• Member Since 19th Jul, 2020
  • offline last seen May 20th


A Kitsune swordman wondering around Equestrian and beyond, having much tales to tell...


After serving the Osean Air Force for another three years, Trigger retired. One day, in his personal ex-fighter jet, went for another free flight. It all went downhills when a mysterious massive storm sudden covered his flight route; due to his love of being a daredevil, Trigger; as always, flew right into the storm. Lost in the storm, Trigger struggled to fly out. But when he did flew out, he quickly learned that this isn't his world. Pegasus that can go super sonic? Anthro ponies? Magic?! Nope, definily not in Osea anymore.

Little does he know, a storm is forming, and War is approaching...

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 45 )

Where did you come up with the name Osea?

awesome chapter mate those me 262 have one weakest slow to maneuver and that your chance to shoot it down:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Why do I hear the Top Gun Anthem? It can't just be me, can it?


One of the fictional nations of Ace Combat universe.
I hope typing a link is not breaking the rule.

Biggest gripe I have is you need to go back and proofread a minimum of 5 times to catch any errors. You'll catch something every time.

It's an Ace Combat 7 crossover,it's an AWESOME game.

but as tike passed, Do you mean but as time passed, ?

What made you choose an f2a? I can understand from a multi role perspective but as per performance the only reason I can think of would be the sustainable high g turns without passing a g limit (important in this case as it is 9gs exactly). Could it also have been from a maintenance perspective?

Wait, if they're basically fighting Germans, who are the soviets of this world? Americans? The rest of the allies and axis? Oh and a great way to beat the Germans is wait for them to run out of oil, or manpower, or metal.

Well it's not really alternative ww2, so it may be not as accurate.

F-2A personally is one of my favourite jet.

Personally a fan of the Russian Sukhoi's and The American F-22 and F-18s.

Agree with the Sukhoi and the Raptor. I'm also a fan of the Chinese jet series; J-7 FIshbed, J-10 Vigorous Dragon, J-11 Flanker-E, J-15 Flying Shark, J-20 stealth fighter, and the newest J-31 stealth carrier fighter.

awesome chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Yeah I also really do like the recent Eurofighter Typhoon.

I’ve read enough stories with nearly the exact same exposition of getting sent to Equestria in a fighter jet, and the beginner writer vibes I’m getting from this story is making this a difficult read.

It doesn’t help that most of the prologue gives the reader the idea that this is a shallow story with someone who is basically an edgy teen as the main character. The first chapter unfortunately blazed through or skipped nearly all of the important character development, technical details, world building, and careful decision making.

I’m hoping that there is going to be some redeeming qualities in the future that will make the read worthwhile. I’d also hope that the author already has the story outline completely finished and they’re not just making up the plot as they go, as that is usually how stories like this end up in a permanent hiatus or have a nonsensical storyline.

Anyways, I don’t hate this story, I just think it’s held back by the lack of quality and it’s too similar to what I’ve read many times before.

I don't blame you for saying this, you are correct, I'm not really a experienced writer. Plus this is inspired by another story. And I'd suggest you to watch the game Ace Combat 7 before reading this. Because this is a game crossover.

I would change Spirfire mk. V for at least mk. IX or preferably higher - some of the bubble canopy griffon engine ones, and not use hurricane at all when they're fighting 262s in the war. The gap is just too large. Mk V spits were shredded by early fw190s its too old of a plane to face against german jets.

All right got through the second chapter. I agree in 100% with reganadex, but want to point out one more thing - inaccuracies and lack of knowlege about air combat.
One thing is crossovering with a game and second is writing an believable story.

For instance why should Trigger expect to have AWACS at his disposal in the first chapter? They're launching a frontline flying radar just because single guy wants to fly for practice? Early/mid WW2 planes against late war german jets? Its not even about pilot skills, I don't know how incopetent the enemy pilots are to not have a complete domination in the air. Expecting flares from 262?

I could point out more and more but yeah i think you can see what i'm pointing at. I love Ace Combat 7, it's one of my most favorite 'recent' games. It bonks reality in the head when it comes to accuracy but its all for fun casual gameplay and story enjoyable for audience wider than hardcore sim fans. And here it looks like you use the game as your knowlege base with some random WW2 aircraft thrown in. You need to know human anatomy to make a good caricature.

No, I did not. Trigger went to an alternative version of ww2, where jets and planes are powered by magic. And yes they don't have missiles, doesn't mean they can't use flares as entertainment during their air show. Plus that Me-262 pilot don't know shit about what's coming at him, curiosity killed him. But thanks for your reminder, I was a bit rush when the idea stormed in my head. I'll try to be as accurate as possible in the future chapters.

Wow, nice job. That's really cool. Also, is Dash having a crush on the guy or something.

Do you get the feeling where it gets boring and demoralizing to just continue a story?

hey in the fic you are going to see a romance also with celestia, I found it here in human x princess celestia, if so, I hope you follow her, greetings from Mexico

I have not played ac7 yet so imma stop reading before too much is spoiled

Yeah, i personally like the SU-25

Rainbow Dash can probably go supersonic as well without the help of the airplane.

Tryin to make some realism here, but yea, RD's a livin Mig-31

Is this story the continue? Where is The Rainbow Dash? :rainbowhuh:

Found out that writingf too much characters isn't my thing, but I'll think about it after I finish my rewrite.

Yeah the mintours are fucked.

Good thing there ground troops haven’t been introduced to the a-10

After my last dogfight at the Space Tower with the two drones, due to extreme G-Forces overload, the Docs found me wounded from the insides, that means no more dogfighting for me. Any G-Forces that goes higher than 9G can ends up in internal bleeding or worse; death. So, yeah, no more splashing enemies and flying around doing stunts 'Mihaly style'.

9G? Don't the F16's have G-limiters?

Edit: cough nvm it has a 9g g-limiter cough

This mysterious jet can fly up to around 2,000 kilometers per hour! That's like... THREE times faster than the Me-262! (They don't have the knowledge of supersonic or Mach speed yet)

Excuse me? 2000kph? As low as 1000ft? How is that poor thing not compressing into the ground or ripping its wings after that dive?

Gotta say it's the F-15, Mig-29, Su52, and F-22 for me.

The F15 and Mig29 simple look like beast, while the Su52 and F22 have that almost alien sci-fi look to them. Was never a fan of the Mig-21(or any simular/modified types), Mig-23's, or F16's. Look kinda like light-weights tbh, I suppose literally in the F16's case.

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