• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


The Man. The Legend. The World's Strongest Writer

Comments ( 67 )

Like, four hundred foals!


The question is if they will fly abnormally fast!

did not expect a sequel to that

Eh, it's a sorta-sequel. Takes place in the same timeline.
More like an in-between story for the proper sequel.
Oops! I've already said too much... :raritywink:

Nice, welcome back Shakes! :pinkiehappy:

I don't get why they were so hard on the guy like it's two kids trying to figure things out just teach them to be responsible. not what they did


I don't get why they were so hard on the guy. Like it's two kids trying to figure things out. Just teach them to be responsible. Not what they did.

I agree.


I legimite forgot your previous clop fic, you did publish it quite recently. :rainbowderp:
Anyway, glad to see you’re more active now. :pinkiehappy:

You got to make a part 2


But did they come in a rocket can?

Hmm, is a bit of okay and so so
personally I feel like the plot idea would work better as a drawn out story with more emotional stakes but it isn't bad for a quick read

Out of curiosity how did you come across your niche for writing incest?


Out of curiosity how did you come across your niche for writing incest?

From a vending machine.

sounds like an interesting story in of itself

You can read all about it in my forthcoming autobiography:

Screws, Nuts, and Bolts.

Been reading fanfiction about Bev and her son, huh?

Warning: In case it isn't abundantly obvious from the Tags, Characters, and Author: [Incest]

Incest is da best.

"If not sleep, what are we going to do on the bed, Dashie?"

What? No *pomf*?

Can't decide if Rainbow's possessed by Gabby or Silverstream.

A bit confusing, but eagerly waiting for a sequel. Hopefully Prism Blitz will get his name cleared in the next one.


Can't decide if Rainbow's possessed by Gabby or Silverstream.

"We're gonna work on the flying thing later," she said. "If I can train Twilight how to fly, I can train anypony!"

:twilightangry2:: "Hey! I'm not that bad!"
:rainbowhuh:: "..."
:twilightoops:: "Okay, maybe I wasn't a natural in flying."
:rainbowhuh:: "..."
:twilightangry2:: "I'm sure most ponies who only gained their wings in my age weren't better than me!"

"Whenever I looked at my friends who had a brother, like Applejack, or Twilight, or even Fluttershy, I would get so envious." She blushed. "I would always imagine what it would be like with them fooling around."

:applejackunsure::twilightoops::fluttershysad:: "If you had said anything we would have convinced them to help you out. Probably even all three of them at the same time."

"I said let's go to bed!" She grabbed him by his hoof and pulled him along upstairs. "I never said anything about sleeping!"
"Wait, what!?"

I shouldn't be surprised...

That went in another direction than I anticipated...
And now I wonder how her family reacts once they hear about everything.

Found a typo:

"We I do know!" Rainbow said with conviction.

Well, well, well, this should be "Well".

If jail + torture is what Prism Blitz went through from getting caught as a colt, should we be worried about something similar happening to the Barrel Twins?

Damn, that was hot.

I shall give this a read....

Thank you for not publishing this on April Fool’s. A story as sacred and awaited as this deserves all the praise it’s worth!

And incestuous breeding addict Rainbow Dash is the best kind of Rainbow Dash.

They'll fly as fast as Keneighyans! Wow, that was a stretch. Someone find me a decent horse pun for Kenya.

I don't know why I'm forced to imagine the ending where they get caught doing it again, it gets back to their parents, no-one believes Rainbow again and Prism ends up locked up forever, but my brain is being an awful place tonight.

Anyway, as to what actually happened, I can't help but think maybe they just arrested the wrong pony. Dash didn't exactly give her brother much chance to turn down, well, any of this.

Dear ms. Dash.

We regret to inform you that due to internal technical difficulties,
we have deported your 400 (four hundred) foals to the territory of Neigheria,
instead of the Equestrian East Zebraica Protectorate (also known as Whinnya).

We do also realize our fault at our mistaken belief that your 400 (four hundred) foals was of
Equestrian East Zebraica Protectorate (also known as Whinnya) origin was wrong to begin with.

But in our defense they flew abnormally fast for foals at their age.

Still, we apologize strongly for this mishap in the first place,
and wish to aid you as much as we can to find a solution to this problem.

Please contact your nearest Governmental management facility,
to fill out the proper forms to start the processes for reacquiring your displaced foals.

By filling out the EGAD form I-212, accompanied with this ''Letter of approval'',
we may expedite your processes in just 5000 working days instead of the regular time of 9999 working days.

Equestrian Governmental Agency for Deportation.

High-Horse of EGAD
Red Tape

can i give a honest critique? i'm not gonna lie......this was a bit underwhelming and for a couple reasons especially when one considers how great your writing usually is.....
so the first is Dash going full OOC. i mean a little here and there is fine but everyone knows you dont go full OOC unless its for comedic purposes in a shitfic
the second is you just kinda really just glossed right over Blitz as a character not to mention his ''traumas''
also even if Dash has her memory wiped.......what about the dozens...hundreds of ponies whom also knew her brother.... that was the hardest part i had to deal with my ''dash's unknown brother'' fic and is half the reason it ended up being over 40k words XD
mind you i dont hate it its just it doesn't seem to be on par with what you usually put out.

They shouldn't have arrested anyone is the 'Moral of the Story'.

So this one started off good. A little darker than your usual fare Shakes, but good. The end felt really rushed though like you ran out of stuff to say.

The dialogue coming from that haltie animation threw me off so hard. Love it when a story can surprise you like that.




And now we go to Canterlot castle to hear our Lady of the Sun offer her views on the latest debacle our heroes have wrought upon the whole of Creation

"Okay... We, that is to say the Crown, have deemed it.... prudent, shall we say, to directly judicate on the matters due to doubts on the impartiality of Princess Twilight... oh don't give that look young lady! No you cant merely make a Decree... well, you could, but we're a constitutional monarchy, despite claims to the contrary and the willingness of our ponies to overlook that because alicorn. Boy it sure is great that I'm not a eugenics loving bint who see's her little ponies as guinea pigs in some half thought out obsession because boy howdy I'd probably be doing something amoral about now. But yeah, bad book horse, no abuse of power. And no, her giving you The Eyes isn't ample justification."

"First off... to doctor Losehislicense von gonnagetasaldadtossing, its like this... you're fired. Canned. Deep sixed. Your services are vehemently no longer required, you're getting a ethics board reaming the likes of which hasn't been seen since the last time the yaks got uppity, and will more then likely be on the other side of the bars for the foreseeable future. Yes, the Crown does employ the White Room as a means of interrogation, but only under specific circumstances, and not to hack off pieces of a ponies psyche."

"To the parents. While your actions are understandable under the circumstances, and in their own way ones that should be lauded, your willingness to allow your own sons civil rights violated are not. However, due to circumstances, We have deemed no charges filed or recompense imposed but to say this... he's still your son. We agree in part the charges are grossly misapplied and disproportionate to the act in question, but even if they were spot on, he's still your son. So... please think very carefully going forward. Take it from a very very old mare... you don't have as much time as you think you do. I can't force you to reconcile or approve... but you risk losing two foals now."

"Prism Bolt... justice has been served, if misapplied in this instance. We do not feel you are a direct threat to anyone, and as such, you are not to be placed on any form of Bureau scrying and the record shall be sealed, but no recompense will be given due to you mistreatment due to our final decree which We shall make now,"

"As we have made known repeatedly, We the Crown adhere to a fairly hooves off approach to our subjects in regards to much of their personal lives. As long as no inherent or lasting harm is being done and so long as one does not unduly impose on other rights, person, or property, neither the Crown, Courts, or whatever moral busy body or any form of govermental cudgel they seek to employ need take interest in the behavior of what consenting adults do. That said, our position does leave us much leeway in how We are able to intercede if We feel it neccesary such as in this case."

"Dash... your hearts in the right place, but your heads up your ass. Whatever your intentions, your brother is in a incredibly fragile state, and We believe you are causing him harm. As such, our decree is thus: One year. Minimal contact with said contact being observed by a third party vetter by the Crown directly. Otherwise you are both to keep apart and are only to interact with permission. During this time you are both to attend counseling and one year hence will be before Us again to be determined to be able to be together. Should you fail to do so, injunctions and restraining orders will be placed on both of you, and should you break those, you will be prosecuted. One year you two. Court is adjourned."

Dear Red Tape,
How does it feel knowing your entire lifes joy in life is rendered gelded because fuck you I'm the Princess?

The Grand High Fuck over all of Cuddle Horses

The video record of this event is pretty good too.


please do a thrid story with a incest orgy with all the brothers and sisters of aj and big mac and shiny and twi

Not the pairing I was expecting in a sequel but I'm definitely going to check it out!

I love the references to the rainbow dash animation using the same lines “it’s not incest if it’s now inside” “all the way in” “I should get a condom” and “it feels like you nutted in me” fucking 10/10

When you think about it. Rainbow Dash being in love with herself makes a lot more sense knowing she had lost a twin brother she loved and lost all memory of. A deep subconscious part of herself pined for him and her only way to cope was her own image.

Glory of a one shot. You get to side step.


If they get to marry eachother aftre that year then, 1 Year semes like a very fair judgement for the Siblings, just so that mental health can be assured.

For their parents well i woul think of it as karmic justice if the siblings were to issue a restraining order on them, so that they can't visit their foals or grandfoal, maybe even great grand foals who knows & for the courts to transfer any & all items of memory of them from their house to the siblings.

For the Losehislicense Von Gonnagetasaldadtossing i say, short drop & sudden stop.

Which was the point, yes. Again, heart in the right place.

Also I don't think Dash would go that far, element and all that. And I think we can be sympathetic to their plight and still disagree with their response.

Also the doc... Prison will be have him singing a different tune. More specifically this one:pinkiehappy:


But she doesn't love him. She literally just met the guy, she doesnt know anything about him and has a child like callousness towards his mental state, hence my post

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