• Published 3rd Jun 2020
  • 3,518 Views, 336 Comments

Sonic Forces: Into the Mania - GreenS21

In a familiar world, tyranny and madness now rule all. Will friendship rise again?

  • ...

Sonic Breakout

“Didn’t they hear me? I said Sonic’s name when I heard him! Why aren’t either of them saying anything?” Rainbow asked as she looked at her Miles Mobile in her left hoof.

“Some kind of interference just showed up out of nowhere. I don’t get it. It almost seems like what’s stopping the lift, but how did it spread here? It looked like it was localized,” Techni replied as she looked between the screens and her own Mobile.

“Does someone know what we’re up to? Does the Death Egg somehow know?” Salten asked.

Rainbow looked up at him, “Wouldn’t that make it, like, alive?”

Techni started, “It could be in a sense if there’s an AI in charge of it, but I can’t see Eggman…” She paused and looked at her Mobile intently for a few moments. “Something’s trying to cut my connection and lock me out!” she said.

Salten heard a noise coming from outside the room and peered out through the doors, saying a moment later, “We’ve got incoming!”

Techni’s began rapidly tapping her fingers against her Mobile’s screen, “Keep them out of here! If we lose this connection, getting out of here is going to be a lot harder!” The Rookie turned and ran back over to the door to help Salten and Rainbow defend the door at that.

While they were holding back the approaching robots, Sonic and Tempest were already locked in their own battle. At the moment, Zeena was swooping down at them and slashing at them with her nails, which was easy enough for them to avoid, but she wasn’t the only thing to worry about. Zazz hovered around the perimeter of the lift atop his Moon Mech, occasionally shooting star projectiles at the two while Zavok was, for the moment, content to watch. The commotion had quickly caught the attention of the other prisoners, all of them standing at the doors of their cells cheering and watching as best they could.

Suddenly, Zazz decided to switch it up a little and hovered his Moon Mech over the lift while dropping more projectiles, forcing Sonic and Tempest to jump to the sides to avoid them. While it was passing over, Zazz jumped off and landed on Tempest's back while Zeena took the opportunity to get up in Sonic's face. She made a swipe at him with her left hand, which he easily caught with his right hand and swung it back, throwing her off balance. Tempest, meanwhile, was trying to throw Zazz off while he laughed. "What's the matter, pony? Can't get me off? Aren't you angry?" he taunted.

Tempest gritted her teeth as she came to a stop, "You want angry? Your ridiculous ball destroyed my tavern!"

Zazz let out a laugh and asked, "Aw, did it? Did the pretty pony lose her ho-" He was cut off by Tempest suddenly leaning back before she leapt up, resulting in her slamming Zazz's back against the floor and pressing her weight against him.

As soon as she felt his arms release her, Tempest rocked forward, landing on her hooves. She then whirled around and waited for him to get back up before she tested up and struck him across the face with her hooves, first the left and then the right. She then dropped back down and quick charged her horn with a small amount of magic, which she fired directly into his face, sending him flying over the edge of the lift. "Is that angry enough for you?!" she yelled after him.

Zazz rose up a few moments later, once again standing on top of his Moon Mech. “Not bad. But you ain’t getting lucky again! And neither is he!” the Zeti said, pointing behind the unicorn. She turned her head to see Sonic duck to avoid a lunge from Zeena before he curled up and dashed into her, sending her flying backwards.

Instead of falling when she went over the edge, she stopped herself and started hovering in midair. She glared at Sonic, bringing her right hand up behind her head for a moment before bringing it forward a little, revealing what looked like a snowman's head with a fuse attached to it. "I hope your heart gets pierced" she said coldly before throwing it, but Sonic was surprised when she didn't aim for him beforehand. Instead, she threw it over him and it bounced a few times before exploding near the center of the lift, creating a sheet of ice that spread almost all the way to the edges. Tempest and Sonic weren't expecting it and their hooves and feet were frozen to the lift before they could react.

While the two tried to get unstuck from the ice, Zavok’s dragon suddenly moved forward. It brought its long body around and slammed the end of its tail down across the lift between where Tempest and Sonic were. The impact caused them to be lifted up off the ground, but it also shattered the ice and sent it up as smaller shards. Tempest instinctively pulled her legs up closer to her underside to try to shield it from the shards.

Sonic didn't make a similar movement to protect himself. As his feet left the ground, he could hear Zazz starting to laugh again and time suddenly seemed to slow down around him. He looked to his right over at Tempest and saw Zazz's Moon Mech starting to move towards her. Running the numbers through his head, he predicted that it would reach her in about a second, right when she was level with its mouth. He then looked slightly to his left and saw Zeena making a similar play for him. He narrowed his eyes a Sonic moment later, "I got this."

He turned back to Tempest and readied himself to Boost. Time snapped back to normal as he shot towards her, twisting himself around as he got close to place his hands on her sides and roll over, his feet pressing against the forehead of the Moon Mech with Tempest's back hooves positioned above them. Even with all she experienced over the years, the scarred unicorn was still surprised by the sudden rush of action and didn't quite know how to react. She did know enough to plant her front hooves down on the Mech as she was flipped around, though, which resulted in her bucking Zazz in the stomach after she was let go.

While they were both catching up, Sonic turned and shot towards Zeena, meeting her head-on with a Homing Attack. It messed up her flight and caused her to crash into the lift while Sonic bounced up high enough to get Zavok in his sights. He unleashed a series of Homing Attacks on him, hitting the Zeti leader in the face several times before rebounding and landing on the lift. Zavok was a bit disoriented afterwards and his Mech Dragon tried to keep him balanced, wrapping the end of its tail around the lift. It wrapped a bit hard, though, since a groaning sound filled the air as the lift began to tilt.

Tempest noticed that, despite Zavok recovering a second later, the dragon continued to pull the platform. She didn't know if he was trying to drop Sonic down the shaft in retaliation, but she did know that if this kept up, they were going to lose the lift. "Sonic!" she called to get his attention before bringing her hind legs up and bucking Zazz again as he tried to sneak up on her.

Sonic noticed the end of the tail across from him. "I'm on it!" he called back as he dashed towards it. He leapt up and launched into another Boost, knocking it away and holding on as it swung down.

Zavok grunted in surprise before saying as he turned around, "So you wish to fall so easily? So be it!" The segments on the dragon's body kit up at this and they fired lasers down at the end of the tail. Sonic managed to pull his feet up and place them on the dragon after it had stopped and was hanging straight down, getting some traction. When the lasers were fired, he shot straight up its back in a Boost, dodging the initial lasers and a few scattered ones that managed to fire before he reached the top.

He came to a stop when he was face to face with Zavok, the Zeti attempting to grab him with his big hands. He ducked to avoid them and quickly stood up straight afterwards, delivering several barrages of punches and kicks to his opponent's face, bits of his beat-up shoes breaking off with each kick. He knelt down afterwards with the fingers on his left hand touching the ground and, when Zavok recovered a moment later, he leapt up and shot into his face, uncurling and leaping off of him to get back to the lift. Zavok turned around a few seconds later and glared, "You're not making this easy, are you?"

Sonic gave him a smirk as Tempest leapt off of the Moon Mech, "What, you thought I would? Who's foolish now?"

Zavok snarled, "Impudent hedgehog. For that, you'll get no mercy!" His dragon lunged forward at that and Sonic and Tempest had no difficulty leaping out of the way. After it finished sliding across the lift, they saw Zazz standing across from them holding his Moon Mech in his hands over his head. With a laugh, he threw it at them, the Mech bouncing like a ball across the platform at them. This wasn't too hard to dodge either, but neither Zazz nor Zavok were ready to back down.

After Tempest and Sonic got out of the way of Zazz rolling the Mech across the platform and jumped over a beam that Zavok's dragon fired, the latter noticed Zeena was floating towards the lift again, the female Zeti having stayed on the sidelines up to this point after her initial freeze, and the other two moving off to the sides. Sonic got beside Tempest and murmured, "Hey, you think she's gonna try to freeze us out again?"

Tempest glanced up at Zeena. "Could be. She hasn't done anything else worthwhile. ...You have an idea?" she asked.

“If she does it again, I think we can probably turn it back on them. Stay close,” Sonic replied. Tempest nodded and stood ready to move at that.

Sure enough, Zeena held out two more snowman head bombs in her hands after a few seconds and Sonic started jogging towards her, Tempest following a short distance behind. When she held up her right hand to throw the bomb, Sonic ran faster and managed to catch it before it hit the platform. He whirled around and quickly threw it to Tempest, who came to a stop and caught it with her hoof, before turning back around and leaping up to catch the second bomb as Zeena angrily threw it down. He held onto it and wound up as he turned to look at Zavok, calling “Strike out!” before he threw it. The bomb hit the head of the Mech Dragon as he landed on his side, coating the top and bottom in ice and freezing Zavok as well.

Zeena was glaring down at Sonic, but she turned when she heard Tempest let out a shout. She saw the unicorn jump up with the bomb and let go of it as she whirled around, putting her time serving the Storm King to good use as she sent it flying straight at the Zeti. She was too slow to move and was covered head to toe in ice mid-reaction. She fell face first onto the lift and Tempest turned around to look at her after she landed. “You need to learn how to throw better,” she remarked.

She turned again when Zazz let out a yell and saw his Moon Mech firing stars at them again. She and Sonic ran towards him, both jumping and moving to avoid getting hit. When they got to the edge, they both jumped and landed on the Mech, just above its brow. Zazz straightened up and started to turn around when Sonic zipped behind him, but the hedgehog gave him a hard shove forward while saying, “No, home is that way!” While he was off balance, Tempest wrapped her right foreleg around his arm and turned, leaping back towards the lift and throwing him down on it, the pink Zeti sliding back when he landed and stopping when his head bumped into the still-frozen Zeena.

Sonic, meanwhile, lowered himself down, placing his hands on top of the Moon Mech and looked directly at Zavok’s dragon. Nodding to himself, he slid down the Mech’s back and focused before unleashing a Boost, sending it straight towards the dragon. Sonic let go when he was over the lift and rolled, coming to a stop near Tempest close to the center. Zavok, meanwhile, managed to free himself from the ice, but not with enough time to stop the Moon Mech or get out of its way. The yellow ball crashed into the dragon and pushed it back into the wall, where they both exploded. Zavok was sent flying and landed on the lift, landing on top of both Zazz and Zeena, while the rest of the dragon’s body fell down the shaft. Sonic pumped his fist as he stood up and said, “And the quarterback is toast!” Tempest gave him an odd look at that, but returned her attention to the Zeti pile a moment later.

Suddenly, the three Zeti seemed to become fuzzy and bolts of red electricity seemed to be coming off of them, an odd droning sound filling the air. All three of them slowly faded out of view a few seconds later. “They’re gone? And what was that noise just now?” Tempest asked.

“I know I’ve heard that sound before,” Sonic said. He looked up in thought, “Where was it…?”


Back in the security room, Techni was still fighting to stay linked up while Rainbow, Salten, and the Rookie fought to keep the Egg Pawns out of the room. So far, they’d managed to keep any from crossing the threshold, but some had gotten close and Salten and Rookie’s Wispon reserves were getting low and Rainbow was starting to tire out, which led to her racking up a couple of near misses and a few hits that her uniform thankfully held up against.

“Come on… Come on!” Techni uttered as her fingers continued to tap the screen of her Miles Mobile. All of a sudden, she stopped as the screen flashed green several times. “That’s it! I got it!” she exclaimed.

Rainbow stuck her head in the room, “You want to come out here and help out then, Techni?! These guys are running low and could really use your help!” She pulled her head out and looked past the Rookie and Salten to see another squad of Egg Pawns coming with another bringing up the rear, but before anyone could do anything, an explosion suddenly destroyed the second squad of Egg Pawns, causing the first to pause and start to turn around. They weren’t able to turn all the way before another explosion took them out. “Huh? What happened? Who did that?” Rainbow asked.

Salten squinted his eyes as the smoke cleared, looking for their mysterious helper or helpers. “I don’t see anyone,” he said after a couple of seconds. He raised an eyebrow, “Someone helped us, but who?”

Techni spoke up, “Never mind that now! Look! The interference is clearing up!” She tapped her screen a few times to call Tempest, which went through after a few seconds. “Tempest? Are you there?” she asked.

On the other end, Tempest blinked and reached back with her right hoof to grab her Mobile, bringing it in front of her. “Techni? What’s going on?” she asked.

Suddenly, Rainbow’s voice came through so suddenly that the unicorn flinched, “Sonic! Can you hear me?!”

Sonic took a step back in surprise, “Rainbow?”

Techni spoke up a moment later, sounding irritated, “You’ll see him soon enough, Rainbow! Will you hold your hors- er, wings!” She then returned to the subject at hand, “Anyway Tempest, it looks like the interference that was blocking both of us has gone away. Maybe it had something to do with the Deadly Six members? I don’t know; at any rate, the lift should move for you again. Can you check it?”

Tempest turned and walked over to the control panel, which had miraculously not been destroyed during the fight. She put her right hoof down and used her left hoof to mess with the lever a few times. There was a bit of a delay and a metallic groaning from below accompanying its movements, but the elevator was working again. “Yes, it appears to be working again,” she reported.

“Great! I’m gonna get the rest of the prisoners free and leave these guys a little something that’ll make our escape easier, then we’re going to make our way back to the ship. You guys better get moving too; they’re gonna send everything they’ve got to try to keep Sonic from escaping,” Techni replied before ending the call.

Tempest looked at her Mobile’s screen for a moment before saying, “Well, I guess that’s that.”

She heard Sonic say, “Yeah, sounds like it. Hang on a second.” She began to hear tearing sounds mixed with him grunting and turned to see him turned away from her and sitting down, doing something. After about ten seconds, he stood up and turned around to reveal he had applied new duct tape around his shoes. “There, that should hold them together for a little while.”

Tempest shook her head and said, “We need a plan to get all these prisoners out of here.”

Sonic looked up at her and replied, “I had a plan in mind. You’re here to save them too, right?” Tempest nodded, so he explained, “Well, I’m gonna leave the prison first and be seen by the first robots I can find. That should make them put an APB on me and have them redirect, like, eighty percent of their forces to pursuing me. I’ll lead them away while you take everyone else and go to… wherever you guys are meeting up. Which I’ll make my way around to.”

Tempest stared at him. He’d said the same thing everyone else had been saying. Before, even after seeing the footage Rouge had shared, she hadn’t quite understood where it had been coming from, but after seeing him in action for herself, she was starting to get it. She took a few steps towards him and said, “We stole a shuttle in order to reach the Death Egg. Hanger ninety-four. That’s where we’re regrouping.”

Sonic nodded, “Ninety-four. Gotcha.” As she started to turn around, he started, “And, Tempest? That’s your name, right?” She looked back at him and gave him a slight nod. He gave her a thumb up, “I trust you.”

Tempest blinked, “Oh… Okay.”

True to her word, Techni had the shackles unlocked and the cell doors in the two prison blocks open in a minute. Both blocks had many of their cells filled so it took both sides more than one trip down to drop some off, but they were able to clear out both prisons and get them all gathered together. Then came the tricky part: getting them all to safety.

While the Chaotix had little trouble getting everyone to listen, a number of the prisoners in the other group were initially less keen on following Tempest instead of Sonic to freedom until Vanilla had had just about enough of their protests. Having managed to see what the broken horned unicorn was capable of and how she helped Sonic fight off the three Zeti, the rabbit mother didn’t need to be convinced to give her a chance; she readily took her side and scolded the naysayers, who relented under her gentle but clearly firm words. Tempest was amazed, not only by how supportive she was but also how easily she quieted them while remaining calm. She was beginning to see where Cream got her manners from.

After a quick review of the Death Egg map Techni had sent everyone and going over the plan one more time, Sonic turned and left the prison ahead of Tempest, checking to make sure that robots weren’t right around the corner ready to box them in. Thankfully, they hadn’t responded fast enough to find them when there was only one way to go, and as soon as they bumped into each other, he turned and ran the other way. Tempest was in a corridor when this happened, her, Vanilla, and the prisoners near the front seeing Sonic run past the opening at the end with a large group of Egg Pawns and Aero-Chasers trying to catch up with him. Tempest waited a few moments to make sure there were no stragglers before looking back and saying, “He has their attention. Let’s get moving!”

Elsewhere, Espio peeked around a corner and saw several Swat Bots and Egg Pawns searching the area, no doubt searching for them. “The distraction has thinned their numbers, but getting past these and keeping everyone safe might be a challenge,” he murmured. He pulled back around and held his Miles Mobile up to talk into it. “Techni? Are you there?” After receiving a hushed affirmative in response, he said, “We’ve encountered a bit of a, uh, road block. Any chance you’re still in the security room?”

Techni replied, “No. We’re not even close to it now. We’re working our way around to the hanger, but let me see if I can call something in for you guys.” She leaned back against the wall she was against, hearing Rainbow dealing with their own robot hold up as she tapped her screen. She held it up a moment later and said, “Trish, come in.”

Back on the stolen shuttle, Trish and the others had been waiting with bated breaths since they first heard the alarms going off. Matka had been standing guard in case any robots tried to get inside, but it seemed they either hadn’t figured out the shuttle was stolen or were more focused on stopping the intruders they knew about. They’d been listening to the action on their Mobiles but had they’d remained on the sideline so far so as not to potentially compromise their escape, so it was a surprise to Trish when she heard Techni’s voice. “What is it, Techni?” she asked.

“Hey, are you still on the shuttle?” the cat asked.

“Uh, yeah?” the teal bird shrugged.

“Good. We could use your help. Use the radio to get in touch with their communications, see if you can direct their forces away from the cell blocks. You might be able to throw the fleet outside into disarray with it too. Would be really helpful!” Techni said before suddenly ending the call.

Trish looked at her Mobile for a moment before looking at the ship’s controls. “Uh, okay,” she uttered, setting her Mobile down before beginning to type. While the radio was connecting, she put her mask back on and taking one last quick look at the map of the Death Egg before reopening the program from earlier. Once the connection was established, she pressed the button to open communications and said, “Alert! Alert! Escaped prisoners spotted approaching the armory! All available units, redirect at once!” She let go of the button and thought for a moment before pulling her mask down, turning, and calling, “Terv, get up here!”

The blue bird poked his head up a few seconds later and asked, “What is it, Trish?! Have we been found out?!”

She held up her Mobile, “No, I need you to help me misdirect Eggman’s forces so the others can get here!”

Terv asked, “What?! How?!”

Trish yelled, “Look at your Death Egg map, get over here, and tell them there are intruders somewhere that’s not our hanger or the prisons!

Terv pulled himself up all the way while saying, “Okay, okay, I’m sorry! Relax!” While he was making his way over to Trish, he put his mask on and consulted his map. Once he picked a spot, he took her Mobile, pressed the button, and said, “Resistance saboteurs sighted at the battery generators! Request urgent support!”

While the two continued to radio in false alerts, Espio noticed that the robots searching the area were beginning to disperse, soon leaving behind only a sole Swat Bot and a handful of Egg Pawns. He turned and signaled to the others to move up, Vector and Rarity moving up first to get a look at what they were dealing with before formulating a plan. Needless to say, it didn’t take long to deal with the robots and get the prisoners moving again. As they were running, Rarity remarked, “This has gone surprisingly well, I must say.”

Applejack nodded and asked, “Ah wonder how Sonic’s doin’?”

Vector overheard them and spoke, “Knowing him? He’s probably getting back in the swing of things and messing with Eggman’s robots.”

Which is exactly what the blue hedgehog was doing as he ran along a section of the Death Egg that had an opening to the outside. At the moment, a squadron of red manta ray-like robots had flown in and were trying to take him out from above while he weaved around and forced them to either follow him as he ran under the large turrets stationed there or get them to shoot the turrets instead, which many of them actually did to try to get him. “Ha, ha, you guys are doing great! Keep it up! You’ll totally get me with that this time!” he called to them before he went through the opening of another turret, which, because they tried to stay on him and fire on him, ended up being destroyed as he came out on the other side.

He soon turned to follow the path that had been laid out back inside, forcing the robots to break off. As he ran up past several large cylindrical tubes going up and down, Sonic thought to himself, “This is fun and all, but I’d better wrap it up soon. With nearly everyone after me, getting to the hanger probably hasn’t been too hard for everyone else. They could all be there now and waiting on me. Better get to ninety-four before we all get eighty-sixed.


“Let’s go! Everyone, get onboard! It’s time to leave!” Tempest yelled. A small group of robots had managed to track the prisoners and their rescuers to the hanger and were able to alert the others before being silenced, forcing Terv and Trish to join the fight with their still fresh Wispons along with Matka and her strength. With their help, it was easier to hold back the attackers while Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and the Chaotix got everyone on the transport. Now they were all on board and they had to get the ship ready for takeoff, so Tempest was ordering everyone back inside.

As soon as they caught a break in the robots entering on their level, everyone turned and made their way to the ship, which was now being turned towards the bay doors. As Tempest watched them run, she realized someone was missing. “Where’s the kid?!” she asked, taking a few steps while looking around. She soon heard metallic footsteps on the walkway overhead and moved out from under it to look. She saw the Rookie fall on his rear as he got close to the railing. She could see one Egg Pawn on his left and one on his right and guessed there had to be at least one more boxing him in. “Oh no…” she thought before running out further away from the walkway, hoping she could get into position in time to help him.

Suddenly, a blue blur shot across the walkway from the left, Sonic jumping and curling up as he got behind the first Egg Pawn, destroying it as he bounced off of its head. Without missing a beat, he went forward and destroyed the one across from it and bounced off of it to destroy the third one. He then landed and uncurled in front of the Rookie, standing up and holding his left hand out to the wolf as he said, “Easy there! Everything’s cool.” The Rookie took his hand and allowed him to pull him up. Once he was standing up, Sonic remarked, “I’ve never seen you before. Did you come here to rescue me?” The Rookie nodded, so Sonic replied, “Can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. It’s good to see another friendly face up here.”

The Rookie’s Mobile beeped a moment later and Tempest’s voice came from it, “You okay up there, Rookie?”

Sonic spoke, “Yeah, he’s okay, Tempest. Oh, and I’m doing fine too, thanks for asking.”

Suddenly Amy’s voice came through, catching Sonic by surprise, “Sonic! Oh, I’m so glad!”

They then heard Knuckles’ voice, “Hold up, Amy. We’re all happy to hear Sonic is alive and well. But now’s the time to go before someone shows up looking to change that.”

Sonic replied, “Mm, noted, Knuckles.” He looked at the Rookie, “This is the right hanger, right? Is the ship around here?” The wolf gestured to the other end of the walkway, where the ship was almost finished being turned around. Sonic nodded, “Sweet. Let’s ditch this joint!” They both broke out into a run towards it.

Tempest had made her way over to the ship after Sonic saved the Rookie and was waiting for them to do the same. She looked up when she heard a metallic sound and saw the Rookie’s grappling hook attached to the side of the ship. It detached a moment later and the wolf landed in front of her. As he stood up straight to look at her and Sonic landed behind him, she said, “You were lucky he showed up in time to help you. You need to be more careful and not freeze up like that.” She then gestured to the ship’s ramp, “Let’s get out of here.” The Rookie quickly ran up the ramp while Sonic walked past Tempest and gave her a sidelong look before doing the same.

He had barely set foot on the ship when he heard a loud cry of “SONIC!!!” Almost immediately, he found himself knocked onto his back by five ponies, all of which were hugging him and saying how glad they were to see him.

Sonic couldn’t help but chuckle at this, recognizing their voices. He looked up at them and, after a second, said, “Okay, okay, girls, take it easy. I’m glad to see you too. Mind letting me up?” They backed off after a few moments, Applejack and Rainbow offering him their hooves to help him up. As they were pulling him up, he quickly noticed who was missing. “Hey, where are Twilight and Spike?” he asked, causing the girls to lose their smiles and look off to the sides.

Fortunately, Tempest came to their rescue when she walked in and said, “They’re fine for the time being. Take a seat; there’ll be plenty of time to get you caught up on the way back. That goes for the rest of you as well.” She looked up and called, “We’re all present and accounted for, Trish!”

Up at the controls, Trish nodded and pressed the button to bring up the ramp. She then looked over at Techni in the co-pilot seat and asked, “Are we good to go, Tec?”

The cat replied while typing on her Mobile, “They say magic works in mysterious ways. Mine, however, is straightforward.” She tapped her index finger on the screen one last time and held it there, the screen turning green as she said, “Open sesame.”

Trish looked forward to see the bay doors beginning to open and rolled her eyes. She pulled up the landing gear and got the thrusters ready before she remarked, “You’re an odd one, Techni, but you do good work.”

Techni looked over at her, “I’ll take that as a compliment.” The doors finished opening and Trish got ready to fly the ship out.

In the nearby control room, Shadow stepped up to the computer console, his eyes, which shone with life, focusing on a monitor showing an overhead view of the hanger. He watched the transport’s engines fire up before it launched out into space. He looked at the monitor for a few moments before nodding.

The same scene was also witnessed further away, in one of Eggman’s old bases. Zavok watched the transport fly out on the screen in front of him before remarking as he rubbed his chin, “Unfortunate… for the Doctor. But this is hardly unexpected. There’s still much we can learn from here.”

Author's Note:

Sorry about the hold-up on this, guys. My mom was admitted to the hospital almost a week ago and it really messed me up. I had trouble writing and doing other things, I missed a few days work... I did get to see her earlier today and she's doing as well as can be for someone who's not going to be coming home for a while. I do feel a lot better now.

So what's to talk about in this second half?

The fight scene is littered with references to both versions of "Sonic Lost World" and "Sonic Forces: Speed Battle."

The section of the Death Egg that Sonic runs along is based on part of the Egg Hanger race track.

That's all I can really think of as far as references go. Thanks for your patience, everyone. Hope to see you all again soon!