• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 10,663 Views, 236 Comments

A Displaced Radio Demon - Rob_Rhapsody

Dude makes a costume, orders online from the merchant, ends up in Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 9 crossover

“Ugh, my head, agh, my chest, what?” I said looking at my chest. “Actually that feels kind of nice, I guess being a character whose a masochist has its perks”

I looked around and saw I was in the castle of the two sisters, in the room where the elements were kept. “Huh? What am I doing here? I was in canterlot a few moments ago!” I said, looking at the pedestal that once held the elements.

I got up and dusted myself off. Then looked around a second time. Then I began hearing organ music coming from somewhere in the castle. “Where is that music coming from?” I said to myself. I began walking around the castle, then I remembered something. ‘There’s an organ in the basement, that must be where that music is coming from’ as I thought that, there was a pause in the music for a minute before it started to go into a more fast paced tone.

I began making my way to a suit of armor and turned its head. And instantly the wall and the armor with me next to it, turned around, leaving me in a dark chamber. I felt around on the wall for a torch. I found one and snapped my fingers to light it. I picked it up and waved it around slowly, there was a staircase leading down. The music by now had moved to a slower tempo much like the first part.

I didn’t know what was playing on the organ, so I summoned my microphone cane, and began descending the staircase. I made it to the bottom in a few minutes and found a door. I slowly made my way to it and opened it. I went through, only to find myself in a hallway. The music was louder down here, so I began making my way through the halls. This castle was quite strange the deeper I went the better the architecture, less cracks in the wall, almost like something was keeping it preserved, the once cracked and chipped walls, and floor were now smooth and flawless the further I went.

I finally found a light at the end of the hall, I crept close, slowly. I slowly snuck a peek inside and found a large black dragon playing the organ at the back of the room. The dragon's scales were black and his horns grey, and he seemed to be tall enough to reach to my chest, standing upright he could possibly dwarf me in size.

I saw the dragon get off the organ before saying. "Despite how long it's been, this one is still working great" He said. I continued to observe this odd dragon as I slowly, silently, walked into the room and dismissed my cane.

He started walking around aimlessly before he decided to light up the room using torches that lined the wall, unlike the flames that came from the orb these appeared to be ordinary flames. Before he could light the last one, I snapped my fingers and lit it for him, surprising him and looking to me. “You play nicely, do you take requests?” I asked as he saw me leaning on the wall opposite to the side he was next to.

He got some distance from me before shouting. "Who are you!?" This sentence echoed throughout the room and the castle.

“My name is Alastor, but most call me the Radio Demon” I said to him. The dragon looked at me.

—Spyro POV—

'Wait Alastor, as in Alastor from Hazbin hotel.' I thought confused as I looked him up and down, he didn't exactly look the part he was wearing a classy brown suit, he stood at 7 feet tall. His hair was brown, not red, and he wore glasses instead of a monocle like in the show, and didn't really scream demon overlord.

“Oh, right! I’m not in my demon form” he said changing, Kahki colored skin, and sharp yellow teeth. He had short red angled bob cut with black cowlicks extending from the top of his head, resembling deer ears, and two small black antlers, his eyes had red scleras, bright red irises, black pupils and a red monocle under his right eye. He wore a dark red pinstriped coat, that was slightly ragged along the bottom, a bright red dress shirt with a black cross on the chest underneath, and long burgundy dress pants with matching bright red cuffs.

He wore a red-knotted bowtie, burgundy gloves, and black pointed-toe boots with red deer hoofprints emblazoned on the soles, and carried a long, thin cane with a microphone. “Is this better?” He asked.

"Yeah." I said. "How did you get here, I didn't summon you, I don't even have your token?" I questioned.

Well I don’t know how I got here either, but I gave you my name, now you tell me yours” he responded.

"Spyro I've been in equestria since I hatched, years ago." I told him.

Nice to meet you, but you seemed very upset earlier, what could ever be the matter?” asked Alastor.

"My magic is… unstable I can't risk being near anyone anymore not after what I almost did to the princesses?" I told him while I sat down on the floor.

Well, I can’t be completely left in the dark, tell me your full life’s story so I can understand” said Alastor, making a creepy grin. -Static-

I started with telling him the properties of my dark magic then onto Several large developments in my life such as saving Applejacks parents when I was young nearly, being executed because of a law, my times in Ponyville, and how I've been its protector since I was young, which still made no sense to me. Then I finally told him of the events in the dragon lands.

My, my, you’ve had a lot happening here haven’t you, causing flashpoint, and a whole butterfly effect that sent a whole bunch of events out of whack! Not to mention your social life, that's nuts!” said Alastor.

"Yeah." I sighed. "Everything up till where Nightmare almost killed me was going great until everything past that point. It's… it's just too much." I said

Well, you caused the change, you should have thought of the consequences of what you were doing, but that is still no reason to push everyone away!” said Alastor, looking concerned.

"I almost kill Celestia and Luna, even now I can feel the stress my own magic puts on my mind." I told him.

Alright look, clearly your upset, however I might be able to fix everything, you and I just have to make a deal!” said Alastor with his eyes glowing red.

I shook my head. "We are dealing with a primordial power here Alastor may be strong but I don't believe he can do anything against the sea of darkness that now resides in me." I told him. "Not only that my other element might counter the deal." I informed him.

Well that is not the kind of deal I was talking about, I can give you a power inhibiting collar that will make your magic a little more easier to control, however it will come at a price!” said Alastor, having an evil look plastered on his face.

"And what is this price?" I asked cautiously.

Alastor stroked his chin in thought. “I want a favor that you can deliver when I come to collect, and no matter what it is, you will do as I want” said Alastor, looking even more evil.

"I don't think I can trust you." I told him.

Do you have anyone else who can give you what you want?” asked Alastor with a raised eyebrow.

"No but I still can't trust you, demons aren't very known to keep their end of the deals or they find loopholes in order to make others suffer." I said.

I always keep my end of bargains, maybe a few loopholes, but nothing too bad, now you have to be sure you want this, I’m doing this because you want it, I’m not forcing you into it” said Alastor.

"Still I have to find a way to fix this on my own, maybe Luna could give me some advice she's been in this situation before." I said.

Most times in Equestria, when others are given advice, they don’t heed the warnings, which always end in disaster” said Alastor. “However, even though Luna has gone through the same thing as you, it doesn’t mean she knows exactly how you feel, so what is it Spyro, do you enjoy having all this power, yet you know you are powerless to stop yourself from harming others, do you like it, causing the whole world to go upside down, just because you wanted to have a little more time with mommy and daddy? Do you really think that anyone could possibly know what you’re going through? I’m offering you a chance to be more normal, what is your decision, keep going on this path and push everyone away and end up sad and alone? Or, would you rather have your magic turned down a few notches, so you can continue going on with your friends and family, and everyone else you care about?” said Alastor, as he was beginning to get to me.

"Fine." I told him. "I'll accept."

So it’s a deal then?” asked Alastor holding out a hand, causing a green glow and a mysterious force of power to flow from it.

I shook his hand and the deal was sealed.

There, now unfortunately this is where things get real” said Alastor as he snapped his fingers and a dark metal collar appeared around My neck. I began to feel weak, and was brought to the ground.

"I thought you said just a few notches." I said.

Oh did I say a few, I meant at least one quarter of your power, that collar is indestructible and the exhaustion will only last a few minutes, you can still use your natural attributes and move around, but you can’t use too much magic at once, otherwise it might cause a little discomfort, now since our deal is done, I must go, farewell![ /i]” said Alastor, as he snapped his fingers and was gone, leaving a small radio, it was brown and had three triangles for the channel viewing window, and beneath what seemed to be a cheshire grin.

After the exhaustion had finally past I walked over and picked it up the token message started to play.
Hello, to anyone out there who finds this radio, I am Alastor, I am willing to help you out in any way I can, just turn the dial to Change the channel to the middle triangle and I’ll be there!

—Alastor POV—

I think that went rather well” I said to myself. I looked around at my surroundings. “I see Discord has escaped” I said as a few long legged rabbits ran past me. There were trees upside down. A few cotton candy clouds, and a school fish that was all swimming in the air.

I made my way to the spot I believed Discord would be, and sure enough, there he was. I teleported behind him. “Put everything back the way it was, right now or I will end you” I said, scaring the shit out him.

He looked at me in fear while I just had my normal grin. “G-go away, keep away from me!” he said in fear.

Or what, you’ll send me back in time, to the very beginning, before Equestria was founded” I stupidly said to him. ‘Why did I give him that idea?’

Discord made a familiar sounding screech and a black and white striped tube appeared from above and sucked me up into it.

Later I mean, Earlier—
—location: Equestria, or so it will be called—

A black and white striped tube spat out Alastor. “Aaaaaaaah, ooof!” He said as he landed. He got up and dusted himself of he then looked around to his left, mountains, then to his right, a forest. Empty barren land as far as the eye could see. Not a single soul.

CURSE YOU DISCORD!” Alastor yelled at the heavens and shaking his fists. “Great! now I have to wait until the place gets founded, yay!” he said with sarcasm. “On the bright side, now I can become a legend by making deals with the ponies of this era, and wait it out until it’s time” he said rubbing his hands together.

He turned into his deer form and ran into the forest.

Author's Note:

New chapter enjoy! Crossover with “reborn as a dragon” complete! I worked on this crossover with harlock5399, hope you enjoy! Also I’m gonna need someone to create a full event timeline from beginning of Equestria to series finale. One of you can do that, that would be helpful.