• Member Since 5th Nov, 2014
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KR Chrome


When Anon-A-Miss struck, Sunset found herself alone. Even her friends have abandoned her. Twilight Sparkle asks her to come to Equestria to avoid Anon-A-Miss and goes to confront her friends. Together, they determine if Sunset is guilty or innocent.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 29 )

One of these days, I'm hoping somebody finally does something original with the comic, and have it where nobody actually buys into the horseshit the CMC are trying to sell.

Seriously. The comic forces everyone to take the stupid pill and basically makes Rainbow Rocks irrelevant.

I certainly enjoyed it. Merry Christmas!

Meh. I've seen a fic or two where the Rainbooms don't abandon Sunset. Sure they doubt her for a brief period of time but they still believe her in general and help find the true culprit.

I can believe doubt. That's understandable, and I bet Sunset probably wouldn't blame them either (the Battle of the Bands helped, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sunset still had some of the same thoughts she did during the film. At least till the Friendship Games).

I did get the 12 Angry Men vibes from this

I'm guessing this is based on 12 Angry Men?

In a way..... many of the Anon-a-miss stories remind me of ''The ox bow incident''

This one more so than the others, due to it being taken form another movie that put morality and justice up on the stage to speak.
The ''12 Angry Men'' and ''The Ox Bow Incident'' are both relevant to this day, due to the message they carry.
To me, they preach the same, ''What if we are wrong?'', and ends up being the two sides of the coin in the aftermath.
You might set a guilty man free or kill an innocent man.

Maybe this is an idea for the follow up on this one.

I agree. Rainbow Rocks did a great development on Sunset's character and made her more flexible and stand out than just one note like in the first EQG. And I can't believe that comic was just spitting in the face of Sunset and her development as a character.

nice work.

I still wonder if the comic was supposed to be set between Equestria Girls and Rainbow Rocks, where it would be far more believable.

No, it's set after Rainbow Rocks, according to Ted Anderson and Tony Fleecs.

Well I'm working on something along those lines. I just need to get around to writing it, rather than drafting and structuring how to execute it.

Just had to dangle that carrot, didn't you Chrome?

excellent story. Um, is there anymore to this story?

“The pictures came from her phone, Twilight,” Rarity insisted. “She’s the only one that could’ve done it.”


“Or maybe you all think it’s her because of what she's done in the past?” Twilight shot back.

Wouldn’t blame them.

“I know she turned you all against each other, ruled the school with an iron fist, and was a terrible person before the Fall Formal.

Did she basically just listed all her crimes?

“Because Sunset’s too smart to get caught,” Twilight pointed out. “She turned you all against each other and hid her involvement for years. But then Anon-A-Miss pops up and you all think it’s her immediately. Why? Because the ‘profile image’, as you call it, looks like her. And the pictures came from her phone. Tell me, is Sunset the type of person who’s stupid enough to make herself the prime suspect?”

I mean, it wasn’t really hard to tear them apart.

“Coz I got to know Sunny too,” Pinkie Pie answered. “I saw how miserable she was after the Fall Formal and I wanted to cheer her up. I know she was bad, but I just didn’t like seeing anyone sad, even her. She also helped me plan a party. I even hired a clown for a kid’s birthday party but when he didn’t show up, we had to improvise. So, she helped me entertain the kids.”

“She also helped with my fashion designs. You know how I need a model to sew my outfits, right? No matter how uncomfortable it got, Sunset Shimmer never complained. Even if some of my designs were embarrassing, she never said anything. She endured it and even gave me constructive criticism. She was never mean about it either. She was honest and kind and she helped me fix the flaws in my designs,” Rarity added.

Why didn’t they say anything before?

“Are you kidding me!?” Rainbow Dash snapped, furious. Just what was happening here? Didn’t they all agree it was Sunset Shimmer? Now, it was the other way around. Couldn’t they see what was happening?

Wow, They switched sides quick.

I know it is, I'm just saying it seems like the story idea feels like it should have been set between the first two movies.

a good fic based off of a great movie, well done.

I always imagined Twilight would be furious at the Rainbooms after finding out how easily they turned on Sunset. I'm talking full, lights-herself-on-fire angry. How similar would she find it to her own treatment at the royal wedding, and how frustrating would it be to see the people she befriended and taught, throw all her lessons out at the flimsiest of excuses?

premise is great, pacing needs a little work this story needed to be longer and more time drawing people to her side. still pretty good over all.

Probably the best portrayal of Anon-A-Miss I’ve seen that still is mostly canon compliant.

I would like to use this story, I can very easily reword the conversation, but this would be perfect as a proposed game that Starlight Glimmer the evil clone sets up for Deirdre my character if she wants to resurrect Sunset, the Rainbooms, and the CMC after they all kill themselves from Anonamiss in her time rewrite (human version of to where and back again as I have crazy time scenarios). This would be the challenge that Deirdre brings back Sunset and the Rainbooms, and in doing so, the CMC seeing what was going on choose to run away and kill themselves and they have to be found.

Element Of HONESTY :

“Well, whatever she’s told you is a lie!” Applejack snapped.

“Well, that just means she’s a good actor!” Applejack shot back.

“A leopard never changes its spots. She was bad before and she’ll always be bad!” Applejack stubbornly insisted.

(I know they eventually realized that it wasn’t her but seriously 😐)

HUMAN Applejack is not the ELEMENT bearer, just so you know. They don't have the tree there. Maybe some leftovers from Twilight's crown, but that's it.

Well, you can't end a oneshot wiht "Let's go find the real culprit". I mean, we all know who it is, but THEY don't. Would love to see the ending.

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