• Member Since 11th Dec, 2011
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Matthais Unidostres

I am Matthais Unidostres, I'm a Christian and I love FanFiction!


It's not been very long since the defeat of Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis; Twilight Sparkle' grand coronation will soon come to pass; and Starlight Glimmer will finally become Headmare of the School of Friendship. After all that has happened, Starlight finally feels that she had adequately redeemed herself and can finally move on from her past misdeeds.

Unfortunately, there's a whole universe full of ponies that won't let things go so easily.

"Starlight Glimmer! Yer under ahrrest fer crimes against equinity!"

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 54 )

if this reality exists in the aftermath of them stopping Starlight then it's no longer any fault of her's. But overall the other reality shouldn't have the ammunition to keep Starlight

Hmmm. This is very similar to a story I’ve got in the works. I’ll be very interested to see how this one plays out.

Ok, this is the favorite of the moment

Well. Damn. Dragging Sunset back (kicking and screaming). Killing the Cult Starlight made. Giving psychlogical help. Celestia didn't mess around. I kinda love this because it shows the reality ensues part of this. Of course Celestia's going to plug up all the holes here and bring all available talents in to stop Sombra.

Also gives a reality ensues moment to Starlight's time shenanigans. But damn Sombra War Starlight is peeved. I hate to see how Sunset views OT Starlight.

Let the salt flow!

Starlight: wait, all I did was alter with time, if you're still here, in the flesh, whole years after that time, that means your reality already existed or else it wouldn't keep existing, meaning you live in an alternate dimension, therefore making the whole time travel thing really only a window, especially if you continue to remember, making it not time and instead dimensions, making it literally ZERO fault of mine you are in this position and are taking it out on the only ponny you have a shot at, I get you're still angry, understandably so, but by your mere presence, I have nothing to do with your world existing.

just some thoughts.... :)

Actual total bullshit. Applejack and the rest are the only ones responsible for the decisions which resulted in their timeline. Maybe if Celestia, her and the rest actually got off their hindquarters and actually did something, they would not have to rely on some Macguffin/Deus Ex Machina to live their lives. Heck, the Sombra villian timeline is the least dependent on the Mane 6. They barely did anything to begin with.

They are just looking for someone else to blame for their own faults.

so you're capable of redemption and forgiveness but the pony who has is not? you went through struggles, came out and now you're all high and mighty at the starlight that went a step further? Don't you realize how easily YOU could have slipped down that hole according to your own story? but no... because you and your whole team in their unified godliness decided you were totally fine and redeemed but the Starlight that went a step further like you almost did is to be held in the most reprehensible light even though you had the powers to see she not only saved equestria once, but practically twice, ran the friendship school? That your ruining of a small town of ponies is now totally excused cause you realized you were a bad pony, but your alter-dimension counterpart cannot be because she did the same thing just a little later and in less pressing times? I get it, War is tragic, but your timeline, or rather, dimension if we're really real here, as no time travelling is occurring this time is just one of thousands, that could've resulted from actually anything, in your case this Starlight. You maam sombra war Starlight, are being highly hypocritical all things considered, you are all ok because you were offered mercy and are now off scot free with literally no apparent consequences from your actions but this Starlight deserves death because she is you but just a little longer in the oven because of less pressing times, look at yourself, maam time turner Starlight, before you go around murdering ponies for things they did several years ago, and have already been acquitted from.

Love the story, not badly written, just thought Id throw in my towel to try and defend Starlight a little bit.

Except the fact your reality still exists to begin with proves that Starlight had nothing to do with it. Stop making excuses and quit blaming someone else for your realities own incompetence. Starlight prime is guilty of nothing here and you all have proven that your reality is filled with nothing but villians to begin with.

Starlight is not responsible for your war with Sombra. It's your realities own stupid decisions that are the cause of it.

Starlight prime is 100% the good guy/hero hero while your reality is 100% the villians. Absolutely worse then what you claim Starlight is.

Kind of sad to see Applejack going along with this bs in the first chapter. Her representing honesty and the truth should make her realize that this whole situation is stupid on their part. Guess it means shes the opposite in this universe.

You know when you think about it they’re arresting her for disrupting a race some foals were having. Because that’s really all she ever did.

Also kind of makes you think that the Mane 6 friendship is a lie to begin with. If you are only friends because destiny says so, it's not really a real friendship. They were kind of just railroaded into it.

"You put us at war with King Sombra, you forced everypony to live in constant fear and want, and you caused countless ponies to either suffer or die."

That couldn’t be any less true.

"You put us at war with King Sombra, you forced everypony to live in constant fear and want, and you caused countless ponies to either suffer or die. That's all that matters."

Wuh? How? She stopped the Elements of Harmony from getting their cutie marks which spiralled into them not meeting and being a deus ex to stop Sombra before he could get started, but that has didly to do with starting the war. That is all on Sombra. And arguably Equestria for not preparing enough. Equestria knew the Crystal Empire would return. If they didn't prepare enough to free it without a miracle, that's on them. In fact, Starlight's escapades shows several realities -like the Tirek one, for example- where Equestria did defeat Sombra.

What a bad story. Sunset was dragged home? So what? She literally ruled a school from the shadows and resorted to kidnapping before Twilight zapped her. Sunset should fucking love the opportunity to nuke bitches.

Honestly, when you think about it their desire for vengeance in this case is going to get the power of the mane universe pissed off at them. This is all after the universe where they've got the actual Elements of Harmony. Princess Twilight and her dogged determination to save her friends would gladly fight back to save Starlight

And well, if they kill her after all the redeeming stuff in their universe where Friendship is magic and Starlight is decent friends with Discord of all ponies.. I can't imagine things will go well for that timeline in general.


This has so much potential. I assume the Time Turners can explore the Changeling timeline, the Nightmare Moon timeline, and all the other timelines as well. What happens when ponies aren't as forgiving as the Princess of Friendship?

i imagin the timeturners arnt as good at time travle as they let on. starlight used the map to help they do it without so this could cause time troble


Considering Celestia probably had to put down Nightmare Moon for lacking alternatives, plus Discord, Chrysalis and the war against Sombra....just watching the timeline where everything went just peachy before Starlight's time tantrum should have been enough to make her snap.

Then again, considering Tia had a thousand years to prepare the country against the forces of Evil, she could have done better than "raising some antisocial unicorn and sending her to a town in order to randomly make friends so they can weild said friendship and The Elements to beat the baddies and save the day in 48 hours."

The story will address this argument later. SPOILER: The Time Turners discovered that when time travel changes things once, the future is changed. When it's done multiple times with different changes each time, like what Starlight did, it causes the time line to diverge and split and fray like the worn end of a rope, cauaing the singular timeline to become multiple parallel paths. Thats why they were able to travel between timeline to apprehend Starlight.
So, yeah, Starlight can't use that excuse here. I mean, it was a DIRECT result of Starlight casting a paralyzation spell on filly Rainbow Dash. It was something that Starlight needed to be there for, and they saw her do it through the Time Window.

The reality exists because Starlight paralyzed filly Dash. It depends on Starlight being there to exist.

So, the Main Timeline and Crystal War Timeline was in the same continuity? And when Main Timeline Starlight go back in time, she create the Crystal War universe? And the two universe is coexist without Main Timeline ponies know it until the Crystal War ponies found a way to move between the universe?

I plan to explain it better in Chapter 4: The Sentencing. I know it's confusing, but I'll make things a bit more clear, you'll see.

I wouldn't know about kicking and screaming. They must have told Sunset that Equestria would be destroyed if she did help, which would have definitely played on her massive ego ("Ohmigosh, Celestia is begging for MY help?! Sweet!"). Plus, Sunset was probably offered literally anything she wanted in return for coming back (money, forbidden texts, secret spells, fame, her own stained glass window or statue, Celestia grovelling at her feet/hooves).

Will these events happen with all of the alternate timelines?

No, it's the Many-worlds Interpretation.

Twilight could win if she went after the celestia of this timeline as she knew of all the threats that were to happen and seems to have done nothing.

I have many unrelated questions, many of which are off-topic.

What is Pinkie Pie's cutiemark? She isn't the party pony she is in the origin timeline. It would be interesting, however, if she still came out to be an optimist. More interestingly, what about Twilight?

Was Sunset reinstated to be Celestia's student, and has anyone ascended in this timeline?

What happened to the Crystal War's version of Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis? It would be nice to see what happened to the other villains.

Anyways, I really like this story, and I hope you continue it!

the world's misfortune, try the world's existence.

I still find it hard to believe Twilight couldn't find a way to get there

Hangings to good for her, burning is to good for her, Starlight should be torn in to tiny pieces, and buried alive!


No mention about Luna's fate? I comented before that may be another reason for Tia wanting Starlight burning at the stake?

well explained in the author's notes sir, well explained, I am eager given your seemingly distant position how you resolve this event, given the tags... I fear the worst, oh well, I guess it's a good thing this is happening now, after Starlight helped save ponies so at least the impact is minimized.

Oh for. Mark this as AU for starters. There is a reason none of these knockoff timelines were never mentioned again. They ceased to exist altogether once Twilight and the others went back to the race.

As far as I know, even Hasbro never once brought them up again in any form of Friendship is Magic continuity. Except maybe as the trio remembering them. But that's it.

Nor did they ever indicate they continued to exist at all after each reset.

So, they all owe their lives to starlight. If it wasn't for her, they would never have existed at all.

No, she did not. Where did you get that information from?

I assume because of the whole 1000th day Stars will aid in her escape thing and that she got a vision of Tirek's return in canon not to mention she literally had a guard tell her IT has returned and her immediate reaction to that statement, implying heavily that she knew one day the Crystal Empire and thus King Sombra would return and had that area they used to be located at closely looked at throughout the next 1000 years waiting for the day it would.

True, but that's a risky assumption to make. Things may be different in this Universe.

Perhaps but as someone else pointed out with the Tirek timeline, they had to have been able to do well enough without the Elements after Starlight prevented that to not allow Sombra to get his war started there as he attacked before Tirek is even ready to what with biding his time and all. But this isn't simply a different universe, it's an alt timeline of the main one and implying things didn't get fixed like canon.

You’re right, Starlight caused that timeline by freezing Rainbow Dash, so when you say that’s how the timeline was created, I know you mean it. And when you say that the Sombra timeline relies on Starlight freezing Rainbow Dash I guess you mean that too.

Funny thing though, when Starlight went back to the past again she was sent back earlier in time where Rainbow Dash wasn’t frozen and the race didn’t start yet, leading to the Chrysalis timeline and not the Sombra timeline. Yeah even with your little explanation, this is bullshit. She altered the futures, she didn’t create alternate universes. You’re a good author and all, but this story does not make sense.

That’s ridiculous, multiple changes cause more alternate universes to exist. How funny, news flash this isn’t Harry Potter, it’s MLP. Time travel isn’t even real, it’s never been done before, and it only exists in fiction, cartoons can make up whatever rules of time travel they want.

From what the Chrysalis timeline showed us, Zecora said that timeline isn’t meant to exist so they’re not meant to exist but the Twilight and Spike from the original timeline are meant to exist, so what we saw is the same Equestria but just altered.

Some words that would have hit hard here, because she knows on some level they're true: "You would have done the same".

There's really no evidence at all either way, is there?

A rather pertinent question, given some stuff said in this chapter... they have won the war against Sombra, right? Cause otherwise, I think they have bigger priorities than a trial - and really can't afford to be pissing the Origin Timeline off.

Well, at least they won't kill her. Or make her suffer. Or other such cruel punishments.



Princess Twilight: I want it to be clear that if Starlight is found guilty, that the punishment will be just. No killing, no torture, no other such "wrong" things.

Native Celestia: And why should we agree to that?

Princess Twilight: Because if you don't you will face the combined might of a fully powered version of yourself, your sister, Princess Cadence, the Equestrian Royal Guard, a fully powered reformed Discard... And, most scary of all..... Me.




Native Celestia: Ok.


Under the circumstances that the cannon timeline happened, I would agree with you on that. But as you are aware in this story, the timelines have not been erased/corrected. And so in turn, unspecified numbers of casualties and victims of the war happened. For better or worse, Starlight is the equivalent to the man who shot Arch Duke Ferdinand and started The Great War and must therefore face trial.

Please tell me you plan to continue this. It makes for a good story. Heck, I'll volunteer to take it from your hands and have it re-written!

Where is chapter four it’s been two years.

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