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Celestia is enjoying her retirement. That is until she unexpectedly awakens to find she has turned into Daybreaker. Can she avoid getting sent on an involuntary thousand-year vacation?

This was a request for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

This is also the third of my 12 days of requests where you will see a new story requested by a patron every day until Christmas day so make sure to stop by every day for new stuff! Check out the previous story here.

Now with a reading!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 53 )

Ha! I'd love to read a sequel :D

:rainbowlaugh: Thank you, I needed this...
poor celestia tho...

Draft her anyway, Twilight.


Probably not actually a good idea. I mean, the Fresians of Karakus have this prophecy of the Dreamer who would Awaken and lead them to victory. And as anyone knows, that would disrupt trade in the Spice Neighlenge. Not a mess you want to deal with, in all honesty. Then you'll have a war with house Haykonnen... No. Just. Don't send the emotionally unstable Alicorn of the Night there. That would be Bad.

“A private citizen over the age of eighteen who is in perfect fighting shape,” Twilight finished. “I hear the deserts of Karakus are wonderful in the summer, and so hot it feels like the sun never sets.”

I'm afraid to ask where this is. But this is perfect.

Kind of hilarious with Luna's prank there.

Though didn't like how Twilight threatened her like that. Kind of added a bit of salt to the whole retirement crap..

She wouldn't, its all in good fun.

Kind of wished Luna got payback at Twilight for that bit anyway.

I've got a couple of ideas for eventual sequels. Don't you worry.

That was a clever prank Luna pulled on Celestia. :rainbowlaugh:


Tia and Lulu having an ever-escalating prank war while Twilight tries to run the country even as everything burns...?

In all honesty, the most effective threat would be abdicating and naming the Sisters as her successors. Because what the hell really, 'retirement' her flank.

You know, the whole drafting threat implies to me that Equestria is actively at war.

So here's the real question.

Why is Twilight sneaking away from her job in the middle of a war to deliver muffins to Celestia and Luna? In fact, why isn't she there to ask for their advice instead? They probably have a good bit of experience with this.

:trollestia: "Find 6 mares that can do all the work for you and save the day, while you sit in the castle."

Luna (since there is no Luna emoji) : Bottle up all your frustrations and feelings until you go into a psychotic rampage and try to kill your most beloved sibling.

First thing she needs to do: Get a more appropriate villain name!

Daybreaker sounds like a general of Nightmare Moon! Someone who breaks the day (meaning picks up Celestia, cracks her in half, and proceeds to messily gobble her innards.)

Corona Blaze, High Noon, Supreme Solstice, Divine Prominence, Holy Helios... stuff that glorifies the day, that's more fitting!

Not gonna go with 'Coronal Mass Ejection'... cuz that actually describes what happens the next day after Evilestia has too much cake. :trollestia:

10582662 And now you have to write this crossover. You are obligated by Horse Powers.

“Pfft that's nothing, one time she turned me inside out,” Luna replied in a dismissive tone.

I have several questions.

“I don't know what a complex is but it can't be worse than that one time she gave me mono,” Luna retorted.

Several. Questions.

Lovely bit of sibling silliness. Thank you for it.

Just like those last two stories you posted in quick succession, you wrote this one just as beautifully and elegantly! Dare I say, this one having more of a lovely comedic charm to it as well! All in all, this is simply an amazing read! Actually, all of your stories are! I hope you didn't mind, but I just couldn't resist making a reading of this lovely lil' story as well!

Audio Linkyboop!: https://youtu.be/1YNJK3cH5RQ

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment in any way!)

Well, these so far were the cream of the crop, but I still got more coming, like this story about everyone's favorite fashion pony.

I'd totally suggest taking a look through my backlog if your hungry for more humor.

Want more? Head over here to see the newest in this series of comedies.

Luna did learn from the best, and now the horse-shoe is on the other hoof.

Imagine if Trollestia and Trolluna united one day for the ultimate trolling competition!

The illusion should have turned her into a Timberwolf. Then you could make some jokes about 'morning wood'. Funny, if somewhat meaner than I'd expect from Luna.

eventually twilight sends them both to magic kindergarten

Those last three sound like something you'd say when cussing. "Holy Helios, what was that!?" "How in the name of Divine Prominence did that happen?"

Next story: Luna's military misadventures!

“Pfft that's nothing, one time she turned me inside out,” Luna replied in a dismissive tone.

“I don't know what a complex is but it can't be worse than that one time she gave me mono,”

If you write a sequel, I want it to be about these incidents. :rainbowkiss:

Noodle Incidents....


Sol Invicta? The Unconquered Sun in Latin.

10589485 That's an old standard for Evilestia. Sol Invicta or Sol Invictus has floated around the fandom since Season 1.

I was thinking more along the lines of the 'kiddie' names that would actually end up in the show.

10592999 At least it's not Princess Molestia… who would actually be more like the evil version of Cadance… :applejackconfused:


Would you believe me if I said I'd never made that connection until now?

What wonderful pranks, though Luna needs to be careful not to give Celestia her own tantalus.

10593034 I make all the shmentai connections. FOR I AM LORD NUXANOR!


Or, I WILL be once I find him and replace him... AS AN IMPOSTER!! MUWAH HA HA HA!! :trixieshiftright:

Comment posted by LightningStrike34 deleted Dec 24th, 2020

Ah, the formerly-royal prank wars have returned once again. :pinkiecrazy:

Former Princess Celestia was having a wonderful morning. She had woken up near the crack of dawn as usual in order to enjoy watching the sun rise under the power of someone else. Though it felt strange to observe ‘her’ sun slowly ascend over the horizon without having put it there, it was also quite a relief.

Though not enough time to have a full shower, Celestia could at least wash her face, check her make up and ensure she didn't look as awful as she felt. Turning the taps, Celestia ran the water for a moment while she searched for her face cloth only to stop when her gaze landed on the mirror. Terror slowly gripped her heart as the mare came face to face with a visage clearly not her own.

Error, or did her mood and/or feeling of health take a nose-dive without her noticing?

Never heard it as a VILLIAN name though.

mixed signals in the ol cranium. Fixed now thanks.

The card game had "Nightmare Sun", and the comics had "Fauxlestia"...

10650736 Hmmm... how about "Dark Star"... that sounds cool. But she has to turn red and black. :trollestia:

Then her name should be edgestar.

10652748 Darklestia Edgestar. PERFECT!! :rainbowlaugh:

That was funny, particularly the ending with the drafting threat. I have this great desire to see a follow up where Luna pushes it too far and actually does get drafted.

Twilight swiftly clopped a hoof upside the other pony’s head. “Change her back.”

Wasn't only the reflection changed?

Change her perspective back.

Sorry, I meant wasn't the spell on the mirror? That had been my impression, but in retrospect that may not have been the intent. Remnant of an earlier draft?

Regardless, an amusing tale.

The Quivering Ball of Horse strikes again.

Do you think she would look at her own hoooves rheb always in the mirror

You're not reading it right. There is no war going on between Equestria and someplace else. Twilight wouldn't be here otherwise. She's threatning Luna. As it says here.

“A private citizen over the age of eighteen who is in perfect fighting shape,” Twilight finished.

If Equestria went to war, then both Celestia and Luna could be drafted into the army. They're not royality now, and as private citizens, they're eligible for the draft. Twilight can boss them around all she wants.

Whether she likes it or not. Right now, it's only a threat. But if push comes to shove, Luna doesn't have a choice. Not if she has any respect for the authority they gave to Twilight.

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