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Andrew Joshua Talon

A fellow traveler...

Comments ( 210 )

I do have to say that, since I never read the first story, and don't plan to either, Twilight has something most ponies don't.

She knows what being human is like. Unless this is pre Equestria Girls, or the spinoff doesn't even exist in this universe?

This is relevant to my interests.

A clop fic that doesn't focus around some obscure fetish and is well-written is like a cool drink of water on a hot day. Thank you, Andrew.

We all know where this is going.

I am disgusted and interested at the same time.

Prequel is the first episode of the show. Pinning this one down is a matter of reading into the context... which means that if EQG wasn't brought up in this context, it hasn't happened yet.

I still think this is some effect of you being human.

What researchers in some timelines have dubbed the "Flash Sentry Effect."
Hmm. How did Sunset work in this world, assuming she was even a thing?

This should be interesting going forward. Let's see what you do with the idea.


I've heard, well, a bit of a different name for it, but I guess that works too.

While ponies have cycles where they go into heat, humans are always ready, they're probably not as prepared for that as humans.

I sense potential orgies over the horizon...

Sipioc #9 · Sep 6th, 2020 · · · One ·

....go on...

and given that this is twilight we're talking about she probably jacked up the effectiveness of pheromones to be capable of affecting human.
she would use her own species as a basis for how somethings should

I sense a generation of satyrs on the horizon, depending on how well Twiggles and the Irresponsible Magic Crew thought this through.

I like it! ANOTHER!

Spank me again! LOL (serious, a fun idea)

SRY #14 · Sep 6th, 2020 · · · One ·

Twilight playing with magic in irresponsible ways and with a human involved? There is no way this can end badly :trollestia:

Other than likely skewing the resulting genetics of half of the next generation of ponies.

it's a nice story keep it up :raritywink:

“I had to see Granny Smith naked !” I shouted. The image was seared into my brain, making my eye twitch as I relived it. “It’s creepy, and weird, and she didn’t ask my permission!”

And now I need some brain bleach :pinkiesick:

“You bellowed, Shepherd?” Starlight Glimmer, apprentice to Twilight Sparkle and formally an insane villain, asked dryly. I glowered.
I did. Where’s Twilight? I need to talk to her about this Human Day nonsense.” I explained.

Is that a Beast Wars reference?

Baby one in the belly

Oh yeah, I would like to see this definitely continue! Nice job on the first chapter!

How's there two sequels? Is this a direct sequel, or is it a sequel to Short Hand?

If we don't see Cadance, Celestia, and Luna be humans, you failed.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Triv_ #22 · Sep 7th, 2020 · · · One ·


"EDIT: HOLY CRAP! Top of the featured list in one day?! Wow! Well, I'll definitely be writing more of this. Stay tuned!"

Be careful though, do it for you, not for the fame or glory. I can wait several months for an update if it means the author won't suffer a burnout :)

Ah. Alright, in that case I'll read it before the sequel then.

Read the chapter earlier and loved it. Then I remember I forgot to follow the story to see more, glad I remember to come back.

I nteresting when an OG makes his resurgance. HiE OC fets a fresh coat of paint and new batteries

Well done, and congrats on making front page. Even became the top of the list for a while, actually. XD

BigD #29 · Sep 8th, 2020 · · · One ·

I'm actually afraid of how Pinkie Pie is going to work this "holiday".

do hope ther well be at least afew consequences going forward. humans don't have estrus's cycle after all.


Eh, they’re only human for a day and it takes fourteen days for an egg to be grown and released from an ovary, according to Wikipedia anyway, so there shouldn’t be any unintended pregnancies. Assuming no pony was fertile out of season during the holiday.

I was not expecting a naked woman with a mail bag.

Dammit, Twilight or whoever cooked this up. Clothes! It's an integral part of human culture! You can't keep forgetting that! :facehoof:

I mean, that, or she's sitting in the bushes gleefully spying on her experiment.

“Oh! Right!” Ditzy said cheerfully. She spun around on one foot, her wings flapping. “How do I look?”

Very naked :twilightoops:

I didn’t know what was going on, but there could only be one pony responsible for this.

“Twilight Sparkle,” I growled.

Well. She's realistically the only one who could pull it off. Unless Celestia is involved :trollestia:

I wanted to dramatically throw open the doors and storm in with a dramatic shout. And since Princess Twilight didn’t keep guards that would frown upon that sort of thing, I did.


“I had to see Granny Smith naked!” I shouted. The image was seared into my brain, making my eye twitch as I relived it. “It’s creepy, and weird, and she didn’t ask my permission!”

I'm honestly not sure what people's issue is with seeing naked old people. I mean sure, it's not exactly arousing, but, that's about it. They're just, naked people. Same with seeing naked guys. I dunno. None of that ever bothered me :unsuresweetie:

Maybe it's an American thing, and I'm just too European to see the issue.

“Do you actually want to jump me, or is this some effect of being human?” I asked, one eyebrow raised, as I studied her.

I’d gotten a lot more direct in the time I’d spent here.

Yes, I see :rainbowlaugh:

“I don’t know, you tell me,” Starlight stated.

Sorry, babe. Consent doesn't work that way. You don't give the okay explicitly, you're gonna get ignored.

The doors slammed shut. Oh right. She still had her magic telekinesis.

...you can just open it again, you know :unsuresweetie:

I planted Starlight facedown on the table, and she shivered.

Dear gods, he's actually bending her over the cutie map table. That's such a hilariously disrespectful image :rainbowlaugh:

Good enough to fill her womb to the brim, and make Starlight’s belly bulge slightly.

Ugh. Wombs don't work like that, you know. :ajbemused:

Remarks and corrections:
> and it’s defenses
"[its] defenses" :trixieshiftright:
> I should have smelt eggs and bacon in an ideal world.
Tsk. "smelled" :ajbemused:
> and her belly was just a tiny bit soggy
Um. Don't you mean "saggy"? Soggy means 'wet' :unsuresweetie:
> “As a human, I mean!” She inquired.
> “Wait! Wait, I was being serious!” She cried.
> “That all you got?” She asked
These are "s/he said" constructions, meaning, there should not be a capital letter on the part behind the quote.
> I replied, my suspicions now confirmed
Missing period at the end here.
> apprentice to Twilight Sparkle and formally an insane villain
I'm fairly sure that should be "formerly", not "formally". Unless she carries "insane villain" business cards? :twilightoops:
> Has Pinky ever insisted
> a Pinky party
> something you’d like to do… With me?
> Or maybe even… To me?
This looks like a word processor automatically switching to capital letter after a period, but, that should not happen with an ellipsis; it's still the same sentence.

Thank you. You really put in great effort on your comments and I really appreciate it.

Always glad to help :twilightsmile:


One more remark... the Source field of a story's cover image is supposed to be a way to link back to the image where it is published by the artist who made it, as a way of giving credit. Linking it to DeviantArt's messy generated image urls doesn't actually accomplish that.
Actual source is


Ugh. Wombs don't work like that, you know.

I'm sure most of us know. We're just into it. :pinkiecrazy:

This was a wild and fun beginning I can't wait to see where this goes.

Good... now I believe it's time for Sparkle's deflowerment mess up the princess of friendship nice and so humiliating

Hoo boy...at this rate, Shepherd's gonna be the town bicycle.

I know, I know. They’re herbivores, but still. You’d think some basics wouldn’t need pointing out!

What does being a herbivore got to do with anything?

Kirtai #40 · Sep 11th, 2020 · · · Two ·

“Oh Celestia’s tits, yesh,” she moaned. “Make me yours~!”

I have to wonder if he'll get his hands on those too. :pinkiegasp:

Would be fun to see his reaction and "action" toward Zecora and Gabby.

BigD #42 · Sep 11th, 2020 · · · Two ·

Please. Like any author would let a chance for a clop scene with her pass by.

Was that a Planet 51 reference I saw?


All of my yes!!!

Baby 2 in the belly

Great chapter, thanks.

*<>* Shepards never gonna find twilight - not before bedding all her friends on his quest to locate the pone

I bet half the town was watching through the windows, with the menfolk taking notes on how to mate like a Human, while the ladies take a number and eagerly wait their turn. :trollestia:

Why do I get the feeling that there's going to be an entire generation of centaurs?

The men were a similar mixture, though a lot of them had thankfully gotten loincloths or some other kind of covering over their bits.

Makes sense; they're used to sheathes. And it's a lot easier to tie something around your waist than get a working brassiere, unless Rarity's trying to break into the minotaur market.

… I’m not sorry.

I mean, I don't think anyone who uses or experiences this knowledge will feel he needs to apologize.

There's something about the phrase "gratuitously squishy" that's outright hilarious to me.

And yeah, the man in the desert has suddenly found himself in the middle of a lake. Small wonder he's all but drowning in it. I get the feeling it'll take several more tries for Shepherd to find Twilight.

This guy will need to work for money VERY hard in the future, if he will keep his momentum in possibly impregnating mare-womans. Otherwise alimonies will make him homeless.

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