• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 11,121 Views, 1,881 Comments

The One True King - JDPrime22

Can Equestria’s greatest heroes coexist with these mythical and majestic beasts… or will they have to accept that their rule has come to an end? For the rule of the one true king, Godzilla, has returned.

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Chapter 4 – Once a Myth

Chapter 4

“She will cast her light upon the earth, and every life will be under her wings.”

Unknown, ancient temple manuscript

48 Hours Earlier

Forbidden Jungle

The cries of the evening creatures created a harmonious sound throughout all the jungle. Birds and insects and other animals—either discovered or not—filled the falling sunlight, praising and welcoming the coming twilight and, eventually, night itself. With that dying of the light, the jungle would be home to many beasts and creatures hunting for their dinner soon.

Which meant Daring Do would have to set up camp or find some shelter even sooner.

The adventurous Pegasus steadily made her way through the brush and flora, using her hoof as a guide that pushed aside vines and cleared her path. Upon her back, she carried all the essentials needed when embarking on an adventure such as hers. Plenty of food, canteens full of fresh river water, knives and other proper hunting tools, her trusty whip, a sleeping bag, and much, much more all compacted into several knapsacks resting on her. Normally, she would not be traveling so heavily. A lighter load meant less to lose in case a daring escape from a collapsing tomb was necessary, or running away from ghouls, henchponies, or even monsters of the unknown. Unfortunately, Daring Do did not have to worry over such dangers anymore.

The thrill of the treasure hunt had all but become extinct.

As she pressed on through the winding vines and branches, snuck underneath the towering trees, and avoided as many potential cautions as possible, Daring Do could only imagine how easy it had become. How… dull and lifeless her adventures had transformed into since Princess Twilight Sparkle took over as the ruler of Equestria. Not that Twilight had anything to do with her misfortunes, but more so… the sudden shift in power and following peace spreading throughout all the land.

Also… the promises she made.

No more life-threatening competition. That peace Princess Twilight brought actually held weight, as even Daring Do seemed to settle any bad blood between herself and her enemies. Dr. Caballeron and his goons took an early retirement. Turns out, Caballeron found more thrill and joy about writing his adventures than embarking on them. Daring Do smiled weakly at the thought. Their first co-written novel managed to get his alias out there, and allowed him to begin his writing career. He had quite the growing and supportive fanbase. Plus, the profit he made from his new career was almost enough to rival her own novels. Almost.

No more hunting for treasure, either. Though she believed she was committing a noble cause by protecting the artifacts, she was, in fact, stealing them from Ahuizotl and the other guardian creatures whose sole purposes were to actually protect the artifacts. Ahuizotl made it specifically clear to her never again to seek out riches within Tenochtitlan Basin. So, she didn’t. The Forbidden Jungle was big enough as it was, and as long as she stayed away from Tenochtitlan, everything else was fair game in her eyes.

However, the thought of other guardian creatures being tormented because of her actions made Daring Do think twice. Perhaps treasure hunting was in and of itself a relic of the past. Ancient civilizations and undiscovered temples were still fresh for the taking, though. As long as she didn’t take anything from them, she was free to explore and discover as much as her heart desired.

Besides, finding lost civilizations was more than enough of an adventure, one for the books and one her fans would adore.

Yet the lack of a formidable rival gang attempting to be the first to discover lost civilizations before her made her adventures seem empty in a sense. Of course, she hadn’t even run into said gang yet, and there was still the possibility that gang was still out there, waiting for that competition. Waiting for her. Daring Do still sighed at her constant, nagging thoughts. Sometimes she should just look at the positives. No competition meant no danger to her safety, health, or life. All she really had to worry about were the dangers of nature itself, and that was always something she could never predict.

Still, the competition would be exciting. Maybe she could call Caballeron and his goons out of retirement, tease him with the idea of one last ancient temple or pyramid or civilization they could try to discover before her.

But that moment had long passed. Now, it was just her, her wits, and a seemingly endless jungle filled with all sorts of terrors. Terrors that only amplified once the sun fell, so her chances of survival were dipping quicker by the minute. Daring Do returned to the idea of finding a safe place to camp or maybe even finding some shelter, the Pegasus spreading her wings and flying up beyond the tree tops.

Breaking out from the jungle’s hold on her, Daring Do kept a steady beat in her wings to remain hovering. Despite the weight placed upon her, she was still strong and athletic enough to hold her flight for a short moment. A moment was all she needed, the mare raising her foreleg above her eyes and scanning the jungle around her. The sun’s glare still burned against her vision, but it wouldn’t be long before even that light would vanish and she would thus be trapped in perpetual darkness. Then, the dangers and the thrill of the unknown would hit her like a freight train.

From her experience, the Forbidden Jungle was unforgiving, and being in uncharted territory meant there were a lot more unknowns to be wary of. Daring Do grumbled at the fading light, gazing back down to the forest floor. With a sigh, she made her decision.

“Might as well set up camp,” she whispered to herself. It was not her first choice, but her time window was running dangerously low. She still needed a fire to cook her meal, and she would rather start prepping the fire in whatever light was left rather than in total blackness.

Just as she dove down to begin her descent, a glimmer caught her eye. Daring Do flinched to it, blinking a few times and pausing in mid-air. She hesitated, wondered if what had struck her was real. Curiosity infecting her, Daring Do flew back skyward, slow and steady, gazing in the same direction where the glimmer had flashed by. The remaining rays of the sun gave her that chance to see it again, the quick glimmer of light blinding her vision.

Narrowing her eyes, Daring Do followed that glimmer and saw it deep within the jungle’s embrace, a few hundred feet ahead of her and almost completely inconspicuous. Almost.

Daring smirked. She flew directly towards it.

She had caught similar shimmers of light in the past. Her first instinct was to deem it as a jewel of some kind, or some rare rock unearthed to be taken by whomever should come across its path. Time and time again, the advantages of exploring uncharted territory kept rising against Daring’s waning worries. No competition. A whole world fresh for discovery. So much for her to plant her flag upon and boldly declare herself as an adventurous, archaeological master in her field.

By the time she broke through the trees and reached the earth below, she found the source of the glimmer of light. And curiously enough, it startled her all the more. More so, it made the pony have a short double take before her breath was quickly and assuredly ripped from her lungs.

The glimmer had indeed come from a jewel. The jewel itself was embedded within a stone pillar. At least, she thought it was stone. It was so old and decrepit that it made it difficult to analyze what it truly was. The rock itself was graying and lopsided, several vines curling around it while moss filled in the damaging cracks. Despite its age, the pillar remained standing. It was decorated with numerous crystals and jewels of unknown but obvious ancient origin.

Daring Do took a brave step forward, hoof rising to caress her chin while her eyes caressed the stone pillar. She studied the carvings, the damage, any signs of potential origin or whatever race had created such a monolith. Whatever it was, it wasn’t alone. Another pillar joined it, trying to remain hidden in the overwhelming and devouring vines within the canopy on her far left. Several more went even deeper ahead of her, forming what appeared to be a decorated pathway into the unknown darkness and depths of the Forbidden Jungle. An unsettling fog filled the jungle onward, the wind sounding more and more like haunting whispers brushing against her ears.

Whispers that told her to press onwards.

Daring Do wanted to believe it was herself that pushed her on, that it was her intuition and instinct as a treasure hunter and explorer. But it was that tiniest, unknown breath in the wind that earned the adventuress' interests. Her hoof grazed the jewel—an easy find—and eventually tore away from it. The fog itself seemed to follow the same pathway, slinking away like serpents into the blackness. Seeing the obvious signs of intelligent design, with the hope of some kind of civilization and shelter further off into the jungle, Daring Do counted her choices and narrowed them down to two.

Either follow it… or set up camp in the wilderness.

Daring tightened her hat and entered onto the path.

The first few steps were nothing to be worried about. Her hooves stomped over what was obviously dirt, mud, grass, and twigs. Nothing too important. However, as she passed over a path of nothing but vines, her next few steps made her heart leap and stole the floor directly beneath her.

The vines snapped and she fell directly below. Daring Do only had a chance to gasp, not to scream. The weak jungle flooring had given in to her weight, the vines tangling around her wings and the weight from her knapsacks forcing Daring Do to tumble down, down, down into the hollow earth that she never knew existed beneath her. She crashed and rolled, spewing her camping supplies all throughout the darkness until she eventually came to a stop upon a hardened dirt floor.

Gasping and coughing, Daring Do moaned and grumbled several incoherent statements. Some of which were curses upon herself for not being more vigilant, and the others cursing her surroundings and the possibility that she may have just lost her only means of survival within the darkness surrounding her. That was another problem entirely. Her main predicament was cutting herself loose from the vines that had practically strangled her on her descent into the unknown cavern.

Reaching down with her teeth, Daring bit onto the handle of her combat knife, using it to saw at the vines and eventually cut herself free. Once she was able to move her limbs and wings once more, Daring Do sighed contently before sitting back up with a pained groan following her.

The second she lifted her eyes, she was met with a warmth unlike any other.

She wanted to back off, crawl away, create as much distance between her and the anomaly as possible. But for some reason she could not explain, the warmth was not to be feared. It was not to be wary of. The light accompanying the warmth was to be welcomed.

At first, Daring believed it to be a firefly, a little lightning bug that hovered in front of her with its alluring turquoise glow. It illuminated that hue, filling the darkness around the pony with light and warmth that she simply could not get enough of it. Daring Do had bathed in the finest Saddle Arabian bubble baths, had warmed herself by the most comforting of Yakyakistanian bonfires, but never before had she seen or felt such an overwhelming power. The light created all sorts of alluring images and thoughts within her mind. The warmth had birthed countless heavenly feelings within her heart, soul, and body. That was the most pressing of all feelings within it. She felt at ease. She felt truly at peace.

She felt… heavenly.

“Hey there… little guy…” she whispered.

And before she could even raise her hoof to grace it, the light broke off. In that moment, Daring Do was back trapped in that earthly darkness, surrounded by a hellish cold deep beneath the ground. She caught her breath, spinning around and watching that turquoise light flutter on deeper into the catacombs. Shaking her head, Daring Do collected herself and brought her instincts back to the forefront of her situation.

She didn’t want to be distracted, but she also didn’t want to be lost in the dark. Her only hope to navigate her way was the firefly. Or… whatever it was shimmering within the black.

Rising up and dusting herself off, Daring Do quickly took off after the turquoise glow. She practically abandoned her supplies, keeping close only her knife and whip attached to her belt. As for her surroundings, Daring made sure she was at least keeping close to a wall of some sort. She needed some sort of assurance that her path was built to be supported. Her hoof grazed the stone wall to her left, keeping it close and seeing the intricate engravings and designs paved across the wall. Her eyes flicked away from the light for a second, seeing the turquoise lighting up the wall and illuminating the familiar carvings before her. The same carvings on the pillars outside.

Daring Do’s curiosity was boiling at that point. Her heartbeat was increasing by the second. The firefly was lighting her path to an unknown destination and Daring continued to blindly follow it. Her instincts should have warned her of her choices, they should have noticed the threat that was laid before her, but… there was nothing. What she felt told her all she needed to know. There was no need to worry. There was no need to fear. The hovering light guided her path and assured Daring Do without even a word… that she would be safe.

And then… the light stopped.

Deep within the hollow earth, lost in the darkened cavern, through the labyrinth of catacombs, the glow of the otherworldly firefly had led Daring Do to a dead end.

That was what it appeared to be at first, but Daring Do wouldn’t have that. By the glow of the firefly, Daring stared to the wall and noticed the streaks against the solid stone floor beneath her. Though the dust and dirt tried to conceal it, her years of experience knew exactly what to look for when faced with what could have been a dead end. The streaks against the stone, indicating that the wall before her had been moved once before. Long, long ago, back when life still existed within the halls she now traversed. The wall had been moved and could very well be moved again. It was not a wall at all.

The light of the firefly unveiled to Daring Do the entirety of the gargantuan door. A door decorated with the same engravings she had seen before on the pillars and against the walls of the ancient, abandoned temple.

The same carvings of a great moth.

Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla

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