• Published 6th Nov 2020
  • 1,238 Views, 92 Comments

Son of the Howlite Howler - JNKing

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Chapter 12: Old Friends


The princess of the night was torn from Kodo’s side, returning to the waking realm to find Twilight shaking her, fear in her purple eyes.

“Luna, we need your help,” she insisted. “I think Kodo’s back!”

“But Kodo’s searching for his sister,” she insisted. “What’s…?”

But before she could ask, she saw the air ships from the night before. Descending upon Ponyville.

"Oh... right." Rising with a growl, Luna joined Twilight at the front barricade. “Stand fast,” she ordered.

The ponies of Ponyville formed ranks, standing alongside the changelings of Thorax’s hive, along with the Thestrals she had summoned. Though ponies and changelings alike gave the thestrals nervous looks, they were quickly more concerned with the ships that landed before them. And the cracked-horned unicorn that came from them.

“There you are,” Tempest Shadow noted with a grin. “And here I was concerned that Kodo was spinning me lies.”

“Who are you?” Luna demanded.

“Why are you helping Kodo?” Twilight demanded.

“Cooperation furthers our respective goals,” Tempest replied. “I need your magic, and he needed someone to keep you busy while he searched for his family.” Her eyes narrowed. “And, if I may add… taking his mother? That’s low even for you.”

Twilight and Luna’s eyes narrowed.

“We didn’t take her,” Twilight growled. “If anything, we’re… going to find her.” She glanced back at the Ever-Free. “Soon.”

Tempest hummed. “Good,” she declared. “Having someone that diamond dog pup truly cares about will make it easier to ensure he doesn’t try anything stupid like turn his back on this little alliance.” She grinned as Storm Creatures formed ranks behind her. “Something I recommend you follow his example on.”

Luna stamped a hoof. “Kodo’s mind is beset by darkness and madness,” she declared. “We are not so easily manipulated.”

Tempest merely huffed in amusement. “I was hoping you’d make this interesting,” she admitted, withdrawing an obsidian orb from her armor. “Considering these were originally intended for you two.”

Luna’s eyes widened in alarm, and she and Twilight dove to the side as Tempest hurled the orb at them. As the princesses tried to blast Tempest, the armies once again clashed.

Unfortunately, though the Ponyville resistance fought with just as much ferocity as the diamond dogs who came before, they were still too reliant on magic. And as their spells fizzled and faded against the magic-resistant armor of the Storm King Army, they were forced to rely on physical strength to overcome them.

Yet, they didn’t give up. Pinkie Pie blasted cakes and pies at the Storm Creatures, the Cake family right alongside her. Rarity hurled gems and jewels, with Sweetie Belle keeping her armed. Apple Bloom and Big Mac hurled apples at the trees, while Discord turned them into bombs with snaps of his fingers. And Zecora hurled potions and ancient brews from the side, drawing the Storm Creature’s gaze.

Yet, as the princesses fought with the traitor unicorn Tempest, what she had said burned in Luna’s mind.

I need your magic, and he needs someone to distract you while he searches for his family.”

Twilight briefly backed up from the fight, attempting a replica of Shiva’s pack link. Though it was shaky, she connected to Luna’s natural dream spells. Though it nearly cost Luna her freedom, as she narrowly dodged an obsidian orb.

This is just a distraction,” Twilight thought with all her might. “Kodo’s going after Celine. That means that Canterlot must be open. None of Shiva's family are controlling it. Maybe we could try to save Celestia.”

Luna briefly didn’t speak, sending Tempest back-flipping away with a shadow spell.

That may not be possible, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna finally replied wearily. “This army is like nothing I’ve seen before.”

“If not us, then at the very least someone else,” Twilight insisted, knocking Tempest off guard with a shot to the ground under her hooves. “Not all of Equestria could have fallen to the diamond dogs.”

Luna pondered it, before dodging another orb from the unicorn. She growled. “My dream realm could allow quicker communication. But you would have to fight her on your own!”

But Twilight smiled as a cake suddenly plastered Tempest upside the head. Pinkie rolled her cannon next to her, while Rarity drop-kicked a storm creature into a waiting spell from Thorax, and grinned at the princesses.

“I’m never alone,” Twilight declared, standing with her friends as Tempest got up with a sparking horn and an expression of rage. “Go!”

Smiling at the young princesses’ bravery, Luna let one more spell loose, managing to punch a hole in one of the ships and send it plummeting to the ground. Emboldened, the thestrals, changelings and ponies continued to push back, while Luna shot from the battlefield.

Returning to a quiet place, she dove back into the dream realm. Though no one slept, she remembered the concept of day dreams. Desperately, she sent out a massive spell, echoing with her message.

Ponies of Equestria,”she begged. “The Son of the Howlite Howler moves North. Away from Canterlot. Free Celestia. Free Canterlot. Free Equestria!”


Meanwhile, Kodo stood over the beaten Brae burn and the resistance of Appaloosa. He shook his head at the buffalo that were forced to their knees before him.

“You should have just let us pass peacefully,” Kodo noted. “We had no quarrel with you.”

“Y-You took down our princesses,” Brae Burn insisted. “You made yerself an enemy of the ponies the second you took down Princess Cadence.”

“And they may not be our leaders,” the biggest buffalo replied. “But we are still allies to the ponies. And as long as they need us, we will fight.”

Loyal,” Sombra mused. “Admirable, I’m sure. But it must be punished.”

Sighing, Kodo nodded assent, and raised his claw to fire a spell at them…

Only for a silvery tendril to pass through them all. Kodo staggered on his feet, while several of the ponies collapsed and fell asleep instantly. In the throes of exhaustion, Kodo heard her.

Ponies of Equestria,” Luna declared. “The Son of the Howlite Howler moves North! Away from Canterlot! Free Celestia! Free Canterlot! Free Equestria!”

Blinking and shaking his head free, Kodo noticed the buffalo chief trying to rise.

Sombra!” he barked. And the dark king replied, catching the buffalo with a spell that quickly encased the chief in obsidian.

The ponies yelped, and wisely bowed when Kodo glared at them. Yet, the diamonds dogs still stood with confusion.

"What happened?" Luke asked.

"A dream message," Kodo replied. "They know we left Canterlot."

“If Celestia is freed,” Sombra whispered. “Your entire army will suffer.”

Kodo grimaced. “But Celine still needs our help.” He insisted.

For a moment, the diamond dogs stood in doubt. Then… their smallest member stepped up.

“I’ll go back to Canterlot,” Muffins offered. “I’ll keep them from freeing the princess.” He put his claw on Kodo’s shoulder. “Find your sister. And bring a whole army of changelings back with ya.”

Kodo grinned, and pat Muffins’ shoulder as well. Luke stepped up as well.

“Send someone to the Crystal Empire as well,” he suggested. “Not only to check and make sure Cadence is alright… but Shiva and I were working on something that might be able to help.”

Muffins’ eyes glittered with an ominous light, and he bowed to his Alpha. “At once, Alpha,” he declared, before scampering away.

Kodo watched him go with confusion. “W-What were you and Mother working on?” he asked as they turned back for the hives.

Luke grinned. “Poison gas,” he explained. “Diamond Dogs are usually resistant to most gases. We have to, as a result of living underground. But other creatures are not as adaptable. We figured out a way to turn that on any non-dogs that came across us.” He paused. “Of course, Shiva cut production on it after she found out what it does. But, if it discourages enemy movement…”

Kodo grimaced, before turning to Muffins.

Muffins,”he barked, catching the small diamond dog with a pack link. “This weapon Dad’s suggesting. You be careful with it. After all, not all of our allies are diamond dogs. It’s possible Celine will meet us at the border with an army of changelings. Ready to help us take out the princesses and get Mother back.”


Kodo was right in some regards.

As Celine gazed at the Hive that was waiting for them, she noticed with a shudder that it was placed right next to the border of Equestria. From her vantage point, Celine could see the fires burning across Equestria. Ponies marching to and fro, prepping for war.

Her ears flattened, and a whimper escaped her snout. Shining Armor walked up next to her, following her gaze with a somber expression.

“This war’s never going to truly be won,” Celine admitted. “Is it?”

Shining Armor glanced at her with a confused look. “What do you mean?” he asked.

“Even if we stop all the fighting,” she noted. “Save the princesses…” she lowered her head. “The ponies won’t forgive the diamond dogs.” She looked up with tears in her eyes. “Won’t forgive… my brother for what he did.”

Shining grimaced, but couldn’t refute her. At least, not until Skippy walked up next to her.

“That was Sombra,” he insisted. “Not your brother. It’s not fair to just judge him for the actions of one of their own.”

Celine nodded, but her tail remained tucked. “It wasn’t fair, what happened to Mother either,” Celine pointed out. “But it happened anyway.”

Skippy grimaced at her point, before Scorpia and Orenta walked up to them.

“We’re here,” Orenta said, turning their gaze to the changeling hive. “Caritatin Hive.”

At first, Caritatin Hive looked rather undeveloped. And yet… as they made their way into the base, they noticed that the undeveloped part was more of a shell. A shell of ruins, admittedly, but ones that did a good job hiding the smaller but much cleaner and military prepared Hive. As they passed by the shell, several guards hiding in the broken comb-like entrances glared down at them, before their expressions softened, seeing two of their princesses among them.

“W-Welcome to Caritatin Hive, Princesses,” one of the changelings called, saluting Orenta and Scorpia.

“At ease, my friends,” Scorpia said, smiling at Shining Armor. “The Queen is going to want to see these visitors.”

Shining gave her a confused look, before she ushered him and the others inside. Despite the ruin outside, the Hive inside was still warm and inviting, with changelings constantly bowing to Shining and the ponies as they walked by.

“They don’t lack for spirit,” Shining noted, blinking as several passing changelings bowed to him.

“Their last queen – their entire royal family,” Scorpia noted sadly. “They were lost 45 years before Luna’s return.” She indicated outside. “That ruin used to be their old Hive.”

Celine glanced back. “Now it… what?” she asked. “Makes good camouflage.”

“Pretty much,” Orenta admitted with a grin, turning to Scorpia as the princess continued.

“Due to the complexity of inheritance without a designated heir, the council had to sift through over a thousand years’ worth of documentation,” Scorpia continued.

“It took them some time, and plenty of help from us,” Orenta continued as they lifted Shining and Celine towards the throne room. “But with Shiva’s aid, we managed to track down the last ratified inheritance paper, written by Queen Athru, a hundred years before Luna’s banishment. In her paper, she stated that in the event of no designated princess, the Hive was supposed to go to the youngest of the ‘Amore’ family.”

Shining blinked. “A-Amore?” he stammered.

But at that moment, they reached the throne room. And both Celine and Shining gasped in relieved wonder.

Sitting on the throne, with three changelings standing guard, playing with a stuffed animal, was Flurry Heart.

“Flurry!” Shining cried, lunging to embrace her. The changelings rose up to defend her, but Scorpia managed to wave them off in time, allowing father and daughter to be reunited. Celine briefly reached a claw out before drawing back, covering her muzzle in shock.

“H-How?” she whispered, turning to Scorpia. “I thought Kodo captured her.”

“Almost,” one of the changelings replied, still watching Shining warily. “But we were able to get her away in the nick of time.” He turned back to Celine and gave a small bow. “Councilor Setanta, at your service.” He indicated the other two changelings, who grimaced as Shining sat himself on the throne right by Flurry Heart’s side. “These are Councilor’s Cumhall and Dagda.”

“You… rescued my daughter?” Shining choked out.

“We rescued our Queen,” Dagda corrected.

“I…” Shining stammered, waving at his eyes. “There are no words. I-I have no right…”

“Do not fear, Prince Armor,” Setanta replied. “Just know that we are more than happy to fight for the ones who birthed our future Queen and restored our Hive.”

As Shining bowed in thanks, Celine chanced a glance outside the uncompleted hive. Her grin faded as she saw a very familiar diamond dog leading a massive pack towards them.

“Then I hope your army is ready,” Celine replied darkly. “Because that fight is coming sooner rather than later.”

Author's Note:

Flurry Heart; Queen of Changelings. Quite the twist, eh?

Big thanks to truenorth14 for coming up with Caritatin Hive. I was really curious in this twist and hope I portrayed it with enough shock and relief value.

Of course, Flurry's going to be tested soon, as Kodo marches on his own sister. And, of course, there's the question of where Shiva is in the human world. But, never fear. Those questions will be answered in time. :rainbowdetermined2:

Thank you as always for reading and commenting. You are a wonderful group, and I always enjoy sharing with you. :pinkiehappy:

Edit: Whoops. :twilightoops: Published the dang thing twice. Sorry. :twilightsheepish: