• Member Since 14th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen May 22nd


"I haven't seen a bigger waste of talent since Dan Marino." -Lucky Seven; Want to support me?


You're a human living in Princess Twilight Sparkle's castle in Ponyville. You absolutely love spending time with her and her friends.

Maybe you love it too much.

EDIT: Featured at #7 on 3/2/21!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 45 )

A really nice and adorable story.

I was expecting a twist, but all i got were wholesome cuddles. I like it

“I’m respecting your privacy by knocking but asserting my authority as Princess of Equestria by coming in anyway!”

That part killed me :rainbowlaugh:

But overall, this was a wholesome story, nice job! :pinkiehappy:

Ahh, Starlight was left without her cuddles T.T, why isn't she on the map too?

Adorable interactions and character growth. Very wholesome.

The knock comes again. “I’m respecting your privacy by knocking but asserting my authority as Princess of Equestria by coming in anyway!”

Gotta love references:rainbowlaugh:

This was so adorable~

So Starlight definitely planted that book, right?


Anon took them saying they hate cuddling with him a lot better than I expected.

My sciatica!”

I had to google this, anyone that doesn't know, it's a nerve ending in your lower back. Technically, it's the sciatic nerve, sciatica is a pain in the sciatic nerve. Based on what I read on google.

Thanks lol, you too

So much fluff!!! I love it!!:rainbowkiss:

Am I the only who feels like Anon was being a bit manipulative?

I mean he was hugging and touching them without their permission and didn't seem like he ever truly asked if it was ok. Both RD and Rarity openly showed their discomfort but Anon ignores this, Applejack and Fluttershy were uncomfortable but were too kind to tell him and he was rough enough to hurt TS.

So when they openly tell him how much they dislike it he immediately acts as if they told him that they hate him and never want to see him again. It feels like he was just guilt tripping them.

Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the story and am glad they reached an agreement and made up (even though it feels like RD was forced to like it at the beginning.).

Maybe I'm looking into this too much or I just being too negative about it.

So was Rarity the one taking the picture of the 5 other Mane 6?

(Haven't read yet, just looking at the cover image)

Anyone of any social maturity or sapience, (and being human, I would expect of Anon) should have been able to see that the physical affection was unreasonable, but then I think this also fits in the universe. Friendship is Magic is about learning how to be better friends, and sometimes people really are as naïve or socially inept as they appear. I think Anon's obliviousness was exaggerated for brevity, but I'm sure everyone does something for someone else with a good intention that the receiving party finds annoying at best. I don't think Anon had any actual malice, but they were grossly ignorant/negligent in not offering the opportunity to opt out or do something mutually enjoyable. The ponies should have laid their boundaries out earlier, however, which would have lessened or prevented the offended feelings. I do know what the feeling is like when you're doing something to everyone's benefit, but then to have someone tell you it was a cause of harm instead, and that was devastating. (In that case, it was a professional thing at work and I had orders to do what I was doing, and no one told me or my supervisors that they didn't like it. So it does happen, even when there is due diligence.) Not to to take any fault away from Anon though, for it was his responsibility to respect his friends.

The knock comes again. “I’m respecting your privacy by knocking but asserting my authority as Princess of Equestria by coming in anyway!”

Fucking smooth :rainbowlaugh:

Lovely little cuddle crisis solved :yay:

Nice little one shot straight in the heart :rainbowkiss:

So, let me see if I'm following this:

Anon is abusing his friendship with these ponies, and yes, I use the word 'abuse' in this as they're all, for the most part, clearly saying no, and he's hurting them on top of this (Fluttershy going 'crunch' as she falls to the floor? Bleeding injuries? Seriously?!)

Then Twilight gets her hooves on a book discussing different ways people show affection, and suddenly it's A-Ok for him to have treated them like that?? THAT'S what you want the take away to be here??!

As it is, this story desperately needs more dislikes than it currently has.

Now, it COULD be fixed. Maybe with Twilight finding that book, reading it, then deciding to talk to anon and COMPROMISE with him, letting him know that he was coming on too strong, and cuddles are ok if the recipient is willing and not being injured in the process, and working the others up to this, with more or less degrees of success.

This COULD have been a great story. But instead it's advocating abuse, and that it's ok to ignore when someone says no, simply because the person doing it is somehow misunderstood, and how if those being abused could just understand, then it's all ok.

Not. Cool.

This was very wholesome and full of fluff.

I don’t remember any of them getting hurt. When was that?

Yeah... not your best work. Mainly with the resolution. Had they stated that he was being too rough with his cuddles after finding how he shows affection, and then him agreeing to be less aggressive of a cuddler, it would be ten times better. He honestly just seems oblivious to what he's doing.

Sees story description:



I think you're reading a little too deeply into this one m8

I feel like I would've liked this more if the beginning scene didn't show the ponies getting hurt by anon's affection.

Like, I see what you're getting at, but that starting scene honestly makes it feel kinda weird when the narrative suddenly paints the six as being in the wrong when they realize he was trying to be friendly.

If you choose to interpret the fic in the most negative way possible, don't blame the author for the bad taste in your mouth.


Thank you. Yeah Anon was a bit too strong.

Poor poor Spike never existed in this universe or was never ever loved...

I think I have a way to explain it to you.

Ok, you know rarity’s language, right?

Comment posted by Pete100 deleted Mar 25th, 2021
Comment posted by Pete100 deleted Apr 18th, 2021


Maybe with Twilight finding that book, reading it, then deciding to talk to anon and COMPROMISE with him,

Isn't that implied to be exactly what happened, considering when he greets them later it's in a much more restrained, and in a way each of them are comfortable with? Hell, he greets Dash with a fist bump and only hugs her when she goes in for it, and even greets AJ with just a nod. He's clearly not only taking into account his wants anymore.

👏 👏 👏
You hit the nail on the head!


Maybe with Twilight finding that book, reading it, then deciding to talk to anon and COMPROMISE with him, letting him know that he was coming on too strong, and cuddles are ok if the recipient is willing and not being injured in the process, and working the others up to this, with more or less degrees of success.

That is literally what happens in the story

Also, you seem to be taking this story way to seriously.

A little rough around the edges, with a few errors here & there, but with a solid premise that I think could actually have been adapted to an actual episode of the show. I still kind of hope that they do something like this in the comics. Thanks for continuing to write fluffy cuddle-fics!

It’s basically gift giving.

I seem to remember Rarity taking Anon to court over cuddling. Don't think she has a hoof to stand on.

Ah, it seems we have a loremaster among us 👀

“I love cuddling with you! It’s super duper fun!” Her smile fades. “Buuuuut, if there’s one thing I’ve learned from being the friendliest pony in Equestria, it’s that peer pressure always wins!” Righting herself next to you on her throne, she slowly pushes you off of the chair and onto the floor.

I wasn't ready for this XD

The knock comes again. “I’m respecting your privacy by knocking but asserting my authority as Princess of Equestria by coming in anyway!”

HA! got the ref,

The ending was cute too uwu

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