• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago



"I wonder whether the history of us is already written in the love we’ll make. And whether I might be the only pony who can read it.”

Winning entry into the Colourful Characters Contest focusing on Princess Cadance for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group.
Originally written in 75 minutes, this version has received some refinement. Special thanks to all who read in the contest and particularly Shaslan, Red, Snow Quill and AFanaticRabbit for their editing notes.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

I wondered to myself what Flurry could ever do to make this her story. To be so reviled that the hate for her could dominate the story of love for centuries to come. Would she be a despot the likes of which the world had never seen? Would she enslave and murder and pillage? Would she kill those that ponies loved the most? Maybe she’d have myself and Celestia and Twilight and Luna crucified, along with the elements?

I just imagine she just exists as the opposite power of Cadence, and her special talent is hatred, causing everyone around her to hate her despite her doing nothing. It makes school really awkward and destroys her social life, but video games makes it more bearable.

Obviously, Furry Heart, as the Princess of Explosions, will become the greatest alicorn of war the world has ever seen.

The hate? Well, that's all those immortal creatures in Tartarus bound forever unable to reach the happy bright things above, yes, yes.

I wonder whether the history of us is already written in the love we’ll make.

I adore this line so much. You have such a way with words, and such a way with interesting concepts, and it's always a delight to read your fics. The moment I read this story in the contest I knew I was going to lose, and I would have been so angry if I had won, because this absolutely deserved the win. Beautiful from start to finish, and told with a level of skill that I've come to expect from you.

This was extremely heartfelt and touching. And although it might bring a message of hope, also sad. Bravo, you deserve all the praise you may get and more.

*blinks* this has been up longer then five minutes and it doesnt have a single downvote?
thats a miricle right there, i was certain there was someone on fimfic who made it there mission to downvote every single story that was posted within the first few minutes or something.

Whoaaaa that was an emotional trip holy crap wow
Bravo, Wordsmith, Bravo

What a terrifying experience

To experience time non linearly and have no control over it.

Just to bare witness for an eternity.

Good story and glad cady decided to try and fight the echos of time

And im gonna head cannon that cady hit an orgasmic peak and super saiyaned into an alicorn.

Surprised to see the historic alicorn noun being used also.

This was really intriguing. I’m not a fan of alicorns being compared to gods but this fic used it from a really interesting angle.
Cadance viewing Flurry’s future but not being able to do anything about it is great tragedy.
Very good read, nice work

Lovely story, and a good expansion on Cadance's powers.

Some real “We Need to Talk About Flurry Heart” vibes.

This was a pretty interesting and evocative look at how Cadance views the world. I do wonder if the question of what the heck Flurry Heart is going to do distracts from things, though. I know I was just kind of vibing up until that point.

This reads like a Greek tradgety. Bravo

That was a good story.

I can only hope that she will be the hero Equestria needs, just as when Batman took the blame for Harvey Dent's death... if I recall correctly.

Always love a good fic that thinks about what being the Princess of Love "means", and the worldbuilding implications of love transcending time, and of hatred being so deeply tied into love that Cadance can feel it too, are both super interesting.

And then there's the central ethical question of the latter part -- Cadance's answer makes perfect sense to what you've established of her as a character, and reinforces the weight of the open questions that still linger. Very nicely done. :D

I like the concept of alicorns having domains, things they can sense around them. And the dark choices about what you do about Flurry Heart is so well written!

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