• Member Since 3rd May, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I have no idea what I am doing.


In a moment, Shining's world crumbles before him. It was a day to be like any other, and now he's lost everything dear to him. No matter what, he must carry on without them and do the best he can for the nation they left behind.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 3 )

I appreciate. That it wasnt a horrible great evil. It was simply the environment at work in tragedy that no one could perdict?

Or is that false hope?

Either way the story works because and I hope. That they dont come back? Perhaps as haunting memorys?

That shining reads as real?

Im writing a story were the main character when She faces her tragedy. So great is her grief is she breaks in that subtle way. What was missing and what replaced that piece and whats gone forever more?

Ps. I know this canon but, The worship of what seems to capable of death is distubing? So when will the cults be coming?

The fallen deitys? Their final resting place for all time? They did after all...
Raise the sun

And the moon....

Spread love

And make friendships work

Perhaps they worked before hand?? Lol

“Sir,” Tiller blurted, “No one knows what to do. You are the only person anyone can look to.”

One thing I'd be careful of is to avoid using 'people' when talking about ponies. It's a huge immersion-killer, and making your setting authentic is one of the most important things you can do in your writing. While 'people' doesn't inherently mean 'human' the usage is too implicit and tied up in it to really take away, and it fits better for humanoid creatures and humans being compared, not magical alien equines.

Man, the final line really hit hard. Nice work.

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