• Member Since 26th May, 2012
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Do not be fooled. I am a dude.

Comments ( 72 )

*snort*, the concept of Flash constantly stressed about preserving his Mother's nonexistent propriety is much funnier than it has a right to be, compounded of course by the fact that Flash can't tell her why he's a nervous wreck because how the hell do you even have that conversation? Can't wait for more.

This was far funnier than I expected it to be. Very nice work playing up the scenes and describing it all. I look forward to more moments for Flash to change his color palette to blue-red.

That was before whatever it was happened that made her change.

"That would be more rainbow lasers."
"Always with the rainbow lasers."

And poor Flash. Sometimes it seems like the universe has it out for that boy. Plus, I can't get one idea out of my head...

Flash's mom has got it goin' on.
She's all I want
And I've waited for so long
Sentry, can't you see?
You're just not the one for me
I know it might be wrong but
I'm in love with Flash's mom

"... Really?" said Flash.
Sunset shrugged. "What can I say? The woman's an inspiration in more ways than one."

This got a couple of good chuckles out of me.

Okay that is actually kinda hilarious. I don't read pone fic much anymore, but this got a smile out of me.


Flash Sentry rolled out of bed and pulled on a pair of sweatpants over his boxers


F'naaaaa. That's okay. Not all good stories have to be that kind of a fic.

Please have gotten dressed already. Please have gotten dressed already. Please have gotten dressed already.

>>Great mantra. This has a good tone already.

Flash didn't know what had caused his parents to split up, but he had elected to stay with his mother. He didn't want her to be lonely.

Goddamn if this doesn't have the making of an incest fic. I eagerly await to see how it takes another route. Should be refreshing.

But Flash had thought that maybe having a wife who could discuss geopolitical realities at the dinner table and look like sex on heels at the same time might have been a bit too much for the old man. Hell, Flash felt barely able to cope with having such a woman as a mother.

That's a very well-worded explanation. I also like your headcanon for Solemn Sentry. I'm personally tired of angst over jerkly patriarchs in scenarios such as this. As a very good friend of mine once said: "Not all divorces have to be Kramer vs Kramer."

“Are you sure you're my son and not some kind of magical doppelganger?”

Playful conversation is playful. I like this universe where the parents are aware of the magical bullshiet going on at school--and are seemingly cool with it. Or maybe Flash's mom is just a really cool person in general. I wanna know what the girls think of her.

“Speaking of Sunset, isn't the Sadie Hawkins dance this week?”

Oh snap. You're going there.

Flash laughed and pushed back.

Oh nice. He's not entirely grumpy around her.

“Oh hey, Lifeline.”

I love how Flash's dialogue is both friendly and casual here, even if it's prompted by Lifeline's dialogue on the other end. It's greaty delivery for the gag.

“Sorry, Mom. Didn't mean to snap.”

He's such a good boiiiiiiiiiiiii

“Hey, Micro!”

Oh, hai, Micro.

“Oh, he's not mine. Entropy belongs to my sister.

I had assumed it was Micro Chips' dog, hence the reason it's called "Entropy." But maybe his sister is a science nerd too. Who knows. inb4 "Micro Chips Incalculably Hot Sister."

She bent over again to pet the dog, this time with her back to the boys.

This is such a cheesecake pinup situation.

“Are you sure you're okay, Micro?”

I think we lost a fine opportunity to show off Azure Flame's keen intellect. Like... imagine her and Micro Chips having a spontaneous discussion about astrophysics. It'd be funny if it was *that* which finally set him off the edge.

She bent over to pick them up, and two cars collided with each other on the street

:laughs out loud: This fic had better get featured.

“I really should talk to him. He's acting just like his father.”

Awwwww. I like that she cares for him, despite all the cartoonish circumstances unfolding around them.

You've nailed the gag you're going for wonderfully. Fimfic doesn't deserve you.

...please give us moar

Yeah, that car crash floored me too.

The story is featured! Last time I checked, anyway.

This is a story about how one sexy woman with zero self-awareness destroyed the world by herself.

“Don't write checks your butt can't cash, mister!” Azure gave him another grin. She took a sip of offee and then her eyes widened. “Oh, nuts! I forgot to get the paper!”

I, uh, I'm not sure what that means?

Hehe, this is better...

10429895 "Don't bluff" "don't say something you're not prepared to back up" among other things.

I thought she meant she was going to spank him. Is that a local colloquialism?

10430277 It's a fairly common US saying. There's a lot of mangled forms of it, but one of the more famous was from the 1986 movie Top Gun:

Son, your ego is writing checks your body can't cash.

—James Tolkan as "Stinger"

Her personality is sweet and wholesome, but her body is anything but. This is great.

Poor Flash. :rainbowlaugh: And poor Twilight as well.

Oh dear. She's now curious about the effect that Azure has on people. I really hope that she doesn't try to pursue this... XD

Azure's definitely taking the whole "two copies of the same girl" thing in stride. Though it is still fairly abstract in her mind. Seeing both next to each other might be a bit unusual... though she could just contextualize them as twins. Really, the whole town has a touch of Sunnydale Syndrome given the increasingly flagrant magical shenanigans.

No reflection on you, Sunset. I didn't get any sort of sexual response from kissing you.

(sad audience noises)

“She's not going to try to experiment on my mom, is she?”

Um, phrasing? Though I suppose "on" rather than "with" is an important distinction here.

Let's just hope Twilight's analysis of Azure goes better than Sunset's study of magic.


Something I really really appreciate about this concept...

Is that Azure Flame never actually flirts with anyone. She's friendly. She's pleasant. She's kind-spirited. But she's not a "tart" or some "sluttish" stereotype. And, on top of that, you went out of your way to make sure she's not a "bimbo" stereotype either. She's intelligent, accomplished, and industrious.

She just happens to be oblivious, far removed from any semblance of stupidity. Is it naive of her? Maybe, but I think her self-assurance and general love of life and for Flash and his familiars eliminates any opportunity to perceive her own observational shortcomings.

This is key... because you're establishing a character who is objectified--yes--but it doesn't particularly feel mean-spirited. It doesn't have a negative connotation. And I really, really appreciate that. You should be proud.

Instantly, Twilight's head snapped around. “Oh my god! For the last time, the moon landing was NOT faked! Why is it people STILL keep insisting on this idiotic conspiracy even fifty years later?! It would cost MORE money to fake that kind of thing in 1969 than it would have to actually GO to the damn moon in the first place! Sweet merciful Einstein on a bus, it confounds me how willing people are to blind themselves to the – what are you two laughing about?”

Honestly this right here made Twilight hotter than Azure to me. I hate Moon Landing Hoaxers, Flatearthers and science deniers in general.

Flash really need a girlfriend that could take his mind off his mom unconsciously arousing everyone.

For a hot second I thought they were going to need to send Twilight in for a factory reset. Funnily enou, this incident also involved a shade of blue...

College Humor
Adam Ruins Everything

Oh heck. This is really really good for so many reasons. Like 10449716 said, the biggest and most amazing single feat you've managed here is that it's not putting Azure into a box where she is being degraded. This is a lovely, somewhat silly story, that goes about the topic of overt and one-sided attraction and objectification in a manner that doesn't leave you feeling bad about in any way.


“I'll say you are,” Sunset muttered. Flash shot her a look, causing the redhead to respond with a sheepish smile.

And just like that I love your depiction of Sunset SHimmer.

She leaned back down so her face was close to Twilight's ear and said: “Hey, Twilight. Are you sure they didn't fake the moon landing?”

Again, best Sunset Shimmer so far. But SciTwi's reaction is funny tool.

“Really?” Twilight asked, looking at her. “But I'm straight?”

I think I really love the humor so far in this story. And then Twilight kisses Sunset XD

Hah! Twi gets nuts over moon landing hoaxers!

...And now she wants to study Azure. This oughta be good.

This is very believable. Flash seems like the kind of guy who would have a really hot mom.

Twilight may be onto something here. There's hot, and then there's impossibly hot.

This just keep escalating. :rainbowlaugh: I feel so bad for Flash. And the bit about fanart was a 10/10 joke.

I sense much therapy in Flash's future...


In before FirstChurchofDivineYogaPants gets mistaken for a cult.

I think I can see why Flash didn't say that was his mom... his house would be inundated with people! XD

The sexual tension in this story is bith funny and aggravating because we know nothing will happen.

Twilight: wait... how did Flash know? It's like he has a six sense.

Plot twist: Flash can also reach the "impossibly hot" state but only if he isn't trying and his unaware.

The best kind of comedy knows how to escalate. This accomplishes such--not just for the fic but in the main body of the chapter as well. It's even more comedic that our protagonist, Flash, struggles harder and harder to distance himself from the madness only to fail at every turn. The phone call brings it to a personal, intimate level and helps everything land so terribly hard on point.

I dig all of the AU versions of internet/communication applications. Twilight's tiny bit was well written and I like that, in all things, Flash comes across as both respectable and sympathetic in how he tries not to render his mother the same objectification as everyone else.

Also, Princess Dream for life. Thank you.

I don't know what to say. How hot is she to create such chaos while being oblivious about it? This needs further research!

Canon characters in character, escalation comedy progressing at a perfect pace, and an absolute adherence to the formula that saw the previous chapters as being works of art.

Keep up the great work—loving every line of this.

Oh crap, she knows. Though she may not know about Fidget's terms of service. I knew Flash would stop being supported as of today, but not like this.

Such a tantalizing woman. Maybe she's more self-aware than she lets on...

ShimmerCode: Is it bad I want to be that towel right now?


Damn this story is always on the edge of turning NSFW... always good for a laugh. Great chapter, continue like this.

And wow, Fluttershy is really kinky. :rainbowlaugh:

Flash: "Whoever wants my mother will have to get through me first!"
Fluttershy: I´m ok with both.

Why do I have the feeling this will end with the appearance of Sunset Shimmer’s inappropriately hot mom?

Poor Flashy. Doesn't he know that his mother's hotness is like a huge lake behind a dam—trying to plug the gaps with his fingers isn't going to work here, there is too much pressure behind the wall.

ShimmerCode: Is it bad I want to be that towel right now?

If Flash gets back with Sunset (and I hope he does) he may have watch out. His mom might steal her. What a situation.

“Rainbow Dash, quit encouraging them! Besides, everybody knows you're into guys!”

Huh, points for subversion of expectations. Good show.

Comment posted by Mixmaster226 deleted Jan 5th, 2021

That one downvote's from Flash. He knows his mom's being written about!

I just got around to checking this story out, and I have to say, I'm not disappointed.

Everyone seems to have talked about this already, but I LOVE your depiction of Flash's mother in this story. Not only are her interactions with everyone else enjoyable to watch, you've made it clear that's she's also a loving mother who cares greatly for her son and his well-being. It's always nice to see parents depicted this way in stories. And the fact that she's also very easy on the eyes is really just frosting on the cake.

...Aaand that sounded kind of dirty, didn't it? Gotta work on that.

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