• Published 9th Aug 2020
  • 832 Views, 3 Comments

Super Rainbow Sunshine - uniquecorn

Rainbow Dash got a brochure of Isle Delfilly and had the idea of a nice vacation there with her friends.

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Rocko Harbor - Part 2

The sun is rising for a new day, Rainbow and Applejack were walking towards the house with the portal to continue their adventure.

“I haven’t eaten a proper meal since yesterday, Applejack.” Rainbow told Applejack about how she hadn’t eaten anything apart from one cupcake yesterday.

“You need to know when to take breaks, Rainbow. I remember when I… um…” Applejack stammered as Rainbow knew what she’s gonna say.

“It’s okay, AJ. It’s all been in the past.” Rainbow tried to calm Applejack.

“But that memory still haunts me, it was horrible. Me? No help? No breaks? No care?”

“It’s gonna be okay. You’re still my friend, you know?” Rainbow comforted Applejack who smiles at her as the ponies are standing in front of the portal to go into Rocko Harbor.


The Caged Shine Sprite

At Rocko Harbor, Rainbow and Applejack sees the Shine Sprite inside a yellow cage.

“Looks like we have to access it from the top of the cage.” Rainbow concluded.

“So where do we start?” Applejack questioned when Rainbow pointed at a boat with a ramp. The boat contains a moving hook on a pole that goes to the other side of the ship. Applejack managed to jump and grab the pole and made it to the other side of the boat. Followed by Rainbow, who was nervous, but made it. Next obstacle is a platform on a moving crane that they have to wait long to prepare for the next move which is to jump and grab the fence.

“Oh, nelly. Here goes nothin’.” Applejack said as she manage to jump and grab the fence. Rainbow Dash though, doesn’t seem to be very confident about the jump, but she managed anyway.

“Well done.” Applejack complimented as she and Rainbow climbed to a flipping fence, which then, Rainbow punched the fence to flip it and climb down on the other side. The next move is to jump off the fence and grab the moving pole.

“You gotta be kidding me! I mean, I like danger and all, but not ones that are too hard like this.” Rainbow complained

Don’t forget you can hover to be in place.” FLUDD reminded Rainbow

“Oh yeah.”

“Just follow me, Sugarcube.” Applejack said as the pole gets close to them so that they can jump or hover at it to grab it. And then, they have to move to another fence to jump onto it to grab it, and then, they have to flip another fence and jump another pole to make it to the next platform.

“That was kinda stressful.” Rainbow described the stunts they did earlier. Up next is an up-down moving crane holding a platform that leads to a higher platform. They have to walk along some beams to get to a pole that leads them to a fence they have to flip over to get to the other side which then, they have to jump fence to fence to then flip the fence to jump onto the next platform. Then, there was a break of jumping small gaps onto small platforms and one of the gaps have bits in it.

“Applejack, stay here.” Rainbow told Applejack as she jumped down to wall jump back up while collecting all 7 bits in the gap.

“Rainbow, look, we’re almost there.” Applejack called out as they’re indeed almost there as the last obstacle is some more beams leading to some small trampolines to reach higher platforms leading to the mouth of the cage.

“There it is, we did it!” Rainbow excitedly and exhaustingly said as she collected the sprite and did a little victory dance with her country friend before getting sent back to Delfilly Plaza.


“Hoowee! That sure tired out mah nerves.” Applejack said back at Delfilly Plaza.

“I’m exhausted after jumping all over the place.” Rainbow excused.

“Perhaps, you need a little rest? Perhaps, you want to go to the spa for a moment?” Rarity suggested.

“The spa? There’s a spa here?” Rainbow Dash asked Rarity.

“Yes, it’s just around that corner.”

“What do you think, Sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“We could use some relaxation. How about 5 minutes at the spa?” Rainbow insisted.

“That’s fine, Rainbow. Follow me.” Rarity instructed as she leads Rainbow and Applejack to the spa for an appointment for 5 minutes.

5 minutes later…

“What do you think of the appointment?” Rarity asked.

“I was relaxing.” Rainbow confirmed.

“Glad you like it. Now, go back to your duties.” Rarity said as she left the group.

“Thanks for the appointment.” Applejack thanked the away Rarity.

“No problem. Adios!” Rarity said as Applejack and Rainbow went back to Rocko Hills.


The Secret of Rocko Tower

Rainbow and Applejack appeared in Rocko Harbor in the same area as before. The first thing they see is the ramp towards the boat in front of them, so they figured they have to go to the other side of that boat. That’s when they see a tower beside the boat.

“I think we’re supposed to get up there.” Rainbow thought pointing at the tower’s opening.

“How’re we supposed to get up there?” Applejack asked. Rainbow began by climbing on the chimney of the boat to use FLUDD to get on one of the metal platforms. From there, Rainbow climbs the scaffolding to use FLUDD again to get on the next higher platform which has 2 yellow bits and 1 blue bit to then get on top of the tower to then wait for Applejack to come up, if she can make it up. Thankfully, she can as she simply used a lasso to lasso the top of the tower and tie the lasso on the chimney. Rainbow knows what she’s about to do.

“Wait, you’re going to tightrope over here?” Rainbow exclaimed.

“I’m gonna hang under the rope to get across. I’m gonna be fine, just stay there.” Applejack said as she hanged under the rope to eventually get across the gap to the tower. With Rainbow being shocked of Applejack’s strategy, she shook it off and began entering the tower. As they entered the tower, they appear to be teleporting somewhere, but then as always, the shadow pony, or black Sombra stole the FLUDD from Rainbow Dash during it.

“What the hay!” Applejack exclaimed to Sombra before going into the dimension.


The ponies appeared on a starting wooden block platform without FLUDD.

“Does that always happen when you go through these teleports?” Applejack asked Rainbow Dash.

“Yes, yes it does.” Rainbow answered. In front of them are 4 long wooden spinning blocks with a part sticking out, supposing they’re supposed to slow them down or push them off. Luckily the blocks are spinning slow enough to survive the obstacle, so it’s trivial and hardly challenged to make it to the next motionless platform. The next obstacle is 3 slow rotating and slow moving 4-point cogs before the next resting platform. And the last obstacle is more long slow rotating blocks that are positioned in slanted and steep angle.

“Honestly, this was barely any challenge.” Applejack disapproved the obstacle course.

“Oh well, at least we got the Shine Sprite.” Rainbow said as she collects the Shine Sprite as the ponies were sent back to Delfilly Plaza.


“Did you have fun back there?” Pinkie asked.

“Not much. That Shine Sprite mission is too easy.” Rainbow answered.

“Aw. That’s a shame. Oh well, you came back with the Shine Sprite, right?” Pinkie asked

“Right.” Rainbow replied.

“You know, I’m kinda starving. Why don’t we have a lunch break?” Rainbow suggested.

“Good call, Rainbow. Ah’m starvin’ too.” Applejack agreed.

“Let me lead you to the restaurants then.” Pinkie insisted as she leads Rainbow Dash and Applejack to where the restaurants are.

They’ll return for more adventures. We’ll return for more adventures. Will they face easy journeys? Or will they face difficult and dangerous journeys? Stay tuned for more adventures.

Author's Note:

First, like how I put ‘Applebuck Season’ episode reference? :ajsmug:
Second, don’t ask me how ponies can climb fences like Mario, but hey, stories don’t have to make logic. :ajbemused:

Rainbow’s collection:
13 Shine Sprites, 54 yellow coins, 11 blue coins.