• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 13,748 Views, 514 Comments

The Anomaly in a Mare's World - Hilord17

Everything is perfect in the mare's world. That is, until a certain stallion arrives and start to mess with it, just by being himself.

  • ...

V - The Anomaly

"It must have been quite a surprise, dear Twilight."

"Quite the surprise indeed! It was an incredible coincidence, Princess."

And it was true.

Twilight Sparkle was preparing a letter for Princess Celestia, explaining Discord's strange visit, and letting her know that she would be coming to visit her to find out more about it. That's when the cutie map activated. Only Twilight's cutie mark appeared, and curiously the place it marked was Canterlot.

At the same time, Princess Celestia was preparing a letter specifically for her former student. Following the news they received from Discord, she knew that Twilight would be able to help them, so she decided to invite her to the castle to inform her of recent events.

That's when one of his guards informed her that Twilight was already in the castle, and she wanted to talk to her.

Now, both alicorns were walking in one of the corridors on the highest floor of the castle: The Princesses' bedrooms, as well as the additional rooms for important guests.

"Princess... Did something happen to Aero?" Celestia understood that Twilight was really worried. Discord really needs to improve his behavior around others when he's worried.

There's no way to hide it now. Not from her.


A simple and direct answer. With this, Twilight immediately understood that the situation is more complicated than she thought. She wanted to keep asking, but seeing that her mentor didn't seem comfortable, she decided to wait.

It didn't take long for them to reach their destination: Celestia's room.

When Celestia opened the door with her magic, they saw Discord sitting in a chair that was definitely not part of Celestia's furniture. He also had his legs on a desk that didn't seem to be hers either.

"Ah! Twilight, it's wonderful to see you again. How about a big hug?"

"He is still acting weird..." said Twilight, a bit confused.

"Discord, please get out of that chair. This is no time to play around." said Celestia, as she and Twilight entered the room.

"You're still no fun, I see." said a disappointed Discord, then he snapped the fingers of his left hand, and both pieces of furniture disappeared, although he was still in the same position in midair.

Twilight noticed that at the same time the furniture disappeared, a small object appeared next to the draconequus: A small jar, with... something inside. It was constantly changing colors.

Celestia closed the door, then used her magic, creating a small magic ball that started to expand itself, getting big enough to cover almost the whole room. Now it looks more like a barrier.

"A soundproof spell?" Twilight was now sure that something big is going on if Princess Celestia doesn't want anypony to hear them.

"Twilight. What you are going to hear now is very sensitive information. Nothing we talk or do here will leave this room."

"Of course, Princess. You have my word." Twilight put a hoof on her chest, knowing that this is definitely why the cutie map sent her here.

"Are you sure it's ok for Sparkle to know about this?" Discord got up from his floating position.

"You were not so subtle when you visited her. It was obvious she would ask me about your sudden visit," said Celestia, looking at him with a serious expression. "Besides, Twilight is more than qualified to help us. After all, it's thanks to her that now we have permanent access to the world where Sunset Shimmer lives. "

Even when she is no longer her student, Twilight is always happy when she hears the Princess speak of her with pride.

"Wait." Twilight just realized something. "Then you need my help because..."

"Indeed, Twilight. " Discord's voice made it obvious he was more interested now. "Let's just say that our tough cookie Aero went from Equestria A... to Equestria B."

"T-this way, please."

Following the indication of the royal guard who received them in the lobby, Aero along with Twilight and her friends advanced through a corridor that at least in the case of the stallion, he knows very well.

"(The castle and its shape seem to be the same.)" thought Aero. "(This is the only hall that leads to the throne room.)"

As they approached their destination, Aero noticed that although the mares in the castle had better behavior, they all followed him with their eyes, and some of them couldn't hide the blush on their faces.

Spending a few minutes in silence, the group reached the entrance to the throne room.

"Finally..." said Aero, almost in a whisper.

"Princess Celestia is waiting for you." said the guard who had guided them.

"Then let's not make her wait any longer." said Aero, preparing his mind for what might happen.

When the doors opened, the small group entered the throne room.

"(At least it looks the same as I remember it.)" thought the stallion as he took a quick look around: The large fancy carpet that reaches up to the throne. The various stained glasses on both sides of the walls, showing different events in Equestrian history, The pure white floor, and the ceiling.

And of course, the grand throne for both Princesses, with the brightest gold there can be, and even a mini-waterfall on one side.

There were several guards in the room. Obviously, they were all mares, but at this point, Aero does not care anymore. After all...

One of the two ponies that he wanted to see is right in front of him, sitting on her throne.

"(There's no mistake...)" thought Aero, while he and Twilight's group advanced. "(It's her.)"

It was true.

She was here. In Canterlot.

Celestia. Princess of the Sun.

And she...looked a bit surprised.

"(Do you recognize me, Princess?)" thought Aero, as he bowed respectfully for a few seconds and then got back up. "(If you don't...)"

Celestia quickly regained her composure and focused on Twilight.

"Twilight, my faithful student." Celestia smiled at her. "You should have informed me about this meeting. There was no need to request a formal audience to see me."

"I'm sorry Princess, but Spike was not available. He is with his friends in Rarity's Boutique." said Twilight. "And this trip...was kinda an emergency."

The Princess clearly saw how her student was now looking at the only stallion in the room.

She also noticed that every mare in the room was eyeing him. She couldn't help but sigh at this subtle but inappropriate behavior on the part of her guards.

"(Even in my presence, they cannot contain their excitement.)" Celestia was a bit disappointed. "(It seems that soon the guard will have to be educated to at least be respectful in front of a stallion.)"

"Guards. Leave us." Celestia's voice was soft but had a certain feeling of authority. The guards nodded and left the room... but not without first giving one last look at the stallion's body.

Once they left, both Celestia and Aero relaxed a bit.

"Now then..." the Princess finally focused on the stallion. "I think it is no exaggeration to say that her visit and this audience are related."

"Indeed." said Aero. "May I ask where is Princess Luna?"

"Luna will be with us in a moment." Celestia replied. "In the meantime, I would like to know how you met my faithful student, Aero."

Aero...didn't answer. At least not immediately. It was almost three seconds in which he did not say a word. Celestia was about to ask if something was wrong.

He was actually thinking. A lot.

"Before we begin, Princess... I have a question for you."

Aero started walking to get closer to Celestia. It would have been easy for him to teleport and appear in front of her in an instant, but while he's still searching for answers, Aero knows the value of respect and conduct.

At no time did he take his eyes off the Princess. This act was enough to arouse Celestia's curiosity even more since stallions have not dared to look directly at her for many years.

"Princess ... Do you know who I am?"

Once again Celestia showed her surprise, but this time it lasted long enough for Twilight and her friends to notice.

"You identified yourself as 'Aero', but I am afraid I don't have any memory of meeting you before." Aero could see in the Princess's eyes that she was being honest.

One simple answer... And it was enough to make Aero focus on finding a solution to his problem. The doubts continued, but at least he already has a better understanding of the situation.

Now that even Princess Celestia herself doesn't recognize him...

"Then I'm afraid we have a problem."

"I do hope our sister is right about this 'unique audience'."

Princess Luna woke up earlier than she should have.

Although it would be more appropriate to say that a royal guard had to wake her up on her sister's orders.

If there's one thing she hates, it's being woken up early. She was still a bit mad at the guard who woke her up, and she knows the mare is just doing her job, but even Celestia knows she shouldn't bother her if there isn't a very good reason.

And now, that same guard was going with her to the throne room.

"I... almost forgot, Princess." the guard tried to look at the night Princess. Emphasis on 'tried'.

"What is it, guard?"

"The pony requesting the audience is a stallion."

This made Luna stop.

"A stallion requested the audience? Are you certain that it was not his mare?"

"The stallion was accompanied by miss Twilight Sparkle and two of her friends." explained the guard. "But it seems they are not a herd, and..."

The mare stopped talking. Luna raised an eyebrow in response.

"Guard. Is everything alright?"

"I only heard this a few minutes ago so I don't know if it's true, but..." the mare looked like she was trying to understand something. "Several of my companions have told me that this stallion... defeated the guards at the entrance."

Princess Luna started to think that her sister considered this stallion special enough to wake her up early. This stallion also requested both her and her sister for the audience.

She's actually a bit happy about this. Almost nopony goes to her Night Court. It's no surprise. Nightmare Moon left a deep scar in Equestria. She knows she deserves this, and her sister told her it would require time to dissipate the fear of everypony.

But now, what she heard definitely took her attention.

A mareless stallion?

And on top of that he defeated a couple of royal guards?

"Did your comrades give you more details about this event?"

"From what I could understand, for some reason, the stallion got upset with them and then doubted that they were royal guards. They got a bit upset, but then he managed to take them both by surprise and... subdued them." the mare royal guard was really surprised to even hear about this, and her face was showing it. "Can you believe it, Princess? A stallion defeating a mare! No matter how much I think about it, I don't think it's possible."

"Common sense would tell you that now in the present, such a thing is not possible," said Luna, who started to walk again, and the guard followed. "Mares have been leading society for many years, and even if I still do not get really used to it, stallions are now in charge of housekeeping and raising foals."

And she really, really hates it.

After her defeat as Nightmare Moon, Luna had some pretty confusing first days. She had to start practicing her speech to not confuse the butlers, chefs, and guards in the castle. At the same time, she had to deal with the various changes in laws and customs that took place during her long banishment.

But by far the worst change she had to accept, and with a lot of effort, was the new role of the mares and stallions.

Before succumbing to the will of Nightmare Moon, Luna remembered that both mares and stallions worked together and equally.

But now? Mares are the ones who take almost all decisions, Stallions are now so few that herds had to become the norm in hopes that more males would be born.

But the worst of all was how the stallions themselves changed.

They were once strong soldiers, proud workers, and willing to challenge life itself. Now? Frail in body and mind, they are completely dependent on a mare for decisions and have a strange fascination for dresses.

And all because of that...

Something that happened during her banishment. When her sister told her about it, she could not believe it, but as the days passed, she had to accept reality.

"I was also told that he's very handsome." the guard didn't hide her curiosity. "They are still wondering how he doesn't have a mare yet. No stallion can be without a mare for such a long time and be still alive!"

Luna was calm on the outside, but internally she was wondering what would happen in this audience. After all, the fact that it was a stallion who asked for it is already an unprecedented event in this new society.

"Well, guard. It seems that we are going to find out very soon."

Princess Luna arrived at the doors of the throne room. The guard who was accompanying her joined her comrades who immediately briefed her on the current situation.

For some reason, Twilight Sparkle and her friends were there too.

"It is good to see you, Elements of Harmony." Luna respectfully greeted her sister's student and her friends. "I was told that you and your friends were with my sister and the stallion that requested the audience."

"Princess Celestia... asked us to wait outside." answered Twilight, a bit worried. "The moment Aero mentioned the Everfree Forest."

"The Everfree Forest?" Luna knew that the words 'stallion' and 'Everfree Forest' definitely didn't go together in any sentence, and that 'Aero' was probably the stallion's name. The guards started to murmur to one another. A few butlers also heard this while passing through.

"I think Princess Celestia is worried about this." Twilight used her magic to take out a scroll from her bag. Luna approached the parchment when she noticed that there was something written on it.

"Twilight, my faithful student. I wish this letter was about a possible visit to the town of Ponyville, or an invitation for you and your friends to a party in Canterlot, but I'm afraid there is a matter that requires your attention. A few hours ago, there was a magic surge that came from the Everfree Forest.

If you didn't feel it, don't blame yourself. No unicorn would have been able to feel it. I was lucky to feel it because as an alicorn, our magical senses are greatly intensified.

I've sent a few pegasi scouts to check on the forest to see if there's anything different, but according to them, there's nothing wrong. I am sending you this letter so that you and your friends don't go near the forest for now. Maybe it's nothing, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Yours, Princess Celestia."

By reading the letter, Luna understood her sister's actions. She also understood that she must enter the throne room right now.

"My sister is simply worried about you. We hope you understand." said Luna, approaching the door, although before opening it, she once again directed her gaze to Twilight.

"Twilight Sparkle. May I ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it, Princess?"

"Is it true that this stallion defeated two royal guards at the castle entrance?"

As soon as she finished her question, Luna noticed that everypony stopped murmuring. Twilight didn't answer right away. A couple of seconds passed where silence reigned.

"Yes. It's true."

All the royal guards did a collective gasp.

"It was very cool!" added Rainbow Dash, doing some moves with one of her front hooves. "He teleported between the two, and boom! The two guards collided with the wall and fell."

"(So he is a unicorn and defeated two royal guards?)" thought the night Princess. Now she definitely understands why her sister woke her up early.

"Is that possible?" asked one of the guards

"I can't picture a stallion fighting a mare, let alone knowing how to fight." said another.

"Are we absolutely sure that Sweet Pearl and Dust Windy were defeated by a stallion? Maybe it was a mare!" said a third guard.

"But I saw it! It was the same stallion that is now in the throne room with Princess Celestia." another guard spoke.

"Do I need to remind you all that you are still on duty?"

The firm and powerful voice of Princess Luna made all the guards slightly nervous, but they immediately fell silent.

"He is not like other stallions..."

Most ponies didn't hear it, but Luna was able to hear Fluttershy's whisper, and there was no doubt that the shy pony was interested in him.

"(Let us see who you are, stallion Aero. You seem to be quite the enigma to these mares.)"

Luna, using her magic, gently moved the door to the throne room, and entered.

When she opened the door, there was no sound at all, and a few of the guards, as well as Twilight and her friends, noticed it.

"(A soundproof spell.)" thought Luna while closing the door. "(It is the first time since my return that I have seen my sister being so cautious.)"

As she advanced, she could see that her sister and the stallion were looking at each other head-on, albeit from an acceptable distance.


"(By the stars...)" Luna had to make an effort not to show her surprise. "(Now I understand everypony's interest in him.)"

A pure red coat, like the blood of a noble, or the beauty of a rose. His mane and tail are of a brown color. Such a common color, and yet...so brilliant, like a blessed soil. His height was imposing for a stallion. The fact that she was only a few inches taller than him was proof enough, And his muscles were firm and very well trained.

Truth be told, he was a very desirable stallion. It's no wonder why all the guards and even the Elements of Harmony took a liking to him.

"Luna. I'm glad you arrived." said Celestia. The stallion also noticed her.

"(And he really is a unicorn...)" If Luna had a partial interest in him, now it increased even more. This is the first time she has met a unicorn with such a healthy and strong body. It is a fact that unicorns always have a weaker body compared to pegasi and earth ponies.

But he is without a doubt the biggest unicorn she has ever seen.

"So this is the stallion that the royal guard and the Elements of Harmony told me about." said the night Princess, smiling but focused on the stallion's possible reaction.

Celestia looked at Aero, who was a bit conflicted, judging by his expression.

"It seems your guess was correct." said Celestia, although in a very serious tone.

"Sadly." added Aero.

"Sister? What is going on?" asked Luna, finally reaching the two ponies.

"You speak to me like you don't know me, Princess." said Aero, with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"I'm... afraid that I only know what the guards and the Elements have told me." said Luna, a bit confused with what the stallion said. "Your name is Aero, and it seems you are involved in an incident concerning the Everfree Forest."

Aero just sighed. It was slow and you could really tell that he was not in a good mood.

"Now that my sister has arrived, we can begin." said Celestia, who suddenly changed her expression, focusing on Aero. "And I would like to start by casting a truth spell on you. Is this acceptable?"

Aero already knew what the Princess was doing, considering she asked Twilight and her friends to leave the room when he mentioned the Everfree Forest.

"Of course, Princess. It's only natural for you to be concerned for the well-being of your student and her friends."

Celestia allowed herself to smile slightly as she activated her magic. A bright golden aura appeared on her horn, and in a matter of seconds, Aero had a golden aura around him. Luna, feeling more and more fascinated with the stallion for his sure and firm demeanor, walked until she was beside her sister.

"You mentioned that you 'woke up' in the Everfree Forest. Specifically, in the throne room of the old castle where I used to live with Luna. Is this true?"

The Princess of the Night couldn't help reacting to this information. It was where her tragedy began, and where Twilight and her friends defeated Nightmare Moon.

"Yes. It's true." answered Aero. Both Princesses saw that the aura around the stallion remained intact.

"For what purpose did you meet Twilight Sparkle and her friends?" asked Celestia.

"After I couldn't find you when I woke up, I turned to Twilight Sparkle for help. Miss Fluttershy found me before entering Ponyville. Miss Rainbow Dash found us before we caught the train to Canterlot."

Once again, the golden aura surrounding Aero didn't even move.

"Why were you looking for us?" asked Celestia, who was impressed by the fact that Aero didn't falter even for a second. His answers were precise, honest, and without any fear.

"At the time, I thought you two were missing. That's why I wanted to speak with Twilight Sparkle. I needed her help."

The third answer and the golden aura didn't react. Celestia knows he's telling the truth.

"May I ask why are you using an area-scan spell?" asked Luna. "And to keep it active with such low magic energy, it is not an easy feat."

"Well, it was obvious you would detect it, Princess Luna." said Aero, smiling a bit. "Even if I use low magic energy to keep it active, it still emits a faint glow. Fluttershy was curious about it when she noticed it."

"I'm surprised you know about this spell, Aero." said Luna, "Especially considering how stallions behave in these times."

Celestia also knew about the spell and was wondering why Aero was using it. She decided to not ask about it so Aero could be at ease, but it seems her sister was defeated by curiosity.

The area-scan spell is an advanced spell that lets you sense the presence of those around you, even if they are hidden. The range you can cover depends entirely on who cast it.

Despite being a very useful spell, very few unicorns have managed to learn it and master it. While Celestia and Luna have already mastered it, only a few members of the royal guard have managed to learn it. Barely.

The golden aura around aero was not reacting. He was still telling the truth.

It was odd, but in a good way.

Countless stallions have been in the throne room. All of them were shy in their presence, they were never alone, and let their mares do the talking most of the time.

But this stallion in front of them...

Despite being under the effects of the truth spell. Despite being on his own in front of the two most powerful mares in Equestria...

He was calm and even comfortable. As if he was talking to two friends.

No stallion has behaved this way with them in a long, long time. Both Princesses felt something that was almost forgotten to them.

And they were enjoying it.

"Princess. This is not enough." Aero got a little closer to both alicorns, surprising both of them for his boldness. "I think it would be better if you cast me a memory-scan spell."

Both Princesses were speechless for a moment. His knowledge was also superior to that of any other stallion.

"Are you sure, Aero?" Celestia was honestly worried now. "Even if we are the maximum authorities in Equestria, are you sure you want us to look at your personal memories?"

"You only need to look at today's memories." Aero replied. "Besides, I trust you both."

"Very well." said Luna, then looked at Celestia. "We have his consent, sister. If he trusts us, then we must show to him that he is not wrong."

Celestia noticed that her sister was smiling, and she was happy about this because Luna doesn't smile too much. Even her 'mask' smile is an unusual sight.

But right now? It was a true, delightful smile.

Celestia and Luna combined their magic, creating a mixed aura of gold and dark blue in their horns. Aero, who was still surrounded in a golden aura, was now surrounded in a unique mixture of both sister's magic.

With the spell activated, the Princesses were able to observe different images and events in their minds, which are the representation of Aero's memories. They managed to see exactly the moment when Aero fought the two royal guards, and they listened to the entire conversation. Luna was fascinated by this.

They were able to observe the entire journey that Aero made with Twilight and her friends. Canterlot, the train, Ponyville, to the moments where the stallion leaves the Everfree Forest... and when he wakes up in the old castle.

Then there was just a black image, and it was clear that it must be from before he woke up in the Everfree Forest.

And when they saw his previous memory, they stopped to look at it carefully.

Because they saw themselves in it.

"We appreciate your help in this particular situation, Aero."

"It may not seem like it, but you are the only one we can count on when it comes to...intimate problems."

"Princess Celestia. Princess Luna. It's no problem at all. I'm honored that you selected me for the job."


"Let me check this room. I'm guessing you have many other rooms and halls to search besides this one. If anything happens, please use the magic signal, and I'll be there as soon as possible."

"I expect you to do the same, Aero."

"We will see you later, dear aide."


~(Princesses! There's an unknown entity in this room. I'll try to immobilize it.)~

"You don't look like something that could live in the Everfree Forest..."

"What ARE you?"

"It seems that you are not dangerous...yet. At least you look docile."


*I'm so sorry mister. I hope you can forgive me, but I need your help!*

*Please! I beg you!*

*My sister! My sister is...*





When they finished the spell, both Princesses were stunned, because nothing they saw made sense.

They acted as if they already knew him. What's more, they seemed to be very close, to the point of not hesitating to ask for help and favors.

Luna especially was excited to learn that apparently, he was not only her aide but also a member of the royal guard that they could trust. She had her doubts about the cape he was wearing, but this in theory explains it.

And then there was the way he 'flew' over the forest. That was not just unicorn magic.

And also the voice. It sounded like a foal speaking to him.

On his mind.

"That voice ... I don't remember hearing it." said Aero, a bit surprised. "Could it be the voice of the creature?"

"How can you not remember your own memory?" Celestia was also a bit worried about what the mysterious voice said.

"I don't know, but the creature is definitely the reason this is happening to me." was Aero's answer. "Everything started to go downhill since waking up. Somehow the creature put me to sleep just by touching me."

"You already knew about Twilight Sparkle, her friends, and us..." Luna was trying to understand the situation. "But none of us remember meeting you before. How is this possible?"

"I had a couple of theories when I was in Ponyville, but now... I think I know what's going on." Aero was dead serious now. "I even thought about the chance of this being a nightmare or some time travel mess, but with everything I know now..."

The stallion once again focused his eyes on his Princesses.

"At first I thought you were missing. I thought that something bad happened to you... but it turns out that something happened to me. This... this is a different Equestria. This is not my Equestria."

The doors to the throne room finally opened. Naturally Twilight, her friends, and the guards who were guarding the hall immediately looked inside.

"Twilight Sparkle. You and your friends may enter."

Luna's unmistakable voice was heard throughout the hall. The guards stood firm, while Celestia's student and her friends entered without hesitation. Twilight, being the first to enter, could see her mentor and Luna, but not Aero.

"Where is Aero?"

"We have decided that Aero will stay with us as a guest today." was her mentor's answer. "He came to us looking for help, but we had to be sure about his intentions since he mentioned waking up in the Everfree Forest."

"He is now being escorted to one of the rooms on the highest floor of the castle." added Luna.

"But... that's where your VIP guests stay!" exclaimed Twilight, who like Fluttershy and Rainbow was surprised to hear that.

"Wait, so he is a VIP now?" asked an incredulous Rainbow Dash. "What the hay happened in that audience?"

"Well... I think Aero qualifies as VIP. He is a very unique stallion." said Fluttershy, almost whispering at the end.

"This audience has been... quite informative." said Luna, smiling in a way that surprised Twilight. She never saw Princess Luna smile like that.

"You will also stay today," said Celestia, walking towards her student. "I've sent a letter to Spike so that the rest of your friends can come to the castle early tomorrow."

"I don't understand Princess. Why do you need us all here?" Twilight really wanted some answers. It seems that whatever was said in the audience, was enough to worry both Princesses.

"You'll find out tomorrow." said Princess Celestia, trying to quell her student's curiosity. "Right now, Aero needs to rest. Considering what I learned about him today, he must be very tired."

"So... you know he is like, odd. Right?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"He is very... assertive." added Fluttershy, who was surprisingly smiling a bit.

"Oh. Believe us, Elements of Harmony. We know." said Princess Luna. There was something about the way she said it that made Twilight think she was happy about this.

"Which is why the mare escorting him is somepony we trust." added Celestia with a smile. "You also know her very well. Both of you are fast learners."

"And here we are! The floor of the Princesses and their guests. Make yourself at home, handsome."

"Thank you. Although I already knew how to get here, I appreciate the gesture that you have accompanied me."

After listening to Aero, and due to the clear evidence that something very strange was happening, the Princesses decided that he should stay at the castle today as a guest. He couldn't be happier with this decision, because he was getting tired of everything he's seen today.

Lack of stallions, excess of mares with an attitude that leaves much to be desired, different events, different customs, and so on.

And the icing on the cake...

He is so close... yet so far away from home.

"Aaaand this is your room."

"...It's the room next to Princess Luna's bedroom. Are you sure this is the room they gave me?"

If there's something else he's happy with, it's the fact that this particular mare has not been acting like a creepy stalker like the others. She is by far the nicest mare he has seen, aside from Fluttershy, Twilight, and the Princesses.

"It sure is, handsome. This was actually an order from both Princesses." answered the mare.

"I never saw you talking to them in private, and we both teleported at the same time, so I assume you used a magic signal."

This got the mare's attention.

"Hey~ You know your stuff. I'm Impressed."

"What did the Princesses tell you about me?" asked the stallion, who allowed himself a small smile.

"You should smile more often, handsome." said the mare, who was clearly enjoying the little chat. "As for your question, they only told me that you are a VIP, incredibly single, and to not underestimate you. Oh, and your name of course."

"Yeah, that sounds about right." concluded the stallion.

"Don't get me wrong Aero. I can see clearly why all the mares are stalking you. I don't even understand how you were without a mare for so long. A stallion like you would make any herd very lively. I'd dare say that each mare would compete to get your...affection."

The mare was looking at Aero with an expression that could clearly be interpreted as 'if you know what I mean'.

"I'm surprised you've managed to keep calm around me. I know it's not something I should say or brag about, but at this point, I thank you for it."

"I'll stick to calling you handsome." the mare winked at him, with a soft but true smile. "Do you need anything before I go back to my duties?"

Aero thought about it for a few seconds.

"Your name would be nice. I'm kinda curious about you, and it would be nice to have somepony to talk to once in a while."

"You don't waste your time, huh?" said the mare, who began to walk away from Aero, slowly returning to the hallway. However, she turned her head a little to focus her eyes on him. "The name's Sunset Shimmer, and a friend of Twilight is a friend of mine."

Author's Note:


I wanted to reach this point in the story.

Believe it or not, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I'm sorry if this chapter felt slow, but this is how I wanted this chapter to be.

Let me know if there are any serious typos.