• Published 16th Sep 2020
  • 3,493 Views, 44 Comments

Cozy's Paw Patrol - Tidal Wave2

Cozy Glow get's sent to Adventure Bay and she meets the Paw Patrol

  • ...

Breaking Out (Edited)

My name is: Cozy Glow, and I'm an 8-year old filly who was born in Vanhoover. When I was 4, I lost my parents and it tore me apart. I vowed that I would avenge their deaths if it was the last thing I did, but by trying to I got locked up in Tartarus. I eventually got broken out and teamed up with two other villains. We were SO close to taking over Equestria that time, but we were defeated and turned to stone the last second. That was at least a year ago, and let me tell you; being trapped in stone is a dark and cold experience. To be honest, I didn't want to destroy Princess Twilight and her friends when I first met them. I liked them, but they got in my way and would've let me rot in prison. They were no better than whoever killed my parents. I had given up hope, felt that I had failed my family and was going to spend the rest of time as a statue. However, that all ended a couple months back. It began when I heard a mysterious voice in my head.

Cozy Glow sat in her prison in the same pose she had remained in for a full year. By now she had accepted her fate, and decided she was never gonna avenge her family. 'This is really it?' Cozy thought. 'I guess nobody cares about an cold petrified orphan. They wouldn't even listen to reason.' Cozy began to cry. She cried for at least an hour, until she heard a voice.

"Cozy." The voice said. Cozy immediately listened up.

'W-Who's there?' She asked in fear.

"It's okay Cozy. I'm a friend. I'm going to help you" Cozy was surprised to say the least.

'R-Really?' She asked with renewed hope. 'Aren't you aware of what I've done to Equestria?'

"I'm fully aware, but I'm also aware that our creator wants us to be shown mercy. Now, you have to do exactly as I say."

'Okay.' Cozy said waiting for instructions.

"I'm gonna use my magic from my location to bust you out. Afterwards, hide in the shadows and sneak your way out of Canterlot."

'Got it.' Cozy confirmed. After 10 seconds of silence, she began to see a bright light that rapidly grew. Soon, she felt something underneath her she hadn't felt in a long time: ground. Cozy looked around and saw she was finally out. She let out a happy squeal which she immediately muted, but it was far too late.

"Hey! Cozy Glow got out!" Cozy turned to see a couple of Pegasus guards standing 15 feet away. "GET HER!!!" The first guard yelled.

'COZY, RUN!!!' The voice said, and that's exactly what she did. Turning corner after corner avoiding the guards and citizens.

Someponie's There

Flash- "Is it true? Is she out? Have I gone mad?"

Cozy- "One wrong move's all it takes and this will go bad!"

Flash- "Noponie's there"

Mare: "Noponie's there"

Cozy- "Noponie's-"

Stallion- "Is somepony there?"

Flash- "This filly thinks she's above the law."

Cozy- "Their sturdiness could be there biggest flaw."

Flash- "Noponie's there!"

Cozy- "Someponie's there!"

Flash/Cozy- "Wish I could say no/some ponie's there!"

Stallion- "Ah ha! Wait, where'd she go?"

Flash- "She might be in the dark, just keep your eyes peeled"

Cozy- "Something's breathing right outside the door."

Stallion- "Hey it's me, but we haven't met before."

Cozy- "I don't care!"

Flash- "Noponie's there."

Mare- "Where'd Ridley go?"

Stallion- "He's in there!"

Flash- "Come on guys, she may be losing ground!"

Cozy- "Why's that barrel making dog sounds?" (Ridley jumps out)

Mare- "Time to surrender."

Stallion- "There's nowhere to run!"

Ridley: (barks)

Mare- "You're worse than my son!"

Cozy- "Get back!"

Cozy continued to run and refused to stop. She looked ahead and noticed she was nearing the cities borders. 'I'm almost there!' Cozy thought, but suddenly a dozen guards blocked her path causing her to turn only to see another group of guards. "OH NO!!! I'm trapped!" Just then, Captain Flash Sentry stepped forward.

"Cozy, you have nowhere to run. Give up now!" Cozy trembled in fear, knowing that she should've kept quiet when she got out.

'Don't worry Cozy.' The voice from earlier spoke. 'I've got one more trick up my sleeve.' After that, the ground began to shake causing some of the guards to lose their balance.

"W-What's happening!?" A guard mare asked in a panic. They all got their answer when a hole in space appeared 10 feet above Cozy, turning into a vortex. It began to lift Cozy in the air, causing her to cry out in fear.

"W-What is this!?" Cozy screamed as she began to float into the vortex. "NO!!!
SOMEPONY, SAVE MEEEEEEE!!!!!" After Cozy was sucked in, the vortex exploded creating a wave that sent the guards flying and shattered the windows of nearby buildings. After 30 seconds, Flash and the other guards recovered from the shock. Flash looked around to find Cozy, but couldn't find a trace of the filly.

"Where is she!?" Flash asked in alarm. "Shit! She's gone! Oh, Princess Twilight's gonna be peeved when she finds out."

"You mean IF she finds out." A mare said.

"What're you talking about!? Of course she's gonna fi-" Flash paused and thought for a moment. "'If', 'If', 'If' is good." Flash said with a smirk.

Author's Note:

how do you like the story so far? Please leave a comment. (unless they're insulting me or the story)
The song in this chapter is based on 'Night 4' from FNAF the Musical