• Published 19th Apr 2024
  • 374 Views, 7 Comments

Fun Time Pranks II - AmethystMajesty25

It’s the battle between teens vs. adults in another prank war.

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Chapter 1

In Tempo’s house, Cheese Sandwich, Pinkie Pie, Fun Time Rush, and Virtue watched the clock count down to 10 seconds. After the clock hit zero, Cloudburst and Diamond Glow carried trumpets with the flags that said, “LP.”

“Bum-bum-bum-bum-bummmmmm!” Cloudburst and Diamond mimicked the trumpet fanfare while Tempo carried the book of Lord Prankerton’s Rule Book of Pranks. He placed it on the table as the rest of the boys and Virtue sat on the table while Pinkie and Cheese presented their crowns (they were last year’s winners).

“Everyone! The day of pranks is once again upon us,” Cheese announced.

Pinkie continued, “Today, we find out who unites the two halfs of the crown to become Sir High Lord King of the Pranks.”

Cheese added, “Or queen.”

The two jokesters placed their crowns down on the table, turned it around, and placed them together to untie as one. The boy band and Virtue looked in awe at the crown until it was suddenly snatched by a net and it was Tempo’s mother who had the halfs of the crowns.

“Hear ye, hear me. As mom of this manor, I hereby declare the Day of the Pranks cancelled.”

Everyone did not like the sound of that and panicked while Gloria smirked.

The teens stood face-to-face with Gloria with the two halves of the crown on her hands.

“Mom, I love you, but the day of pranks will happen!” Tempo stated.

“And I will be king!” Diamond called.

“No I am. I should've been King of Pranks!” Cloudburst replied.

Beryl said, “No, it's gonna be me this year.”

“And you can't keep track on what we do today. There's only one of you and seven of us,” Virtue explained, motioning her arms to point out that there were seven teens in the house.

Gloria told the teens, “Yeah, well, I’m not the only one who hates the day of pranks.”

Suddenly, the door was opened and more adults entered the house. There was Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, Principal Cadence, Shining Armor, Cranky Doodle, Golden Rock, Shelly Shores, Bishop, Quibble Pants, and Filthy Rich.

Filthy Rich said, “I hate it.”

“It stinks!” Cranky Doodle shouted.

Golden Rock shouted, "Worst holiday ever."

Shelly informed the boy band, "FTR, we need you in the studio."

"Not running around playing idiotic pranks." Golden continued.

"And who do you think has to clean up your mess-o-mania?" Vice Principal Luna questioned them.

"Oh c'mon, it's not that big of a deal," Cloudburst commented as the adults glared daggers at him. Cloudburst sheepishly continued, "I'll shut my mouth for now."

Filthy Rich told them, "Your last day of pranks cost my company $24,000 in damages and $17,000 in pie-filling."

"So now it looks like you guys are outnumbered," Gloria smirked.

Virtue said, "Well it looks like you guys are old-numbered."

"Come again?" The adults asked.

"Don't you guys remember what it's like to have fun and be a kid?" Pinkie asked them.

Golden answered, "Oh I know how to have fun; I just choose not to have it."

"I'll have you know I can still do the mid-air sky-high split kick like I did when I was on cheer squad," Gloria remembered.

"Wait, that was you?" Principal Cadence asked and Gloria nodded. "Aw man, no wonder I lost to you back in my old cheerleading days. I totally forgot about it. But, that was very impressive."

Gloria appreciated the comment and Cheese Sandwich spoke up, "Hang on. Why are you and Shining Armor doing here? Haven't seen you guys appear in the last day of pranks."

Shining Armor explained, "Principal Celestia called us yesterday that you're going to pull another stunt like this..."

Principal Cadence continued, "And I can't have my students get involved with your shenanigans."

"And why are you here, Bishop?" Pinkie asked.

"I want to know the meaning of what you guys do for... fun."

"Really? That's it?" Cranky asked him while Bishop shrugged.

Virtue told the adults, "Well then prove that you're still a kid and join ye day of pranks."

Beryl announced, "Kids versus adults."

The teens told them in unison, "If you can handle it."

"You're on," The adults except Bishop replied.

"Do you guys want to read the rules?" Cheese offered the rulebook.

"Here's the only rule we need to know. When we win this stupid crown, I'm abolishing the day of pranks forever!

"So be it, mother." Tempo replied.

"Pranks commence in one hour. In for ye information, we are no longer outnumbered. Ye are," Diamond told them.

"Wait. Who's missing?" Golden asked.

The teens grabbed their phones out and called some of their friends for help.

Meanwhile, at the mall, Shining Star entered from the elevator and brought out four rolls of toilet paper, Watermelody joined in with whoopee cushions on her hands, and their new friend, Fleur De Lis, with two cartons of eggs. Feather Bangs was enjoying his ice cream until he saw the girls walking in slow motion with their game faces on.

"Why are you girls walking so slowly?" Feather Bangs asked. The girls stopped and Feather Bangs continued, "Ooh you look so dangerous. I can be dangerous." Feather Bangs put on his dangerous face expression.

"Stop it," Watermelody told him and the three girls proceeded to walk past Feather until he followed them.

In Canterlot, the Rainbooms were hanging out at Sugarcube Corner while the Turtles, Casey, and April were finishing up with their patrol in the streets of New York. Sunset and Mikey then got a video call from Pinkie.

"Yo Pinkie, what's up?" Sunset and Mikey called.

Pinkie held up her phone and saw Mikey and Sunset. "Hi guys. Can you help me with something?"

"Of course. What is it?" Sunset replied.

Beryl swooped in and answered, "Guys, we really need your help on this prank war and we're outnumbered."

"Oh hello Beryl," Leo upsettingly greeted.

Rainbow sighed, "Uggh... seriously?"

"Why do you want our help for Fun Time Rush's stupid holiday tradition?" Raph questioned her.

"Because when was the last time any of us had any fun?" said Pinkie. "I mean, I know how serious everyone is whenever we're all doing ninja stuff and busy for school. But what about when we stopped being serious for just one day and have fun, something that we can look back at and remember the good times. ‘Cause I don't wanna remember a time when we get separated, or if a fight broke out and we end our friendship, I want us to remember when we actually do something fun together. No fighting and no threats, just good old fashion fun. And laughter. I mean, we all could use a break from the seriousness considering what we've already been through. Right?"

Everyone thought about it for a moment.

"You know what, Pinkie's got a point, yo." Casey said, "I mean, when was the last time any of us ever took a break for something fun? Like, remember when you guys tried to take a break after the Kraang invasion and I wanted to continue to stop crime? I mean, we can't take a single break without something random happening. Like random gangs, foes of our past, or even wild Equestrian Magic."

"Come to think of it," said Applejack, "Ah think we could use a break too. I mean we did stop a few threats last week. Maybe we should take a break from doing hero work and focus on having fun from time to time."

Mikey agreed, "Yeah, but in the meantime, let's help Pinkie and the boy band with the prank war."

"That's the spirit, Mikey!" Cheese cheered, chiming in for the video chat.

Leo sighed, "Oh fine. We'll help."

"But if we lose, you guys are cleaning up your own mess and we're not going to be there to help you." Raph stated. "Pinkie promise?"

"Ah, you're using the Pinkie Promise against me, huh?" Pinkie said. "Very clever. But oh well. Guys, say the Pinkie Promise with me?"

"Do we have to?" Diamond upsettingly sighed.

"YES!!!" The Turtles, Rainbooms, and Cheese shouted.

Diamond answered, "Okay, fine. We'll do it."

Pinkie said, "Repeat after me, boys. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

The boy band and Cheese solemnly swore the Pinkie Promise oath, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

"There. All done." Pinkie then informed the Turtles and Rainbooms, "Meet us at the park. Pronto. See ya later."

Minutes later, the troops were assembled on the teens' side at the park: Leo, Mikey, Donnie, Raph, Casey, April, Karai, Shini, Zach, Caitlyn, Carter, Angel, Keno, Spike, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Sunny Flare, Indigo Zap, Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, Sugarcoat, Fleur De Lis, Watermelody, Cheese Sandwich, Feather Bangs, Flash Sentry, Micro Chips, Sandalwood, Zephyr Breeze, Lyra, Bon Bon, Diamond Tiara, Snips, Snails, Lancer, Ace, Logan Berrytown, Clover Bloom, Patch, Sweetheart, Melody, Half Note, Sweet Note, Sapphire Night, Wallflower Blush, Beryl Fury, Diamond Glow, Mind Tempo, Cloudburst, Virtue, and Shining Star.

Virtue informed the teens, "Alright everyone, listen up. We cannot let the adults win because if they do, they will cancel the day of pranks. Forever."

"Ever, ever, ever, ever, ever..." Pinkie continued whispering and echoing.

Raph told her, "Will you stop that? We get it already."

Cheese stated, "So, as co-reigning king, I decree that we form alliances and destroy the adults."

"I got my team!" Cloudburst raised his hand along with a lookalike dummy with a helmet which Cloudburst was carrying.

Diamond prepared himself with a bowling ball and life jacket. He said, "And I aligned myself with..." Diamond ran towards Fleur and wrap her around his arm. "Fleur."

"Aww, how sweet of you, Diamond," Fleur De Lis said.

"Enough with the mushy stuff because there's no time for that now," Sour Sweet told him as Diamond glared at her.

Tempo stepped forward and announced, "No alliances are needed. For I will take out all ten adults with one tin can..." He presented a small tin can with a sticky note on. "Of free mints."

"How is that going to work?" Micro Chips asked.

"I'm glad you asked. When they open the tin can, they will find no mints. But instead, they will find 100 pounds of pressurized sneeze powder. Hahahaha..." Suddenly, the sneeze powder exploded on Tempo while everyone stood back. Thus, his prank backfired and got himself eliminated.

"Wow. What a way to eliminate yourself, Tempo." Sugarcoat upsettingly stated.

"Okay. New record for Tempo pranking himself out," Beryl announced while Tempo sneezed. "Everyone else, split up!"

The teens scrambled while Watermelody shook her head in disappointment before walking away. Tempo was going to say something but he sneezed again.

Meanwhile, Gloria’s team were at the community center and armed themselves with their own set of prank gear.

Gloria informed her team, "Okay, our strategy is simple. They are children."

Principal Celestia agreed, "Yeah, they can't beat us with their own childish pranks."

"So be on the lookout for them," Filthy Rich stated with his silly glasses on.

"You got it," Shining Armor acknowledged.

"Just follow my lead, geezers. I can smell a prank a mile away. And I'm bringing in the thunder!" Quibble Pants said. Then, the phone for the community center rang. "Hold on," Quibble answered the phone. "Canterlot Community Center." Quibble listened and said, "Just a sec." He then spoke out loud to the residents, "Attention residents, I.P. Freely! You have a phone call. Again, I.P. Freely." The residents laughed and the adults realized it was a trap. Quibble said, "Wait a minute." The adults turned their heads to the right and saw the duo of Beryl and Shining Star with a phone on Beryl's hand.

Beryl explained, "The rules state that prank phone calls count as a prank."

"You should've read the book." Shining Star told them.

"Welp, I guess I'm not bringing in the thunder then." Quibble frowned and exited the building.

Beryl said, "We feel pretty bad about you guys."

Shining Star told them, "So, to make things more interesting. We'll give you guys a five-second head start."

With the clock ticking down, Gloria's team scrambled.

"Okay, one down, ten more to go." Beryl smiled and he with Shining Star fist bumped.

In one of the hallways of the community center, Mr. Cranky brought out a ladder and a pitcher full of water. From there, he set up a ladder right near the air duct. "The ol' leaky duct prank. Once I pour this pitcher of water on the teens, they'll say, "Oh, did I just got leaked on?" No, you just got pranked!" He laughed and climbed up the ladder. Mr. Cranky opened the air duct and made his way inside. However, he only made it halfway because he was stuck. Mr. Cranky heard someone clearing its throat and spotted the CMC. Mr. Cranky gasped.

"Sorry Mr. Cranky Doodle," Apple Bloom said with a can of glue spray on her hand.

"You just got pranked," Scootaloo smirked.

In the hallway, Cloudburst sneaked behind Cranky Doodle and sticked a "Hit Me" sign on his rear end. Mr. Cranky yelped while Cloudburst took the ladder off of him and ran, leaving Mr. Cranky Doodle hanging.

"What did you do?" Mr. Cranky questioned them until a resident smacked the "Hit Me" sign on Cranky's butt.

"Gah!" Mr. Cranky yelped.

"Have fun," Apple Bloom told him and the CMC crawled away.

"Wait! You can't leave me here! Come back!" Mr. Cranky pleaded until another resident smacked the "Hit Me" sign. "Gyah!"

Meanwhile, Watermelody entered Tempo's house with whoopee cushions on her hands and ran into Mind Tempo who has having lunch.

"Help! Shelly deflated my whoopee cushions and now she's after me with fart spray."

Tempo replied, "Well um, okay," He reached for his bag and handed her something. "Here, use this."

After Watermelody received the item, Shelly barged in with two cans of fart spray. Shelly shouted, "I got you now!"

Watermelody turned around with Tempo's scary skull mask and waved her arms in motion with her hands posed like claws.

"AHHHHHH!" Shelly screamed in fright.

Watermelody took off the mask and said, "Ha! You're out!"

Shelly was confused and asked, "Wha? How am I out?"

Tempo cleared his throat and explained with the rulebook in his hands. "Scares, screams, and heart-skips count as a prank. Should've read the book." He then tossed the rulebook to Shelly.

She received the book from Tempo and flabbergasted, "Well, the book is stupid." Shelly angrily walked away and closed the door, exiting the house.

Tempo smiled and Watermelody laughed. She then said, "Wow Tempo, you're like, a dangerous supplier of pranks."

"Really? Like a... Like a prankster gangster? With a cool jacket and an eyepatch?" Tempo described.

Watermelody sheepishly rebuffed, "No, no, I wasn't saying that."

"A ha!" Tempo smiled, getting an idea in mind. Few minutes later, Tempo was changed into a cool gangster with a white tux and an eyepatch. "Spread the word. If the kids ever need a prank, they should come see me. The Pranksta-Gangsta!"

Back at the community center, Diamond Glow was looking for a place to hide until he spotted the janitor's closet. He immediately went inside, but the room was dark. He turned the lights off and saw Fleur De Lis with a mop and a roll of toilet paper. Diamond had an idea in mind and said, "Oooooooh." He smiled and turned the lights off.

"On," Fleur ordered and Diamond turned the lights off.

"We should go on a date after this," Diamond suggested.

"Can't. I have a modeling gig I gotta go to later on."

"Oh ho, so your type is not gorgeous, amazing, and sensitive?" Diamond questioned and made a sad face.

"My type is not self-centered or narcissistic with an Adonis complex."

"Yeah, well, my type is not big word girl. And I'm done. You just lost a first-class ticket on Air Diamond. And there's no stand-by... Unless you want to make out." Diamond smiled and turned off the lights again.

Fleur frowned and told him, "On."

Minutes later, the boy band, Turtles, Rainbooms, and Allies with Cloudburst’s dummy were in Tempo’s house.

Diamond whispered to his pals, "I kicked Fleur off of Air Diamond."

Tempo turned the chair around and smiled to see his friends and his sister.

Casey complimented, "Sweet outfit, dude."

Rarity nodded, "I agree."

Tempo bowed and Beryl said, "I hear you can give us pranks."

"I can give a lot of things. Depends on the things that you need. And what those things are for." Tempo said.

"What are you saying?" Virtue asked.

"I say a lot of things to a lot of people, if you know what I mean."

Sunset spoke up, "We have no idea what you mean."

"We need a prank to get all the adults out so I can prank all of you and rule the day of pranks!" Cloudburst stated, moving his dummy's arm in motion.

Tempo had an idea and grabbed the items for their prank. He grabbed a pitcher full of orange juice, a picnic blanket, and a basket full of scones.

"That's it, a scone picnic?" Raph asked.

Tempo answered, "No. But, there is one more thing."

Meanwhile, in the pool area of the community center, Filthy Rich, Golden Rock, Gloria, Ms. Cheerilee, Principal Cadence, Shining Armor, Bishop, Principal Celestia, and Vice Principal Luna huddled themselves.

"I have no idea what we're doing here?" Bishop asked.

"We are staying close and staying vigilant to our surroundings." Shining Armor explained.

Filthy Rich stated, "They've pranked three of ours, and we haven't taken one of theirs."

"I can't take it anymore. They're too good. They're coming after me next, I know it!" Golden Rock panicked.

Ms. Cheerilee slapped him in the face, "Get a hold of yourself, Golden!"

Gloria called, "Everyone, calm down. We just need to relax, regroup, and recharge."

Then, everyone stopped and saw a picnic table with drinks and a basket full of scones on top.

“Ooh! Scones.” Golden was going to take one, but Gloria slapped his hand. “Ow!”

Gloria assumed, “This could be a prank.”

Vice Principal Luna said, “I agree.”

Principal Celestia agreed, “Good point.”

Principal Cadence turned to Shining Armor and asked him, “Shining Armor, would you mind taking a seat please?”

Shining Armor sighed and sat on the chair.

“How's the chair? Is it, um, relaxing?” Principal Cadence asked him.

He answered, “Yeah, it's okay.”

While Shining Armor took a sip of a drink, Golden asked, “How about the scones?”

Shining Armor took one, but it was a trap, a lever, and the chair was suddenly pulled until Shining fell into the pool. Just then, Fun Time Rush, the Ninjas, CMC, Cheese Sandwich, Virtue, Shining Star, Watermelody, Fleur De Lis, and Feather Bangs exited from the tent as Pinkie pulled the string back. Pinkie explained, “Eighty pound deep-sea fishing wire. Virtually invisible.”

Cloudburst added, “And Lord Prankerton-approved.”

While Shining Armor spat out pool water, Beryl asked the adults, “So, do you adults want to give up and let us kids have our day of pranks?”

Virtue stated, “The book of rule allows a fifteen-minute grace period to draft your articles of surrender.”

“Who even knows how to play this stupid game?!” Golden exclaimed.

Cheese chuckled, “You should have read the rules.”

Golden whimpered and the rest of Gloria’s team ran away. “I owe you one, my love!” Principal Cadence shouted while Shining Armor sighed in disappointment.

The teens cheered and the rest of Gloria’s team retreated while slapping the sign on Mr. Cranky’s butt. Cranky wondered, ”What does that sign say?”

As the coast was clear, Ms. Cheerilee suggested to Gloria, “I say we surrender, and then you ground them for nine years.”

"Guys, we're not gonna give up!!" exclaimed Gloria.

"Yes, we are not too old to have fun!!" agreed Principal Cadence.

"But how can we even beat them?!!" said Golden Rock.

"Yeah, none of us have actually read this, so-called Prankington's stupid book of rules." said Filthy Rich.

That's when Shelly showed up whilst reading the book whilst drinking a shake.

"I read the book," said Shelly whilst the other adults were surprised. "Pretty interesting rules in here."

She handed them Prankerton’s rulebook, causing the team of Gloria, Filthy Rich, Bishop, Ms. Cheerilee, Principal Cadence, Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and Golden Rock to read the rules. After reading the book, the adults looked at one another with a smirk.

"Somebody get me a phone." said Filthy Rich in determination.

"I shall return shortly." said Bishop before opening a portal and walking through.

After that, the teens arrived with Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, Ms. Cheerilee, Principal Cadence, Gloria, and Golden left standing.

“The book of rules states…” said Cloudburst, whilst Pinkie, Rainbow, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Cheese, Mikey, Casey, Diamond, Beryl, and Virtue have pies in their hands. “You must now accept the pie of surrender, to your faces.”

“Oh yeah, get ready for some pies, y'all!!” said Apple Bloom as the teens got their pies ready.

However, they noticed some of the adults smirking, which somehow got them worried.

Rainbow asked in a worried tone, “Uh, why are you looking at us like that?”

“Yeah, and where's Filthy Rich?" asked Virtue.

“And Bishop?” asked Casey.

Then, Bishop arrived via portal, and Filthy Rich in... black ops gear?

“Right here,” said Bishop, which surprised the kids.

“That pie is for you, thanks to Lord Prankerton-approved reinforcements.” Filthy Rich stated.

The teens were confused as Golden pointed to the door as everyone heard the sound of a helicopter and the teen residents exited the community center until something dropped into the pool, revealing three soldiers and three familiar soldiers from New York. They walked through and regrouped with the adults, causing them along with Bishop and Filthy to hold slingshots filled with marshmallows and aimed it at the kids. The teens were shocked and surprised by the outcome.

"Those are..." Beryl began.

"Black Ops…" Diamond continued.

"…and EPF." Casey continued.

"With marshmallow..." Rainbow continued.

"Slingshots!!" Pinkie finished.

With the adults getting the upper hand, Gloria said, "Now..."

"Who wants pie?" Principal Celestia asked.

The teens with pies on their hands looked at their pies for a second before looking back at Gloria’s team.

“I would,” said Mikey, Casey, Diamond, Beryl, and Cheese, only to get elbow bumped by a few.

Comments ( 7 )

"I'm glad you asked. When they open the tin can, they will find no mints. But instead, they will find 100 pounds of pressurized sneeze powder. Hahahaha..." Suddenly, the sneeze powder exploded on Tempo while everyone stood back. Thus, his prank backfired and got himself eliminated.

That guy's just bad luck with pranks, isn't he?

Yeah. In the last Fun Time Rush pranks story, Tempo got himself eliminated.

"Wait! You can't leave me here! Come back!" Mr. Cranky pleaded until another resident smacked the "Hit Me" sign. "Gyah!"

Never figured Cranky would be the one to get glued.

Now I'm really looking forward to the next chapter.

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