• Member Since 24th Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Routine day with a dirt cheap brush, then a week goes by and it goes untouched. Then two, then three, then a month, and the rest of your life you beat yourself up. - Aesop Rock, "Rings"


The worst thing about Land Ponies is they’re always out of water. Always out of reach. Living close to the coastline is enough to drive a Sea Pony crazy with curiosity. But with grit, engineering, and the timely return of Magic to the world, she may make some friends yet.

(If the older comments referring to "Koi" are confusing, reference this blog post. Replacement cover art was provided by the very generous Ahobo.)

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots that I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every other Thursday for the foreseeable future.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 26 )

This was adorable and moving. I really enjoyed it!

Oh damn that's a poggers OC design also love the chapter title pun.

that story pfp is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn I so wish there was more to this! :pinkiehappy:
Adorable and sad and hopeful all at the same time. I haven't seen the G5 film so I am just having to run with some of it but I love it anyway! :twilightsmile:

Delightful stuff. Here's to a long and happy friendship between land and sea.

Butts! As bold as basses!

You're a damn lucky guy, using someone else's OC and getting off good. I've wanted to write about an oc for a long time, but the user is notably protective of them.

And gossamn did a lot of things happen on that one day magic came back. With the number of ancient evils that live off magic, its gonna go on to be one of those One Thousand Years Ago years, isnt it?

On a more civilized note, that was an excellent injury description. I tend to describe pain a lot more than you, so it's good to see you've got it.

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AntiBronyBenSwolo · 23k words  ·  8  5 · 355 views

I think I'd love an AU fic that just rewrites the events of the upcoming series with Koi as one of the main characters.

Yeow! Certainly felt bad about the propellor accident (even if it WAS a lesson well learned), but definitely liked this look at what this lone Sea Pony's life was like before the return on magic.

Well, on to the epilogue.

Excellent job on this epilogue. The exchanges, characterizations and general wrap-up are all quite well done. Definitely enjoyed Sunny and Izzy doing magic tests with toys before they encountered Koi and definitely understood the initial difficulty in trying to communicate with Koi before Sunny and Izzy got the idea about the Hippogriff notes. And, yeah, the end IS pretty adorable.

Solid enjoyable great 8/10 story. If you do more I'll bump it higher.

Izzy: "We've gotta' watch for pruniness!"
Sunny: "Prunes?"
Izzy: "No, silly, pruniness!"
*Koi, furiously itchy, soon prunes all over.

One of the most adorable characters ever witnessed by my eyes... Goddamn. Gogo Fishé pone!

So glad it's back, though I look forward to any other works bluegil is in

You should make this one a series

Twilight and I request more sea-pony stories. I'd love to see what the late Professor had to say about seaponies and other such world-building lore.

There are two things I'd want to point out.

But with grit, engineering, and the timely return of Magic to the world, she may make some friends yet.

Now there's a way to set up some expectations from the summary... and then twist them up in a way that's still rather satisfying. From the description, I expected that Bluegill would get some magic back in a tangible manner like with the pegasi and unicorns. That didn't happen, but the timely return of Magic at least coincided, if not also correlated with, the return of ponish friendship across the tribes, which is related to the theme of a highly advanced but rather heartless Land Ponies (from Bluegill's perspective). Now, "subverting expectations" is a phrase to meme on, but I think this is one time when it can be genuinely applied to in good faith.

Second, since much of the payoff doesn't appear until the chapter that calls itself an epilogue, it does feel rather mislabeled since that meant that a third of your story is an epilogue; I'm used to its appearances in longer stories where the epilogue is one or two chapters long out of dozens, clearly meant as a fast dénouement or a nice way to wrap things up. Thus, when I got to the end of the first chapter with the appearance of the fish bowl that really isn't, it was a bit of a whiplash for me.

Otherwise, these are very small fry compared to the wonderful short story you have here. The theme of interacting with the once mysterious creatures of the Land... and doing it without the protagonist ever talking... well, it's all pulled off, and that's no small feat.

Thank you for the good story, Casket! Here's to more Bluegill!

Fantastic story! Lots of implicit worldbuilding, and great characterization.

:fluttercry: poor little sea pony

This was really sweet! Glad to find a sea pony G5 story that is very good

Can't believe I missed this one when it came out. It's really good. Pretty bittersweet though, being a seapony really doesn't sound like being much fun. they seem to be naturally social creatures but often ending up scattered and alone sounds really harsh.

Also the whole getting run over by a boat thing to top it off.

Wow! I’m so glad that the sequel by Jaded Hearts led me to this story! It wasn’t what I expected at all, it was so much better. As I was reading, I kept getting more and more attached to this character, and now I just love her. Beautiful and bittersweet story. <3

It hadn't. Near the horizon, a tiny drifting flame caught her lonely eye. With nothing else to swim towards, she'd paddled hard and fast. Brine's memories of arriving in the bay were spotty due to how young and exhausted she was when she arrived. She had nopony to confirm this, but that first flame seemed to have broken away from the Bright Tower, not actually be part of the tower itself. She recalled it passing over her head as she swam, like a lantern in flight. Fantastical, but she'd probably never find out what it was. And either way, Brine had made it. Strength fully spent and coastline finally in sight, Brine had slipped under the breaking surf, light from the Bright Tower's beacon guiding her towards a seaweed bed in the soft sand below.

So two answered "You have friends in Maretime Bay." not one... truly God answered that step of Faith with more than was ever asked. Sunny (and Argyle) asked for two mendings of ancient separations and received three... and later the Breezies and Dragons. Although the Breezes required no separate effort, and they got a single dragon as a delayed bonus like Bluegill will be.

Brine was a small fry again. Watching the Land Ponies gathering for another annual machine showcase. She'd only been here two years, but both of the town's previous gatherings had been in the giant building further inland. Never on the beach. Some smirking red colt was settling down behind the wheel of the main attraction: a sailboat with no sails. Brine's instincts told her to stay away, far from sight, but curiosity was too strong to resist. Who knew when so many Land Ponies would be so near again? Beach gatherings didn't happen every year, after all.

Scar is/will be from the propeller I am guessing. A more literal example.of The Hedgehogs' dilemma, with cutting rather than piercing.

I also wonder if based on the picture in the sequel (by a different author) she will make a suit for going on land (partially) from the remains of the lighthouse.

Wikipedia-like cross-indexing to a similar story: "Gazing to the Ocean of the Sky".

Flesh flayed from fishbone as Maretime Bay went from having one Sea Pony to having three quarters of one.

That was... a much more serious injury than I was expecting:fluttershysad:... based on "Gazing..." if the engineers who used to work at Canterlogic feel the need to atone for helping maintain the rift between The Three Tribes, by providing liability compensation for the accident (which they had NO way of anticipating), then they might make her a new tail fin if I am reading this right*, and for their to legs might be a logical step... Oh, wait, Izzy is in the character listing, so maybe Bluegill will get something unicycled.
*A prosthetic tail for a dolphin was created IRL.

Brine was a fish who had never been introduced to the concept of glass,

Never found a bottle? That seems unlikely... Wait! Sheriff Hitch is big enough on preventing litter that there was a gag him shouting "pick up that litter" in between battle orders against Izzy's "invasion". Whether intentionally or not, that is brilliant!
Also, glass would be key for the helmet of the suit.

Not that she was aware, but the ring of windows around her had indeed the top of the lighthouse

I suggest the word " been" between the two words I underlined.
SHOO BE DO! The Lords and Ladies of The Depths* are BACK!
*In the same sense that weather ponies bring the sky to heel.
I expected hydrokinesis, but the end of the paragraph does not become bear that out. Perhaps later.
Also, the picture at.the end doesn't look like three quarters... Perhaps she lost a lot of intestines and the same residual magic my fanon has making cities marks still appear (albeit only on one side), and Izzy's horn having the strength to woodpecker down a tree fused the severed ends together rather than having her die of sepsis like an untreated human would... Or maybe the picture is after the Unity Crystals give her her tail back later, while leaving the scar as a symbol of her journey? She stayed back for years, but she still stayed in the area...

That last line! No visible regeneration granted*, but Hope springs eternal!
*Although her internal injuries may have been replaced, giving her that burst of strength, or maybe the new magic of the Seaponies includes a measure of the physical might and durability that the Earth Ponies of the days when The Sisters walked the ground and soared the skies.

"Skipping rocks!" Izzy blurted. "Throwing is waaaay easier than folding. Watch!" Exaggerating her exertion, she levitated a smooth stone from the sand, then lobbed it into the breaking waves. "Oh, bummer. Not even one skip. I bet if you tried, you'd be leagues better than I am."

I am thinking one last unintentional harm may occur to Bluegill.

"Hey, izzat a message in a bottle?" Izzy was standing now, swishing sand from her tail.

No Izzy, a messenger (in a fishbowl), in response to the same message on a balloon you replied to earlier.

To Brine's eye, Sunny's horn was a ponified beacon, guiding the way towards a welcoming rebuilt lighthouse in the distance.


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