• Published 22nd Aug 2020
  • 6,241 Views, 161 Comments

The Royal Apple - Mister E-Nonymous

Bitten by a copperhead snake, a boy wakes up in Equestria in an entirely new body unfamiliar to him, hoping that he would be sent back home so he could wait for his parents to come back to get him, but there are two big secrets that he didn't know...

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Chapter 3: First Night in Equestria

Chapter 3: First Night in Equestria

Applejack's Room in the Ponyville Hospital... 3:30 PM...

(Apple Shine's Point of View)

I was coming to. I stretched my arms and looked around. Then I remembered that I became one of these ponies in this world full of them. I looked around and saw that there were a lot less ponies in the room. All that was left of the ponies were Applejack and her family, Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Apple Bloom, along with Apple Bloom's two friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom noticed me and said, "Hey! Yer awake!"

I saw that the others looked over at me with smiles on their faces. I heard Applejack say to me, "How ya doin', sugarcube?"

I thought about it, and just shrugged my shoulders, and I said, "I guess I'm alright." Then I realized the way I was talking. I got my normal accent back. "Yes. I'm talking normally."

"Well, talking with the accent yer used ta," said Granny Smith. "Nice ta have you back up and at 'em."

"Just ta let ya know," Applejack said to me, "yer gonna have ta go by another name as long as yer here."

"What?" I asked. "What do you mean?"

"Yer name ain't very natural here in Equestria," said Applejack. "From now on, as long as yer here, yer going by Apple Shine."

"Seriously?" I asked. "I have to go by a different name? Why?"

"Ah told ya," said Applejack. "Dylan ain't exactly a normal name here. So please, please go by Apple Shine."

I thought about it. Well, if I was gonna fit in this world, I might as well go by a name that suits well here.

"Fine," I said. "I'll go by that. For now. I'll stick by that until I go back to my world."

"Uhhhh..." said all six of them.

"Yeah," said Applejack. "About that. The thing is, about how ya ended up here, ya kinda..."

She was interrupted when Doctor Horse came in, saying, "Ah, good. You're awake. Well, it seems that both of you are healthy enough to leave the hospital. Applejack, I recommend you eat about twice as much you usually eat to get your strength up."

"Really?" asked Applejack.

"Don't worry," said Doctor Horse. "It'll only be for two weeks."

"Well, if it's only temporary," said Applejack. "Ah still have some Apple Bucking ta do."

"I suggest you not do anything too hard on your body," said Doctor Horse. "Right now, let's get you checked out and you'll be off to your home."

Sweet Apple Acres... 1:00 PM...

We left the hospital. I was riding on Big Mac's back the whole way. Applejack was going at a slow pace. Of course, we had to stop for lunch at a place called Sugarcube Corner. It turns out that the ponies who saw me were surprised to see me. Some even bowed to me. I was confused by that, and all I got from Applejack is, "Because you're an alicorn." I still don't know why that was the response.

Anyway, we arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, where I was going to hide earlier. Huh. I should've expected this from a family of apple farmers.

"So, this is where you all live?" I asked.

"Eeyup," said Big Mac.

"It must take a while for you to get all of the apples," I said. "Speaking of, how do you get the apples down from the tree?"

Applejack chuckled and said, "Ya wanna show her, Big Mac?"

"Eeyup," said Big Mac. He then bit on the back of my neck, which didn't hurt at all, then put me down, and then he walked over to a tree, and used his back legs to kick that tree, and the apples fell from the tree.

"Whoa," I said. "That looked faster than how farmers pick their apples from my world. They had to climb up the tree and pick them down with their hands."

"Wow," said Applejack. "Must've took a lot of them humans ta get it done."

"Yep," I said. "I've been to an apple farm before on my world. It took a lot of people to do it."

"Well, we got apple farms across Equestria run by other branches of our family," said Apple Bloom. "Except Manehattan."

"Manehattan?" I asked.

"What is it?" asked Applejack.

"In my world, there's a city called Manhattan, big buildings, lots of businesses, fancy food, and a huge park," I explained.

"Wow," said Applejack. "That does sound like Manehattan. Ah know because Ah lived there for about a week. Thanks ta Rainbow Dash, before Ah even met her, she gave me the inspiration ta come back home, here."

"Applejack sure was homesick," said Apple Bloom.

"Alright, kids," said Granny Smith. "Let's get yer flanks inside."

We then started heading towards the barn. I then looked up towards the sky and said, "I just hope that I'll get back to my world. My friends and Regina must be worried of what's happened to me."

"Uhhh... Yeah," said Applejack. "About that. The thing is..." Applejack was then interrupted after she opened the barn door by something, surprising.

"Surprise!" came the voices of a bunch of ponies.

I was stunned by what just happened. A bunch of ponies had set up a party here. Then I saw that pink pony, Pinkie Pie, was bouncing up towards us. Literally.

"Hi!" said Pinkie Pie. "You remember me, right?! Pinkie Pie! Welcome to your "Welcome to Ponyville" Party! You're gonna have a lot of fun while you're here, and I'll make sure of it!"

I was very shocked by all of the ponies here. Who would've thought that a lot of ponies would come to see me. I was a little nervous about being here. I was going to be here for a little while. I know it might be heartbreaking for all of these ponies to see me leave when I'll be here for quite a while. I just hope my friends back home aren't too upset that I've been gone for a while.

"Excuse me," came a voice. I turned to see a magenta pony with a two tone pink mane and tail. "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Cheerilee. I happen to be the school teacher at the Ponyville Schoolhouse."

"Oh," I said. "Well, it's nice to meet you."

"Well, I'm hoping to see you in class in mid August," said Cheerilee. "See you around."

I got confused on that. Why would I go to a school for ponies when I was going to be here temporarily? I just hope that I go back home to where I belong. I was then pulled by Apple Bloom.

"C'mon, Apple Shine," said Apple Bloom. "Let's go play some games."

Well, hopefully this day will go by in a flash.

9:15 PM...

Today was so much fun. I never had this much fun in my life. Pinkie Pie sure knows how to make a party. It might be one of the things I might regret when going back to the Foster Home so I can wait for my parents to come and get me.

"Alright, ev'rypony," said Applejack. "Time ta head on out. Party's over."

All of the ponies nodded. Some cleaned up the party, the rest headed off to their homes. I was just about to walk out of there when I was picked up.

"Hold up, sugarcube," came Applejack's voice. She was the one who picked me up. "And just where do ya think yer goin'?"

"I... was just... gonna camp out in that tree house," I told her.

"Ah don't think so," said Applejack. "Yer gonna be stayin' with me and mah family. We'll get a room set up fer ya as long as yer here. But fer tonight, ya are gonna be sleepin' with me in mah bed."

"N-no, I wouldn't want to..." I said, but was interrupted.

"Ah'm not gonna take no fer an answer," said Applejack. "Besides... ya are gonna need some comfort since yer here. Ah'd be happy ta give it ta ya."

I thought about it. She's being so nice to me. Why am I getting this feeling that... I should be with her? She's not my mom. But why am I getting the strange urge to be sleeping with her. Guess I have no choice.

"Fine," I said. "But I'm not gonna stay here forever."

Applejack sighed and said, "Listen, sugarcube. About that. Ya are kinda..."

"Applejack!" came Granny Smith's voice. "Ya gotta rest. Get yer flanks inta bed."

Applejack sighed, then picked me up, put me on her back, and headed into her living area. We went upstairs into one bedroom. It wasn't that big, but I wasn't too sure on staying with her, but something inside of me was wanting me to get into bed with her.

Applejack climbed into bed, looked over towards me and said, "Well? Ya comin'?"

"Uhhh..." I said.

"Don'tcha worry," said Applejack. "Ah won't let anythin' bad happen ta ya."

I then shrugged it off, and then gotten myself into the bed with Applejack. She pulled me into a hug. I wanted her to let go, but, it felt... nice. I was then starting to fall asleep. Hopefully, I would be back in the Foster Home when I wake up.

Apple Shine's Dream...


That voice. I knew that voice. I opened my eyes and saw Regina, Peter and Jerry surrounding me in a hospital room. It was all a dream. Well, at least I'm back in my world.

Then a doctor came in, holding a clipboard, and walked up to Regina saying, "Well, here's the paperwork. I need you to sign right here." Regina took a pen and started signing it. "Alright. This... thing... is no longer in your custody."

"Wait, what?" I asked. But then I realized that I had that girl's voice I had as that pony I was. I looked down at my hands, only to see hooves instead. It came to a conclusion. I was back home, but I was still a pony.

Then some men in suits came running in.

"Target secured," said one of the men. "Time to take this thing away and see what she's made of."

The men grabbed me. I was struggling to get out of their grip, saying, "No! No!! Let me go! Regina, Peter, Jerry! It's still me! Please! It's me, Dylan! Help me!"

"Sorry," said Regina. "But I'm a foster mother to only human children. You're no longer welcome at my foster home."

"No! Peter, Jerry, make her reason with me! Please!" I begged to the others with pleading eyes.

"Sorry, Dylan," said Peter.

"We don't want to share a foster home with a freak like you," said Jerry. What both of them said really hurt. I then was pulled up and shoved into a dog carrier. I used my hooves to prevent myself from going in.

"Hey! Stop! Stop it!" I said. "Quit pushing me! Sto--!" One of them shoved an apple into my mouth. I wanted to spit it out, but my mouth automatically chewed it on its own, and I swallowed it. I then tried talking, but instead, I was neighing like a little pony. I wanted to speak normally, but nothing was working. I then was pushed into the dog carrier, and the men closed it.

"Alright, men," said one of the men. "Let's get this creature to Area 51 and see what she's made of."

They already loaded the dog cage I was in onto the back of a truck, and the men started driving on a bumpy road, shaking me left to right. I was trying to say "No!" multiple times, but all that came out of my mouth were whinnies. I closed my eyes, hoping this was a really bad dream.

Applejack's Bedroom... 1:01 AM...

I was being shaken. I woke up and saw Applejack, saying, "Wake up. Wake up, Apple Shine."

I sat up, and put a hoof to my chest. I had tears in my eyes, and I buried my head into Applejack's jest, and I began to cry.

"It's okay, Apple Shine," said Applejack. "It's okay. It was just a bad dream." She rubbed my back, saying, "Ya wanna talk about yer dream."

"I-I-It was awful," I said. "I-I-I woke up back in my world... but I was still a pony. Then... I was being taken away to be dissected."

"That will never happen, sugarcube," said Applejack, hugging me. "Ah won't let anythin' bad happen ta ya."

"I'm sorry that I woke you up with my crying," I said with my head buried in her chest.

"Oh, yer cryin' didn't wake me up," said Applejack. "Ya kinda... wet the bed..."

I looked down and saw a dark spot in the blanket. Applejack then grabbed me, pulled both of us out of the bed, then Applejack pulled off the bed sheets, and blanket, and then she took me to the bathroom, and started washing the both of us up to get the pee off of both of us. We then came back into Applejack's room, and Applejack grabbed a spare blanket, and got back into bed. I just hope I don't wet the bed again the rest of the night.

Author's Note:

I was thinking of letting the characters of the story keep what happened to "Dylan" and "his" parents a secret. But I was thinking, what if they were going to tell "Dylan" but they kept getting interrupted by something or someone.