• Member Since 12th Mar, 2021
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago

Luminous Lapis

Autistic kid trying to get through life. Not sure what the future holds, I'll have to just live and see.


Life is hard. It’s a fact that Lapis is all too familiar with and one he wishes he didn’t understand. By the time he’s almost 18 and living with a certain magic performer he truly believes that his life is destined to be horrible. Unknown to him however is that his life is about to change in a rather strange way and to his horror, all of the secrets and horrors from the past he’s fought so hard to hide are suddenly beginning to surface.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 3 )

So good news and to summarize a lot of things that have happened in my life I am revisiting and reviewing my story. I will try to be as consistent as I can in publishing chapters. Well just have to see how long it takes me. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the revised prologue and make sure to mark my story as watched so you get a notification whenever I post a new chapter. Most of you probably already know that don’t you? I realized that as I was writing it. Oh well.

Hi any current and potential future readers, I currently have plans to continue my story. I am writing as much and as fast as I can so hopefully I can get a set schedule up for when you all can expect to get the next chapter. Also, I am currently partnering with an artist by the name of HinaArtist on DeviantArt to draw my story in a comic format so expect that to happen as well. I will release news about it when I get it so watch for that. Lastly, I have decided to make a Discord server dedicated to my story and anyone is open to join. Thank you for reading and being interested in my story.

Hey, I'm Ericka I sent you a direct message here so please check it out and let me know what happened to you exactly? I'm really worried about you hun.

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