'

Shrugging her shoulders as she walked, Lyra nodded. "Yeah, though it was only meant to be the beginning. Moon Dancer especially should have been her asset to finding more skilled teachers to learn from. Any clue what happened?"

"Well, first thing we're going to do is ask Princess Celestia to look over all these so there's no conflict of interest." Sweetie pointed at the paperwork Jet was levitating. "Then we'll have to speak to Princess Luna about having Jet here teach her about property law."

"Wait, I—" Jet stopped talking and started thinking. There were several ways he could do this. He could back out and probably not get his paperwork done, he could agree and do a bad job, he could agree and do a good job, and he could agree and do a malicious job. There were several ponies he knew who would jump at the chance for the latter. "Damn it and damn you both to Tartarus."

"Jet, you did us a favor with the work on the school, now we're doing you a favor. If you teach Princess Luna how to do this, not only will you get these rezoning permits approved, but you'll have exclusive access to Princess Luna for a short time and be the only developer who knows that she'll be able to approve such things." Having stopped when Jet had, Sweetie looked at him. "Now, with you or without you, we're going to see a princess."

Lyra followed Sweetie's lead and started walking toward the main castle, only to hear Jet's hooves on the marble path as he trotted to catch up with them. "So?"

"I understand what you're doing and why you're doing it. But why me?" Jet had to trot to keep up with their fast walk.

"Because we like you. You helped us when everypony seemed to want to make more than a fair price out of us. Also, we know your secret Jet Set." Lyra stopped dead and smirked at him. "You support the crown."

Slumping where he stood, Jet groaned. "Is it that obvious?"

"No," Sweetie said. "We just have good sources."

"It's alright, though. We won't tell anypony." Slinging a foreleg over Jet's withers, Lyra gestured into the distance with her other hoof. "Well, except Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess C—"

"How many princesses are there going to be?" Jet stumbled forward, head hanging low. "Just don't tell Upper Crust, please?"

"Upper Crust?" Lyra asked. "Fillyfriend?"

"We're trying to keep our business dealings quiet, but we've begun using our investment power to take larger bites of specific pies for when we do go public." If there was one thing years among the elite of Canterlot had taught Jet Set, it was when to shut his mouth. The problem was these two crazy mares had somehow disengaged that part of him. "We're going to announce our engagement just as soon as we have all our financial attacks poised and ready."

"Yes, yes." Gesturing expansively again, Lyra wiggled her hoof. "But how big a wedding will you have? Do you have things planned?"

"For our engagement? Not at—"

"Lyra should really stop talking now. Shouldn't you?" Sweetie asked.

Realizing the warning was serious, Lyra clamped her snout shut and nodded.

"Anyway," Sweetie said, starting her walk up the stairs and into the castle, "I figure we don't need to tell each other not to breathe a word of anything we just spoke about?"

The worst thing for Jet was he hungered to find out what Lyra was talking about. There was a big secret there, and he couldn't so much as breathe a word to anypony about it. "Well played."

As they stepped into the entryway, Lyra could see that there was something strange going on. The Royal Guards were standing at the doorway facing toward her and they wore determined expressions. "Huh, what's going on?"

"Royal meeting." Citron wasn't guarding the large doors, rather he was standing to the side and doing duty behind the lectern where the scribe normally stood. "Sorry, but you can't go—"

The big double doors opened a crack and a blue-maned white coated head poked out. Shining Armor looked down the hall at Lyra, Sweetie, and Jet. When Sweetie nodded to him, he nodded to Citron. "Please, have them escorted inside."

"Just—Just like that?" Jet looked between Lyra and Sweetie. "How do you do that?"

"You heard the commander. Please head inside." The only thing that really worried Citron about this part of his job was that he was now trying to command a unicorn he was certain he couldn't beat and an earth pony who could stomp him (who was wearing heavy Guard armor). When both walked forward, he let out the breath he'd been holding. "You too."

Jet Set had to trot to catch up again and found himself aimed toward the small guard entrance to one side of the main doors. As he followed Lyra and Sweetie inside, he saw that indeed there was three princesses, the commander of the Royal Guard, and now him. The only mare that had ever managed to make him feel this small in a room was Upper Crust, and he'd had to fight back with every ounce of his wit to even keep up with her. Opting to follow the example of Lyra and Sweetie, he bowed his head low.

Cadance was practically vibrating in place with excitement. She wanted to shout and sing that she was getting married—and would have if it wasn't for the stallion Lyra and Sweetie had brought with them. For a moment she pondered just using her magic to send him flying out, but she trusted the two mares too much to discount anypony they escorted into a royal meeting.

"Lyra Heartstrings, Sweetie Drops, Jet Set, to what do we owe the pleasure of your presence?" Celestia didn't often get the chance to play harmless little games, but pretending that Jet Set's presence in such a weighty meeting was normal tickled her funny bone.

Sweetie lifted her head and beamed in delight. "Jet here wished to volunteer to assist Princess Luna with some study she seems to have been missing."

"He also has a little paperwork that needs signing, but the more important bit is that he can fill a glaring hole in Princess Luna's advisors—that of finance and property." Tilting her head to gesture to Jet, Lyra continued. "He's been trying to secure a meeting all day, but you've been busy with other matters."

"Sister," Celestia said, "have you not managed to secure a tutor in these matters?"

"I have been remiss in this one area, yes. The only reason I didn't approach anypony was that I didn't feel any were sufficiently neutral enough to trust them." Luna set her eyes on Lyra and raised a brow. "But this young stallion comes with very encouraging references."

"Your Highnesses"—Jet bowed his head again as a show of respect—"I'm not neutral. I have my own interests and am heavily invested in several businesses in Canterlot and elsewhere, but that will be the same for anypony who genuinely knows this business. I am, however, loyal."

Luna didn't need to get too close to catch a hint of who Jet really was in her world. The dreams of ponies were distinct from their waking selves as rainfall is from a river. She knew the dreams of everypony, which gave her a glimpse into the motives behind their waking selves. She approached him nonetheless and stopped only when she was within touching distance (were she to stretch her neck out to him). "I accept. Now, these papers you need signed?"

It hit Jet as a shock that Luna would just agree. He expected a test at least; something to certify his loyalty. "P-Papers. Right." With his telekinesis, he brought the sheaf of paperwork out and held it up before Luna.

Looking past the documents—directly into Jet's eyes—Luna asked, "In your estimation, are these fair and valid?"

"I wouldn't have brought them if they weren't acceptable. The paperwork is all completed correctly, though these do serve to consolidate my holdings in several key locations by allowing me to change those properties from houses into businesses." Jet hated the idea of just saying they're valid.

He wanted to show why they were valid and how it would affect the market both locally and across Canterlot. It occurred to him a moment later that this was exactly what teaching would be like. "With Your Highness' permission, I could use these as examples, at a later juncture."

The answer agreed with Luna. She quickly signed each page and passed the papers back to Jet. "Please inform me of the first night you will be available."

It was a dismissal and Jet knew it. He backed up as he bowed again, reaching the door before turning and fleeing the room that was starved for oxygen given the amount of huge powerful entities within it.

With the door closed behind Jet, Cadance no longer had to hold back her enthusiasm. Rushing forward with a pump of her wings, she grabbed up Lyra and Sweetie in a double hug and shouted, "We're getting married!"

Sweetie immediately got caught up in the moment, though Lyra gasped in shock and asked, "Really? All three of us?"

Walking over and putting his foreleg over Lyra's shoulder, Shining laughed at her gag. "And that's where we need your help. We need ponies who can help us plan a wedding stealthily."

"All four of us?!" Lyra feigned her best shocked-but-delighted expression.

"Enough with the jokes." Sweetie gave Cadance a good squeeze before letting go and dropping to her hooves again. "We came here to ask about doing that, actually. What kind of wedding are we talking? Tradition all the way, or maybe something more abbreviated and modern?"

"Yes, all of that," Cadance said. "I mean, I want some tradition in it, but I also want a party that ponies will remember for years. Auntie has said she wants something spectacular, so let's do that."

Lyra closed her eyes and counted to ten. "The problem there is, neither of us knows what a traditional wedding is. We didn't exactly have one ourselves."

Opening her mouth to clear everything up by explaining what a traditional wedding would be like, Cadance froze and let out a small cough. "I—uh—don't actually know either."

Laughing, Shining let go of Lyra and pranced around the three mares with all the air of a complete know-it-all. "You see, I know allll about traditional weddings. Don't worry, I can—"

"You have to be in the wedding, Shiny. Also, we're not supposed to give things away." Hooking her fiance with her wing, Cadance pulled him close and kissed him.

"Perhaps I could help, then?" Luna asked. Walking closer, she felt a little out of place among the four close friends, but this was something she was uniquely situated to assist with. "I am well aware of what a traditional wedding is."

"Sister, your idea of a wedding would be several centuries out of date." Stepping closer too, Celestia tried to work out how best to carefully ease Luna back from whatever memories of weddings she had.

"Actually," Cadance said, looking at Shining, "is there any reason we can't blend the old with the new?"

Shining shrugged his shoulders. "It'd be different—I think. How would it be different?" He turned toward Luna for answers.

"Military uniform for yourself, Shining Armor. A full wedding gown for Cadance. Three bridesmaids and a master-at-arms to repel any challengers to the wedding. Both sides of the family would normally need to be present, but we can arrange things so that Cadance's side is not neglected. You may wish to cut out the ritual blood-drinking." After several seconds of shocked silence, Luna let out a defeated sigh. "That was a joke."

Lyra beamed in excitement. "Well, looks like we'll put together a plan and then see how the couple like it?"

After a week of meetings with Luna, Lyra had a full breakdown of what an ancient wedding would be like. There was a lot of things that were there just because that is all they had then, but she was getting a good outline of how the flow of events happened. "Okay, I think I've got it."

"So now we can start putting this together, right?" Sweetie asked. She had a pile of notes she'd taken from books at Golden Oaks Library. Modern Wedding was the title of her notes, and everything apart from that was a mess. "Let's start with the bride and groom's activities before the day of the wedding."

Flicking through her notes, Lyra found the right part. "The bride and her bridesmaids will form a hunting party and—We can probably go with modern for this bit."

"Okay, so for a more modern wedding, the bride and groom are a little more active in preparing for it. There will be a bachelor party for the groom and his friends, a bachelorette party for the bride and hers. The bride is usually kept in the loop right up to the morning of the wedding—to keep her mind off worrying about the wedding. The groom is another matter.

"Before the wedding, the best-stallion will be in charge of keeping the groom from panicking. The couple are fine to interact and do rehearsals before the day, though wedding outfits for the bride and groom shouldn't be seen by their opposite."

"Okay, so we need to arrange two parties and start getting the outfits made? How are we going to hide that?" Lyra crossed out the wild-boar hunting party idea. "The parties should be easy enough to keep quiet, though the actual preparations for the event can be made once it is officially announced."

"That will work. Now, who do we get for best-stallion?" Sweetie asked.

"Uh, from what my notes say, that's not our choice." Lyra waved to her papers. "It's for the groom to decide."

"Same as bridesmaids then. Well, we'll need to visit Canterlot tomorrow anyway. Sure Fire will be preparing for his first week of teaching and we need to talk to Sharp Horn about that new foal armor." Sweetie looked at her notes and smiled. "We'll get this worked out, Lyra."

"We'd better. This wedding will be huge."

Author's Note:

So I do this "Ask X" thing. X can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and they will definitely, hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories, and they will answer the best question in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer. Try to keep it to one question per post! They will pick one question per chapter.

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Join me on Discord. Warning, said chat may contain NSFW material and should be considered adult in nature.

Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine
Ender Voidwalker
KFS Crimson
Vi Watch

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words: