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J Carp

I'm an old sourpuss.


Sugarcoat has a plan: she'll deal with the ennui and anxiety of her impending high school graduation by finding her pony counterpart and making out with her.

Sugarcoat suspects this is not a very good plan, but it's the best she can think of at the moment.

Luckily, a secret business has sprouted up providing the exact service she's seeking.

A last-second entry into FanOfMostEverything's Most Delightful Ponidox contest!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 54 )

This was fun, I liked it. I'm happy things didn't go the way I thought they were going to.

A Taocragus sounds like a creature from D&D!

This is delightful. You have some fantastic turns of phrase. I love Sugarcoat's internal narration. Things like "Trixie pronounced the word ‘liaison’ with more joy than Sugarcoat had ever felt about anything."

The fundamental concept is utterly ridiculous, but everyone knows that which makes it magnificent. You write the Shadowbolts well, Pinkie Pie well, I couldn't help giggling at Rarity and Applejack... Yeah, this is just the right kind of silly.

The italic versions of other awkward liasions are utterly delightful. Maud with Maud made me laugh out loud. Vignette Valencia was intensely annoying, which shows how well you wrote her too. Rarity's conversation with Applejack about it was beautifully awkward.

And then the perfect moments keep coming. Hilarity like

Sunset took a very slow, deep breath. “You are telling me I don’t understand how other people feel. To goad me to use my superpower. Which allows me to know what other people feel.”

immediately followed by heart-piercing clarity like

“I don’t want to lose the people who’re important to me, and I don’t know how that can happen after the end of this year. If I have a network, and everyone knows everyone, then... “

Very satisfying reading. It caught me by surprise that you didn't show the actual conversation the whole fic's been building up to, but that excellent little scene at the end made it unnecessary.

I love how you dealt with not just the humans' angst about imminent graduation and social separation, but also the core difference between the pony and human worlds, that the pony versions of people are generally older and further along in their life. That actually guides a vast amount of this fic, doesn't it?

(I'm not sure the ponies should actually come through the mirror as adults. Twilight was an alicorn princess and came through as a gangly teenage girl. But that can probably be handwaved.)

You might well be in with a good shot in the contest too. It's arguable whether the meeting of Sugarcoat and Sugarcoat is actually particularly a focus, but the other incidental liaisons, and just the key theme and motif, I think might stand you in good stead. Thanks for the great fic, and best of luck in the judging!

I love it!
Alittle too long to get to the point, but I still love it.

Well, this I found fun; thanks for writing. :)

I'm only halfway done with the first chapter and you're already topping yourself. Alongside the glorious character interactions, each person has quirks that feel unique to your work while being natural extensions of what we know.

Nice fic, I really enjoyed those interactions. And don't worry, nobody will tell Sunset about it.

*Sunset Shimmer behind me breathing heavily*

The titanic level of Cadance’s basic-ness hurts

“Is this a theme party?” Lemon Zest asked. “We all, one by one, admit we’re totally gay for Sunset Shimmer?”

That seems less like a theme party and more acknowledging a universal fact.

Cadence's slow realization that she's more basic than a Plains is beautiful.

Sugarcoat rolled her eyes. “I’m called Sugarcoat because my entire existence is an ironic joke.”

I mean, she's not wrong. (I posit that her parents are a chef and a spin doctor.)

“That rap you did?” Sugarcoat called back, “In the Dance Magic music video? Was the worst thing I’ve ever heard.”

Again, not wrong.

“It’s not personal!” Sunset assured her. “You’d actually be surprised how often I get asked this sort of thing.”

This raises some fascinating questions.

This is a very clever way for the human Crusaders to map to their counterparts' career. The question is how they found out about said career in the first place. In any case, onward!

I like to think friendships strong enough to power rainbow lasers can endure the group going to different colleges. Especially with videoconferencing.

“I get it, Sugarcube. I…”
“Ugh. If you can’t even get my name right, why am I even talking to you?”

Legitimately brilliant exchange there.

“No, come on!” Trixie argued. “I’m invested now! I’m actually getting kind of worried you’re dead.”

Given that the human world's population is probably an order of magnitude greater than Equestria's, it's possible that pony Sugarcoat was never born.

I like helping people understand themselves. I’m always gonna be a great magician, of course, but… this job has made me think about majoring in psychology, becoming a counselor or something on the side.

Oh hey, one will actually have training!

:rainbowlaugh: The Vignette vignette was perfect.

“You can stop doing that. I don’t think your rapping in the Dance Magic video was the worst thing I’ve ever seen, anymore.”
“Yeah?” Pinkie grinned wildly.
“Yeah. I saw your yacht video.”

Still not wrong.

Oh, this was brilliant from start to finish. You write some outstanding Shadowbolts, to say nothing of everyone else. Sugarcoat is an especially interesting mindspace to occupy, given how antithetical they are to most characters in this franchise. Great work. Thank you for it, and best of luck in the judging.


Cadance. Cadance.

I'm sorry, but you're almost as boring as Mud Briar.


This was lovely. And I think Sugarcoat is about to be very pleasantly surprised.

I do wonder how the “meeting” between the two Cadances and Shining Armors went

Sugarcoat is a fascinating perspective.

Everyone has already commented about how Cadance is so...so. But I love both her interaction with Twilight and everyone bouncing off each other in the party. Seriously, I could just read about these kind of shenanigans for ages. I love this kind of bantery slice of life.

Some day, Sunset is going to realize she is ready for dating. And then Wallflower is going to be so so happy.

Also good to see that Juniper Montage is there. The world needs more Juniper Montage.

Cutie Mark Crusaders: Inter-Dimensional Smugglers! Yay!

Of all the contest entries:

I've read so far--including my own--I like this one best. Fantastically done all around!


Wonderful! You write amazing Shadowbolts, and it's warming seeing them get closer as they learn this whole 'friendship' thing. They're good kids, they'll be okay.

And the other people having their awkward meetups were great. Vignette vs Valencia... how could it have gone any other way? And Boulder/Boulder. That's got to be a first as far as romance tags go...

And then just the pure heartwarming truths. Loved this story. Thank you.

“Oh, finding you was simple: I simply asked someone what the classiest place they knew was, and then, after I got there, I asked someone there what the classiest place they knew was. It only took three iterations to make my way here.”

I love this method of finding someone.

First off, Sugarcoat is my favorite Shadowbolt, so this appealed to me immediately. They need more stories about them! (Bonus points for making Sugarcoat non-binary, that was an unexpected but interesting little detail.)

So, yeah. This was a great mix of humor with seriousness, and lots of heart. Sugarcoat's perspective is excellent, and all of the other girls are wonderfully presented as well. (Another little thing I liked was Sunset's temper flaring, a reminder that as much as she is reformed and trying to be and do good, she's got a lot of fire in her!)

All in all, a great read. I'm wishing you luck and success in the contest!

You wouldn't if you knew how boring it turned out to be.

O&O game session followed by cheesy generic romance movie?

It's not her fault! She wants action, the plot just keeps shoving her into the most boring places possible. I mean, her Equestrian counterpart was so bored in the Crystal Empire that being attacked by a Tatzlwurm was considered a fun and exiting day off.

And did you see how much fun she had playing heroine to Rarity?

I'm willing to be that nopony was more disappointed than Cadance when Twilight told her to stay put in the series' finale.


They show each other baby pictures of Flurry.

O&O session with in-character flirting that reaches truly unprecedented levels of dorky cheese.

The Shinings, in a desperate attempt to salvage the evening, broke out a heavily houseruled and improved Tome of Sensual Myth (the original had a few good ideas but was wildly overhyped) and tried to give it a go. Cadance was very much still Basic in character until they found a cursed corrupting amulet and...

You had me at BouldBould.

I love Lemon Zest here.

I strongly encourage everybody to not look at Sugarcoat's fingers in the image there.

' Trixie pronounced the word ‘liaison’ with more joy than Sugarcoat had ever felt about anything' is the best line of the whole thing, as the very first comment also notes. I also liked how quickly their alt self shut them down, I wasn't expecting that.

“You would, dearie,” Sunny nudged her, apparently feeling no impulse whatsoever to explain what she meant. “Can we finally get out of here? This turned out to be boring after all.”

Their principal making out with an alternate reality version of her fiancee and/or herself is boring.

“...yeah,” cutesy voice agreed uncertainly. “But most people just want to talk to themselves. Especially people our sisters’ age, they…”

Southern voice squawked. “Don’t say that! She’ll figure out who we are!”

“Ohhh yeah.” Cutesy voice giggled. “Sorry. Especially people Rarity and Applejack’s age, they’re kinda freaking out about who they are because they’re graduating soon.” There was a long pause. “...what? What’d I say?”

Loved this moment.

This was a great story! I see you're following Aragon's advice about an eyecatching description for what's actually a character analysis story. This was a great look at Sugarcoat's character and how they deal with graduation blues, and as always, the side bits with other characters were fantastic too.

“I like how rocky your house is,” Maud commented. “I live in a cave.”

“You’ve given me something to aspire to.”

And to think that this wasn't even the best part of that scene.

It was well worth the wait for the story to build up to Mirror Match Inc. to see what they've been up to.

Intrigued by the premise. Hooked by basic bitch Cadance. Absolutely in love by Trixie and CMC.

I loved this. I think this might be my favorite of the contest stories so far. I love stories that jump straight into a character's head and show the reader how the world looks from their perspective, and this did that wonderfully. Thank you for this.

This was actually legit interesting to read, and definitely caught me by surprise with a thing or two. Bravo.

“Um.” Wallflower fidgeted with her hands uncomfortably. “I like YYZ.”

Canadian Wallflower confirmed.

This was excellent. Thank you.

Comment posted by IAmApe deleted Dec 10th, 2020
Comment posted by J Carp deleted Apr 5th, 2021
Comment posted by IAmApe deleted Dec 10th, 2020
Comment posted by J Carp deleted Apr 5th, 2021
Comment posted by IAmApe deleted Dec 10th, 2020
Comment posted by J Carp deleted Apr 5th, 2021
Comment posted by IAmApe deleted Dec 11th, 2020
Comment posted by J Carp deleted Apr 5th, 2021

Sugarcoat couldn’t be mad anymore; she actively tried and just couldn’t do it. Not like this, not with Sunny smushing her. “Mmf. I mean. People are exhausting. I usually spend most of my time at parties hoping there’s a dog I can hang out with, so I don’t have to talk to anyone. Leave it to Twilight Sparkle to have the one dog in the world where that wouldn’t even help.”

Agreed. Or I just fade into the background grab as much food as I can, and find someplace where no one else is and chill, people like me usually do the same thing and we hang out or explore the house.

The moment proved too much for Lemon Zest. “Ugggggghhhh,” she pouted, flinging herself onto her back. “Blah blah blah, emotional maturity, social skills. This is so boring! It’s the opposite of rock!” She jumped to her feet, one hand devil’s horns, the other hand doing something that was very hard to interpret but might have been some kind of air-drumming. “C’mon, let’s talk about that! You! Juniper!” She pointed with her entire body at the confused girl. “What’s your favorite rock song?”

“Rock song?” Juniper asked, raising an eyebrow. “What am I, fifty? I listen to hip-hop, like a normal person.”

Lemon, I love you, never change.
Juniper, go sit on a cactus, and take your minimal effort, formulaic, cookie-cutter, lowest common denominator garbage noise somewhere else.

Author Interviewer

A story about Cadence being boring and normal? :V I'm here!

But literally what the hell. XD

This has some of the best characterization of Equestria Girls characters I've ever seen, and that's saying something. I love this.

Howdy, hi!

Oh my gosh, this premise is so dumb and I love it. Like, I cannot put into words how much I enjoy this. Sugarcoat is amazing and I love everyone in this. You have somehow taken every character kept them close to their canon selves, but pushed it just enough to be as comedic as possible without compromising the prior point.

Cadance being a basic mom and doing the wild thing of having a swinger's night with her own doubleganger is brilliant. Everything out of Pinkie's mouth is hilarious and actually hilarious. That everyone has asked out Sunset Shimmer was a great moment. Just everyone in this is so much fun and I adore the entire premise of the story.

Also, this line kills me every time I read it:

“I’m certain there are people in other countries who don’t, but practically speaking, yes.” Sugarcoat paused, then took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, I’m being rude. Hello. I hope you’ve been well. It’s nice to see you. May I meet my magic pony self?”

Ah, cant wait to read the next chapter.

Okay, what. This is nuts. I cannot believe a story with *this* premise is so absolutely heartfelt and clever. Like, you are playing 4D chess with some of these jokes, I can't even. The entire premise of self-identity and the characterizations, and all the emotional payoffs, and just ugh it's so good. Your prose is divine and had me reading more and more as I went and I outright had to stop several times because I was laughing too hard.

Also, this will never not make me laugh:

Maud answered the somber knock on her front door. “It’s you.”

“Yes,” Maud replied. “It’s me.”

“Please, come in.” Maud stepped aside and let Maud enter before closing the door behind her.

“I like how rocky your house is,” Maud commented. “I live in a cave.”

“You’ve given me something to aspire to.”

I'm just absolutely in love with this story. You can consider me a massive fan now. Just, oh my gosh take all my praise.

Thank you for the amazing read.

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