• Member Since 11th Jan, 2019
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Gay For Gadot

Just a lesbian with a laptop.


At first, Wallflower Blush was excited to visit Equestria with Sunset Shimmer. Then she saw what her girlfriend became on the other side of the mirror. And what Wallflower didn't.

How could Sunset want to be with a person—or a pony—like her?

Takes place prior to Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown and Season 9.

Written for, and inspired by, my girlfriend Scampy, whose Wallflower stories are far better than this.

Written to this song.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 66 )

Of course she’d spawn in wearing her fucking sweater.



okay okay so


holy beans this is a good story

I absolutely adore how you used pony stuff to make Wally's insecurities literal--I've never actually seen a story do that before. All those little moments flitting to her sweater sleeves, that's how you imply heavy stuff and have it enhance the story without taking over the focus of it. It's like adding just the right amount of just the right spice to something you're cooking--it doesn't overwhelm the flavor, rather it enhances it and makes it even better.

Starlight taking the opportunity to give Wally a positive experience was a nice touch, and it's fitting (and sad/ironic/sadronic) that Wally finds a way to twist that positive experience into negative feelings. You very clearly get the way her mind works, why it works that way, and why Sunset specifically is the one person who can effectively break through the haze of deflections and bad thoughts to make Wally feel truly loved. This story is a shining example of why SunFlower is so effing perfect 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Thank you so much for writing this, it's lovely and so are you :heart:

It makes perfect sense to have someone with such an affinity for plants to become an earth pony. It's just too bad that she didn't understand that earth ponies have a magic all their own. (For instance, if she planted and tended a garden on the Equestria side of the portal, I have no doubt it would be amazing.)

“I thought of it on the way. It just seemed too perfect.”

It's not shown in the quote here, but...man, this is why Justified text is sometimes inferior to left-aligned text - it can lead to stupidly-spaced-out words.

The fact that a magical unicorn was asking her

Same with this line; Justified spacing issues.

“Though, we could go there someday, too, if you like. I haven’t been there in a long time.”

You've only been there once, to steal a crown - the place only reappeared some time after you originally left, after all.
Does it really count as having "been there" when you stealthed through a couple hallways and a bedroom in the castle, and never saw the actual town?

When Wallflower replied, “Okay,”

Justified error #3.



I think there's something going on with the site's code. I write everything in GDoc as left-aligned, then copy/paste it into Fimfic's text editor (which only gives me the option of right-aligning or centering, neither of which I do). I've noticed random justified spacing problems cropping up in stories the past couple weeks, though neither of the ones you are seeing are ones I'm seeing right now (Win10, Chrome). Might be worth pinging the mods about, though they are probably aware of the problem.

Wow, Wallflower's self-esteem is low, too low to be healthy. Like, chin up! You have a hot girlfriend who loves you for being yourself. That's better than I'm doing.


Oh, most definitely. She'd be an excellent gardener. She and Luna would probably get along well due to this and other things.

I might have made it a little too subtle, but in the first chapter, Wallflower does notice other Earth ponies doing great, magical things. She just can't see that magic in herself, even if the text (more in the second chapter than the first) implies it's been there all along.

I saw them on macOS 11, using Brave - which is based on Chrome.
Weird site glitch.

Clicking on "Chapter Formatting", and I'm running Helvetica, 1, Default colours, 1.8, 1.6, Double Spaced, and Justified. Maybe I'll change to non-Justified for now...

Now this is the varied type of stuff I followed you for!

This also is the first SunFlower story I’ve ever read.

How the hell does that mirror work.

Sweet and adorable. Poor Sunset trying so hard to please, and poor Wallflower trying so hard not to be daunted by it all.


If you liked this, here are some more good SunFlower romances. :twilightsmile:


IMO, the mirror gives people/ponies what they need on the other side.

The primary reason I liked this one, they were ponies!

Simply because there’s not enough pony Sunset to go around if you ask me.


Ahh, fair enough. Funnily enough, there's another pony SunFlower story that was released today (which I haven't read yet). I think these might be the only ones...

Yeah I noticed that one, I’ll have to check that one out at some point.

Wallflower held back a soft “Oh,” rubbing one foreleg against the other. Her sleeves bunched as she did so. Noticing this, Sunset used her magic to pull them down for her.

It's little, sweet moments like this that really speak volumes.

Again - it's the little things that make it. Like the differences in how each describes the color of Wallflower's eyes.

As usual? Nicely done. Good and sweet and proper to the characters.



The details really are what makes things like this so important. Thanks for reading. Glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

Just realized, 10,000 words on the dot!


Getting to that exact number was a proud moment for me, not gonna lie. :pinkiecrazy:

I thought I caught you using the language of flowers. Excellent detail :twilightsmile:

I do so like the way you employ the little things in life, to make your stories breathe and live as it should. It's heartbreaking how much Wallflower compares and belittles herself to others when she's capable of so, so much more. Poor girl. It's touching how much everyone tries their best to make her feel welcome, too.

I enjoyed how... light the story feels. Don't get me wrong, no, there's a lot of weight to what Wallflower's feeling, but the story does it well enough that it doesn't feel crushing. It feels... warm, soft and all. You definitely portrayed Sunset and Wallflower's dynamic well, in how they handle this little relationship of theirs. It's not perfect, and both of them are well aware. But they'll make it work, and that's what matters the most.

Across from her, Princess Luna set the flowers in her magic down. “This is my niece’s realm, more than mine, but I will do my best.” She looked away, seeming deep in thought, before meeting Sunset’s gaze. “Things only have the meaning you ascribe to them. Flowers start dying from the moment they are cut.” She considered the bounty in her wagon. “Even so, we give them as gifts because of what they mean to us. And that meaning is whatever we decide. Collectively, there are commonalities, but… the true significance is from one pony to another. Do you understand what I am saying, Sunset Shimmer?”

Gardener Luna! :yay: I'm touched and humbled that Moonbug's inspired you here. And aside from that, though, I like how you've smoothly written it here, and how well it fits! A strong message from Luna, and furthermore - Wallflower belittles herself as just a gardener, and yet here comes Luna, an alicorn, the Princess of the Night herself, partaking in her hobby! Gah, now I want to see the two of them interact, just as much as I'd have loved to see Celestia here.

A very touching read :twilightsmile:

Sweet, comforting but not without an idea and a one that I much enjoy.
It must be a scary feeling, knowing that your whole world (and you in it) is a shadow of another one. Of course, this is very much due to Wallflower's self doubt, but I can relate to that very well.
This story made me think about relationship between Sunset and Wallflower. You make them work great. A shame we didn't see anything like that in EG. Wallflower is one of best original characters, and yet we haven't seen her ever since "Forgotten Friendship". (Or have we? I lost track of EG some time ago.) Now I want to see more of SunFlower and this calming contrast of Sunset's energy and Wallflower's fragility. So cute.

Also, it's kind of tragicomedic how Wallflower assumes that everypony is more powerful than her and so makes no difference between Starlight and Trixie. Girl, if you knew! :trixieshiftright:

A crippling case of horn envy. Understandable, really, there's a reason people want unicorns, pegasi or bats as their pony reflections most of the time,

FanOfMostEverything also has a SunFlower Goes To Equestria story. Honestly, any Sunset ship is sort of obligated to visit her homeland at some point.

This was wonderful. Really loved it. Very sweet.


I'm glad to hear my use of detail enhanced the story (and my stories in general), rather than bogged it down. There can be a delicate balance with including details, I think, so I'm glad to hear it's working. Also glad to see you picked up on the flower language. :twilightsmile: I do love my Easter eggs.

I will continue to steal Gardener Luna and other associated ideas from Moonbug because, let's face it, you made a fantastic headcanon. :raritywink: I'd like to think that after Wally had some time to be in her element with Sunset, they had a nice visit with Celestia, along with maybe running into Luna on their way out. The two gardeners could probably have a fun little conversation.

Thanks again for reading and commenting! :ajsmug:


Sounds about right. :rainbowlaugh: Undertale was such a good game!


The only time we see Wallflower after Forgotten Friendship in Equestria Girls, as far as I know, is this shot from the Let It Rain music video:


She's looking up at Sunset, by the way. :raritywink:

Thanks for reading and commenting! Glad you enjoyed the story. :twilightsmile:


Yeah, I noticed that. Earth ponies have their own magic too, but it's less flashy to most people. I don't have an OC myself, but if I were to make one, I think I'd make her an Earth pony just to... buck the trend.


Huh, guess that makes three then. And yes, Sunset would be a bad girlfriend not to take someone to visit the magic ponyland at some point.

She does make a few more background appearances in Backstage Pass and the associated CYOEs. Interestingly, she's in her original outfit half the time and the Let It Rain outfit the other half.

This is really good. It was masterfully crafted and the change of perspectives really threads it together, especially where Sunset fundamentally mis-reads Wallfloower's nerves.

Just one small thing, stuck out because it's right at the end.

“These are yarrow, also called Asteraceae. ”

Now, technically it's not really wrong, but Asteraceae is a family of plants. A breathtakingly big one, possibly the biggest single family of flowering plants in the world with over 30,000 species (many yet to be discovered too, no doubt). So it's a bit like saying "This is a cat, also called Mammal." (Which is the wrong level, but given there are far fewer mammal species it's a better metaphor for the scope).

I did a masters' degree in species identification and classification and I guess some of it actually stuck.

It's also the kind of slip up that can happen if someone's excited and getting ahead of themselves so if that was intentional it's magnificent.


It's also the kind of slip up that can happen if someone's excited and getting ahead of themselves so if that was intentional it's magnificent.

I wondered if anyone was gonna catch this. I'm glad you did. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

Narrowing her eyes, Wallflower asked, “Are you… coming on to me?”

“What?!” Starlight blurted, her jaw falling agape. “No! No, no, no! That’s not what I meant at all!”

“Oh.” Wallflower fidgeted, averting her gaze to the floor. “Sorry. I misread that.”

Well, she's just been staring at your butt, smiling at you, and inviting you to her office to "help her out" with her "flowers". Back on Earth this might be easily misunderstood, as Starlight realizes. :trollestia:

Oh. Of course she’d be a unicorn, too. One just as great and powerful as Sunset or Twilight. Maybe even more. The mirror would turn her into something magical. Of course.

Of course, Wallflower would take Trixie at her word about her great magical skill.

“Wallflower, huh?” With a toothy smile, Trixie stuck out her forehoof. “Anypony who’s friends with Trixie’s Beautiful and Wonderful Marefriend—” Starlight smiled and blushed furiously— “is friends with the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

Oh, they're together here too. Do your stories take place in the same universe perhaps, or do you just have good taste in ships?


Of course, Wallflower would take Trixie at her word about her great magical skill.

And assume that all unicorns are like Twilight or Sunset.

Oh, they're together here too. Do your stories take place in the same universe perhaps, or do you just have good taste in ships?

I can certainly assure you my shipping taste is beyond measure! :raritywink: Kidding. While I don't intend for all of my stories to share the same universe, the StarTrix here is specifically a tie-in to The Sum Of Her. The flowers on Starlight's desk are the ones mentioned in the first chapter (and referenced by Trixie again in the third).

This was so very sweet and precious, my poor heart is gonna collapse. I absolutely adore how you describe how they express their love and how they feel it. Things like this:

Sunset nuzzled the side of Wallflower’s face with her own. Warmth tingled through Wallflower’s veins. The gesture sparked another fresh wave of flutters. Butterflies danced in her stomach, flapping all the way to her throat.

It's so warm and fluffy but awkward, just like love really is.

Oh Wallflower, this poor girl has so much worry and inadequacy in her heart. The switch over form her perspective to Sunset's was another thing I liked. We see her fears and worries and then Sunset's view of it and how she addresses it. It just works well.

Oh, that's pretty cool. I never noticed the thing with the flowers. I love it!

I know I'd be disappointed if my wonderful magical pony girlfriend never took me to magical pony land.


I take no responsibility for heart problems arising from this story. :ajsmug:

I know I'd be disappointed if my wonderful magical pony girlfriend never took me to magical pony land.

Right? I'm sorry, I couldn't date a literal alien and not be taken to outer space. Good thing Sunset is considerate of this, otherwise she'd be getting dumped a lot. :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks for reading and commenting! Glad you enjoyed the story. :twilightsmile:

Both of your last two didn't seem like my cup of tea, but when I saw your name attached I decided to take a look anyway.
Yeah, I'll probably be checking out any and all of your stuff from now on.
Me and my wife are both wallflower here, making this so relatable. I don't know why she stays with me and she says the same about herself, but we just keep on loving each other. And yeah, that is what love feels like if sunset was still wondering.
Love the transition of characters between chapters. Seeing how both felt about the other, and at those crucial moments, perfect choice.


I'm glad you and your wife have each other. :twilightsmile:

Glad you enjoyed the story, and I hope I continue to please!

Is it odd that I find pony Wallflower really cute? As in "I wanna squeeze her like a teddy bear" cute?


Not at all! Though I would argue that Wallflower is adorable and deserves all the hugs, regardless of whether she's a pony or a human. :twilightsmile:

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