• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 2,423 Views, 54 Comments

Kung-Fu Equestria 2 - Lady Umbra

After fufilling her dream of being a Kung-Fu Master, Twilight must now defend everything she worked for when a villain from her unknown past resurfaces to claim what is rightfully his with the aid of a weapon that can stop Kung-Fu itself

  • ...


"With all these changelings around," Fluttershy noted. "We'll need to make our way across the city without being seen."

"Fluttershy's right," Rainbow Dash agreed. "We need to stay hidden."

Pinkie giggled, but was careful to keep her voice low. "Stealth mode," she whispered giddily to Urtica. But Urtica's face was flat, and her carapace pale.

"I can't go," she whispered.

"Urtica?" Tai Lung asked.

"If my mother finds me..." Urtica couldn't even finish her sentence, flames already licking at her body. "I'm sorry, Tai."

And with a flash of green flames, she vanished from view. Tai Lung looked down, dejected, before Twilight pat his shoulder.

"She'll come back," she promised him. "After we defeat Sombra."

Tai still gazed at where she had been. "I hope you're right, Celestial Warrior," he whispered, before following her across the rooftops.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew low across the rooftops, followed by Twilight and Rarity teleporting with small flashes of magic. Pinkie hopped from roof to roof with Tai Lung, humming a secret agent song quietly. Yet, as the six made their way through the Empire, they couldn't help but notice the downtrodden state of its civilians.

Though Urtica had managed to reveal the changelings' presence to them, they were also able to discern the changelings from their attitude. Though they wore the appearance of ponies, the changelings pushed around those that weren't their disguised brethren, taking their things and laughing at their fear.

Pinkie's humming started to fade as she saw three changelings cornering a scared stallion.

"Meanies," she hissed as her hair began to deflate. "I hate meanies..."

Instantly, Rarity appeared at her side, shoving a cookie into her mouth.

"Pinkie, eat a cookie," Rarity said. "We don't need Pinkamena right now."

Tai Lung blinked in confusion. "Pinkamena?" he asked.

Twilight gasped. "The hidden dark side of Master Pinkie Pie," she whispered as they continued on. "First brought out by Sergeant Sprinkles in the Battle of Whispering Woods. It allows Pinkie to..." Before she could continue, Rarity put her hand over the mare's mouth.

"Let's spare the 'details' for another time, darling," Rarity almost begged, giving a worried glance to her pink, still angry looking friend.

"Right," Twilight admitted, glancing at Tai Lung sheepishly. "Let's just say that it's not a good day when Pinkamena comes out to play."

"Oh," Pinkie noted with a giggle. "Rap-rhyme."

The group tried to move closer to the castle, only for voices to shout below them.

"This rice is raw!"

They peered down as a changeling shoved a crystal mare against the wall.

"B-But," the mare stammered. "Y-You stole a-all my metal pots for L-King Sombra."

The changeling threw her to the ground, dragging her head over to a firepit. "Either you cook my rice," the changeling snarled, holding her head over the flames. "Or I'll cook you!"

As the mare stammered and apologized, the mare's eyes turned to Pinkie, who's hair was rapidly deflating as a look of rage fell over her face.

"Pinkie..." Fluttershy whispered, patting her friends side. "Stay calm..."

"Y-Yeah, we'll handle this," Rainbow Dash said.

"Definitely," Twilight said. "We'll help cook the rice, and then..."

Then they heard the thud. Looking back down, they saw Tai Lung march up to the changeling and tap him on the shoulder, drawing his attention.

"Hi," Tai Lung said, his voice tranquil but holding fury.

"Hey," the changeling said dismissively. Yet as he turned back to the mare, his ears perked, processing who he had just seen.

He had just turned around when Tai seized him by the head and slammed his head against the wall. Green fire and blood exploded everywhere, before the changeling slumped to the ground, a smashed and dead bug.

The others jumped down after him.

"Tai Lung, what are you thinking?!" Rainbow Dash seethed.

"I'm not standing by and letting them harm an innocent," Tai Lung growled back. He turned back to the mare and helped her up. "Are you okay?"

"Thanks to you," the pony said in relief. "I heard about Luna's formerly fallen but redeemed son, but..." She gazed at the group, slowly connecting the dots. "You're... the Celestial Warrior," she whispered to Twilight. She turned to the others. "A-And the Furious Five!"

"We're here to liberate the Empire and bring Lord Sombra to justice," Twilight replied.

The mare looked around. "You'll need help."

"Thank you, brave mare," Tai Lung replied. "But it's too dangerous for you."

The mare gasped before laughing breathlessly. "O-Oh, not from me, of course, uh..." She gave a quick look around before glancing into an alleyway behind them. "It's not safe to talk here."

"Right," Twilight whispered, ushering the others back into the alley as the mare followed after. Once they were safe in the shadows...

"I'm talking about Masters Sentry and Biceps," the pony explained. "They're in Jasper-Jam Jail, down Peridot Alley."

The mares gasped. "They're alive?" Rainbow Dash whispered.

Twilight's eyes glittered. "They must be gathering intelligence," she theorized. "Hatching a plan on how to defeat the weapon." She shook the mare's hand. "Thank you so much, brave one."

"Right," Rarity declared, teleporting up. "Let's get down there and..."

But as the others joined her... they found Queen Chrysalis staring up at them.

"Twilight," Chrysalis snarled, her eyes glowing green as they fixated on the purple mare. "Get them, my children!"

Instantly, every disguised pony shifted. The mares and stallions barely even screamed as the changelings took to the air, chasing the group across the rooftops.

"Twilight, I don't suppose you know anything about changeling weaknesses," Rainbow Dash noted, punching down a changeling that got in their way.

"Um..." Twilight stammered, blasting another that tried to cut them off. "Okay, let me think..."

Three more changelings shot up into their path, only for Pinkie to shoot them out of the air with her party cannon. Another changeling tried to catch her on the side, only for Rarity to side kick him out of the way.

Without hesitation Twilight and the others tried to flee, but each path the warriors took was blocked off by several changelings.

"How do they keep blocking us off?" Rarity said.

"I'm thinking! Uh..." Twilight clutched her head, nearly getting tackled before Tai Lung kicked the attacking changeling away from her. "Changelings... shapshifting creature that resemble traits of various insects as well as a keen sense of smell... inter workings..."

"Twilight!" Fluttershy yelped, spinning her away as she kicked another changeling.

"Sorry!" Twilight stammered, blasting another changeling away as she tried to remember. "Uh... inner workings of their hive works much likes bees... they have the ability to change into anypony you hold love for in your heart... Attack pattern include stealth kills, ponynapping and surrounding their prey with overwhelming numbers..."

Rainbow Dash kicked another changeling away, only for another to knock her out of the air. She was nearly dog piled before Tai Lung and Fluttershy kicked the reinforcements away, allowing Rainbow Dash to head-butt the changeling holding her and throw him aside.

"Any day now, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"A-An ability all Changeling hold," Twilight was shouting now, as she kicked and then blasted another changeling. "Is the ability to instill illusions, shapeshift, and communicate through..." Twilight's eyes widened. "Hive Mind! All changelings have a hive mind, letting the others know where we are heading!"

But right as she said it, her face fell in horror. The changelings had formed a complete dome around them, cutting off land and sky for them.

"Oh no," Fluttershy squeaked, lowering herself to the ground

"As much as I love to chase my food," Chrysalis growled, moving through her children. "It's time you met your fate... 'Twilight.'"

Twilight's hands glowed with magic, while the others prepared for battle. However, Chrysalis paused, turning to Tai Lung with a flare of her nostrils.

"Urtica?" she asked.

Tai Lung cracked his knuckles. "Not quite," he growled.

Chrysalis sniffed at him - careful not to get within range of his fists - before snorting.

"You're right," she admitted. "You smell of my daughter. But you are not her." The Queen grinned. "But she's claimed you as hers. Which mean I can use you to lure her out."

Chrysalis lit her horn with a dark green magic. However, before the magic could overcome the group, a bright green flash blinded the changelings.

The changelings backed up, blinking in shock. But by the time they regained their eyesight, the group of fighters was gone.

"What?!" Chrysalis barked, before glowering, looking around in rage.

"Was that...?" one of the changelings asked, falling silent as Chrysalis turned to him and the others.

"Search everywhere," she ordered. "I want that creature brought to me. Leave the purple unicorn for Sombra, and do what you will with the others."

"Okay," one of the larger changelings declared. "So, we take the purple mare to King Sombra, the snow leopard to the queen, and do whatever we want with the others."

"Excellent," Chrysalis praised.

"Got it," the changeling said with a grin. "Alright, everybody; let's go!"

"Yeah!" The changelings spread out, searching the surrounding areas. However, as they passed by several barrels, they failed to notice six barrels inching away into a nearby alleyway.

A blue eye poked out of a hole on one of the barrels, watching as the changelings ran out of sight.

"All clear," Pinkie declared, and the barrels popped open, the mares and snow leopard leaping out.

Racing to the end of the alleyway, Rainbow Dash's eye alighted on a sign engraved with bars and shackles.

"Look," Rainbow Dash whispered in glee. "Jasper-Jam Jail!"

Sneaking towards the prison, the group halted as Fluttershy stopped them, her ears wiggling.

"Two changelings," she reported. "Guarding the entrance." She perked up. "Where's Tai?"

Before the group could even look for the son of their master, a shriek emanated from the prison entrance. One changeling was hurled into the wall across from them, hitting the wall like a bug against a windshield. Racing around the corner, the group found Tai Lung choking the last changeling into submission. Grinning at them, he kicked open the door.

"Ladies," he offered with a grin.

Rarity cooed. "What a gentleman," she praised. Twilight just sighed.

Four more changelings raced out for them. Rarity caught one of the changeling's lunges, redirecting him into the ground, while Rainbow and Pinkie took out the others. The fourth tried to hide, only for Twilight to catch him with a beam spell before he could grab Rainbow.

"Nice one, Twilight" Rainbow Dash praised.

Nodding, Twilight turned to Tai, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie.

"Can you guys keep watch?" she asked. "The changeling Hive Mind will definitely pick up on what we did to these guards."

"You got it, Twilight," Pinkie replied. "At the first sign of trouble, we'll whine like Rarity." She mimicked Rarity's voice. "This is WHINING!"

"Nice," Rainbow Dash said with a grin, as she and Twilight jumped down. Missing Rarity's look of indignation.

"I do not sound like that," she scoffed.

But Rarity's pouting would have to wait. For before she and Pinkie could argue about it, Twilight spotted the forlorn form of Flash Sentry.

"The ferocious Master Flash!" Twilight said, awe in her voice as she ran to his cell, spotting a muscular white pegasus behind the orange prisoner. "And The Storming Master Bulk!" Twilight gagged with glee. "I can't believe we're rescuing actual legends of Kung-Fu!"

"Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked as Twilight giggled. "Are you having another joy overload?"

"No-no," Twilight said, quickly shaking off her glee and replacing it with determination. "Don't worry Masters," she assured the bemused looking prisoners. "We're gonna free you from these bonds of injustice, no problem."

She began charging a spell to unlock the cell... only for Rainbow Dash to kick the door down.

"Or do that." Twilight admitted.

"Alright, come on," Rainbow Dash declared. "It's time to bring Lord Sombra to Justice!"

Rainbow Dash and Twilight ran towards the entrance, already envisioning bursting out with legends of Kung-fu behind them. Really far behind them...

They slowed and turned back. The masters had not moved from their cells.

"Um... Masters?" Twilight asked, peeking into the cell. "Are we going or not?"

Rainbow Dash poked her head in. "You want to meet us there or something? Don't you want to save the Empire?"

"Yeah," Bulk said, his tone bitter and slightly petulant.

"But if we try," Flash added, picking up the door with his cell mate. "Sombra will turn the weapon on the city."

Twilight stared in shock as they set the door back into place.

"Wait, so you're... protecting the Empire by not protecting the Empire?" she asked.

"That doesn't make sense," Rainbow insisted. "If we all work together..."

Bulk silenced the pegasus by slamming the bars into the stone. "Then what happened to Master Macintosh will happen to EVERYONE!" he boomed.

The mares backed up as Bulk hung his head against the bars, the death of his fellow master weighing on him like bricks. Rainbow Dash and Twilight glanced at each other.

"Then what if we use..." Twilight offered before teleporting into the cell. "A sneak attack." She began to draw a plan in the dust on the ground. "We'll get inside..."

But before she could continue, Flash grabbed her.

"And then you will be stopped," he insisted, throwing her back out, Bulk opening the door enough to let her out before slamming it shut. "By the unstoppable weapon."

But Twilight regained her feet. "Nothing's unstoppable," she snapped before pausing. "Except for me. When I'm stopping you. From telling me something's... unstoppable." She paused, scratching her head in confusion.

Bulk and Flash blinked at her in equal bambozzlement. "What?" Flash asked.

Twilight answered with a battle cry, hitting the door, and causing it to spin from Bulk embedding the middle of it in stone. Adapting, Twilight spun underneath sending Bulk out of the cell.

Before Twilight could do more than laugh, Bulk charged right back in right as Flash shoved Twilight into the door, sending the piece of barred metal into another spin. Unfortunately, when a pony was spat back out before a very amused Rainbow Dash, it was Flash Sentry.

"Bulk, wrong one!" Flash stammered, tapping at the bar. "Bulk! Wrong pony!"

But Twilight stood between Bulk and the entrance, her face set with determination.

"Master Bulk Biceps," she declared. "You are not staying in this cell!"

"Oh, yeah?!" Bulk roared, before charging her and sending her right over the bars. As Flash snuck back in, Twilight was sent spinning out head over heels. Luckily, Rainbow Dash caught her, and spun her right back to her feet. Twilight blinked in utter confusion, having no idea what just happened.

"You see that?" Rainbow Dash asked. "That's called being awesome."

Twilight blinked at her. "Oh, uh... thanks, Rainbow," she said, before turning back to the stubborn prisoners. "Come on! What happened to being heroes!"

She charged back in, grappling with Bulk as Flash tried to get her back out.

"The only hero in this city is a dead one!" Flash insisted, before they were spent spinning round and round and round the door.

Finally, Twilight was spat out of the spinning whirlwind, and landed defeated on her back. Bulk slammed the door shut.

"Ain't no way you getting us outta this cell!" he snapped... only to realize he and Flash had ended up on the outside of the cell.

"Oh..." Flash muttered, before the door shattered from the stress.

Twilight giggled as Rainbow Dash helped her to her feet.

"Alright, you done, or can we get... oh come on!" Rainbow Dash grumbled.

The masters had walked right into the cell next to their old one.

"I get the top bunk this time," Flash said, jumping onto the top bunk, as Bulk shut the door on them.

"It's time to face it," Bulk said, his voice broken. "Kung-Fu is dead."

Twilight and Rainbow Dash blinked in horror.

"D-Dead..." Twilight whispered, her heart broken at what a well-known hero and master had just uttered. However, Rainbow Dash's stare turned into a glare.

"Fine," she growled. "Stay in your prison of fear, with bars made of hopelessness."

Twilight, gaining strength from Rainbow Dash's words, stepped up again.

"Y-Yeah. With three square meals a day of shame!" she added.

"With despair for desert," Flash Sentry muttered behind Bulk.

"But we are gonna take down Sombra," Dash declared. "And destroy his weapon."

"Yeah," Twilight agreed. "And show all those who hunger for justice and honor, that Kung-Fu still lives!"

"Yay." a gray mare in another cell replied. Pinkie raced up to her in glee.

"Maude?!" she shrieked.

But before Bulk could consider Twilight's words, or Maude could explain why she was in the cell, the door burst open. And Queen Chrysalis and two of her changeling guards strolled in.

"At last," Chrysalis purred.

Twilight winced before glaring at Pinkie. "Pinkie!" she hissed.

Pinkie turned from her sister, just noticing the changelings. "Oopsie-daisy," she whimpered. She briefly looked up to Tai and the others, but Tai motioned for them to not blow their cover. Getting his message, Twilight turned to the Queen of Changelings.

"You!" Twilight declared, setting up her combat stance. "You're the one that stole from the Musicians."

"And next, I'll steal you for King Sombra," Chrysalis replied with a wide grin.

A grin that quickly faded when Tai and Rarity squashed her changeling guards into paste. As the masters surrounded the changeling queen, her eyes widened, taking in the odds stacked against her.

"Actually, with the benefit of hindsight..." Chrysalis began, before her wings popped out and she flew up and out of the roof.

"After her!" Twilight ordered, as the ponies and snow leopard lunged out the roof after her.

Little did the warriors know, but as Chrysalis fled from them, she whispered into her hive mind, "Do not attack the ponies. Withdraw to the castle and await me."

Though the warriors did not hear her order, they did not question the lack of changeling as they pursued the queen through the streets of the Crystal Empire.

"Your bug butt is mine, changeling scum!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Oh, no," Tai Lung declared. "She frightened Urtica. She's mine to squash!"

"Usual wager?" Rainbow Dash asked with a grin Tai Lung returned.

"You're on!"

The two out ran and out flew Twilight and the others, closing in on Chrysalis. Panicking as her target fell behind, Chrysalis dove into the streets, seizing a random crystal pony and carrying him into the air.

"Hey-Hey!" Rainbow Dash yelled, chasing after her. With the benefit of wings, Rainbow Dash easily started to catch up. Until Chrysalis hurled her hostage into open air. Lacking wings, the pony screamed as she tumbled. Rainbow Dash yelped, and dove after the mare, as Chrysalis let Twilight continue to pursue her.

"That's it," Chrysalis purred. "That's it, Twilight... come to Mama..."

Yet, as Twilight chased after her lowering form, Fluttershy began rising up, her ears twitching as she tracked Chrysalis. Glowering, Chrysalis dove into the Crystal Market, smashing her way through stalls and sending ponies and produce flying into the air.

"Ack!" Twilight yelled, trying to levitate them, only for Rarity's magic to take over.

"We've got this, Twilight," Rarity said, as Pinkie zipped around with a massive cake, cushioning every pony's fall.

"Yeah, you get that meanie-bug-lady," Pinkie declared.

Yet, as Twilight turned around, Tai Lung stayed with her. And both of them gaped in horror as Chrysalis held up a little baby cart filled with crystal pony fillies.

"Don't. You..." Twilight started to warn, before Chrysalis tossed them into Tai Lung.

The son of Luna roared as he was blinded by tiny hands and feet.

"Tai!" Twilight yelled, racing after him, much to Chrysalis' dismay. "Tai Lung, you're going the wrong way."

Twilight lashed out with her magic, just barely managing to keep Tai Lung from falling off a roof. However, one of the fillies lost her grip, and cheered with delight as she fell.

"No!" Tai and Twilight yelled, Twilight trying to flare another spell... only to lower her arm in relief as Rainbow Dash zipped by, the filly safely in her arms.

The three deposited the fillies at the ground, only to look on hoplessly as Chrysalis was even further away then before. Chrysalis laughed heartily, opening one eye to see what Twilight did.

"Come, warrior," she silently thought. "Come get me."

Growling, Twilight glared down at where Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity were catching up.

"Pinkie," she declared. "Party Cannon."

Pinkie gasped in delight before yanking her cannon out of her cake.

"Rainbow Dash," Twilight said, turning to the cyan mare. "Sonic Rainboom by Proxy."

Rainbow Dash gasped in glee, before nodding. "I'll need a boost," she said. "Tai Lung, think you can handle it?"

Tai Lung chuckled, cracking his knuckles. "Let's do it," he declared.

Together, the three jumped, landing perfectly in Pinkie's party cannon, who aimed it right at the confused looking Queen.

"FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" Pinkie yelled blasting them out.

First, Tai Lung hurled Rainbow, who was holding on to Twilight. And as the air bent around Rainbow and Twilight, Rainbow spun around and bucked Twilight through the sound barrier, producing a sonic explosion of both purple and rainbow colors.

Chrysalis' grin faded from her face as Twilight rocketed towards her, shrieking in horror.



Then the two collided, Twilight carrying Chrysalis down the streets as the other warriors tried to keep up.

Despite the high-intensity ride, Chrysalis locked her arms around Twilight, cackling in victory.

"Fool!" she declared. "I wanted you to catch me. Now away from your friends, I shall..."

WHACK! Chrysalis' head crashed through one of the signs above the many stores of the Crystal streets.

"What the?!" Chrysalis demanded. "Who dares...?"

WHACK! Another sign smashed into her face.

Realizing her advantage, Twilight folded herself back, and blasted explosion spells, keeping up their momentum as sign after sign crashed into Chrysalis' head.

"You will...." WHACK! "I'm not..." WHACK! "Will you..." WHACK! "This is..." WHACK!"

Shrieking in rage, Chrysalis seized Twilight by the ankles and spun her right into the sign's path.

"Now see how you like it!" Chrysalis declared, as the first of many signs crashed into Twilight's head.

"Ow!" WHACK! "Why..." WHACK! "Are there..." WHACK! "So..." WHACK! "Many..." WHACK! "Signs!?"

Luckily, Chrysalis was so busy laughing at Twilight's pain that she didn't keep their momentum up. And as gravity regained it's hold on them, they tumbled to the ground, falling down a set of stairs.

Remembering another set of stairs from another fight, Twilight seized Chrysalis' head, whacking it against the ground with every bounce they made off the stairs.

"Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow!" Chrysalis whined as her face was bruised and battered by the relentless crystal.

Chrysalis tried to flare a spell. But as her face hit the ground for the twentieth time, her horn was hit the wrong way, and the spell exploded, throwing both pony and changeling into the air. Briefly, they held each other, screaming as they careened towards the gate of the Crystal Castle. But just before Chrysalis could remember she had wings, Twilight seized her wings and angled her into the ground.

"And... SQUASH!" Twilight roared, smashing Chrysalis chest first into the ground. Laughing in victory and adrenaline, Twilight stumbled off the beaten changeling queen, even as Chrysalis looked up with a tired grin.

"Taste the defeat!" Twilight declared, falling off her as the rest of her friends joined her.

"Let me tell you something, bug," Rainbow declared. "Next time you face a Kung-Fu Warrior, be sure to bring..."

"An army?" Chrysalis asked from the ground.

As she began to laugh at them, the warriors looked up in horror as changelings swarmed out of the Crystal Gates, surrounding them in seconds while several helped their queen to her feet.

"You foolish martial artists," Chrysalis mocked, as a bigger changeling stepped towards Twilight. "Did you not know? When you mess with a Queen, you get the Hive."

The big changeling slugged Twilight in the gut, sending her to the ground sucking air. Even as Tai Lung and Rainbow got in the changeling's face, four more melted out from the swarm to surround them.

"Go on," Chrysalis dared as the changelings bore their fangs. "Your move. What are you going to do?"

Tai Lung and Rainbow Dash narrowed their eyes before looking to Twilight. She was getting back up, glowering at Chrysalis as she rubbed her stomach. She thought it over for a minute, glancing at her friends, before she spoke.

"We surrender."

"WHAT?!" Tai Lung, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie all yelled. But the changelings swarmed them. In seconds, the group was shackled. Rarity had her horn covered by anti-magic rings, Rainbow and Fluttershy's wings were tied down along with their arms. Tai Lung was muzzled and shackled until it looked like he was wearing a suit of armor.

"Twilight..." he hissed.

"Trust me," she whispered, as her own arms were yanked forward. "I've got a p..."

She stopped as shackles were fitted onto her wrists, and she spun to them in shock.

"No way!" she stammered. "Eight point acupuncture cuffs?!" She turned to Tai Lung in excitement. "These are just like the ones that held... you." She paused, seeing the forlorn expression on his face.

"Yes," he admitted in a deadpan voice. "I more than remember their sting."

"Isn't it true that the more you move, the tighter they get...?" Twilight started to ask, before a yak yanked her forward, and she yelped. "Yep! Yes, they do." She giggled. "Oh, these are the best cuffs!" Her giggles went up in another yelp as she and the others were yanked into the castle.

To await King Sombra.